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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Say 90%+ of the population is straight. 9 out of 10 kids will be born straight. I'm all about the greater good. And finding your sexual identity is not always that easy, I question if I was a gay a few times when I was younger, mostly due to my insecurities, but I grew out of it. Maybe a kid that has 2 gay parents might not grow out of it and just run with those insecurities. I think all kids question their sexual identity at some point, and I just imagine it would make that questioning more extreme if both your parents were gay,

Can you provide any proof of this?

I think what is most important for gay or straight parents is being open and honest with your kids and fostering an environment of love and acceptance and where the kids feel safe to talk to their parent(s) about anything. I believe much confusion and questioning beyond the norm will be avoided if parents do this.


The Devil's Advocate
I honestly wonder if some gays (men) are attracted to women on some level and just like the attention, especially the ones that go crazy with the women clothing and make up.
Well, some guys are transgender. They're not trying to attract attention, just to express themselves.

But you are right that some BGLT are "loud and proud." Lots of straights have wondered why they are so "in your face" about things. Honestly, I think the MM's post above goes a long way in explaining why. She makes me want to be "in your face" about it, and I'm not even gay. When you are subjected to that kind of hostility on a regular basis, you want to vent, to rebel. If this society were more open to BGLT folk, you would see far less of the behavior you are talking about.


The Devil's Advocate
Say 90%+ of the population is straight. 9 out of 10 kids will be born straight. I'm all about the greater good.
What happens then to the 1 out of 10 that are born straight. Are they sacrificed to the "greater good"? How can that possibly be considered "greater" or "good"?

And finding your sexual identity is not always that easy, I questioned if I was a gay a few times when I was younger, mostly due to my insecurities, but I grew out of it. Maybe a kid that has 2 gay parents might not grow out of it and just run with those insecurities.
Umm... so what? The only way this is a problem is if you think there's something wrong with being gay.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
See post #391
Can you provide evidence that attention of and acknowledging the gay community exists is the cause of what you described in post #391? Because honestly I can't imagine most people trying to be gay or pretending to be gay if they are not or are not genuinely curious that they may be just because of a TV show. I won't deny that it happens, but I can't see it as a huge issue.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
In my dealings with homosexual people, i have realised one thing in particular. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEIR minds.
Why would you want to do that?
I have seen my one friend try to commit suicide,
One of my gay friends was suicidal -- until he accepted the fact that he's gay, and that being gay is OK. Accepting himself as gay is what saved his life.
i have seen him yearning for the acceptance of his parents, i have seen how they desperately need to act up in social circumstances to be accepted. They are longing for acceptance! That is true. But they will never find it. Never within themselves.
Parental acceptance, societal acceptance -- these are things that shape how we look at ourselves. of course many can't accept themselves, because the people they have to live with won't accept them.
Unfortunately this is always the way people interpret resistance to homosexuality - they interpret it as a personal attack.
Of course they interpret it as a personal attack. Our sexual identity is a very big part of who we are as individuals. When our sexual identity is attacked, we are attacked at the core of who we are. It is a personal attack. You need to understand that.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
eh, it's pointless arguing with homosexuals, it's a never ending argument. All I'm going to say is most of society is heterosexual, and most of them agree it's not normal to be homosexual. Most of society also accepts homosexuals as part of the community, just as they accept taxes. Some things you just have to live with and don't have a choice to change, sure you put a smile on your face, but that's life in a nutshell. People are going to do what they want, all you can do is be respectful, as long as they don't hurt those around you. People are entitled to free will, just as people are entitled to their opinions.

Does God Hate homosexuals? who knows, I'm fairly sure most of the US population is christian or some branch of it, and they follow the bible which is man made, and assuming the man/people who made the bible were straight, they probably did not like the idea of homosexuals, although they knew they existed and had to live with them. Therefore they shun them on some level.
Most of American society is white and Christian, too. Shall we dismiss the blacks, indians, hispanics, and Jews too, simply because they're in the minority? part of our job, both as Americans and as Christians is to stand up and fight for the minorities who have no voice.

Grim-faced tolerance is a miniscule step toward acceptance, which is what we are taught to do.


I can't provide evidence of anything, only that what I feel and think is based on what I have personally experienced and thought about in great detail.

As far as the media giving the gays attention and whether that influences the youth, I have no idea, I was just trying to see what you guys thought on the subject.

What happens then to the 1 out of 10 that are born straight. Are they sacrificed to the "greater good"? How can that possibly be considered "greater" or "good"?

Depends on what you mean by being "sacrificed". (Not sure what you mean). And all I was saying is that a child who questions their sexual identity will most likely have a harder time figuring it out if their parents are gay. Is this a fact? of course not. I just think it's a good possibility, plus, not all children question their sexual indentity, but I imagine if you have gay parents you just might question it a bit more, and questiong your sexual identity is usually something you keep to yourself and dwell on based on my personal experience with.

Shall we dismiss the blacks, indians, hispanics, and Jews too, simply because they're in the minority?

Nope, just accept them, and attempt to be at peace with them. I accept and welcome kind and open minded individuals no matter what, there is plenty of people out there however, who do not.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
What I will say, is gay or not, I really hate flamboyant people, I'm just terribly annoyed by them. I'm all about a world of variety, and that is what I want. What I don't want is for us all to mix together, I hate how America is becoming a boiling pot, physically and sexually, it's just disappoints me.
Many people are terribly annoyed by the byzantine mind set of rednecks, too.

Your last sentence smacks of the KKK.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Critism and hate is a part of life, it sucks, but you just have to get over it and accept it.
You don't have to promote it or participate in it, either. You do have to fight against it.


Many people are terribly annoyed by the byzantine mind set of rednecks, too.

Your last sentence smacks of the KKK.

Indeed, and they are entitled to how they feel towards rednecks, just as I'm entitled to how I feel towards flamboyant people, gay or not. I just can't be around them.

As far as the KKK, that is a bit off topic, maybe we can discuss such practices some other time.

You don't have to promote it or participate in it, either. You do have to fight against it.

People are going to do what they want and what they feel is right, just as people who have to deal with hate and criticism are naturally going to fight it. I'm not saying bow down and give in, I was just claiming how it will always exists, and there will most likely always be a struggle.


There will always be opinions, and always people who disagree with what someone else is doing. The best we can attempt to do is agree to disagree and allow eachother to live in peace with little to no struggle.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
You avoid flack because you hide. I have a little more guts than that!
You're making an assumption.
You have more guts, because you're not the one placed under the societal microscope for dissection.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Homosexuality is a form of mental illness. It was not created by Righteousness. It was and is encouraged by and through the medias of actors, models, politicians, writers, painters...and other mortal(toxic) icons. Even the rebellion associated with Homosexuality is part of the mental illness. However...one must remember...It is not a crime to be sick in the head...the crime is in the perversion...which made up the Homosexual bed.

Marya Magdalena
have you read the DSM? Homosexuality does not appear in the manual as a form of mental illness. It has not been considered a mental illness for thirty years now. What is perverse and unrighteous is labelling people whom you know nothing about.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It is far safer for the homosexual to be classified as mentally unsound...then mental sound...and therefore subject to violent death. One brings in mercy and compassion...the other abuse and torture. This is a very dangerous time in which to reside. Being hung on a cross and burned alive is not what I would call kind or loving. Would you prefer alien jurisdictions try these people without an understanding heart?

Marya Magdalena
Lying is never safe. I would prefer that society get over its prejudice and begin the act of love and acceptance.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Homosexuality is without a doubt a form of wicked rebellion...which has led to serious mental illness. It is not a lesson taught from the Beautiful Godly Divine...it is a lesson taught by the Ugly Satanic Swine. Sane individuals do not allow it ...in any way, shape, or form. It is a behavior pattern that is very common among those who have bred themselves to worship and to mimic animals. Those who have complacently been teaching this unjustified way to fragile minds...without caring about the outcome are to lose their Mortal heads. Death to this corrupted way...and to these individuals(first to those who have trained up others to be beasts)is within the confines of Just and righteous Law. As for me...I simply desire mercy take place in the removal of the filthy contaminated animal. Gas houses are merciful...as is the maiden/magu/son(guillitine.)The bodies are then to be burned. No remembrance service(funeral procession)or grave. We do not place adulteration in our memory system...the homosexual agenda is no more.

Marya Magdalena
Yeah...this is a great alternative to crucifixion...


Intentionally Blank
Homosexuality is a form of mental illness. It was not created by Righteousness. It was and is encouraged by and through the medias of actors, models, politicians, writers, painters...and other mortal(toxic) icons. Even the rebellion associated with Homosexuality is part of the mental illness. However...one must remember...It is not a crime to be sick in the head...the crime is in the perversion...which made up the Homosexual bed.

Marya Magdalena

Is this just your personal crackpot notion, or do you know what the professional psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors say on the subject?


Intentionally Blank
Sacred individuals...aping the hounds. How is that sound or sane? As for peer reviewed...do you mean the peerage? The current source...that would be me.

Marya Magdalena

Oh, I see, just your personal odd whim.
btw, the belief that homosexuality is a mental illness is a mental illness. Not a crime, just a sickness. My source for this opinion is the same as yours--myself--and carries as much weight.


Intentionally Blank

I guess my main concern with gay parenting, is children often look up too and mimic their parents. Children are easily influenced, and when they are raised by 2 gay parents, do they believe that is the "normal" way to be? in other words, are they aware that you are gay? Have you explained to them the situation, or plan to?

1. Since there's nothing wrong with being gay, if this were true, it would not be a problem.
2. The great majority of gay people were raised by heterosexuals, which did not cause them to become heterosexual.
3. Statistics indicate that children of gay people turn out to be gay at the same rate as children of straight people, so it doesn't actually work that way.
4. to have courageous and honest parents would be a good thing for children to emulate.
5. My oldest (19) is straight, happily raised by lesbians and looks up to and emulates me. She agrees that life should be lived in integrity, doing what you think is right and being open about what you do. She also has often told me that she prefers me as a parent to most of her friends' parents, for various reasons.


Intentionally Blank
lilithu, a parents love goes without say, that's not what I'm asking. The question was directed to Green Gaia.

I think worrying about which hand a child uses the most is a bit less extreme than worrying that your child may be confused and constantly questioning their sexual identity.

Why would having gay parents make you any more confused or questioning than straight parents? On the contrary, my kids know that it's O.K. to be what they are and that I will love and accept them regardless, unlike many children of heterosexuals. I think the people with the biggest issues are gay children of conservative, disapproving parents.