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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?


Intentionally Blank
Hi Father Heathen,

The Bible is a book of revelation that is intentionally concealed to many, and revealed to a few undeserving wretched sinners for God's good pleasure. Check out these bible passages. How do you know if you are an elect of God? Only by reading the Scriptures and see what happens.

1 Thessalonians 2:13:
And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe.

Luke 24:45:
Then he (Jesus) opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.

2 Peter 3:16:
He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.

1 Corinthians 2:14:
The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Fish-Hunter. You can stop citing Bible verses. They have no impact on us, as you have not given any reason why we should believe them.


Rejoice in the Lord!
Fish-Hunter. You can stop citing Bible verses. They have no impact on us, as you have not given any reason why we should believe them.

I understood the opening post addressing the God revealed in the Scriptures. If the author meant another god, then Scripture would not be appropriate. Maybe the author can clarify which God he was adressing? God has different intents with His written Word. Please consider the verse below:

Isaiah 55:11:

so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.


Flaming Queer
Paganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pro-gay rights? Please give me an explanation of what you mean by pro-gay rights. I live in a very liberal part of the country (Pacific Northwest). :)

helpful ling, but i've been a Pagan for nigh on 5 years now. i wasn't sure how you were using the word is all.

pro-gay rights? well, i would say:

pro-gay marriage
pro-gay adoption
anti-"don't ask, don't tell"
won't compromise on the above in any way.


Rejoice in the Lord!
helpful ling, but i've been a Pagan for nigh on 5 years now. i wasn't sure how you were using the word is all.

pro-gay rights? well, i would say:

pro-gay marriage
pro-gay adoption
anti-"don't ask, don't tell"
won't compromise on the above in any way.

I think pro-gay rights topic to be a good one. How can non-Christians conform to the commands of God, including their values on Christian morality? How does the government determine what is right or wrong with laws? We do live in interesting times. In the last Presidential election in the USA, my state was targeted to be selected to pass the pro-gay rights agenda. I live next to the city which is considered to be very progessive in pro-gay rights. On the bigger picture, I believe professing Christians who's hope is in Christian morality (rom 2), is probably heading for eternal destruction. God is not a Republican my friend. Does the fundamental right stand the test of Holy Scripture on many of their issues and position? You would be surprised at my answer. :)


"aappears" being the operative term here. Actually, it portrays what happens when we're unwilling to wait for God's grace, and try to create it ourselves.

So, your "god" has a problem with inhospitality (or gay rape, however you wish to interpret it) but has no problem with incest or Lot prostituting his own daughters. Seems your "god" has his priorities wrong!


Intentionally Blank
I understood the opening post addressing the God revealed in the Scriptures. If the author meant another god, then Scripture would not be appropriate. Maybe the author can clarify which God he was adressing? God has different intents with His written Word. Please consider the verse below:

Isaiah 55:11:

so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Oh, I see. I thought we had digressed from that. So then do you agree that for some odd reason the putative God of the scriptures does NOT prohibit lesbianism?


Depends Upon My Mood..
So, your "god" has a problem with inhospitality (or gay rape, however you wish to interpret it) but has no problem with incest or Lot prostituting his own daughters. Seems your "god" has his priorities wrong!

I didnt think he "prostituted" them..(his daughters)..I thought he just handed them over to the mobs to do with what they pleased..And mentioned they were vrigins.

See I have a huge problem with stuff like that in the Bible myself..Women were property of men.

Im not even sure if this is completely accurate but Im sure someone here can help me ....But I believe somewhere also it talks about if a man rapes a woman he has to do the right thing and marry her..(what a lucky girl)..Im glad times have changed.




Depends Upon My Mood..
Maybe thats why I have such sympathy for the homosexual movement and the hatred ,opprression,and discremination of them..In the Bible and over the times women ...just because they were born female have been told to shut up,sit down and be quiet.Their virtue was all about their virginity(they were spoiled goods otherwise)..Once married even then they are instructed to submit to their husband who is the "authority" over her(he is the head because he be da man )..The only "excuse" to divorce is adultery..which leaves the man in complete power over her..That is if she wants to be a "good Christian"...




Intentionally Blank
28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. [a] He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

The Old Testament in general lays out a primitive, barbaric morality. I don't understand how any modern person could follow it. This is just one of many examples.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29


Depends Upon My Mood..
28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. [a] He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

The Old Testament in general lays out a primitive, barbaric morality. I don't understand how any modern person could follow it. This is just one of many examples.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29

Thanks Auto...

Yeah see?..Its as if the man (the rapist) is being made to suffer and being "punshished" because he has to marry the virgin he raped..And having to pay HER father Monetary Damages..(his property had been ruined ya know)..

The girl should be a happy camper I suppose because she has a rapist husband untill HE dies..So she is the winner..She gets to keep screwing the rapist and pumping out his children...




Done here.
Im not even sure if this is completely accurate but Im sure someone here can help me ....But I believe somewhere also it talks about if a man rapes a woman he has to do the right thing and marry her..(what a lucky girl)
Yes, you're right. After all, a girl who isn't a virgin is damaged goods, wouldn't you say? Nobody else is going to want her, so once you drive her off the lot, you have to keep her. The vagina, unlike the penis, depreciates rapidly once used. :rolleyes:


Depends Upon My Mood..
Yes, you're right. After all, a girl who isn't a virgin is damaged goods, wouldn't you say? Nobody else is going to want her, so once you drive her off the lot, you have to keep her. The vagina, unlike the penis, depreciates rapidly once used. :rolleyes:

Yeah..if you get the initial "plunge" you must pay for life..ESPECIALLY if you are a rapist.You MUST keep having sex with her (the victim) untill YOU DIE!..The po po rapist...And what about the daddy??..What shame he must have that someone raped his daughter..Well at leat he gets 20 some odd peices of silver!!




Depends Upon My Mood..
Not to keep derailing..But I do have to wonder(if not hope)..that the assumption is an unmarried virgin girl/woman automatically could not "consent" to sex(because women were brainless and helpless as well)..So the man was a rapist even if she was willing and in fact wanting.So in a sense..."pre marital sex" with a virgin would make you a rapist simply because you were "da man"...




Intentionally Blank
My question for you, Dallas, is how you square this (and other) problems with your religious belief. This is all loving, perfect God, who makes these decrees that you fundamentally disagree with. Do you reject them? You can't do that, right? Do you follow them though you think they're wrong? Do you conclude that these aren't God's commandments, even though the Bible says they are? If so, how can you rely on the rest of the Bible? How do you know which parts to believe? How do you deal with all this?


Depends Upon My Mood..
My question for you, Dallas, is how you square this (and other) problems with your religious belief. This is all loving, perfect God, who makes these decrees that you fundamentally disagree with. Do you reject them? You can't do that, right? Do you follow them though you think they're wrong? Do you conclude that these aren't God's commandments, even though the Bible says they are? If so, how can you rely on the rest of the Bible? How do you know which parts to believe? How do you deal with all this?

I reject them ...Its wrong...I go with my heart..How I wish to be treated.I use my common sense.How do I deal with it?..I struggle.I take a hard look at my own self..Also...how would Jesus act..what would Jesus say...And Jesus got angry sometimes too..but it was righteous anger..

But if overall I imagine Him in the room with me...Say even standing behind you as as I speak to you...I tend to be a more loving person..

Other than that Im helpless..




Let's go racing boys !
Dallas, On the serious side, I don't know a lot of your hurt, but you have my sincere feelings for anything that you have been through. I can't put myself in your place but I have suffered a lot of physical and emotional abuse plus other things, so I can at least have some idea of how a person struggles with this "stuff".

Blessings and peace to you


Done here.
Not to keep derailing..But I do have to wonder(if not hope)..that the assumption is an unmarried virgin girl/woman automatically could not "consent" to sex(because women were brainless and helpless as well)..So the man was a rapist even if she was willing and in fact wanting.So in a sense..."pre marital sex" with a virgin would make you a rapist simply because you were "da man"...
No, that's not it. It's actually a little more complicated.

If a married woman has sex with any man but her husband, she and the other man are both stoned to death. There's no exemption for location.

If a betrothed woman has sex with any man but her betrothed, it depends on the location. If they had sex in town, she's presumed to be complicit; otherwise, why didn't she call for help? So she and the man are both stoned to death. If they have sex out in the fields, she's presumed to be innocent, since it wouldn't do her any good to call for help if there was nobody around to help her, so only the man gets stoned to death.

If a man has sex with a woman who is a virgin and is not betrothed to somebody else, he has to pay her father off and marry her, regardless of the situation, and can never divorce her.

If a husband finds his bride is not a virgin on the wedding night, she gets stoned to death.

So if you're a woman and you get raped, your best option is to inform on your rapist and make him marry you; otherwise, you're in for a world of trouble later.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I didnt think he "prostituted" them..(his daughters)..I thought he just handed them over to the mobs to do with what they pleased..And mentioned they were vrigins.

See I have a huge problem with stuff like that in the Bible myself..Women were property of men.

Im not even sure if this is completely accurate but Im sure someone here can help me ....But I believe somewhere also it talks about if a man rapes a woman he has to do the right thing and marry her..(what a lucky girl)..Im glad times have changed.



That's one of the reasons the bible helped lead me to atheism. What just and merciful god would not only condone, but promote such vile evils? I think that, if there really was a god, the bible still couldn't have been divinely inspired. There is no way the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and benevolent god could at the same time be a petty, infantile ogre that embodies primitive and barbarous savagery. If there really was a god, I think the bible was just man attempting to attribute and project their own thoughts, feelings, culture, hatred, fears and egos through their own particular portrayal of god. The god of the bible is not fit to lick my boots.

Of course, you don't have to believe in the bible in order to believe in god.


Intentionally Blank
I reject them ...Its wrong...I go with my heart..How I wish to be treated.I use my common sense.How do I deal with it?..I struggle.I take a hard look at my own self..Also...how would Jesus act..what would Jesus say...And Jesus got angry sometimes too..but it was righteous anger..

But if overall I imagine Him in the room with me...Say even standing behind you as as I speak to you...I tend to be a more loving person..

Other than that Im helpless..



I'm not proselytizing, Dallas, but obviously you raise some troubling questions for Christians. They're wrong? God is wrong? Or the people who wrote down God's commandments are wrong? See the problems?

Jesus would think God, His Father who is also Him, is wrong? Didn't Jesus issue this commandment Himself?

To put it differently, why would you follow such a wrong religion, or are you just picking and choosing the parts you like?