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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?


Flaming Queer
I think pro-gay rights topic to be a good one. How can non-Christians conform to the commands of God, including their values on Christian morality? How does the government determine what is right or wrong with laws? We do live in interesting times.
i'm afraid i don't understand the point you are making with those rhetorical questions.

In the last Presidential election in the USA, my state was targeted to be selected to pass the pro-gay rights agenda. I live next to the city which is considered to be very progessive in pro-gay rights.
that doesn't mean you are pro-gay rights.

On the bigger picture, I believe professing Christians who's hope is in Christian morality (rom 2), is probably heading for eternal destruction. God is not a Republican my friend. Does the fundamental right stand the test of Holy Scripture on many of their issues and position? You would be surprised at my answer. :)

i don't know what your answer would be.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I'm not proselytizing, Dallas, but obviously you raise some troubling questions for Christians. They're wrong? God is wrong? Or the people who wrote down God's commandments are wrong? See the problems?

Jesus would think God, His Father who is also Him, is wrong? Didn't Jesus issue this commandment Himself?

To put it differently, why would you follow such a wrong religion, or are you just picking and choosing the parts you like?

Yes I probably am picking and choosing..I mean I can not believe that God would force me or want me to be married to someone because he raped me as a virgin..And Im sorry I don't know any other Christians that would agree to that either..For themselves or their daughters.In todays time..if someone raped me as a virgin or otherwise they go to prison..and any "civil" claims for monetary damages if awarded would go to me not my father.

Anyway I am not the only Christian woman that has issues or conflicted feelings about some of the seemingly masogonistic views of women in the Bible.

I try to keep my focus on whats clearly right and good and wise using my own moral compass..and remember what Jesus really seemed disgusted with were those focussed so much on the letter of the law while they did as they pleased..the hypocrites...and to judge not..forgive my brother 70x7 everyday..love others as I would want myself to be loved..Just those right there are not easy to live sometimes and take daily effort and focus..untill Im perfect which will never happen I've got plenty of work to do on myself.




1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
It's okay for a Christian to be gay who restrains from sexual activity. It is a sin for straight Christians to have sex outside of marriage.
And how do you reconcile this judgement of fellow Christians with the verses I cited earlier?

The morally upright unbeliever is in the same condemnation as the unbelieving gay. There is no difference between the morally self-righteous or the sexually loose hetro, or the gay unbeliever. All are under the wrath of God, apart from union with Christ. God's day of judgement is for His name sake and His own glory; therefore the unbeliever will ultimately lose his or her personal war against God. The only safe harbor from the coming day of wrath is found in Christ alone. Please consider the Word of God:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. John 3

It might be good for you to fully consider the passage you quoted, in particular the part in bold.

If "coming into the light" means accepting Christ, then wouldn't the fact that homosexual people have accepted Him mean that homosexuality is not "doing evil"? After all, if it were, the Bible says that they would not come into the light. The implication of the passage you quoted is that we can be sure that any person who has come into the light does live by the truth and does not do evil. Therefore, anytime you see a person who has "come into the light" (however you define this) who you believe is living in sin, either you are mistaken or the Bible is incorrect.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Yes I probably am picking and choosing..I mean I can not believe that God would force me or want me to be married to someone because he raped me as a virgin..And Im sorry I don't know any other Christians that would agree to that either..For themselves or their daughters.In todays time..if someone raped me as a virgin or otherwise they go to prison..and any "civil" claims for monetary damages if awarded would go to me not my father.

Anyway I am not the only Christian woman that has issues or conflicted feelings about some of the seemingly masogonistic views of women in the Bible.

I try to keep my focus on whats clearly right and good and wise using my own moral compass..and remember what Jesus really seemed disgusted with were those focussed so much on the letter of the law while they did as they pleased..the hypocrites...and to judge not..forgive my brother 70x7 everyday..love others as I would want myself to be loved..Just those right there are not easy to live sometimes and take daily effort and focus..untill Im perfect which will never happen I've got plenty of work to do on myself.


I just want to say that there is no inconsistency that I can see of someone being a Christian, and also believing that the Bible is a book written by men. I am not sure if this is what Dallas believes, but I do know many Christians who do believe this. They believe that the Bible is a special book which a history of “God’s” interactions with humanity and contains some good teachings, but they feel no need to be bound to every word of something written by men thousands of years ago. And there is no reason they should be. For those Christians who do believe that every word in the Bible is the direct word of “God” that is another story.

I see many Christians on this board and in RL who exercise not just compassion, but also reason and logic when it comes to their faith. Dallas is an example of someone who has done this many times on this board. I can understand how this can be confusing for many of us “non-believers” but it is starting to bother me that some of us seem unable (or unwilling) to accept it. I have seen many threads where she has been expected to justify her reason with some particular biblical verse. And it is not Christians demanding this, it is Atheists.

(p.s. Autodidact, this is not directed against you, but it is a pattern I have seen developing on the board in general)


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Who is God to pick and choose based on how people are naturally born?
I don't personally have an issue with the idea of a God who's free to do what He wants, but what you refer to doesn't make sense to me in another way:

Why would an all-powerful, all-seeing God who is fully capable of shaping the Universe as He sees fit in every detail and knows the consequences of every action create a person with some set of innate characteristics, and then declare that those characteristics don't meet His expectations?

Why would an omnipotent, omniscient God create a situation that isn't what He wants?


Depends Upon My Mood..
fantôme profane;1170001 said:
I just want to say that there is no inconsistency that I can see of someone being a Christian, and also believing that the Bible is a book written by men. I am not sure if this is what Dallas believes, but I do know many Christians who do believe this. They believe that the Bible is a special book which a history of “God’s” interactions with humanity and contains some good teachings, but they feel no need to be bound to every word of something written by men thousands of years ago. And there is no reason they should be. For those Christians who do believe that every word in the Bible is the direct word of “God” that is another story.

I see many Christians on this board and in RL who exercise not just compassion, but also reason and logic when it comes to their faith. Dallas is an example of someone who has done this many times on this board. I can understand how this can be confusing for many of us “non-believers” but it is starting to bother me that some of us seem unable (or unwilling) to accept it. I have seen many threads where she has been expected to justify her reason with some particular biblical verse. And it is not Christians demanding this, it is Atheists.

(p.s. Autodidact, this is not directed against you, but it is a pattern I have seen developing on the board in general)

Thank you for this post Fantome..Its much appreciated and it right on the truth..Im more and more convinced that the Bible was written by men..That may not always have been writing straight from what God said ....

Even King David?..a man after Gods own heart incorporated brutal tactics in order to conquer and set up his kindom..and later as the King committed adultery with the wife of one of his soldiers..impregnated her and then deliberatly set the husband up to be ambushed on the battlefield(had him murdered basically) to cover up what he had done....And he was a "man after Gods own heart"...Im not saying he was supposed to be perfect..But murdering an innocent man because he got his wife pregnant to cover up his crime?...




I'm your huckleberry.
I reject them ...Its wrong...I go with my heart..How I wish to be treated.I use my common sense.How do I deal with it?..I struggle.I take a hard look at my own self..Also...how would Jesus act..what would Jesus say...And Jesus got angry sometimes too..but it was righteous anger..

But if overall I imagine Him in the room with me...Say even standing behind you as as I speak to you...I tend to be a more loving person..

Other than that Im helpless..



Soooooo, if Jesus was standing in the room with you and you said to him, Jesus I'm gay, do you think he would say go on with your life of homosexuality. I have no problem with it.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Soooooo, if Jesus was standing in the room with you and you said to him, Jesus I'm gay, do you think he would say go on with your life of homosexuality. I have no problem with it.

No...I think He would tie me to the back of a pick up truck and drag me down the street at about 50 mph untill my body was dismenbered and then throw my dead remains in boiling oil...




Intentionally Blank
Soooooo, if Jesus was standing in the room with you and you said to him, Jesus I'm gay, do you think he would say go on with your life of homosexuality. I have no problem with it.
Since he never commented on the subject, any answer would be purely speculative.


I'm your huckleberry.
No...I think He would tie me to the back of a pick up truck and drag me down the street at about 50 mph untill my body was dismenbered and then throw my dead remains in boiling oil...



So you avoid the question by making up jokes. I see.


Depends Upon My Mood..
So you avoid the question by making up jokes. I see.

Its not a joke...that is what has happens to homos..read the papers..OH wait..Im sorry ...they are just beaten half to death and tied up with barbed wire to a wooden post and left to bleed to death.. or beaten half to death raped repeatedly and burried alive..and on and on..its the furthest thing from a joke..Im sure Jesus isnt laughing.



fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Soooooo, if Jesus was standing in the room with you and you said to him, Jesus I'm gay, do you think he would say go on with your life of homosexuality. I have no problem with it.
You have no authoritative reason to say that if two people are engaged in a loving respectful supportive homosexual relationship Jesus would not approve. I don’t know if he would approve or not, all I can say is that he should.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Soooooo, if Jesus was standing in the room with you and you said to him, Jesus I'm gay, do you think he would say go on with your life of homosexuality. I have no problem with it.
If someone else came into the room and criticized Dallas for being gay, what do you think Jesus would say to that?


Depends Upon My Mood..
Soooooo, if Jesus was standing in the room with you and you said to him, Jesus I'm gay, do you think he would say go on with your life of homosexuality. I have no problem with it.

And by the way..why dont you work out your own salvation in trembling and in fear..instead of placing hypotheticals to me ...




I'm your huckleberry.
fantôme profane;1170370 said:
You have no authoritative reason to say that if two people are engaged in a loving respectful supportive homosexual relationship Jesus would not approve. I don’t know if he would approve or not, all I can say is that he should.

No, I do. I know what Christianity preaches about homosexuality. Since I can see you aren't a christian I would think you don't have a say in the matter.


Depends Upon My Mood..
You STILL have not answered my question.

How can I answer that question?..Except I will say Jesus would love me..protect me..He would be RAVAGED and TORTURED for me..In MY place...He the one without any SIN would not throw a single stone at my head...

Does that answer your question?

