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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?


Intentionally Blank
Romans 1-26:27
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

read it again, try harder, you can do it...:D
As I was saying, lesbian sex is not prohibited anywhere in the Bible, including that passage. You know how prohibitions go, right? They're like "Thou shalt not..." Like this: Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. That's a prohibition. Romans 1-26-27 is a story. See the difference?

I am a cook! id rather take heat in here than in hell.

Seems like your mind is set, and your heart is cold... i sense you can't believe that the bible has so much wisdom in it that your inner balance is shaken and you see the wisdom that i read as a threat to that balance...:D

don't fight, the fear of God is the start to understanding![/quote]


Well-Known Member
As I was saying, lesbian sex is not prohibited anywhere in the Bible, including that passage. You know how prohibitions go, right? They're like "Thou shalt not..." Like this: Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. That's a prohibition. Romans 1-26-27 is a story. See the difference?

yup i see the difference indeed. you are looking for a law that is exactly worded as such, and refuse to acknowledge the meaning of the verse i quoted.

It is getting crazy talking to you...


Active Member
It is getting crazy talking to you...

That should be my line.

In nature; see the flowers. Sex is all about procreation. In all of nature that intent to combine with another (opposite sex) is universal in all living things; the intent to continue.

Well the same goes for the selfish; a dope dealer needs to corrupt another in order to continue. Kids are not born dopes, they learn to become a dope by enjoying what is fun with no responsibility to what the adverse action causes to others.

Nothing is nature suggests that sword fighting is good, nor going in thru the out door.

Such that flowers have both parts to their sexual relations to other flowers but still a physical reality shares the reproductive organs react when the opposite or other sexual partner conveys its seed so their combination can create the next generations flowers; to continue.

The problem with this debate is people can maintain a precept of the self over and above facing the truth with honor.

So the perpetuation of the selfishness within the species (man/women who only care about themselves) continues under only one premise; lying (a selfish imposition to existence)!

As to be completely honest with themselves then half of the atrocities existing between mankind would be extinct.


Intentionally Blank
yup i see the difference indeed. you are looking for a law that is exactly worded as such, and refuse to acknowledge the meaning of the verse i quoted.

It is getting crazy talking to you...
I refuse to agree with you about what you think it means. What that verse does is relate a story. In the verses just prior, these people are sinners. God punishes them by causing them to engage in unnatural sex. For these heterosexual women, that included homosexual sex. There is no prohibition anywhere in that text. If you say that God prohibits it, you are substituting your own prejudice for God's word. btw, for me, heterosexual sex would be unnatural, and would certainly be an effective punishment.

In the OT alone, God issues 613 specific commandments. Many of them relate to sex. They specify a long list of people with whom you are not allowed to have sex. Here's one category not on the list, for women: another woman. It's just plain not there. Period. God doesn't prohibit it. It's not prohibited. It's allowed. Now stop acting on your own ideas and read the text. Isn't that what your whole deal is supposed to be about? Does this mean you're not a real Christian?


I'm your huckleberry.
I refuse to agree with you about what you think it means. What that verse does is relate a story. In the verses just prior, these people are sinners. God punishes them by causing them to engage in unnatural sex. For these heterosexual women, that included homosexual sex. There is no prohibition anywhere in that text. If you say that God prohibits it, you are substituting your own prejudice for God's word. btw, for me, heterosexual sex would be unnatural, and would certainly be an effective punishment.

In the OT alone, God issues 613 specific commandments. Many of them relate to sex. They specify a long list of people with whom you are not allowed to have sex. Here's one category not on the list, for women: another woman. It's just plain not there. Period. God doesn't prohibit it. It's not prohibited. It's allowed. Now stop acting on your own ideas and read the text. Isn't that what your whole deal is supposed to be about? Does this mean you're not a real Christian?

Wait, it says "God gave them over". no where does it say that he forced them into lesbian sex. God does not force, he provides us with a chance, what we do with that chance is up to us, be it natural or unnatural, good or evil.


Intentionally Blank
That should be my line.

In nature; see the flowers. Sex is all about procreation. In all of nature that intent to combine with another (opposite sex) is universal in all living things; the intent to continue.
That's fascinating and irrelevant. btw, many species, including most mammals, exhibit homosexual behavior. What's your point?

Well the same goes for the selfish; a dope dealer needs to corrupt another in order to continue. Kids are not born dopes, they learn to become a dope by enjoying what is fun with no responsibility to what the adverse action causes to others.
What are you talking about? What 's your point?

Nothing is nature suggests that sword fighting is good, nor going in thru the out door.

Such that flowers have both parts to their sexual relations to othe flowers but still a physical reality shares the reproductive organs react when the opposite or other sexual partner conveys its seed so their combination can create the next generations flowers; to continue.
O.K., I've known that since I was a child. Again, your point? Are you under the impression that gay people are trying to get each other pregnant, and don't know how? Cuz we're not.

The problem with this debate is people can maintain a precept of the self over and above facing the truth with honor.
Are you referring to yourself? I'm all about truth, which is why I disagree with you; you're wrong.

So the perpetuation of the selfishness within the species (man/women who only care about themselves) continues under only one premise; lying (a selfish imposition to existence)!
Is Enlgish your native language? Because honestly I have no idea what you're saying and plan to give up soon if it doesn't become more clear.

As to be completely honest with themselves then half of the atrocities existing between mankind would be extinct.
What's your point? Are you trying to call homosexuality an atrocity? Cuz you realize it doesn't hurt anyone, right?


Intentionally Blank
Wait, it says "God gave them over". no where does it say that he forced them into lesbian sex. God does not force, he provides us with a chance, what we do with that chance is up to us, be it natural or unnatural, good or evil.
O.K., then He allowed it. What He certainly did not do is prohibit it, much as some would have liked Him to do.


I'm your huckleberry.
That's not how it works. He also, to fit your definition, allows murder to happen. So because he doesn't forcibly restrict it that means he is ok with it, right?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
ahhh, I see. So he's ok with the bad things that happen in the world? That would be for a different thread. But based on the arguments presented here, it doesn't hold water.

OK, I don't see how it doesn't hold water here. :shrug:


Intentionally Blank
That's not how it works. He also, to fit your definition, allows murder to happen. So because he doesn't forcibly restrict it that means he is ok with it, right?
Actually it's the opposite. Murder is prohibited (maybe you're familiar with the sixth commandment?); lesbian sex is not.

It's not my definition. It's simply not prohibited. My definition of prohibition would be that somewhere in the Bible it's prohibited. Unlike murder, it isn't. See the difference?


Active Member
Actually it's the opposite. Murder is prohibited (maybe you're familiar with the sixth commandment?); lesbian sex is not.

It's not my definition. It's simply not prohibited. My definition of prohibition would be that somewhere in the Bible it's prohibited. Unlike murder, it isn't. See the difference?

we get the point, unless god says no, you go! as you seems to interpret what you read and hear as you wish; I rather enjoy the use of the mind but to misrepresent, is actually against the biblical commandments.

After reading through your posts it appears if someone was either correct or incorrect, the 'truth' of the matter is, it's all about you! So only you know when you fibbing because any one can see the stripes on your back.

Not my life, run it how you wish. Reality shares that adverse contributions to existence eventually go extinct. and no religion or country ammendment is going to fix that..... nature runs the show, darling!


Active Member
we get the point, unless god says no, you go!

Who is "we"? I don't think that is the point at all. The original post asks why does God hate homosexuality. So naturally the debaters will use the words of the Bible to support a position as to whether or not God hates homosexuality. In this case, the point is that God does not seem to hate lesbians because the Bible doesn't specifically prohibit a lesbian relationship.

However, I seem to get your point. Regardless of God's position, you hate homosexuality. You don't need God's word. Your "expertise" of the natural world completely justifies your hatred and intolerance for homosexuality. Got it.


Active Member
Who is "we"?
each person who read the autodidacts form of debating the issue.....

I don't think that is the point at all. The original post asks why does God hate homosexuality.
and so why did he create them......

So naturally the debaters will use the words of the Bible to support a position as to whether or not God hates homosexuality.
and again most anyone with any conversational skills can tear apart biblical context towards towards any subject except one; honesty. Can't lie to yourself even though each can say the words out loud.

In this case, the point is that God does not seem to hate lesbians because the Bible doesn't specifically prohibit a lesbian relationship.
And since god is not a separate other, than every word in the bible is manmade, just like the choice of debate; a created cause based on selfish desires.

However, I seem to get your point. Regardless of God's position,
Only postion that can represent god is nature, the rest is simply hearsay/opinions.

you hate homosexuality.
I hate liars and decievers who profess a irresponsible representation and feel not anything or anyone can touch them as if it is simply OK to fib......

You don't need God's word. Your "expertise" of the natural world completely justifies your hatred and intolerance for homosexuality. Got it.

Apparently you cannot read; play as you will but please it is a blatant lie to ever sell, preach or convey the same sex relations is normal.

Dogs kill cats.... can I use the model since it is in nature, too!

Lions kill cubs just to bring the lioness into heat; is this where pedophiles came from?

And we all know homosexuals love the religious networks as the catholic sect is still righting checks for all them youngsters who were taken advantage of by folk like you who think it is OK to convey same sex as normal.

This is a religious site talking about the development of people, not to find groups within a theological gang to continually rehash what is plain in all of existence.

It is almost as if this site is breading self serving monsters. People like you who simply will not face facts just to keep a cause alive because no one can do a damn thing about it.

Fine! I am not your judge...... the majority, the total.........'we the people' are who set the tone of existence. And if what you preach is good it will live, if not, remember you dig your own hole......... lie in it!


Active Member
each person who read the autodidacts form of debating the issue.....

Okay. Well you may want to say "I" next time instead of "we". I also read Auto's posts and I don't agree with your position/response to them.

and so why did he create them......

and again most anyone with any conversational skills can tear apart biblical context towards towards any subject except one; honesty. Can't lie to yourself even though each can say the words out loud.

And since god is not a separate other, than every word in the bible is manmade, just like the choice of debate; a created cause based on selfish desires.

Only postion that can represent god is nature, the rest is simply hearsay/opinions.

I hate liars and decievers who profess a irresponsible representation and feel not anything or anyone can touch them as if it is simply OK to fib......

Apparently you cannot read; play as you will but please it is a blatant lie to ever sell, preach or convey the same sex relations is normal.

Dogs kill cats.... can I use the model since it is in nature, too!

Lions kill cubs just to bring the lioness into heat; is this where pedophiles came from?

And we all know homosexuals love the religious networks as the catholic sect is still righting checks for all them youngsters who were taken advantage of by folk like you who think it is OK to convey same sex as normal.

This is a religious site talking about the development of people, not to find groups within a theological gang to continually rehash what is plain in all of existence.

It is almost as if this site is breading self serving monsters. People like you who simply will not face facts just to keep a cause alive because no one can do a damn thing about it.

Fine! I am not your judge...... the majority, the total.........'we the people' are who set the tone of existence. And if what you preach is good it will live, if not, remember you dig your own hole......... lie in it!

Bishadi, I am not a religious person either. But when a poster specifically asks for a religious perspective on homosexuals, people will use the Bible to form their argument. That's all I was trying to say.

I don't agree with anything else you said (what I could understand of it) but I will refrain from responding since we are getting off subject....

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
each person who read the autodidacts form of debating the issue.....

No. I do not see her replies the same way you do, and most here also don't see them the same way you do. That's probably because the rest of us are using common sense and reason.

and so why did he create them......

Who? Homosexuals? Who knows? The point is why did he create them to condemn them?

and again most anyone with any conversational skills can tear apart biblical context towards towards any subject except one; honesty. Can't lie to yourself even though each can say the words out loud.

Apparently you can. You seem to be continually lying to yourself.

And since god is not a separate other, than every word in the bible is manmade, just like the choice of debate; a created cause based on selfish desires.

Hooray! You understand! The Bible is man-made, and therefore anything in it is only there to further the agenda of the writers.

Only postion that can represent god is nature, the rest is simply hearsay/opinions.

Well, nature has killing, homosexuality, stealing, raping, etc. I guess that speaks for God, huh?

I hate liars and decievers who profess a irresponsible representation and feel not anything or anyone can touch them as if it is simply OK to fib......

So, why do you do it?

Apparently you cannot read; play as you will but please it is a blatant lie to ever sell, preach or convey the same sex relations is normal.

No, actually the opposite is the blatant lie. They are perfectly normal. And it seems to me that you're the one misunderstanding others' posts, so I wouldn't accuse others of not being able to read.

Dogs kill cats.... can I use the model since it is in nature, too!

Lions kill cubs just to bring the lioness into heat; is this where pedophiles came from?

And we all know homosexuals love the religious networks as the catholic sect is still righting checks for all them youngsters who were taken advantage of by folk like you who think it is OK to convey same sex as normal.

This is a religious site talking about the development of people, not to find groups within a theological gang to continually rehash what is plain in all of existence.

It is almost as if this site is breading self serving monsters. People like you who simply will not face facts just to keep a cause alive because no one can do a damn thing about it.

Fine! I am not your judge...... the majority, the total.........'we the people' are who set the tone of existence. And if what you preach is good it will live, if not, remember you dig your own hole......... lie in it!

No, the sites that are all one denomination or religion do a lot more of the breeding of self-serving monsters. Here you get a nice mixture of people to keep that from happening.

Nature does have all of that stuff, you're right. So, why does God create all of that stuff and then expect "nature" to be "unnatural"? That's like painting something blue, and then saying "I don't want that to be blue.", and then expecting the thing to change to red.

I do love how you connect the allowance of homosexuality and the molestation of altar boys. Maybe you missed the point. Homosexuality is OK, sexually molesting anyone including kids is bad. The church is more to blame than those of us lobbying for homosexuality. It's classic repression. These priests are extremely repressed, and crack under the pressure. It's precisely because they are told not to have sex, and that homosexuality is bad that they end up molesting these kids. If it was OK for them to be who they are naturally, the molestation rate among them would drop to nearly nothing. Essentially, if we had our way, there would be less molestaton of children.


Active Member
No. I do not see her replies the same way you do, and most here also don't see them the same way you do. That's probably because the rest of us are using common sense and reason.
I summarized that, his position represents; that if the bible does not say against, it must be ok

Who? Homosexuals? Who knows? The point is why did he create them to condemn them?
Creation is a phenomenon to describe unanswered questions; it is not reality.

You seem to be continually lying to yourself.
and you are the one talking about 'god created gays to condem them' /???? Who is fibbing or simply representing complacent ignorance?

Hooray! You understand! The Bible is man-made, and therefore anything in it is only there to further the agenda of the writers.
Yep! Just as your agenda is for one purpose; supporting gays and has nothing to do with supporting our future.

Well, nature has killing, homosexuality, stealing, raping, etc. I guess that speaks for God, huh?
Nope that when the rights of folk are gone, god help the selfish as mankind will judge the selfish with such ferocity..... you may wish you knew some god.

So, why do you do it?
Hate liars? Because they impose adversity to existence based on selfish choices and care not for the wake of their ill regard.

No, actually the opposite is the blatant lie. They are perfectly normal.
Sorry, your integrity is as bright as a 2 watt light bulb.

No, the sites that are all one denomination or religion do a lot more of the breeding of self-serving monsters. Here you get a nice mixture of people to keep that from happening.
So far each contradiction has come from a pretty much pro gay representation simply because most will not even touch a liar as the stripes continuously change.
Nature does have all of that stuff, you're right. So, why does God create all of that stuff and then expect "nature" to be "unnatural"?
See what I mean about comprehension. The 2 do not mix. Nature is science, darwin and reality. Creation is fibs, preachers and gay folk; complacent.

That's like painting something blue, and then saying "I don't want that to be blue.", and then expecting the thing to change to red.
That is what you are doing; using what color works for you; chameleon.

I do love how you connect the allowance of homosexuality and the molestation of altar boys.
Were the practioners 'gay' as they chose same sex relations? Yes or no!

Maybe you missed the point. Homosexuality is OK, sexually molesting anyone including kids is bad.
Hey most gay folk were created from some occurrance adverse to their sexual development at a young age. Look up the stats yourself.

The church is more to blame than those of us lobbying for homosexuality.
Hey and when reality sets in there will be no need of churches either.

It's classic repression. These priests are extremely repressed, and crack under the pressure.
Again, who is responsible? The individuals, period!

It's precisely because they are told not to have sex, and that homosexuality is bad that they end up molesting these kids.
OK so tell them sex is good and if they want to play with men (same sex) keep it in the bedroom. same thing I suggest to you but for some reason you think, different is normal when it comes to the association of human beings sexual preferences.

If it was OK for them to be who they are naturally, the molestation rate among them would drop to nearly nothing.
You have now suggested you have an answer; that if these men (preachers) were allowed to be natural (have sex), they would be OK........... well wa do...... common sense suggests the same thing but that does not mean they are gay....... and if you so much as suggest, "well a large percentage are'........ they you would be confirming my whole premise; bad lines of deception and the selfish propagtions, will eventually all be extinct.

Essentially, if we had our way, there would be less molestaton of children.
Then never in the area of children ever represent gay as normal to existence but that it is your own desire or preference. Everyone can live with that but never will the majority on this globe ever recognize same sex as normal and to even consider it as your pursuit is blatantly a 'loss to the common.'

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Then never in the area of children ever represent gay as normal to existence but that it is your own desire or preference. Everyone can live with that but never will the majority on this globe ever recognize same sex as normal and to even consider it as your pursuit is blatantly a 'loss to the common.'

I'm only going to respond to this, as I can't make out what you're other points are, except that I know they're wrong. Many cultures in the past have been fine with homosexuality, and most cultures today are too. We are one of the few that oppresses them and thinks they are wrong. So, you are already wrong. Most of the world already accepts it as normal.


Well-Known Member
That's fascinating and irrelevant. btw, many species, including most mammals, exhibit homosexual behavior. What's your point?

What are you talking about? What 's your point?

The point is, through out all species the main purpose of sex is proceation. deviation from that purpuse is just lust.