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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?


Well-Known Member
I am not american Bishadi.

Its not just americans that think anti homosexual bigotry is a thinly veiled attempt to hide 'their' own sexualities.

I am British:knight: !

But not gay..well..no gayer than the average player!


Active Member
I am not american Bishadi.

Its not just americans that think anti homosexual bigotry is a thinly veiled attempt to hide 'their' own sexualities.

I am British:knight: !

But not gay..well..no gayer than the average player!


wiki has been doing a lot for helping folk with the basics

The origin of the word bigot and bigoterie in English dates back to at least 1598, via Middle French, and started with the sense of "religious hypocrite", especially a woman. Bigot is often used as a pejorative term against a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices even when these views are challenged or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable.

hmm.... seems this debate has abused so many words and the genre of the ignorant are aweful 'players' of comprehensionable knowledge.


Well-Known Member
hmm.... seems this debate has abused so many words and the genre of the ignorant are aweful 'players' of comprehensionable knowledge.


Speak english!


Look up Bigot in a dictionary printed in this century please...

A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing ... William Camden wrote that the Normans were first called bigots, ... from wikipaedia


Well-Known Member
BTW I said I wasn't gay, but then I havent met my sweet prince yet either so who know eh?

Hmm I don't suppose Bishadi that well you know...wink wink nudge nudge say no more...

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Thank you for that definition, Bishadi. I was too lazy yesterday to look it up. Now do you see why it's ironic for you to call me a bigot, and claim that you're not one? You've done a very good job illustrating my point for me, and I appreciate it.


Active Member
Thank you for that definition, Bishadi. I was too lazy yesterday to look it up. Now do you see why it's ironic for you to call me a bigot, and claim that you're not one? You've done a very good job illustrating my point for me, and I appreciate it.

so you are finally understanding that the prejudices of the minority community, are actually the bigots when then continue to maintain the 'prejudice' against the majority for their own selfish cause.......

Bigot is often used as a pejorative term against a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices even when these views are challenged or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable.

homosexuality is 'not universally applicable' to nature!

So by definition the bigots are the ones with prejudice against the community.....'we the people'...........

This is not based on an opinion, this is based on the word already coined for a meaning and purpose and it is just as this minority wants to change the rules for everyone based on their own selfish enterprise, now even want to change the meanings of words.

Now can you see what selfishness and corruption does to our society?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Bigot is often used as a pejorative term against a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices even when these views are challenged or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable.

OK, let me explain it to you, then: You are a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices (against gay people) even when these views are challenged or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable (by the rest of us in this thread). Does that make it clearer how you fit the description of "bigot" and I don't? How about this:

You think that there is something wrong with homosexuality, and you don't think that people should show their homosexuality outwardly (the prejudice to which you are obstinately devoted). Many of us here have shown that many people have no problem whatsoever with homosexuality and that it doesn't hurt anyone for them to be that way or to show it in public (proving that prejudice to be false). Does that help?


Active Member
OK, let me explain it to you, then: You are a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices (against gay people) even when these views are challenged or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable
you are not the majority....'we the people' are.....

that is where a failure of integrity shares itself....

the people !!!!!!! Not the self centered few who simply want to have all their same sex fun in open public.......

Behind closed doors is their perogative......... and since they wish to be different, wish to be accepted as equal, then they need to be compassionate and equal to everyone else.

It is people like you continuing the argument as that the 'we the people' must change for the minority that are the "BIGOTS"

The only help you have assisted with is sharing how a few really corrupt and selfish people, can damage others and not even look back.

When I read through many of the posts, never in any of them do I ever suggest for gays to stop being gay. Just to be compassionate about who are exposed; the children..... all these other ideas and post suggesting, I am against any interactions between same sex is all your creation...... decietful and against every law of humanity........ a liar!


Well-Known Member
Bishadi doesn't realise of course that he is also in a minority, ie people whom hate homosexuality for whatever dubious and frankly suspect reasons...most people don't, so he is still a bigot by his own logic if he is trying to press upon the majority that homosexuality is wrong.

Poor guy, I almost feel sorry for him.


Active Member
doppelgänger;1152270 said:
Do you say the same thing to "heterosexuals"?

As this forum is about religious teachings, not gays.

Religions failed to share the truth in pure form and it is our integrity as human beings to be honest with all material knowledge we convey to our future generations.


Active Member
Bishadi doesn't realise of course that he is also in a minority, ie people whom hate homosexuality for whatever dubious reasons...most people don't, so he is still a bigot by his own logic if he is trying to press upon the majority that homosexuality is wrong.

Poor guy, I almost feel sorry for him.

See what I mean..... these threads on gays is overrun by gays who care not of reality but their own views. All I continually do is ask for kindness and honesty when conveying facts and for some reason al that comes back is that since I do not find it OK for gays to expose their preferences in public where children and people can be harmed, they suggest I hate them.....

This is where integrity, honesty and compassion are being abused; as these representations are simply lies to make 'themselves' feel good rather than addressing the issue for a fullfilling comprimise between all mankind.

This is all about legal rights rather than truth with existence.

What is sickening is these religious sites are often highly veiwed by young people trying to find answers to pure truths, and when certain folk just will not, can not and continue to fib through their teeth (just like preachers) kids and our future thinkers are being damaged.

You have a beautiful child, one who will represent your whole lineage when you leave the building, would you want your child to have a chance with honesty, compassion and true love for others to be the knowledge your child grows up in?....

how can you even consider these liars 'good'?

and please do not say, because they are like me.... tell us all you care not of being accepted but that you care more for the truth then acceptance!


Well-Known Member
the people !!!!!!! Not the self centered few who simply want to have all their same sex fun in open public.......
Behind closed doors is their perogative......... and since they wish to be different, wish to be accepted as equal, then they need to be compassionate and equal to everyone else.

Gays have sex in open public?

'Think of the children! Won't somebody please think of the children!'

LOL what a joker...you have lost this argument Bishadi, better luck next time.


Intentionally Blank
The point is, through out all species the main purpose of sex is proceation. deviation from that purpuse is just lust.
It sounds as if you have not had the opportunity to experience physical intimacy as a way to communicate and experience true love. I feel compassion for you, and hope that you will have this experience one day; it's the best.


Well-Known Member
See what I mean..... these threads on gays is overrun by gays who care not of reality but their own views. All I continually do is ask for kindness and honesty when conveying facts and for some reason al that comes back is that since I do not find it OK for gays to expose their preferences in public where children and people can be harmed, they suggest I hate them.....

This is where integrity, honesty and compassion are being abused; as these representations are simply lies to make 'themselves' feel good rather than addressing the issue for a fullfilling comprimise between all mankind.

This is all about legal rights rather than truth with existence.

What is sickening is these religious sites are often highly veiwed by young people trying to find answers to pure truths, and when certain folk just will not, can not and continue to fib through their teeth (just like preachers) kids and our future thinkers are being damaged.

You have a beautiful child, one who will represent your whole lineage when you leave the building, would you want your child to have a chance with honesty, compassion and true love for others to be the knowledge your child grows up in?....

how can you even consider these liars 'good'?

and please do not say, because they are like me.... tell us all you care not of being accepted but that you care more for the truth then acceptance!

No actual denial that i am 100% correct then eh?

Mods might not be amused...


Well-Known Member
It sounds as if you have not had the opportunity to experience physical intimacy as a way to communicate and experience true love. I feel compassion for you, and hope that you will have this experience one day; it's the best.

We can only hope :shout


Intentionally Blank
we get the point, unless god says no, you go! as you seems to interpret what you read and hear as you wish; I rather enjoy the use of the mind but to misrepresent, is actually against the biblical commandments.
Oh no, you don't get my point at all. I don't care what "God" does or doesn't say, since I don't believe there is any such thing. I figure out my own morality with no direction from fictional characters. Lesbianism is O.K. because it's morally positive, not because of what anyone else believes their God says about it. I'm just interested in the truth. The fact is that the fictional character of Yahweh, as described in the Bible, does not prohibit lesbian sex. You can make of that what you will; it's simply reality.

After reading through your posts it appears if someone was either correct or incorrect, the 'truth' of the matter is, it's all about you! So only you know when you fibbing because any one can see the stripes on your back.
Please show me where I said that it's all about me? On the contrary, I don't think I've said anywhere what I think morality is about.
Are you accusing me of lying? I take that accusation very seriously. Please substantiate it immediately by citing the post in which I allegedly lied. If you can show me that I have made an error, I will apologize and instantly retract the misinformation. If you can show that I was aware of the misinformation and stated it anyway, I will apologize profusely. If you cannot cite any such post, I expect you to do the same.

Not my life, run it how you wish. Reality shares that adverse contributions to existence eventually go extinct. and no religion or country ammendment is going to fix that..... nature runs the show, darling!
Again, couldn't follow this. I don't think I'm the only one here who's having trouble understanding your posts.


Through the Looking Glass

As this forum is about religious teachings, not gays.
So just to clarify, you don't actually have a moral problem with "homosexual" love and sex any more than you do with "heterosexual" love and sex. Is that right? Your only complaint is that people in general shouldn't be sexual someplace where children might see it?