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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?


Intentionally Blank
Apparently you cannot read; play as you will but please it is a blatant lie to ever sell, preach or convey the same sex relations is normal.
The fact that someone disagrees with you does not mean that they're lying. Among other possibilities, it may mean that you're wrong. As I said before, define "normal."

And we all know homosexuals love the religious networks as the catholic sect is still righting checks for all them youngsters who were taken advantage of by folk like you who think it is OK to convey same sex as normal.
Did you maybe mean pedophilia? You do know that's not at all the same thing as homosexuality, right?


Active Member

the self centered few who simply want to have all their same sex fun in open public
See what I mean…. Again…

that was the line written; which means the overtish nature of sexually driven relations in open public……..

but this is what was written

Gays have sex in open public?
a word twist for misrepresentation

then we find another who suggest

It sounds as if you have not had the opportunity to experience physical intimacy as a way to communicate and experience true love.
How can someone suggest that?

This person has no idea of what I have experienced but still attacks because I am not ‘for’ their cause.

I have been in love with 2 gay women and each of them loved me because I accepted them as people and I cared more for them for who they are and their compassion for people. Both maintained their relations with other women as they enjoyed the pleasures and one even returned with a partner to share that a man can be genuinely enjoyable without the selfishness many have imposed to these women

I feel compassion for you, and hope that you will have this experience one day; it's the best.
Sex has never been ‘better’ just for the personal release as any one can release any time they want. Sex is best when you can contribute your energy, time and love for the ‘other’ to receive compassion, care and attention.

You share how it is you, that is why you enjoy same sex, where in my opinion, sex is about giving and contributing with little needs of the self as the priority. That is where lust comes in and not a man (women) alive (age warranting) who has not walked into the room and thought, ‘this ones for me!’

Hey we are all human but we are all not honest.

Sorry Tau…….. I was not in this discussion to win, but to share and give… if you think I am in these forums for myself, then you have missed the mark. These threads on gays are for me to learn so that I can understand and contribute for our future generations. To find questions and quality opinions that share a form or compassion that ‘maybe’ I had not seen before.

But I guess I lost as the majority communicating back with me are simply selfish pigs who care nothing but for their own cause and continuance of selfish ignorance……….

A group of selfish, self-centered, lying, deceitful, bigots!

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Bishadi, I'm giving up. I just think it's sad that there are people who think like you, and refuse to see any other way of thinking. Unfortunatley in your case, I don't see any way to change it, but hopefully I'm wrong.


Intentionally Blank
I summarized that, his position represents; that if the bible does not say against, it must be ok
No, my position is just that if the bible doesn't prohibit it, then it doesn't prohibit it. Whether it is O.K. is a separate issue, more personal. I believe that it is. If you don't, I suggest that you refrain from practicing it.

Creation is a phenomenon to describe unanswered questions; it is not reality.
Didn't understand a word.

Yep! Just as your agenda is for one purpose; supporting gays and has nothing to do with supporting our future.
Are you trying to say that permitting homosexuality would somehow endanger our future existence? How?
Sorry, your integrity is as bright as a 2 watt light bulb.
Is it possible for you to debate the issues rather than attacking other people?

So far each contradiction has come from a pretty much pro gay representation simply because most will not even touch a liar as the stripes continuously change.
It would be helpful if you would respond to specific posts as people make them, rather than making these blanket judgments.
See what I mean about comprehension. The 2 do not mix. Nature is science, darwin and reality. Creation is fibs, preachers and gay folk; complacent.
I think I agree with this, if I understand you.

Were the practioners 'gay' as they chose same sex relations? Yes or no!
Those whose victims were male were homosexual and pedophiles. Those whose victims were female were heterosexual and pedophiles.

Hey most gay folk were created from some occurrance adverse to their sexual development at a young age. Look up the stats yourself.
No, it's your assertion, you back it up with research. And you're wrong.

OK so tell them sex is good and if they want to play with men (same sex) keep it in the bedroom. same thing I suggest to you but for some reason you think, different is normal when it comes to the association of human beings sexual preferences.
Where else would you keep it? Have you ever in your life seen two men having sex in public? I haven't. Why wouldn't different be normal? Is it your position that only the majority is normal? That left-handed people, red-heads, very tall or very intelligent people are abnormal?

Then never in the area of children ever represent gay as normal to existence but that it is your own desire or preference. Everyone can live with that but never will the majority on this globe ever recognize same sex as normal and to even consider it as your pursuit is blatantly a 'loss to the common.'
You have not yet explained why you think it is not normal. The fact that it occurs in all cultures and all periods, as well as in most other mammals, leads me to think that it is very normal. I don't yet know what you mean by "normal." If you mean, "followed by the majority" then no, it's not.


Active Member
Bishadi, I'm giving up. I just think it's sad that there are people who think like you, and refuse to see any other way of thinking. Unfortunatley in your case, I don't see any way to change it, but hopefully I'm wrong.
Nothing can change the truth!

Just as most preachers tell me the same thing
there are people who think like you, and refuse to see any other way of thinking
Because the truth is absolute; there is no changing what is real, no matter how people sugar coat it.

Then below we have the same question reappear when any human being can find the answers themselves if they simply remain honest with themselves…

As I said before, define "normal."

can I use a universal definition of the word or do I need to use your definition?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines "normal" as 'conforming to a standard'. This, although almost right, is not entirely correct. "A normal" is someone who conforms to the ideals of society.

And from an autodidact, you would think seeking knowledge and truth is what is more important than beliefs and complancency to self preservation.

Most real autodidacts stand for what is good to society (normal) rather than good for themselves (isolated self-serving doctrine/knowledge)

Again another bigot
A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding ideology
You do not like what anyone has to say and intolerant of opinions so you have earned the name bigot!

Maybe if each of you began with honesty and compassion for others first, maybe you could stand up and be counted as ‘good’ human beings!


Intentionally Blank
The point is, through out all species the main purpose of sex is proceation. deviation from that purpuse is just lust.

Well I don't know that lust is necessarily a bad thing, but is your position that any sex that is not done with the explicit purpose of procreation is wrong? On what do you base that?

Anyway, the topic of the thread is the Biblical position on it. The Biblical position is:
Lesbianism is fine. Male homosexuality may or may not be a sin, depending on how you translate and interpret certain passages. Fornication is a sin; adultery and incest are sins, and divorce is a big sin for Christians. That about sums it up. Why do we never see threads decrying divorce? Is it because so many Christians are divorced?


Intentionally Blank
do you think you are the first to poses this same argument?

..... sorry but that is not the debate otherwise i could go the illness sector and ask, if a man and women had penatration in the standard form will he experience a better chance of getting sick if he does not clean himself over and above a man and man doing the 'tration?

So your form of argument is less that satifactory and simply a disregard for reasoning articulation.

God don't hate homo's as they exist within the total; god.

But when the choices of them homosexuals is geared towards their own desires and of no concern for the majority (open exposure to the public), then them selfish choices are the ill regard to all mankind. Go play as you wish but the 'unnatural' belongs out of public exposure. That is the whole issue of my opinionated responses but for some reason some ignorant self serving fool has to makeup some dumb question as if to pin me down with logic.

Play with someone else, this opinion shares knowledge that encumbers far more than you may understand, so please see if the logic is truly compassionate before running the keyboard with foolish attempts to corner the truth!

I didn't understand a word. Did anyone else?


Intentionally Blank
Sorry but I am responsible. I am married and any man alive knows that sometimes we have too, 'for the good of mankind'.....meaning a frustrated women is not healthy to have in public, so often duty calls.
Right, cuz I'm sure it's never for your own desire. O.K., you seem to think that non-procreative sex is morally O.K. Why then is it not morally O.K. for gay people?

As for the If you cannot understand that then apparently you must not be gay or know any (male gays) as friends. The point is, man to man can get the pitcher sick if not careful, so the form or argument can also be used for sharing 'unnatural' in a purely logical sense because the first example (man and women) does not get people sick as readily as the second example (man and man) unless an 'unnatural barrier' is normalized in the interaction.
And since female/female sex is the least conducive to transmitting STD's, then whatever point you are trying to make here applies more to you than to lesbians.

Sorry to the forum on the graphics but some are often childish about being honest with themselves and I am not one to beat around the bush when it comes to facts!
Good. Then you'll be the first to acknowledge that lesbian sex is safer than heterosexual sex. It also prevents unwanted pregnancy, thereby preventing abortion. so it's a good thing all round.


Intentionally Blank
I believe Gay and Lesbian folks when they say it is not a choice. I need to define "it" however.
I'm a lesbian and I think that lesbianism can be a choice for many women; a positive one.

I would say the desire is not a choice. Acting on any desire is a conscience choice.
I agree completely.

Lets not focus on whether the choice is right or wrong. RF has had enough debate about this subject and I have become rather fond of our Gay and Lesbian members.

It would be truly sad if a church pushed anyone away who wanted to be closer to their religion.
Especially sad for the church.


Intentionally Blank
it is true, there are certainly risks with anal sex. the same risks in fact that there are in vaginal sex, oral sex, and hell, any other exchange of bodily fluids. sexuality has nothing to do with that. if two people are clean, no risk. if one of the two is not clean, there is a risk. it doesn't matter if both parties of are the same or different genders, the risk is the same.
I don't think this is quite correct. I believe that anal sex is more risky than vaginal sex, which is more risky than oral sex, and so forth. For simple biological reasons, lesbian sex is the least risky. This obviously proves that God loves lesbians best.


Intentionally Blank
Then what do you want? As this point of view, never bark fowl towards equality as I would say the same thing to a hetero who openly maintained an overtish presence; get a room.[/color]
Well, the subject of the thread isn't public sex; what would make you think it was. Are you saying that gay and straight people should have the same rights and demonstrate the same degree of restraint? If so, what are we arguing about?

“ gay rule is fully justified and the majority should back down, remove themselves from seeing or be forcefully imposed upon. your hate is outdated and not welcome.”
so because I do not agree with you and share a compassion for others you witness me and the majority as adverse to good.
You're very hard to understand, so we may just not be getting what you're saying. The impression I get is that you're trying to say that prohibiting homosexuality shows compassion for heterosexuals? Is that what you're saying? If so, it's ridiculous.

Lying and dying are one of the same; who is responsible?
No idea what you're saying.


Intentionally Blank
so you are finally understanding that the prejudices of the minority community, are actually the bigots when then continue to maintain the 'prejudice' against the majority for their own selfish cause.......
You're claiming that gay people are prejudiced against straight people? Why on earth do you say that?

homosexuality is 'not universally applicable' to nature!
Well, most observed mammal species, as well as many birds, do exhibit it.

So by definition the bigots are the ones with prejudice against the community.....'we the people'...........
Right. Bigots and prejudiced people are pretty much synonymous.

Now can you see what selfishness and corruption does to our society?
What is it you think is so selfish about homosexuality? I don't get it.


Intentionally Blank

can I use a universal definition of the word or do I need to use your definition?
We would like your definition.

Again another bigot You do not like what anyone has to say and intolerant of opinions so you have earned the name bigot!
What makes you think that I'm intolerant of others opinions? That doesn't mean I have to agree with them. I defend your right to advocate your incorrect opinion.

Maybe if each of you began with honesty and compassion for others first, maybe you could stand up and be counted as ‘good’ human beings!
Please cite any post of mine that was either dishonest or lacked compassion.


Well-Known Member
I'm a lesbian and I think that lesbianism can be a choice for many women; a positive one.

I do not concur with this statement, homosexuality is not a choice, you either like men/girls or you don't, I don't like Chinese food much, so if offered pizza or chow mein there is no actual choice...I eat the pizza or go hungry.
Your subjective understanding of homosexuality Autodidact is limited to YOUR unique experiences.

I for one could not CHOOSE to have sexual relations with a man because the very idea is abhorent to me, but I totally appreciate that it is not to other guys and they have my total support.


Well-Known Member
Besides you go around saying homosexuality is a choice and you will anger the Nazis/Bigots considerably, I should know, I used to be one.

For the greater good...


Intentionally Blank
I do not concur with this statement, homosexuality is not a choice, you either like men/girls or you don't, I don't like Chinese food much, so if offered pizza or chow mein there is no actual choice...I eat the pizza or go hungry.
Your subjective understanding of homosexuality Autodidact is limited to YOUR unique experiences.

I for one could not CHOOSE to have sexual relations with a man because the very idea is abhorent to me, but I totally appreciate that it is not to other guys and they have my total support.

I am only speaking about women. It seems to be quite different for men. Female sexuality seems to be more fluid and responsive than men's. My experience is not limited to myself, but to the many women I have talked to about their experiences. I know many women who have been exclusively lesbian or exclusively heterosexual at different times in their lives. I include my own collaborator-in-life, who had never considered the question when I met her at age 46, and is now exclusively lesbian. I would not be surprised, if our association ended, to find that she stayed that way, or decided to be heterosexual again. Right now I have 3 ex-girlfriends that are married to men as far as I know. Women and men are NOT the same in this regard, which should not surprise us. After all, the difference between men and women is sex.

In any case, my main point is that choice or not, there's nothing wrong with it, and a lot that's right.


Well-Known Member
I am only speaking about women. It seems to be quite different for men. Female sexuality seems to be more fluid and responsive than men's. My experience is not limited to myself, but to the many women I have talked to about their experiences. I know many women who have been exclusively lesbian or exclusively heterosexual at different times in their lives. I include my own collaborator-in-life, who had never considered the question when I met her at age 46, and is now exclusively lesbian. I would not be surprised, if our association ended, to find that she stayed that way, or decided to be heterosexual again. Right now I have 3 ex-girlfriends that are married to men as far as I know. Women and men are NOT the same in this regard, which should not surprise us. After all, the difference between men and women is sex.

In any case, my main point is that choice or not, there's nothing wrong with it, and a lot that's right.

Perhaps, but then the women I have had relationships have all been red blooded, handy as I am a bearded 6ft 2 skinhead weighing around 15 stone.
Thus I might have a limited understanding here...I concede to your knowledge :D