My first question concerning your ServSafe Certification being a test from God is "Where is God"?
I guess for me the comparison comes from the way in which god is an authority figure over me much like my boss is. They both have tests that I need to pass that, to me, seem pointless.
Before I can pass my test and get certified from my boss, I have to stuff my brain with common sense information that requires precise memorization of temperatures, food organization, and what each department of governmental food regulation does. Not only that, but I had to learn the managerial version of that, so I could repeat that information back to others.
God, from what I gather from many, gives us challenges and hardships in life so that we can pass his test. But... what's the point if I never experience pain or suffering in the afterlife anyways?
Just like with my certification... What was the point if getting it if the job I got after taking it doesn't even deal with the stuff that I was trained to handle? I'm not a cook, I don't work in the warehouse, and I don't handle the food. I'm a member of the patient care team who works up in the patient floors along side the nurses and doctors and I take care of patients.
What was the point? Also, what is the real point of the trials in life set by god? In heaven, those trials won't really teach me lessons I can utilize, it seems...
The certification is man made.
the certification being mandatory is also man made.
So I do not understand how it is "God testing you".
Well, folks say that the hardships in life are god testing us... I don't see it either. If god pulls the strings, though, then the things we face are intentionally made that way because he willed it so. These tests may not be man made, but they are god made; and they are being made mandatory by god.
Please keep in mind that I am not a theist.
And perhaps that is causing a blockage (for lack of a better word) in my understanding.
I guess not all theists believe that god is testing us via the tribulations of life, but many do.
IF it is God testing you with the ServSafe Certification, I would suspect that the experience of going through the certification process has taught you something that you will use later.
I don't see it, but I suppose it's possible.
Did you make new friends during the certification?
Nope! I sat in my room and stuffed my brain with this information until test day. If anything, I lost a few co workers who didn't pass the test.
Did you have an epiphany, of any sort about anything, during the process that you would not have had if it were not for the process?
Nope. The only epiphany I've had is in regards to how meaningless the certification was in regards to what I was actually doing, I suppose.
It seems to me that you are limiting your search.
LIke with teamwork being something learned by baseball...
Most of the things you experience carry over into other parts of your life.
Some will say (and I do not know enough to give an honest opinion either way) that every single experience you have will in some way shape who you are and who you will become.
Most of them without you even realizing it.
I would agree with that... Maybe pain teaches us lessons that the absence of pain couldn't... But to what ends? To be a better person? Ok. Why do I need to be a better person in heaven having known the trials of pain? There are other ways to teach someone to be a better person.
If I were born in heaven having never known hardship, I could be taught to learn the lessons of life in heaven and still become a good person in the process... Sure, I'd be ignorant to the concept of suffering,
but suffering would never be something I'd have to see in the first place, so why was the lesson ever needed initially?