What I used to believe was that in heaven we would be given new spiritual bodies and would live in eternal Bliss. We'd be given grand mansions in heaven and spend eternity serving god in paradise.
Some would be given new spiritual bodies and go to hell and live in eternal torment. So... That's my understanding on the subject, and my point of reference.
I am sickened by this estimation of the Bible’s message.....this is Christendom’s sick interpretation of what they say the Bible teaches...it is not even close. They would not know what Christianity was if it jumped up and bit them.
God never ever intended for any humans to go to heaven....he created us to live on a vibrant earth with so much to enjoy...to explore and to discover....forever.
The only reason why Jesus came was to get us back to what we lost in Eden.....that was the paradise we lost and that is the paradise we get back.
He will have a chosen few to assist him in getting us back to square one. Only these will go to heaven and they have a specific role. (Revelation 20:6) What is this “eternal bliss” that is expected? There is nothing in the scriptures to support such a notion.
The problem is that we have a common enemy promoting his own propaganda and gaining a host of followers by dispensing all these false ideas.The problem is that everyone has their own ideas, so it's nice to see what their ideas are, and their reasoning behind it.
The Bible has one message.....it is clear and simple, but the waters are muddied by human imagination wilfully ignited by satanically inspired ideas. The devil only has to make it sound appealing and people will fall for it.