Who said anything about using pain and punishment to alter the actions of others?
Who said anything about payback, condemning, judging, intimidating, coercing?
What is best is rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior. That is what good parents do and that is what God does.
Who said anything about revenge? Deserved punishment is not revenge. Just punishment is not hate.
Who said anything spreading hate? Just punishment is not hate. The problem can still be solved.
It is called justice, ever heard of it? That is what the entire court system is based upon.
You do not know how God handles anything because you have no way to know, so you make things up to suit your own fancy and create God in your own image.
Right, and that is why the world is in such a mess. Intelligence made the Best choices.
Sure they will, just like they are doing now.
You live in a complete fantasy world.
God loves unconditionally but doles out rewards and punishments because that is justice.
Quite the contrary, when the ‘appropriate punishment’ is not applied, the problem is ignored and the perpetrator continues in his ways.
That's what I see. It's very clear!!