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Why does homosexuality seem to get more hate?


Well-Known Member
:facepalm: Projecting a bit, don't you think? :facepalm:

ETA: You're basically saying that we're the bigots. I don't have any problem with straights... at least not until I crush on a straight chick. Then I might ***** a bit about monosexuality, but it's all in good fun. What's more, I believe in God, too.

My problem is when you take a book about God and use it to figuratively bash my head in.

I think you misinterpreted what I was saying.

Removing all constructs both faith based and societal an individual can not pass their DNA to a second generation if their offspring are strictly homosexual.
(Breaking it down to the human animal only operating on instinct alone and seeing no chance of a continued lineage (genetic line))

Yes homosexual's have children but the primitive brain is more instinctual and animalistic.

(The brain of the heterosexual is what I am referring to here though we all have instincts)

I guess some people are more evolved than others; at least to the point of not saying anything. The rest of "US" are just primitive knuckle dragging worshipers of our imaginary friend.

(This is a reference to those who dislike homosexuals with no real reason other than social stigma and texts. I don't hate at homosexual people but I have only known a few that I did not mind being around. There again there are only a few people I will bother with regardless of sexual preference. I guess I would be in this catagory by default:()


Premium Member
I have had some thoughts. It is this little thing called ignorance. Everyone is ignorant about something and a lot of things, but if they keep up that ignorance when they are able to cure it or stop it, I find that to be a bit of a problem. The way I see it- Ignorance causes fear, and fear causes hatred.


Active Member
Not sure if I've seen this assembly gangs of homosexuals this Adonis is talking about. My cousin is not part of a gang. If there is, it wouldn't compare closely to the organized gangs that have killed, attacked and espoused in hatred of gays. Mathew Shepard comes to mind. My cousin got beat up by a couple of people who were in his college. The police did nothing about it except write their names down. So don't worry Adonis, you still get to be angry.

Gangs? Who said anything about gangs? I see you've completely dodged the point. :run:

And there's no hate on my side, MissMisunderstanding. True, gay bashers are dead wrong and should be punished accordingly, but that doesn't mean society should embrace the gay agenda just because a few jerks beat up homosexuals. I'm sorry, but you're wrong.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Gangs? Who said anything about gangs?
You did:
I would say it's because homosexuals organize themselves and attack those who get in their way.

I see you've completely dodged the point.
Pot, have you met my friend kettle? Alice was merely pointing out the absurdity of your complaint.


Self-appointed Lunatic
Gangs? Who said anything about gangs? I see you've completely dodged the point. :run:

And there's no hate on my side, MissMisunderstanding. True, gay bashers are dead wrong and should be punished accordingly, but that doesn't mean society should embrace the gay agenda just because a few jerks beat up homosexuals. I'm sorry, but you're wrong.

"The gay agenda"?
Aka, the pro-bigotry codeword for giving homosexuals basic rights (such as being able to get married, and not facing active discrimination in their daily lives)?

I can see that your accusations that gays "attack those who get in their way" is colorful wording for the (purely non-violent, to my knowledge) anti-bigotry activist groups, and I notice that you're intentionally implying that homosexuality is wrong by comparing them to adulterers and murderers (when you point out that these types of people don't form activist groups, implying that they're on the same level as homosexuals).
You sound like a stereotypical conservative Christian. The hate is on your side.


Active Member
You did:
I would say it's because homosexuals organize themselves and attack those who get in their way.

No I didn't. I said activist groups assemble and attack, usually in the political arena. Gangs are not synonimous with activist groups. There's a difference.

Pot, have you met my friend kettle? Alice was merely pointing out the absurdity of your complaint.

The absurdity rests in her argument. It's an awful point to make, and it's not even accurate.
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Veteran Member
No I didn't. I said activist groups assemble and attack, usually in the political arena. Gangs are not synonimous with activist groups. There's a difference.

and who advocates DOMA...?

i'd like to see how gay activist groups attack anyone's personal freedom on the same level DOMA attacks the personal freedoms of the homosexual community....

so your argument is pointless, inaccurate and awful

Many Sages One Truth

Active Member
I think, as Kilgore Trout kinda touched on, that homosexuality challenges our society's ideas of what a man is supposed to be. Our society places a lot of expectations on men, that men should be tough, hard as nails, straight, the breadwinner, etc.

A second reason might be the ick factor. That some find homosexuality truly disgusting, so they put it down. In the case of some Christians who claim they dislike homosexuality because of their religion, it's usually the ick factor when you delve a little deeper.

The Wizard

Active Member
I think homophobia, to a degree and to many, can be due to certain others not fully understanding what causes the orientation. Something just seems weird, strange or even wrong when the subject presents itself. That is perfectly natural- a self-defence mechanism towards deception. When children are being taught that the orientation is strictly a birth or genetic trait, and then parents listen to a talk show introducing gays who are saying they chose it and know they weren't born gay, many tend to shy away from all of it until someone can tell them the truth... no one likes to be bamboozled. Thus, hate is irrational in my opinion and most likely points to emotional issues... imo.


Veteran Member
I think homophobia, to a degree and to many, can be due to certain others not fully understanding what causes the orientation. Something just seems weird, strange or even wrong when the subject presents itself. That is perfectly natural- a self-defence mechanism towards deception. When children are being taught that the orientation is strictly a birth or genetic trait, and then parents listen to a talk show introducing gays who are saying they chose it and know they weren't born gay, many tend to shy away from all of it until someone can tell them the truth... no one likes to be bamboozled. Thus, hate is irrational in my opinion and most likely points to emotional issues... imo.

life isn't so black and white

Something just seems weird, strange or even wrong when the subject presents itself. That is perfectly natural- a self-defence mechanism towards being uncomfortable...more likely.


Active Member
and who advocates DOMA...?

i'd like to see how gay activist groups attack anyone's personal freedom on the same level DOMA attacks the personal freedoms of the homosexual community....

so your argument is pointless, inaccurate and awful

"D" is for Defense, waitasec, as in Defense Of Marriage Act. There has to be an attack before a Defense takes effect.

In a Christian society, there's no such thing as personal freedom where gay marriage is concerned. You may as well be advocating murder, theft, or any other sexual sin.

Once again, you are wrong.
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Active Member
"The gay agenda"?
Aka, the pro-bigotry codeword for giving homosexuals basic rights (such as being able to get married, and not facing active discrimination in their daily lives)?

I can see that your accusations that gays "attack those who get in their way" is colorful wording for the (purely non-violent, to my knowledge) anti-bigotry activist groups, and I notice that you're intentionally implying that homosexuality is wrong by comparing them to adulterers and murderers (when you point out that these types of people don't form activist groups, implying that they're on the same level as homosexuals).
You sound like a stereotypical conservative Christian. The hate is on your side.

You're trying to guilt Christians into silence. There is no hatred here, T-Dawg. Check your own hatred & anger at the door.

We want nothing more than to live in a clean, moral society, and open homosexuality/gay marriage contradicts this way of life. The overwhelming majority of U.S. States agree with me, not you.


Well-Known Member
When we have a constant concern that can not be addressed so it is put to rest it eventually turns to anger. Intense anger turns to hate.
Homosexuality is exclusive to humans. It is not a behavior that can perpetuate a spieces & if it became common we can smile at our own extinction.
Many who see the behavior of it a offense to gods design will never accept the very ways of it.
While they are people too & carry humanity inside with all that makes many very good people it is in the aspects of a choice that is not likely health to thw world of mankind.
I do not hate Homosexuals.
I do not agree to their choice.
I do have friends who find it wise to persue the life style & do not treat them any differently than those who have a hederosexual preference.
Some of the other comments here I have heard as well.
Confidence in who we are & what makes us "feel" it is the right thing to do makes us choose the path we walk on.
It is when the battles of beliefs occur it can get rather "sticky"
I would not encourage my son to get to find a homosexual males fondlings a good choice.
So while he may be a good teacher or coach, maybe a uncle -for the boys best interest the trust can not be there. At best while I can agree to disagree I would never perpetuate hate!
Just tell the children it is a wrong choice & here are the reasons.
If you do not agree then when you are older you will be mature enough to make that decision on your own.
It is a more reasonable approach than the frustrations that emurge from 2 factions that do not see eye to eye.


Active Member
When we have a constant concern that can not be addressed so it is put to rest it eventually turns to anger. Intense anger turns to hate.
Homosexuality is exclusive to humans. It is not a behavior that can perpetuate a spieces & if it became common we can smile at our own extinction.
Many who see the behavior of it a offense to gods design will never accept the very ways of it.
While they are people too & carry humanity inside with all that makes many very good people it is in the aspects of a choice that is not likely health to thw world of mankind.
I do not hate Homosexuals.
I do not agree to their choice.
I do have friends who find it wise to persue the life style & do not treat them any differently than those who have a hederosexual preference.
Some of the other comments here I have heard as well.
Confidence in who we are & what makes us "feel" it is the right thing to do makes us choose the path we walk on.
It is when the battles of beliefs occur it can get rather "sticky"
I would not encourage my son to get to find a homosexual males fondlings a good choice.
So while he may be a good teacher or coach, maybe a uncle -for the boys best interest the trust can not be there. At best while I can agree to disagree I would never perpetuate hate!
Just tell the children it is a wrong choice & here are the reasons.
If you do not agree then when you are older you will be mature enough to make that decision on your own.
It is a more reasonable approach than the frustrations that emurge from 2 factions that do not see eye to eye.

The first highlighted part dilutes the rest of your point a bit. Though it is wise to agree to disagree, you can't be a doormat, either. At some point, you still have to make a stand.

I would rephrase the second highlighted part to something like this: I will pray continually that you do not deviate from this course when you are mature enough to make that decision on your own.


Self-appointed Lunatic
"D" is for Defense, waitasec, as in Defense Of Marriage Act. There has to be an attack before a Defense takes effect.

In a Christian society, there's no such thing as personal freedom where gay marriage is concerned. You may as well be advocating murder, theft, or any other sexual sin.

Once again, you are wrong.

Or "defense" could be a propagandistic lie, just like the "Final Solution to the Jewish Problem" Hitler wasn't a solution to an actual problem. And even if you were defending "traditional marriage" and not attacking real marriage, there is such a thing as defending a bad thing. For example, if I were to take a rifle and "defend" myself from taxes and shoot any IRS people who came, that would be bad.
Similarly, you calling oppressive policies a "defense" of marriage is a lie designed to disguise a blatant attack on freedom, and you're defending an evil system.

You're trying to guilt Christians into silence. There is no hatred here, T-Dawg. Check your own hatred & anger at the door.

We want nothing more than to live in a clean, moral society, and open homosexuality/gay marriage contradicts this way of life. The overwhelming majority of U.S. States agree with me, not you.

I do not deny that I hate Christians. I hate you, and everyone who believes like you do, and wholeheartedly believe that people who believe the views you have espoused thus far should be sent to reeducation camps until they show a basic understanding of things like science, logic, and truth (reeducation as in, literal educating someone again, not the type of "reeducation camp" that tortures and brainwashes people).

Your "clean, moral society" is a disgrace. The fact that homosexuality contradicts what you view as a moral lifestyle says more about your lifestyle than it does about homosexuality. A real clean, moral society would be one in which people actively obeyed the laws of nature - that is, people didn't try to circumvent the natural order of things by attempting to obtain the aid of a non-existent supernatural being. A clean, moral society is also one where people avoid doing harm to each other, one where the income gap between the rich and the poor is small, and no one relies on faith for belief.

The fact that the majority of the US sides with you, even if true (it grows less true each day), would mean that the majority of the US is WRONG.


Self-appointed Lunatic
Homosexuality is exclusive to humans. It is not a behavior that can perpetuate a spieces & if it became common we can smile at our own extinction.

Untrue, perhaps surprisingly. Homosexuality has been seen in at least a few animal species (bonobos being the most commonly used example).


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I do not deny that I hate Christians. I hate you, and everyone who believes like you do, and wholeheartedly believe that people who believe the views you have espoused thus far should be sent to reeducation camps.....
Don't sugar coat it....tell us how you really feel about Xians.
But in all seriousness, I recommend doing what it takes to overcome such hatred. It's unhealthy.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
You're trying to guilt Christians into silence. There is no hatred here, T-Dawg. Check your own hatred & anger at the door.

We want nothing more than to live in a clean, moral society, and open homosexuality/gay marriage contradicts this way of life. The overwhelming majority of U.S. States agree with me, not you.

Sometimes I wish I could live in the dark ages too. I'm glad to see you're having a great time there, though.

On a side note, what do I care what states agree with or not? Just because lots of people say "this is so", doesn't mean this is in fact so. That's really not an impressive statistic to be falling back on to to support your beliefs. "This guy and that guy agree with me" is not an argument. Many years ago, many of those you asked would have agreed that the earth was flat... and the sun, moon, planets and the stars revolved around us (still does for some, apparantly).

Everyone else, don't worry. Homophobia and bigotry will eventually pass (even though some will fight it, kicking and screaming all the way) when people start to realise that it serves nothing and no-one, save for a persons own insecurities, and hatred towards their own being. If you cannot show love toward another for simply being, look to yourself as to why. Their existence is equally valid, equally right, and equally important as yours. Why should others not be equally deserving of love, affection and intimacy? What are you afraid of?

Homosexuality is not a threat. It's not out to get you. It's not out to get your family. It's not going to break into your house, steal your things and use the kitchen sink as a bathroom. Homosexuality is going to live in the house across the street, and probably mind it's own business. It's going to be in the restaurant you go to for lunch. It's going to be in the movie theater, serving you popcorn. It'll be that nice young lady that shook your hand at last nights party (don't worry, it washes right off, if you rinse thoroughly with unleaded gas next to a source of ignition).

Do you not see that it's not going to harm you any more than the monster under your bed or the ghost in the cupboard under your stairs? Is the idea that two people can love each other, regardless of gender and whether or not you think it's "right" or "wrong" so difficult to comprehend, and really such a threat to your existence? If so, I would suggest a healthy dose of introspection, perhaps with the assistance of a councilor to help you deal with your insecurities and what you believe about yourself.


Active Member
Or "defense" could be a propagandistic lie,

Or you could be completely wrong about the DOMA, and you're just saddled with fear & angst. Personally, I think that is your problem.

I do not deny that I hate Christians.

Good for you. You'd be a liar if you did. Now all that's left for you is to purge the hate... it's toxic.

The fact that the majority of the US sides with you, even if true (it grows less true each day), would mean that the majority of the US is WRONG.

That's just your hatred talking. So what can we do to change your opinion of Jesus Christ, T-Dawg?
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