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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Ah, but after Jesus soaked up the spiritual pollution, it's been slowly building up again over the past 2000 years.
Maybe when it reaches a critical level, we'll all have our chips-
"The time has come for judging the dead,...and for destroying those who destroy the earth.” (Revelation 11:18)

That seems to make Jesus' first appearance on Earth rather useless, then. It also doesn't factor in his teachings and resurrection.


God created mankind perfect according to the holy scriptures.God stated that if they ate from the forbidden fruit, in that day they would surely die.So, by Adam and Eve doing so,they caused their offspring to inherit death, by disobeying God.This action is what caused the downfall of humanity.Man was perfect and now they are not.
They were not imperfect in any way.Just because you do not understand something does not make you imperfect.A baby is not considered imperfect because it does not know things.It is considered imperfect because it has inherited death through imperfection by way of our original mother and fathers actions in the Garden of Eden.
They do not understand this concept at all. They think that babies were born sinless.
When I was a new infant, just a few hours old, I had not yet committed a single sin in my entire life. Thus, I was born sinless.

Jn 9:41 Jesus said, “If you were blind/sinner, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see/sinless, your guilt remains.

IOW, if you admit that you are blind/a sinner God will forgive you and guilty of sin no more, but if you say that you can see/not a sinner or not admitting as a sinner, you guilt as a sinner remains.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member

They do not understand this concept at all. They think that babies were born sinless.

We believe that also because we have recently heard that sin is not inherited, only death is inherited, allegedely.

So, I think you guys have to make up your mind.

I suggest to have a personal relationship/meeting with Jesus to settle this issue, because it is somewhat confusing.


- viole


That seems to make Jesus' first appearance on Earth rather useless, then. It also doesn't factor in his teachings and resurrection.

He soaked up all the spiritual pollution and gave us a clean slate, so it wasn't exactly useless, and his resurrection brought final closure to the deal.
He also told us how to prevent the buildup of spiritual pollution again by having the right pure mindset, and people quickly cottoned on-
"..whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things" (Philp 4:8)

then when our bodies die, our souls automatically fly to him because we're on his wavelength..:)

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
He soaked up all the spiritual pollution and gave us a clean slate, so it wasn't exactly useless, and his resurrection brought final closure to the deal.
He also told us how to prevent the buildup of spiritual pollution again by having the right pure mindset, and people quickly cottoned on-
"..whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things" (Philp 4:8)

then when our bodies die, our souls automatically fly to him because we're on his wavelength..:)

This is probably the most useless Atonement theory I've yet heard. :facepalm: His life had no noticeable effects on the world as a whole until his followers carried out missionary activities. So how can we say that he "soaked" up the world's "spiritual pollution" and gave us a "clean slate"? Were these changes solely intangible? If so, then you can get away with claiming anything.

There's nothing revolutionary about that verse. That it's better to focus on good things isn't mind blowing. Besides, that's attributed to Paul, not Jesus.
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Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
He soaked up all the spiritual pollution and gave us a clean slate, so it wasn't exactly useless, and his resurrection brought final closure to the deal.
He also told us how to prevent the buildup of spiritual pollution again by having the right pure mindset, and people quickly cottoned on-
"..whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things" (Philp 4:8)

then when our bodies die, our souls automatically fly to him because we're on his wavelength..:)

Is that a AND conjunction? IOW, Do all these things need to be valid at the same time or is it sufficient to think about something that satisfies only some of these properties?

Can I, for instance, think about something that is true but not right, in order to have a pure mindset?


- viole


His life had no noticeable effects on the world as a whole until his followers carried out missionary activities..

Nah mate, he was blowing people's socks off left right and centre and was almost as big as Elvis..:)

"Large crowds from Galilee, the Ten Cities, Jerusalem, Judea and the region across the Jordan followed him" (Matt 4:25)
"And the common people heard him gladly" (Mark 12 :37)

And he pulled crowds of over 4000 and 5000 at two gigs alone (Matt 15:32, Matt 14:13)
and people quickly cottoned on-
"Jesus saved you from the empty way of life handed you by your forefathers" (1 Peter 1:18)


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Nah mate, he was blowing people's socks off left right and centre and was almost as big as Elvis..:)

"Large crowds from Galilee, the Ten Cities, Jerusalem, Judea and the region across the Jordan followed him" (Matt 4:25)
"And the common people heard him gladly" (Mark 12 :37)

And he pulled crowds of over 4000 and 5000 at two gigs alone (Matt 15:32, Matt 14:13)
and people quickly cottoned on-
"Jesus saved you from the empty way of life handed you by your forefathers" (1 Peter 1:18)

Yes, He was almost as big as Elvis. He shared with Elvis a certain amount of visions of Him alive after death.:)


- viole

They do not understand this concept at all. They think that babies were born sinless.

Jn 9:41 Jesus said, “If you were blind/sinner, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see/sinless, your guilt remains.

IOW, if you admit that you are blind/a sinner God will forgive you and guilty of sin no more, but if you say that you can see/not a sinner or not admitting as a sinner, you guilt as a sinner remains.

In that scripture,John 9:41, Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees about their admittance of not being ignorant.That is why they remain in sin.If they had admitted being ignorant about the Word of God,then their sin would have been forgiven by God.The Pharisees knew the Word of God and still they said what they did to Jesus.

Jesus told Pharisees of his day that if they were blind, they would have no sin, evidently meaning that their sins could be forgiven by God on the basis of their ignorance; however, because they denied being in ignorance, ‘their sin remained.’ (Joh 9:39-41) Jesus said they had “no excuse for their sin” because they were witnesses of the powerful words and works proceeding from him as the result of God’s spirit on him.

Sin, I — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY


Yes, He was almost as big as Elvis. He shared with Elvis a certain amount of visions of Him alive after death.:)

Yup, Elvis was caught on google earth rocking in Torquay (England) a couple of years ago from two different camera angles, that's pretty conclusive evidence that he's still around-


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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Nah mate, he was blowing people's socks off left right and centre and was almost as big as Elvis..:)

"Large crowds from Galilee, the Ten Cities, Jerusalem, Judea and the region across the Jordan followed him" (Matt 4:25)
"And the common people heard him gladly" (Mark 12 :37)

And he pulled crowds of over 4000 and 5000 at two gigs alone (Matt 15:32, Matt 14:13)
and people quickly cottoned on-
"Jesus saved you from the empty way of life handed you by your forefathers" (1 Peter 1:18)

Yeah, according to the anonymous people who wrote down the myths. I'm not convinced that Jesus even existed.
I see some on this forum claiming that Lucifer is Satan the Devil.This is not true at all.Lucifer refers to the Babylonian Dynasty led by King Nebuchadnezzar.If one reads the entire chapter 14 of Isaiah they can clearly see this.It says Lucifer or morning star in Isaiah 14:12.Then,it calls him a man in 14:16.In 14:15 it says that this man is destined for the grave.15 Instead, you will be brought down to the place of the dead, down to its lowest depths.

Satan the devil is not reserved for the grave.He is reserved for the eternal lake of fire.

Lucifer is a title and not a name.It means "light bearer." It is Lucifero in Latin.It comes from the original Hebrew word "Hel el" meaning "shining one." This is not a name.

Satan and Devil are not names either.They are titles too.Satan means adversary.Devil means liar and slanderer.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member

They do not understand this concept at all. They think that babies were born sinless.

Jn 9:41 Jesus said, “If you were blind/sinner, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see/sinless, your guilt remains.

IOW, if you admit that you are blind/a sinner God will forgive you and guilty of sin no more, but if you say that you can see/not a sinner or not admitting as a sinner, you guilt as a sinner remains.

What does imperfection have to do with sin?

In the OT a sin is an act against God. How is being a baby an act against God?


How can someone who did such a stupid mistake be called perfect?

Not anymore of course. Consider or read your statement and you should see the answer yourself. After Adam made a mistake he/Adam is no longer perfect, but before this very first mistake, the mother of all the mistakes us human [excluding you of course ‘cause you said that you came from apes] inherited, Adam was in perfect state.

People in this thread were/are relentlessly arguing that babies were born sinless or IOW, “PERFECT”. Now, if babies were born “PERFECT” I.E., without a sin, then how did they turned from being perfect into being imperfect if you claim that,
Something perfect doesn't turn imperfect or it wasn't perfect to begin with.

You and the other guy agreed with each other that “perfect doesn’t not turn imperfect”, but when it comes to babies being born “sinless/perfect” your arguments [“perfect doesn’t not turn imperfect”] are falling apart.

So, tell me now, do babies born perfect/sinless or imperfect/sinners?


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member

Not anymore of course. Consider or read your statement and you should see the answer yourself. After Adam made a mistake he/Adam is no longer perfect, but before this very first mistake, the mother of all the mistakes us human [excluding you of course ‘cause you said that you came from apes] inherited, Adam was in perfect state.

I would appreciate it if you do not accuse me of saying things I never said. I never said we come from apes. That would be absurd, for we are still apes.

People in this thread were/are relentlessly arguing that babies were born sinless or IOW, “PERFECT”. Now, if babies were born “PERFECT” I.E., without a sin, then how did they turned from being perfect into being imperfect if you claim that,

You and the other guy agreed with each other that “perfect doesn’t not turn imperfect”, but when it comes to babies being born “sinless/perfect” your arguments [“perfect doesn’t not turn imperfect”] are falling apart.

So, tell me now, do babies born perfect/sinless or imperfect/sinners?

Well, you tell me that. Your co-believer made it pretty clear that sin is not inherited in a previous post. Only death is inherited, for some reason.

But I am curious. Do you think that a new born child is a sinner? What about a human embryo? What kind of sin would you accuse them of?


- viole
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We believe that also because we have recently heard that sin is not inherited, only death is inherited, allegedely.
From where did you hear that gossip? Deductive reasoning cannot agree with your premise, because the reason why people die, I.E. DEATH, is because of this inherited “SIN” from Adam. Please read and understand Romans 5:12


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member

From where did you hear that gossip? Deductive reasoning cannot agree with your premise, because the reason why people die, I.E. DEATH, is because of this inherited “SIN” from Adam. Please read and understand Romans 5:12

Post #4805?

I think you guys are confused.


- viole


It did not, of course. I could have guessed that before unleashing the waters. It does not take a huge IQ to realize that. After all He was one third Jesus at that time and I doubt that He wanted to leave His own son unemployed.
Can’t you argue better than this? You could C&P from wiki or google anything about the history of the bible or Christianity and argue from there. Or argue from your ancestors the apes.

But this is intriguing. You seem to indicate that Noah and family were sinless, otherwise this all exercise would have been pointless from the start. Is it true? Were they sinless?
You still do not understand the meaning of “SINLESS”. Before Adam make his first mistake he was “SINLESS/PERFECT” then after that Adam became a sinner and all men born after Adam became sinners as well –Romans 5:12.

Noah and his family were righteous meaning they were born sinners and became righteous.