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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?

Yes, but usually not the Christian idea of Lucifer. That imagery can be useful for some, but it's much older than that.
The name Lucifer comes from the bible.It is not satan the devils name.This is a huge misconception on the part of those who do not have an accurate knowledge of the holy scriptures."Lucifer" means "light bearer." It is "Lucifero" in Latin.It comes from the original word in Hebrew "Hel el" meaning "shining one." Lucifer is not a name it is a title.It refers to the Babylonian Dynasty led by King Nebuchadnezzar.If you read the entire chapter 14 of the book of Isaiah you will find this to be correct.Ch.14 is a declaration of judgment upon the Dynasty of Babylon and its great city.

Isaiah 14:12 is where it says morning star or Lucifer. In 14:16 it says this is a man.Satan the devil is not a man.He is a spirit.In Isaiah 14:15 it mentions that this man is reserved for the grave.We all know from the holy scriptures in the book of Revelation that Satan the devil is reserved for the eternal lake of fire.

You will not find any other true references other than the holy scriptures that mention Lucifer.This title comes from the holy scriptures.

Lucifer is not even the devils name.
Satan means adversary and devil means Liar and slanderer.These are also titles.

Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the Devil, but as a liberator or guiding spirit[86] or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.

Lucifer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How can an atheist claim to be a Luciferian and not believe in the bible?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I have met several flavors of Satanists. What is the Luciferian creed exactly?

We don't have creeds. You'll get different answers from different Luciferians. Most of us are focused on enlightenment and personal growth in one form or another. I'm a more spiritual type and I'm focused on literal apotheosis in this lifetime or in a future one. My beliefs are heavily influenced by Hellenic religion, especially Orphism.

I mostly agree with this description of Luciferianism: The Luciferian Manifest - RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The name Lucifer comes from the bible.It is not satan the devils name.This is a huge misconception on the part of those who do not have an accurate knowledge of the holy scriptures."Lucifer" means "light bearer." It is "Lucifero" in Latin.It comes from the original word in Hebrew "Hel el" meaning "shining one." Lucifer is not a name it is a title.It refers to the Babylonian Dynasty led by King Nebuchadnezzar.If you read the entire chapter 14 of the book of Isaiah you will find this to be correct.Ch.14 is a declaration of judgment upon the Dynasty of Babylon and its great city.

Isaiah 14:12 is where it says morning star or Lucifer. In 14:16 it says this is a man.Satan the devil is not a man.He is a spirit.In Isaiah 14:15 it mentions that this man is reserved for the grave.We all know from the holy scriptures in the book of Revelation that Satan the devil is reserved for the eternal lake of fire.

You will not find any other true references other than the holy scriptures that mention Lucifer.This title comes from the holy scriptures.

Lucifer is not even the devils name.
Satan means adversary and devil means Liar and slanderer.These are also titles.

Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the Devil, but as a liberator or guiding spirit[86] or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.

Lucifer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How can an atheist claim to be a Luciferian and not believe in the bible?

Lucifer is a pre-Christian Hellenic deity and concept. It is the Latin form of the Greek word Phosphorus:

"Phosphorus (Greek Φωσφόρος Phōsphoros), a name meaning "Light-Bringer", is the Morning Star, the planet Venus in its morning appearance. Φαοσφόρος (Phaosphoros) and Φαεσφόρος (Phaesphoros) are forms of the same name in some Greek dialects. Another Greek name for the Morning Star is Heosphoros (Greek Ἑωσφόρος Heōsphoros), which means "Dawn-Bringer". The form Eosphorus is sometimes met in English, as if from Ἠωσφόρος (Ēōsphoros), which is not actually found in Greek literature,[1] but would be the form that Ἑωσφόρος would have in some dialects. As an adjective, the Greek word φωσφόρος is applied in the sense of "light-bringing" to, for instance, the dawn, the god Dionysos, pine torches, the day; and in the sense of "torch-bearing" as an epithet of several god and goddesses, especially Hecate but also of Artemis/Diana and Hephaestus.[2]"
Phosphorus (morning star) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't try to preach to me about a subject that I know much more about than you. I've done a lot of studying into it. The Biblical ties to that word only came about in the late 4th century due to the way Jerome's Latin Vulgate translated Isaiah 14. The Hellenic religious use of the term is centuries older.
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Lucifer is a pre-Christian Hellenic deity and concept. It is the Latin form of the Greek word Phosphorus:

"Phosphorus (Greek Φωσφόρος Phōsphoros), a name meaning "Light-Bringer", is the Morning Star, the planet Venus in its morning appearance. Φαοσφόρος (Phaosphoros) and Φαεσφόρος (Phaesphoros) are forms of the same name in some Greek dialects. Another Greek name for the Morning Star is Heosphoros (Greek Ἑωσφόρος Heōsphoros), which means "Dawn-Bringer". The form Eosphorus is sometimes met in English, as if from Ἠωσφόρος (Ēōsphoros), which is not actually found in Greek literature,[1] but would be the form that Ἑωσφόρος would have in some dialects. As an adjective, the Greek word φωσφόρος is applied in the sense of "light-bringing" to, for instance, the dawn, the god Dionysos, pine torches, the day; and in the sense of "torch-bearing" as an epithet of several god and goddesses, especially Hecate but also of Artemis/Diana and Hephaestus.[2]"
Phosphorus (morning star) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't try to preach to me about a subject that I know much more about than you. I've done a lot of studying into it. The Biblical ties to that word only came about in the late 4th century due to the way Jerome's Latin Vulgate translated Isaiah 14. The Hellenic religious use of the term is centuries older.
Dont get upset.Im just explaining to you the truth and not false beliefs.You are incorrect.The word Lucifer comes from a word that is much older."Hel el" is its original source.If you don't already know,Hebrew was around way before Greek was.There were Jews,Hebrews,long before there was even a Greek Empire.Ancient Greece came into existence about 600 years before Christ.There were Jews way before this period.The NT was written in all Koine Greek.Way later after Jesus disciples wrote the NT,about 300 years after,was when translators, who speak Latin, began to do so.Thats when they used the word Lucifero, which later on became Lucifer in english.

In reality Luciferians base their entire belief system on a misconception.They will say that it is not the devil like in the holy scriptures but admit it is a spirit of light.This is totally incorrect.Lucifer is neither satan or a spirit of light.It is a title for the Babylonian Dynasty.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Dont get upset.Im just explaining to you the truth and not false beliefs.You are incorrect.The word Lucifer comes from a word that is much older."Hel el" is its original source.If you don't already know,Hebrew was around way before Greek was.There were Jews,Hebrews,long before there was even a Greek Empire.Ancient Greece came into existence about 600 years before Christ.There were Jews way before this period.The NT was written in all Koine Greek.Way later after Jesus disciples wrote the NT,about 300 years after,was when translators, who speak Latin, began to do so.Thats when they used the word Lucifero, which later on became Lucifer in english.

In reality Luciferians base their entire belief system on a misconception.They will say that it is not the devil like in the holy scriptures but admit it is a spirit of light.This is totally incorrect.Lucifer is neither satan or a spirit of light.It is a title for the Babylonian Dynasty.

Just because a language has a word that roughly means the same thing as "lucifer" does does not mean that the beliefs of Luciferians or Hellenic Pagans have anything to do with that outside language which, in this case, is Hebrew. Luciferianism uses the Hellenic concept of a light bringer, not the Hebrew one. We're all well-aware of that verse from the Bible.

So you're mistaken.
Just because a language has a word that roughly means the same thing as "lucifer" does does not mean that the beliefs of Luciferians or Hellenic Pagans have anything to do with that outside language which, in this case, is Hebrew. Luciferianism uses the Hellenic concept of a light bringer, not the Hebrew one. We're all well-aware of that verse from the Bible.

So you're mistaken.
No.It is you who are mistaken.You call yourself a Polytheist.

polytheism |ˈpäliTHēˌizəm| noun
the belief in or worship of more than one god.

Theres another word for that.Pagan.

Paganism is a broad group of indigenous and historical polytheistic religious traditions—primarily those of cultures known to the classical world. In a wider sense, paganism has also been understood to include any non-Abrahamic, folk, or ethnic religion. Modern ethnologists often avoid referring to non-classical and non-European, traditional and historical faiths as "pagan" in favour of less ambiguous labels such as polytheistic, shamanistic, pantheistic, and animistic.[

Paganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hellene means Pagan

You know who were pagans? Greeks.

The adoption of paganus by Latin Christians as an all-embracing, pejorative term for polytheists represents an unforeseen and singularly long-lasting victory, within a religious group, of a word of Latin slang originally devoid of religious meaning. The evolution occurred only in the Latin west, and in connection with the Latin church. Elsewhere, "Hellene" or "gentile" (ethnikos) remained the word for "pagan"; and paganos continued as a purely secular term, with overtones of the inferior and the commonplace.

—Peter Brown, Late Antiquity, 1999[11]

Paganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Hellene refers to the Greeks, especially the ancient Greeks. It doesn't mean "pagan", necessarily, although it does have use as referring to Greeks who still adhere to their ancestral folkways.

I have no idea what the point of the rest of your post is.
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Get me off of this planet
I have become slightly insensitive about real world problems.
There are organizations addressing these issues that you can donate to.

There's no sense in overwhelming yourself with grief because it's out of your power to change.

Teaching divine intervention should have been abolished a long time ago.


I know that's photoshop. I couldn't find any stories of an 8 legged horse being born, I would like one.

This is another reason I like the Viking Gods and Norse myth so much, they're dogma (in a sense), taught independence and not reliance on divine intervention.

I'm quite certain in the midst of a battle they didn't pray for a Valkyrie to swoop out of the air and save them.

The church is infuriating to me, among other religious powers, they answer for very little.
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Hellene refers to the Greeks, especially the ancient Greeks. It doesn't mean "pagan", necessarily, although it does have use as referring to Greeks who still adhere to their ancestral folkways.

I have no idea what the point of the rest of your post is.
Yes in its original sense of the meaning.It means those native to Greece.It later came to mean pagans because Greeks worshipped many gods.So if you are a pagan you can be referred to as Hellene.

Hellene comes to mean "pagan"
See also: Hellenistic religion

The name Hellene was given the meaning "pagan" by the early Christian church, and retained that meaning until the end of the millennium. It is believed that contact with Christian Jews led some Christians to use Hellene as a means of religious differentiation. Jews, like Greeks, distinguished themselves from foreigners, but unlike Greeks, did so according to religious rather than cultural standards.

Roman domination of the Greek world enhanced the prestige of the religious institutions that remained intact. Early Christians differentiated people according to religion, so the sense of the word Hellene as a cultural attribute became marginalized and then supplanted by its religious element. Eventually, Christians came to refer to all pagans as Hellenes.

St. Paul in his Epistles uses Hellene almost always juxtaposed to Hebrew, and in disregard of all other ethnicities (Romans, Syrians, Egyptians, etc.) living in the area at the time. The aim was probably to represent the aggregate of the polytheistic and the monotheistic religious communities, who respectively believed in many gods or one god.[52] Hellene is used in a religious sense for the first time in the New Testament. In the Gospel of Mark 7:26, a woman arrives before Jesus kneeling before Him: "The woman was a Hellene, a Syrophœnician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter."[53] Since the nationality or ethnicity of the woman is stated to be Syrophœnician, "Greek" (translated as such into the English of the King James Version, but as haiþno "heathen" in Ulfilas's Gothic; Wycliffe and Coverdale likewise have heathen) must therefore signify her polytheistic religion. A broadly similar terminology is found in John 12:20-23: "And there were certain Hellenes among them that came up to worship at the feast ... Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified". This could have one of two interpretations: either that Jesus meant that the time had come for his religion to spread to the pagans (in which case the term "Hellenes" is religious), or that it would spread by using the Greek language (in which case the term "Hellenes" is meant to be linguistic). The development towards a purely religious meaning was slow, and complete by approximately the 2nd or 3rd century AD: Athenian statesman Aristeides, in his written Apology to the Emperor Hadrian, picked out the Hellenes as one of the representative pagan peoples of the world along with the Egyptians and the Chaldæans.[54] Later, Clement of Alexandria reports an unknown Christian writer who named all of the above Hellenes and spoke of two old nations and one new: the Christian nation.[55]

Several books written at this time demonstrate quite clearly the semantic shift. Perhaps the first was Tatian's Address to the Greeks, completed in AD 170, where Tatian criticizes pagan beliefs in order to defend Christian ones.[citation needed] Most important of the later works was Athanasius' Against Hellenes, originally titled Against the Gentiles (Greek ethnikoi) according to older manuscripts. It was changed by a later writer at a time when Hellene had lost its ancient meaning entirely.[citation needed] From then on, Hellene no longer meant an ethnic Greek or an adherent to Greek culture, but pagans in general, regardless of race. Emperor Julian's attempt to restore paganism failed, and according to Pope Gregory I, "matters moved in favor of Christianity and the position of the Hellenes was severely aggravated".[56] Half a century later Christians protested against the Eparch of Alexandria, whom they accused of being a Hellene.[57] Theodosius I initiated the first legal steps against paganism, but it was Justinian's legal reforms that triggered pagan persecutions on a massive scale. The Corpus Juris Civilis contained two statutes which decreed the total destruction of Hellenism, even in civic life, and were zealously enforced even against men in high position. The official suppression of paganism made non-Christians a public threat, which further derogated the meaning of Hellene. Paradoxically, Tribonian, Justinian's own legal commissioner, according to the Suda dictionary, was a Hellene (pagan).[58]

The name Hellene meaning "pagan" has persisted into modern times. Many groups advocating a revival or reconstruction of the worship of the Olympian Gods call themselves Hellenic Polytheists and the religion Hellenic Polytheistic Reconstructionism or Hellenismos. Such groups outside of Greece are careful not to imply that, by calling themselves Hellenes, they consider themselves Greek nationals.

Names of the Greeks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
You're a Hellene only if you follow the Greek folkways or are a Greek person. I'm not a Hellenic Reconstructionist or Greek, so I'm not a Hellene. Germanic Polytheists aren't Hellenes, either, for example.


Veteran Member
No, Christians did not fight to get prayer out of school. I live in the bible belt and we recited prayer and the pledge of allegiance every day, and did not have a shooting or a teen pregnancy. Since the 40's the left has been the party of secularism. They finally wrote God out of even their official platform all together with Obama's second term. Liberalism, secularism, and hippies are all separate issues but they follow each other so closely they are not unrelated. Where you get one you usually get the other two.
This is simply not true - we've been over this many times before. Unfortunately school shootings have never quite been a rare occurrence in the US. Remember that discussion?
If you think teen pregnancy exploded onto the scene after prayer was removed from school then I’m sorry, but you’re just deluding yourself. Indeed, according to the a 2002 Guttmacher Report on Public Policy, teen pregnancy rates were at their highest in the 1957 and have been declining since. Teen Pregnancy: Trends And Lessons Learned

Not to mention the fact that teen pregnancy rates (and occurrence of STD's) is lower in other, more secular countries, as compared to the US. But for some reason you don't ever want to talk about the rest of the world.

Do you not remember having this discussion already?