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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?

Why are you avoiding my question about Matthew 24:36? Are you hiding something?
I know what you are doing and I no longer feel the need to continue any conversations with you.I have added you to my ignore list.Im sorry but I'm not here to play any games.Go play with others.Goodbye........


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Haha I bet 2000 years from now there'll be consp-theorists saying Elvis never existed either..:)

Probably. And there will be even weirder ones who will believe the accounts of him being seen alive after death to be reliable historical facts.


- viole


I know what you are doing and I no longer feel the need to continue any conversations with you.I have added you to my ignore list.Im sorry but I'm not here to play any games.Go play with others.Goodbye........
Games? Do you think I'm here to play games with you? No! To correct you from your twisted theology.


Active Member
I know what you are doing and I no longer feel the need to continue any conversations with you.I have added you to my ignore list.Im sorry but I'm not here to play any games.Go play with others.Goodbye........

Your ignore list must be getting very long by now.:D


Originally Posted by Shuttlecraft: I bet 2000 years from now there'll be consp-theorists saying Elvis never existed either
Probably. And there will be even weirder ones who will believe the accounts of him being seen alive after death to be reliable historical facts..

The camera can't lie! Elvis was spotted by google street view rocking in Torquay (England) 2 years ago, right Elv?



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Wow a whole post about stuff I never said.

1. I never said the revolution occurred in 1955. I said it started to head that direction then. It really got moving in the 60's and rose to it's full dysfunctionality in the 70's. It was rejected a bit in the 80's. Put on a tie or pants suite in the 90's. It then claimed to be mainstream in the 2000s but suffered pushback as well. Regardless the stats show immorality increased as it did, stagnate as it did, and partially lower when partial rejection took place but it is too late now. Too many judges, politicians, and slogans got rooted.

2. I never said anything about everything being ruined. Stalin made a few good policy's, so did Hitler. And this countries soul is still Christian so good things do happen. Even hippies got a few things right.

3. I said in almost every way moral statistics got worse corresponding with secularism. Maybe you can try arguing with that instead of everything else instead.
Sure. For starters, racism is immoral, IMO. Today's society is less racist than the one you're holding up as superior.

We're not perfect today by any means, but at least we've progressed beyond the forced segregation that existed in the 50s.

You may think it a little silly but look at any TV guide from the 50's compared with today. Replacing leave it to beaver with sex and the city, Bugs bunny with Texas chain saw massacre, and the flying Nun with desperate housewives of wherever, is not moral progress. Silly or not TV reflects the moral appetite of a nation.
Indeed. And your moral appetite craves the sort of TV of an era where women and minorities were only depicted as subservient if they were shown at all.

Have you ever seen Breakfast at Tiffany's? The casual racism of Mickey Rooney's character in that movie would never be accepted today. I see this as an improvement; do you?


Sure. For starters, racism is immoral, IMO. Today's society is less racist than the one you're holding up as superior.
When MLK presented his promissory note for equal rights it did not originate with hippies in the 60's. It came from the founding fathers who were 90% Christian. It was what they had wrote not Marx, Freud, or Darwin that he referred to. Evolution never created two equal things in history. Only with a transcendent standard that exceeds nature is man truly equal. The Christian founders grounded equality in God not secularism. It took a while to hash out but 300,000 mostly Christians died to provide that equality. BTW it was the southern democratic and for the time more secular party that fought against civil rights. The relatively more theological conservatives are who enacted the fathers guarantees not secular folks in general. Your point here is a little more involved but not ultimately correctly derived.

We're not perfect today by any means, but at least we've progressed beyond the forced segregation that existed in the 50s.
Try justifying equality without God.

Indeed. And your moral appetite craves the sort of TV of an era where women and minorities were only depicted as subservient if they were shown at all.
My moral appetite craves documentary films. I watch no TV programs from any era.

Are you going to get totally obsessed in believing one factor which you do not understand and ignore the hundreds I have posted? Non-theists get tunnel vision far too often. Who cares if teen pregnancy, drug addiction, gang activity, gambling debts, violent crime, broken homes, etc... are all up it took a while for Christian principles allowed black men to use the same water fountain. Strange logic. How many slaves were on leave it to beaver exactly? How many were on the flying Nunn? What's worse "how much is that doggy in the window?" or "F%$#& the police"? Defending the indefensible is worse that acknowledging it.

Have you ever seen Breakfast at Tiffany's? The casual racism of Mickey Rooney's character in that movie would never be accepted today. I see this as an improvement; do you?
I guess you have ignored the Amazonian rain forest and have zoned into the single racism tree which is ambiguous enough to do anything you want with it, I guess. This is micro-tunnel vision. I never heard the N-word in a single program until at least the 80's.

The belief that America is degenerating on a moral level is shared by both Republicans and Democrats. According to a new Gallup poll, 82 percent of Republicans and 78 percent of Democrats say that moral values in the U.S.A. are only fair or downright poor. 40 years ago, only 33 percent of Americans felt that way.

So what's happened? First, secular forces have destroyed any rendering of Judeo-Christian philosophy in the public school system. Many teachers are now ordered not to make value judgments on behavior and not to push any specific moral standards. Thus children receive little if any moral guidance in class

Keep in mind that 80% who believe we are getting more immoral is composed 100% of those that are the problem. When you get a huge proportion of people to condemn their own society then you can be sure that society is pretty far gone.

However that's all ok because blacks and whites are no longer in different lines and secular people take credit for it even if Christians promised it and Christians died to provide it.

Between 1960 and 1990, there was a 41% decline in marriage. Larry L. Bumpass, "What's Happening to the Family? Interactions Between Demographic and Institutional Change,"

• Divorce is up 350%.in which children under 18 are involved. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, and Statistical Abstract of the United States.

• Since 1960 there has been over a 400% increase in illegitimate births. The Wall Street Journal,Monday, March 15, 1993 Quantifying America's Decline by William J. Bennett http://www.columbia.edu/cu/augustine/arch/usadecline.html

• Between 1960 and 1990, the percentage of children living apart from their biological fathers more than doubled, from 17 percent to 36 percent. http://mensightmagazine.com/Articles/Popenoe/nofathers.htm

• While in 1960 only 9 percent of all children lived in single-parent families (a figure that had changed little over the course of the 20th century), by 2003 the percentage had jumped to 27 percent.9The State of our unions 2004 marriage. http://marriage.rutgers.edu/publications/soou/textsoou2004.htm .

• Between 1960 AND 2002, the number of unmarried couples in America – couples who are sexual partners, not married to each other, and sharing a household [otherwise known as fornicators, living in sin] – increased by over 1100 percent. ^9

• Child abuse up 2,300%. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Child Maltreatment: Reports from the States to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System.

• Premarital sexual activity for girls increased over 500 percent; http://www.christianaction.org.za/media_egroups/uca_2003-04-30.htm

• Births to unmarried girls from 15-19 years of age is up 500% U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States http://www.angelfire.com/music2/fullcircle/

• Since 1960 the percentage of babies born to unwed mothers (any age) has increased more than sixfold.9The State of our unions 2004 marriage. http://marriage.rutgers.edu/publications/soou/textsoou2004.htm .

• 1960 there were 2 known Sexually Transmitted Diseases (syphilis and gonorrhea); today there are more than 25. Family Research Council: The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Epidemic: www.ccv.org/downloads/pdf/HPV-Epidemic.pdf

• Gonorrhonea (a Sexually Transmitted Disease) went up over 200 percent; http://www.christianaction.org.za/media_egroups/uca_2003-04-30.htm

• Ilegal drug usage is up 6,000% since 1960. The percent of youth who have used illegal drugs has gone from 5 to 75%. National Institute on Drug Abuse.

• Less than 1% of all Americans had used illegal drugs before 1960. The Honorable Judge Robert Ulrich Chief Justice, Missouri Court Of Appeals, Western District; http://www.shalomjerusalem.com/heritage/heritage19.html

• Between 1960 and the early 1980s.smoking among 8th-grade girls increased 50 percent over this period, and the percentage of black 8th- and 10th-graders who smoked doubled. U.S. Health and Human Srevices; http://mchb.hrsa.gov/mchirc/_pubs/chusa_99.pdf.

• Suicides rose for all youth 15 – 24 from 5.2 deaths per 100,00 in 1960 to 13.2 in 1988. National Center For Health Statistics. Youth Suicide Prevention Programs

• From 1960 to 1980 the suicide rate among teens has risen more than 200% (1 suicide every 17 minutes). National Center for Health Statistics. Quantifying America's Decline by William J. Bennett; http://www.columbia.edu/cu/augustine/arch/usadecline.html

• From 1960 to 1990 violent crime rose 560%. F.B.I. Quantifying America's Decline by William J. Bennett http://www.columbia.edu/cu/augustine/arch/usadecline.html

• Criminal Arrests of Teens from age 14-17 per 100,000 is up 150%. U.S. Department Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States.
Revealing Statistics: America in Decline
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Ingledsva said:
Because it doesn't actually say he is.

Tit 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

What do you not understand about - AND?

Ti 2:13 Awaiting that blessed expectation, and manifestation of the Mighty God, and of our Savior Jesus Christos.

Here is the 1587 Geneva -

Looking for that blessed hope, and appearing of that glorie of that mightie God, and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ,

Note the comma.




Heb 1:8 but of the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever; And the sceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

God is calling His Son as God. How can you argue from this verse?

Wrong - There is no "he saith" -

Heb 1:8 But to the Son, the Throne/power of thou, O God, for ever and ever: the Scepter of Rightness is the Scepter of thy reign.



What do you not understand about - AND?
Ti 2:13 Awaiting that blessed expectation, and manifestation of the Mighty God, and of our Savior Jesus Christos.

Here is the 1587 Geneva -

Looking for that blessed hope, and appearing of that glorie of that mightie God, and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ,

Note the comma.


Both nouns are connected by one article as referring to one person, I.E., The Lord Jesus Christ, and if you read verse 14 it refers to The Lord Jesus Christ alone as “the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ “who gave Himself for us”.

Please read and understand even from your own translation.