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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?


Veteran Member
Sure. You, too. :)

Thanks. :) It's a highly individual path, as anything on the Left Hand Path is, but Luciferians in general tend to agree with the principles laid out there. You could say that I'm a Satanist, too, but I prefer not to call myself that at this point because it's too restrictive a term. Also, Satanism tends to attract certain types of people that I don't want to be associated with.

That's one of the main reasons it appeals to me, I think.

I really like the personal enlightenment/introspection aspect of it as well and I'm totally on board with the testing ideas before accepting them part of it.
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I really like the personal enlightenment/introspection aspect of it as well and I'm totally on board with the testing ideas before accepting them part of it.

How do you test Luciferian or Satanic doctrine or principles? What are they I guess would be needed first? I have found little commonality at least among Satanists.

Skeptical thinker I am not asking this of you specifically as I don't think you are either one of these. You just happen to be who posted this.


Veteran Member
No they don't. They do have memories better than many other animals but not even a fraction of what ours has.


Actually, studies indicate that the cognitive processing capabilities of Asian elephants exceeds that of any primate species due to the fact that they possess the greatest volume of cerebral cortex of all known land animals.

Cognitive behaviour in Asian elephants: use and modification of b...: ingentaconnect
Elephants smart as chimps, dolphins › News in Science (ABC Science)
Elephant brain. Part I: gross morphology, fun... [Brain Res Bull. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI


Veteran Member
It is problematic if someone defines us wholly as being merely primates. I have no issue with classifying us as such but to do so alone is disingenuous. There is something about us that evolution has no answer for. Why are our ancestors still using sticks as their greatest tools and we build particle accelerators? Saying humans are merely primates is like saying the 9th symphony is merely vibrations. This is a theological forum so I am pointing out the deficiencies in calling us merely animals.
Modern day chimps are not our ancestors.


Veteran Member
How do you test Luciferian or Satanic doctrine or principles? What are they I guess would be needed first? I have found little commonality at least among Satanists.

Skeptical thinker I am not asking this of you specifically as I don't think you are either one of these. You just happen to be who posted this.

I'm referring to ANY idea.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
LOL Well, maybe. Or maybe not as different as you think. ;)

There's a lot of lunatics in the Satanic "community". There's a nutcase cult called the Joy of Satan that believes that Satan is a Nazi alien living on another planet who hates Jews and non-whites. That's one example.

If only there were a high five smiley to capture this moment. :)


CG Didymus

Veteran Member
How did we do that? The society where it was born would not even tolerate slightly differing versions of it's own faith.
So many web pages to choose from. Here's a basic one from Wikipedia on The Origins of Christianity:
Both Early Christianity and Early Rabbinical Judaism were significantly influenced by Hellenistic religion and Hellenistic philosophy. Christianity in particular inherited many features of Greco-Roman paganism in its structure, its terminology, its cult and its theology...

…Hellenistic culture had a profound impact on the customs and practices of Jews, both in the Land of Israel and in the Diaspora.
Here's an article about the influence of Persian thought:
Persian thought influences Jewish thought and then apocalyptic literature after 200 BCE and Christianity and then Islam. Its ideas include the following:
--Hell. The Hebrew concept is of Sheol, translated as "Hell" by the King James scholars…is the common abode of the dead. There is no suffering, torture, punishment, hope, or significant consciousness there, no separation of believers and unbelievers, the "good" from the "bad." All go to a common underground pit, dark, damp, and quite unlike the later concept of Hell as a place of torture. The Persian Hell which influences Christianity is of a river or lake of fire. --Heaven (absent from the Old Testament as a place for the elect or "saved" of believers in general)
--A Satanic figure who is the enemy of God (absent from the Old Testament). Ahriman, called also Angra Mainyu, is the "Evil Spirit" in Zoroastrianism, at war with God, Abura Mazda. Ahriman is a model for the inter-testament and New Testament writers in depicting Satan. In Persian Zoroastrianism, Ahriman is the Great Serpent, who is cast out of heaven. The image of Satan's falling into Hell also has its roots in the Babylonian fall of the angels concept…

The story of Lucifer is partly a story about misunderstandings of Hebrew references to the morning star in Isaiah (14:12-15). The early Christians and Jesus in Luke identify the image of Shaher in Isaiah (14:12-15) with a new view of Satan, borrowed largely from Persia, of Satan as the enemy of God. This fusion and confusion contributes to the process of myth syncretism in forming the myth of Satan.
The story is more interesting than this, however, for apparently the writer of Isaiah borrowed his language and images from a previous source written several hundred years earlier.The Canaanite source for Isaiah, Albright suggests (Albright 232. Qtd. from Albright by Walker 551)), reads,
"How has thou fallen from heaven, Helel's son Shaher! Thou didst say in thy heart, I will ascend to heaven, about the circumpolar stars will raise my throne, and I will dwell on the Mount of council in the back of the north; I will mount on the back of a cloud, I will be like unto Elyon."
I hate to have to use that word "incoherent" about something you've said, so I won't. I'll just say, is it possible you're wrong?


Active Member
Wouldn't it be funny (and horrifying) if they're actually the ones who have it right?

Now stop it you two!

Rule #316 section VII sub paragraph 117 expressly forbids posters on opposite sides of a debate from agreeing on the smallest detail

Please come out swinging in your next posts

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
...Your Question was "why did he want it and allow it to be this way"? Well God did not want it.He laid out the plan and gave Adam and Eve their rules and laws.What occurred because of Adam and Eve's disobeying Gods law came as a result of their own actions.They caused it,not God.Instead of destroying them and starting over,God allowed it to take its course to prove a point to Satan the Devil,Adam and Eve, as well as all of mankind.The angels were watching too.Eve explained to the Serpent ,"'but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'" The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die!…" Satan challenged Gods universal Sovereignty to rule when he said this.So,God let it take its course to show mankind and others that mankind could not rule themselves without God.This has become evident by what we have seen in the last 6,000 years of mankind's history.
Everything in the universe was created by G-d and only by G-d. Judaism completely rejects the dualistic notion that evil was created by Satan or some other deity.
Besides, wasn't it you that posted something about the misinterpretation of Lucifer being The Satan? So what do you believe? If you read my post to 1Robin about the influences from Persian religious beliefs, you'll see why I think it's probably a myth. This "doctrine" or "myth" about Satan's fall and tempting of Eve as being the cause or source of "evil" I think is something Christians came up with. Sure, it's based on things in the Bible, but is it "Biblical"? Or just the opinion of Christians?

I'm sure you know very well about the things some Christians have come up. You agree with some and disagree with others... like the trinity. Both sides can point to Bible verses. But, what if Christianity was influenced by Pagan sources? What if Persian religions did influence both Judaism and Christianity? Then is the Bible really "God's Word" or just a borrowing and reworking of ideas from various sources mixed in with myths and legends?

One thing I would like you to do for me is to give me your beliefs about the "age of accountability" and this "total depravity" idea. What are these things? When did Christians come up with them? So many Christians act as if they are so clear and so basic to what the Bible teaches... are they?
Judaism: Besides, wasn't it you that posted something about the misinterpretation of Lucifer being The Satan? So what do you believe? If you read my post to 1Robin about the influences from Persian religious beliefs, you'll see why I think it's probably a myth. This "doctrine" or "myth" about Satan's fall and tempting of Eve as being the cause or source of "evil" I think is something Christians came up with. Sure, it's based on things in the Bible, but is it "Biblical"? Or just the opinion of Christians?

I'm sure you know very well about the things some Christians have come up. You agree with some and disagree with others... like the trinity. Both sides can point to Bible verses. But, what if Christianity was influenced by Pagan sources? What if Persian religions did influence both Judaism and Christianity? Then is the Bible really "God's Word" or just a borrowing and reworking of ideas from various sources mixed in with myths and legends?

One thing I would like you to do for me is to give me your beliefs about the "age of accountability" and this "total depravity" idea. What are these things? When did Christians come up with them? So many Christians act as if they are so clear and so basic to what the Bible teaches... are they?
Are you confused?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Now stop it you two!

Rule #316 section VII sub paragraph 117 expressly forbids posters on opposite sides of a debate from agreeing on the smallest detail

Please come out swinging in your next posts
Liar! You are totally off base with this! If you record paragraph 117 on to a cassette and play it backwards, while standing on your head, you'll will clearly see, or hear, what I'm talking about. I wish you would get a clue. You're so... so... not getting it! Post after post, the same dribble. And, have you read Rule #316 in the original? Huh?
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Veteran Member
Now stop it you two!

Rule #316 section VII sub paragraph 117 expressly forbids posters on opposite sides of a debate from agreeing on the smallest detail

Please come out swinging in your next posts

Wow, I really bungled that one! My apologies. :D Just a minute while a put my a$*h0Le hat back on.
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