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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?


Outstanding Member
There are many different religions out there. If God exists and talked to us directly, we would have no doubt who is the true god.

There are thousands of people talking in this world that you cannot understand or hear and they are human like you. They exist. God is not human. In order to hear and understand Him you must develop your spiritual senses.
Just as you cannot receive radio transmissions without tuning in so you cannot receive spiritual transmissions until you do, except by chance.

So, God is unable to create a method of communication that would allow ( nearly ) every human understand what he has to say?


Active Member
So, God is unable to create a method of communication that would allow ( nearly ) every human understand what he has to say?

God has created a system. It's called prayer - meditation - contemplation etc. You have to listen before you can hear.
If you put as much effort into it as you do into feeding and maintaining your physical body with the intention of finding God you will definitely do so.
"Ask and it shall be given seek and you shall find" as the man said.


Outstanding Member
So, God is unable to create a method of communication that would allow ( nearly ) every human understand what he has to say?

God has created a system. It's called prayer - meditation - contemplation etc. You have to listen before you can hear.
If you put as much effort into it as you do into feeding and maintaining your physical body with the intention of finding God you will definitely do so.
"Ask and it shall be given seek and you shall find" as the man said.

I am sorry to tell you but that's not an effective method.
I used to pray, and i never got any answer.


Well-Known Member
Most religions out there have a "written Word."

Should we believe without proof that they are relaying God's word?

Good point Ingledsva, the best way to know if one is being taught truth is by comparing the teachings of Jesus with what they are being taught. Afterall 2 cor 11:12-15 is true.


Well-Known Member
That's a bad method of choice.
God spoke directly to Moses, and Moses had no doubt it was God talking.
Why doesn't God speak directly to us all then?

There are many different religions out there. If God exists and talked to us directly, we would have no doubt who is the true god.

There is no doubt who is the true God= YHWH(Jehovah) is the single being God that Moses,Abraham,Isaiah,Ezekial, Daniel, Job, etc all served-- So does Jesus-John 20:17,, rev 3:12.


Outstanding Member
There is no doubt who is the true God= YHWH(Jehovah) is the single being God that Moses,Abraham,Isaiah,Ezekial, Daniel, Job, etc all served-- So does Jesus-John 20:17,, rev 3:12.

If there was no doubt, there wouldn't be multiple religions ( which have nothing with to do with christianity ).

If there is no doubt, how do you explain all other religions? Plus, what about atheists?


Well-Known Member
If there was no doubt, there wouldn't be multiple religions ( which have nothing with to do with christianity ).

If there is no doubt, how do you explain all other religions? Plus, what about atheists?

The world showed why back in Jesus day---They murdered Jesus, apostles, christians because they hate truth, it hasnt changed. They want their ears tickled with lies.
From generation to generation, from parent to child lies and false god worship has been handed down from long before the days of Noah--trickery by satan--Jesus taught--satan is the ruler of this world--he uses love,false gods,sharing whatever it takes to decieve. 2 cor 11:12-15.
All humans on the planet who are serving any other God than who Moses,Abraham,etc served are being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment on a daily basis.
Athiests are decieved as well.


Outstanding Member
The world showed why back in Jesus day---They murdered Jesus, apostles, christians because they hate truth, it hasnt changed. They want their ears tickled with lies.
From generation to generation, from parent to child lies and false god worship has been handed down from long before the days of Noah--trickery by satan--Jesus taught--satan is the ruler of this world--he uses love,false gods,sharing whatever it takes to decieve. 2 cor 11:12-15.
All humans on the planet who are serving any other God than who Moses,Abraham,etc served are being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment on a daily basis.
Athiests are decieved as well.

Do you seriously believe that people in other religions KNOW that the true god is the christian God?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
His written word has shown us his will-- one must live by every utterance of Gods Jesus taught-- He has revealed himself to us through his written word and his son. Those who live to do the Fathers will are hated by the world, the world hates truth--- they went as far as murdering Jesus,apostles, and all the christians back then because they( world) hated truth.
I don't believe you. I don't believe any Christian lives by "every utterance" of God and Jesus. God uttered some commandments. Most Christians don't follow the one about the Sabbath even though in several places God says the Sabbath if forever. Jesus said his followers will handle snakes and drink deadly poison. He said to cut body parts off if they cause you to sin. No, you don't believe it; you don't even try to follow it. You think and reason. "Okay, that would be crazy to do those things, so what did he really mean?"

Many non-Christian know a heck of a lot about the Bible and many were Christians. They had first hand knowledge of what was going on. The church, the people aren't perfect. When examined even the Bible doesn't sound all that perfect either. Hmmm? So let's think about it. What makes sense? Hmmm? I think there are three choices. Believe all of it, deny all of it and the big gap in between filled with nominal Christians and people that just don't care.

God, the Christian God, doesn't make sense. He created people with immortal souls and immortal bodies? He gave them free-will and put a tempter and temptations, and mighty good temptations, in front of them? In his fore-knowledge he knew that the way he created them they would fail, so he cursed them and made their physical bodies suffer death?

How about the animals? None of the created creatures were going to die before this? But now, because of man's sin they do? Do they, the animals, fish, insects, etc., have immortal souls? Or do they return to dust? If so, then God made them for only a temporary existence? But humans have an immortal soul, a perishable body and are going to be given a resurrected, glorified body?

The tempter is temporary? At some point in time he was created to utterly fail at being good, to fail at obeying God, yet by disobeying God, he was really following God's plan? Did the angels that fell with him have free-will? Because, it seems at some point they were good? Can they repent and be forgiven and come back to God? Or did God create them to fail and stay evil with no chance to be forgiven?

Before the devil was created was there evil? We have free-will now, but what about after the devil is cast into the lake of fire? No more temptation to do evil? If so, then evil was only temporary? The devil was only temporary? It was all a game? a test? For the rest of eternity there will be no more good vs. bad, no more light vs. darkness, no more choice to obey God or turn away? Okay, I'll buy that, makes perfect sense. But could you explain just one thing, why?

Your God and Lady B's God has some explaining to do. He wrote the script, made the movie and directed it. He choose the cast of characters and, although he told them to improvise, he knows exactly what they are going to do and say. So far its a pretty good mystery/horror story. But, I thought it was supposed to be a love story?


Well-Known Member
Do you seriously believe that people in other religions KNOW that the true god is the christian God?

No they do not know, but they will. It states in the ot at least 60 times--They will have to know, i am YHWH(Jehovah) ---- as in the days of The apostles and christians back then--they like the JW,s went door to door with the good news of Gods kingdom-- it was rejected by most then and now. Most of the world looks at the trinity based religions to base their judgements against true christianity but what they see is this-2 cor 11:12-15. The trinity based religions are the foretold great apostasy.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe you. I don't believe any Christian lives by "every utterance" of God and Jesus. God uttered some commandments. Most Christians don't follow the one about the Sabbath even though in several places God says the Sabbath if forever. Jesus said his followers will handle snakes and drink deadly poison. He said to cut body parts off if they cause you to sin. No, you don't believe it; you don't even try to follow it. You think and reason. "Okay, that would be crazy to do those things, so what did he really mean?"

Many non-Christian know a heck of a lot about the Bible and many were Christians. They had first hand knowledge of what was going on. The church, the people aren't perfect. When examined even the Bible doesn't sound all that perfect either. Hmmm? So let's think about it. What makes sense? Hmmm? I think there are three choices. Believe all of it, deny all of it and the big gap in between filled with nominal Christians and people that just don't care.

God, the Christian God, doesn't make sense. He created people with immortal souls and immortal bodies? He gave them free-will and put a tempter and temptations, and mighty good temptations, in front of them? In his fore-knowledge he knew that the way he created them they would fail, so he cursed them and made their physical bodies suffer death?

How about the animals? None of the created creatures were going to die before this? But now, because of man's sin they do? Do they, the animals, fish, insects, etc., have immortal souls? Or do they return to dust? If so, then God made them for only a temporary existence? But humans have an immortal soul, a perishable body and are going to be given a resurrected, glorified body?

The tempter is temporary? At some point in time he was created to utterly fail at being good, to fail at obeying God, yet by disobeying God, he was really following God's plan? Did the angels that fell with him have free-will? Because, it seems at some point they were good? Can they repent and be forgiven and come back to God? Or did God create them to fail and stay evil with no chance to be forgiven?

Before the devil was created was there evil? We have free-will now, but what about after the devil is cast into the lake of fire? No more temptation to do evil? If so, then evil was only temporary? The devil was only temporary? It was all a game? a test? For the rest of eternity there will be no more good vs. bad, no more light vs. darkness, no more choice to obey God or turn away? Okay, I'll buy that, makes perfect sense. But could you explain just one thing, why?

Your God and Lady B's God has some explaining to do. He wrote the script, made the movie and directed it. He choose the cast of characters and, although he told them to improvise, he knows exactly what they are going to do and say. So far its a pretty good mystery/horror story. But, I thought it was supposed to be a love story?

No one is perfect, but the true followers live to do the Fathers will now, they take their time studying and applying Gods truths with the best of their abilities. No it didnt mean to cut off a hand or things like that--it was more like if one was using their computer to look at porn and things of that nature--then get rid of the computer.

Many think they know Gods word, the milk of it is easy to see, but the symbolism and deep hidden things are only revealed through Jesus' appointed teachers( faithful and discreet slave)--- centuries ago translations were altered in many parts.

Actually Gods word teaches that God will kill the soul of those who practice sin.ezekial 18:4 and 20---
This satan ruled world is temporary--Gods kingdom will put and end to it and Gods original plan will start again.

The perfect beings who rebelled will not be forgiven.

We will still have free will in Gods kingdom, We will probably know the effects of rebellion at that point.

God does not know every choice of every being in advance--they have free will-- most choose the easy way--sin--few choose the right way-- not to sin. Its the practice of sin that makes one wicked to God( Matt 7:21-23) a worker of iniquity( lawlessness) = a practicer of sin--a righteous person practices not sinning. Its not an easy task to practice not sinning. that is why Few find the road that leads to life( eternal)


Outstanding Member
No they do not know, but they will. It states in the ot at least 60 times--They will have to know, i am YHWH(Jehovah) ---- as in the days of The apostles and christians back then--they like the JW,s went door to door with the good news of Gods kingdom-- it was rejected by most then and now. Most of the world looks at the trinity based religions to base their judgements against true christianity but what they see is this-2 cor 11:12-15. The trinity based religions are the foretold great apostasy.

If they don't know ( currently ), then there is doubt ( currently ) on who is the real god. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
If they don't know ( currently ), then there is doubt ( currently ) on who is the real god. :rolleyes:

There is only doubt in the confused ones, the mislead ones, the athiest ones.
The ones who bothered searching for God and his truth know for sure that the God of the israelites in the ot is the only true allmighty God, he is YHWH(Jehovah) The God Jesus serves as well- John 20:17,, rev 3:12,, 1 cor 15:24-28
From the beginning satan has had 99% mislead for the majority of mankinds existence.


Children are not God's responsibility. He instructed our first parents to be fruitful and multiply [Genesis 1:28].

God "allows" children to die (or, more appropriately, children die) because "sin entered the world through one man [Adam], and death through sin, and in this way [the inherited sin of Adam] death came to all people." [Romans 5:12].

Death has nothing to do with the perceived [Romans 11:33-34] morality of God, but the human condition after the Fall alone.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Children are not God's responsibility. He instructed our first parents to be fruitful and multiply [Genesis 1:28].

God "allows" children to die (or, more appropriately, children die) because "sin entered the world through one man [Adam], and death through sin, and in this way [the inherited sin of Adam] death came to all people." [Romans 5:12].

Death has nothing to do with the perceived [Romans 11:33-34] morality of God, but the human condition after the Fall alone.

Please read an account and then answer some questions:

Passers-by refused to stop to help a naked, bleeding gang-rape victim after she was dumped from a bus onto a New Delhi street, and police delayed taking her to a hospital for 30 minutes, the woman’s male companion said in an interview.

It was his first public account of the gruesome attack that killed the 23-year-old student and prompted demands for reform of a law enforcement culture seen as lax on crimes against women.

The gang-rape victim’s brother blamed a delay in medical treatment of nearly two hours for her death last week in a Singapore hospital.

The woman’s male companion, who has not been named, sat in a wheelchair with a broken leg in his interview aired Friday on Indian TV station Zee News. He recounted the 2 1/2 hour rape and beating by a group of men on a bus, which the pair had boarded as they were returning from seeing a movie together.

“I gave a tough fight to three of them. I punched them hard. But then two others hit me with an iron rod,” he said. The woman tried to call the police using her mobile phone, but the men took it away from her, he said. They then took her to the rear seats of the bus and one by one began raping her, beating and violating her with an iron rod.


Meanwhile, the rape victim’s brother said the delay in providing medical treatment led to complications that perhaps caused her death.

“She told me that after the incident she had asked passers-by for help but to no avail, and it was only after the highway patrol alerted the police that she was rushed to hospital, but it had taken almost two hours,” the Press Trust of India quoted the brother as saying in his ancestral village, Medawara Kala, in northern Uttar Pradesh state.

“By then a lot of blood was lost,” he said.

The 23-year-old woman died last weekend from massive internal injuries suffered during the attack.


“The attack was so brutal I can’t even tell you ... even animals don’t behave like that,” the man said.

The men dumped their bleeding and naked bodies under an overpass. The woman’s companion waved to passers-by on bikes, in autorickshaws and in cars for help, but no one stopped. “They slowed down, looked at our naked bodies and left,” he said.

“My friend was grievously injured and bleeding profusely,” he said. “Cars, autos and bikes slowed down and sped away. I kept waving for help. The ones who stopped stared at us, discussing what could have happened. Nobody did anything.”

Source: Passers-by ignored India gang-rape victim, friend says - Worcester Telegram & Gazette - telegram.com

Now... the questions:

- how does the story - in particular the failure of the bystanders to help the victims after they were thrown out of the bus - make you feel? Are you angry with those people?

- how would you describe the morality of a human bystander who saw these two people bleeding in the street, recognized that they were horribly injured and in need of help, but chose to do nothing?

- was God any less aware of the incident than the human bystanders?

- was God any less capable of helping those people than the human bystanders?

Edit - hypothetical bonus question: imagine there was a person on the bus who knew beforehand that the rape was going to happen and that the woman would die of her injuries. Also imagine that this person could have intervened to stop the rape before it started at no personal risk, but he chose not to intervene and instead sat on the bus and watched the rape without intervening or even voicing an objection. How would you describe the morality of this hypothetical person?
Last edited:


The world showed why back in Jesus day---They murdered Jesus, apostles, christians because they hate truth, it hasnt changed. They want their ears tickled with lies.
From generation to generation, from parent to child lies and false god worship has been handed down from long before the days of Noah--trickery by satan--Jesus taught--satan is the ruler of this world--he uses love,false gods,sharing whatever it takes to decieve. 2 cor 11:12-15.
All humans on the planet who are serving any other God than who Moses,Abraham,etc served are being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment on a daily basis.
Athiests are decieved as well.

All of the religions of Abraham have murdered people because of their religion!!!

As to the rest of your post it is YOUR BELIEF - not fact.


Oldest Heretic
That any one might expect God to act as a knight and shining armour or superhero every time a human got into difficulty, is clearly not what happens.
We can berate God for lack of care or support or lacking morals, as much as we like, but it will not change anything.

We are here to care for each other and the world; we have the ability to do so, and the intelligence to learn from our mistakes and create a society that God would commend.

If we fail to do so we will become just another failed species.

The thought that God should be watching our backs and protecting us, is a selfish and lazy one. We should be supporting and helping each other. Jesus taught us how to act unselfishly. It is down to us now.

Suffering , wars, persecutions, starvation, inequalities, lack of education, slavery of all kinds are self inflicted man on man. When we cooperate we are able to over come all these things, including learning how to combat disease and infirmity.
We has been given the ability to do all these things, it is our lack of compassion, fairness, and love of our fellow men; Also, Mankind's hatreds, angers, suspicions, laziness and greeds that prevent us from doing so.

We should certainly look to the teachings of Jesus to guide us, and the support of God to comfort and give us strength. But we are the tools that God uses; we must make ourselves available.

We are our own problem and our own solution.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
We are here to care for each other and the world; we have the ability to do so, and the intelligence to learn from our mistakes and create a society that God would commend.

So, what is God here for then? If it is good and right that we should care for and help each other out, then why is it also not good for God to care for and help people out? Why does God have no responsibility in creating a society that he wants?

Ghandi said to be the change we want to see. If God wants our society to change, then perhaps he needs to do some changing himself.


Outstanding Member
There is only doubt in the confused ones, the mislead ones, the athiest ones.
The ones who bothered searching for God and his truth know for sure that the God of the israelites in the ot is the only true allmighty God, he is YHWH(Jehovah) The God Jesus serves as well- John 20:17,, rev 3:12,, 1 cor 15:24-28
From the beginning satan has had 99% mislead for the majority of mankinds existence.

So, what you mean to say is that people from other religions haven't bothered to search for God?

If there are people confused and being mislead, why doesn't God reveal himself to everyone? That would clear up any confusions, and people wouldn't be mislead anymore. :shrug:

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Koldo's response to kjw47:
So, what you mean to say is that people from other religions haven't bothered to search for God?
If there are people confused and being mislead, why doesn't God reveal himself to everyone? That would clear up any confusions, and people wouldn't be mislead anymore.
kjw47, do you really think that people in other religions and other forms of Christianity and Judaism don't think they are the ones that have it right and that you are the one wrong? There is confusion. There is ambiguity in the different Holy Books. And, there is a great deal of differing opinions about God and truth.

Falvlun said:
So, what is God here for then? If it is good and right that we should care for and help each other out, then why is it also not good for God to care for and help people out? Why does God have no responsibility in creating a society that he wants?
For those that believe in the Christian God, or to narrow it down even more the Calvinistic Lady B God, then He's intervened in the past. He hardened hearts. He sent an angel to hold back Abraham's hand. He caused floods. Christians believe He's going to intervene at the end. So who's causing and who's allowing the tsunami's, earthquakes and other disasters now? Who's allowing some people to be so callous that they don't care about hurting others? Who hardened their hearts? But what about the Earth? Who put hot magma in the middle of it and lets it spit out every once in a while? Is that random or is that planned?

9th-10th Penquin said:
hypothetical bonus question: imagine there was a person on the bus who knew beforehand that the rape was going to happen and that the woman would die of her injuries. Also imagine that this person could have intervened to stop the rape before it started at no personal risk, but he chose not to intervene and instead sat on the bus and watched the rape without intervening or even voicing an objection. How would you describe the morality of this hypothetical person?
God does have people that know things beforehand, the prophets. He could do it. Or, he could put a thought into the couple's head, Don't take this bus. He could have put the thought into one of the attacker's head, Hey, this isn't right. Let's not do this. The bus could have crashed and badly injured the attackers and the woman could have saved them. But with a predestined future, we are stuck and supposed to believe that God has a grander plan? If the girl wasn't aborn again Christian, then part of that plan includes her burning in hell forever?

Terrywoodenpic said:
But we are the tools that God uses; we must make ourselves available.
We are our own problem and our own solution.
That's what it seems like. God, in His fore-knowledge, made us so screwed up that we'd make a mess of things, and then have to come up with a way to fix it. What do you suggest, because God doesn't seem like He wants to jump into the fray just yet.