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Why Does Religion Exist

Why does religion exist

  • 1-Superstition

    Votes: 22 38.6%
  • 2-Tool of control

    Votes: 20 35.1%
  • 3-To convey valuable life lessons

    Votes: 19 33.3%
  • 4-Profound truth

    Votes: 15 26.3%
  • 5-Other

    Votes: 38 66.7%

  • Total voters


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
It was developed over many, many years by humans in effort to understand life and our place in it. It evolved into a communal type of institution and system of law through which human conduct was better aimed for civilization and greater peaceful relations between people, which led to outlaws and rebellions and penal consequence for failure to observe the laws set up as codes for human conduct.

I think that could have been done without religion however religion I think gave the system of law a false authority which probably made implementation easier.


Atheists means not believing in GOD. So it does not matter how righteous they are to the world, if they do not believe in God then God does not know them. God only knows the true Believer that lives in Faith. The unbeliever will not see the kingdom of God.
God knows everyone -- in their heart, so don't judge as that's God's right, only.


Veteran Member
God knows everyone -- in their heart, so don't judge as that's God's right, only.
God knows what is in everyone's heart better than they do.

"Consider, moreover, how frequently doth man become forgetful of his own self, whilst God remaineth, through His all-encompassing knowledge, aware of His creature, and continueth to shed upon him the manifest radiance of His glory. It is evident, therefore, that, in such circumstances, He is closer to him than his own self. He will, indeed, so remain for ever, for, whereas the one true God knoweth all things, perceiveth all things, and comprehendeth all things, mortal man is prone to err, and is ignorant of the mysteries that lie enfolded within him….”



Christian Evolutionist
I think that could have been done without religion however religion I think gave the system of law a false authority which probably made implementation easier.
I think religion derived from human efforts to understand life and our origins before the classified invent of science and is on par with hermetic philosophy. It's old world science, in other words.
God knows everyone -- in their heart, so don't judge as that's God's right, only.
The Bible was given to us to learn and teach others who God is and what his expectations of man is. Teaching is not judging. Judging is telling someone that God is going to send them to heaven or hell. God will do that. Our Job is to teach as Jesus did let others know what is right and wrong in the eyes of God and what direction they are going. If they want to listen and obey God that is up to them, if they do not and want to stay in sin that is up to them. I have done my job for God by teaching the truth and God is the only one I have to answer to.
God does know what is in everyone's heart, but not everyone knows how God feels about their life of living. Only them that want to know God will study and follow the Bible and live to his standards and not the world that is going to be destroyed by God. Man is doing most of the destroying himself, God will just finish it off with the end is here.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Here are a few reasons you may or may not agree with.

1-Religion is a holdover of superstition from a time with limited scientific knowledge that we have since grow out of so it no longer has any value in our lives.

2-Religion is a tool is a tool that was and can be used to control the masses.

3-Religion contains valuable lessons like fables to aid people in their journey through life.

4-Religion is a profound truth that if understood leads one to a correct understanding of reality/the universe.

5-Other. A different reason for why religion exists which doesn't fit into any of the above. Please explain.

I voted number 2,control the masses,this has been seen throughout history,the proselytising religions Christianity and Islam are good examples.

I voted other,it gives a fairytale ending to the journey.


Veteran Member
The Bible was given to us to learn and teach others who God is and what his expectations of man is.
Yes, the Bible was written by people who lived thousands of years ago and it applied to those people and for some time afterward, but the Bible is not the only Book from God that has ever existed.

I believe that God has spoken again since the Bible was recorded. Some of the expectations that God has of us are still the same but some are different.
I have done my job for God by teaching the truth and God is the only one I have to answer to.
I have done my job for God by teaching the 'latest truth' from God and God is the only one I have to answer to.
Yes, the Bible was written by people who lived thousands of years ago and it applied to those people and for some time afterward, but the Bible is not the only Book from God that has ever existed.

I believe that God has spoken again since the Bible was recorded. Some of the expectations that God has of us are still the same but some are different.

I have done my job for God by teaching the 'latest truth' from God and God is the only one I have to answer to.
The Bible was written for the entire world that God created. When one truly follows the word of God they will see a change in their life and will feel the power of God in them. While the world is in distress and on its way to the end I will be ready for God and his day of judgement. I am also living a good life not worried about bombs, guns, or explosives that man choses to use to end his problems.


Well-Known Member
If they want to listen and obey God that is up to them, if they do not and want to stay in sin that is up to them. I have done my job for God by teaching the truth and God is the only one I have to answer to.
What is considered a sin in your view?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I think there should be a sixth option saying "all of the above".

Edit: never mind. I just noticed that multiple votes are allowed so I chose all the options.


The Bible was given to us to learn and teach others who God is and what his expectations of man is. Teaching is not judging. Judging is telling someone that God is going to send them to heaven or hell. God will do that. Our Job is to teach as Jesus did let others know what is right and wrong in the eyes of God and what direction they are going. If they want to listen and obey God that is up to them, if they do not and want to stay in sin that is up to them. I have done my job for God by teaching the truth and God is the only one I have to answer to.
The "Bible" is a modern conception. Abraham talked directly to God as we can, should we desire to do so.

And I'm sorry, but it's not up to you, or anyone, to decide what is right or wrong. "Teaching" is a dangerous position to approach on behalf of God and if you chose to rely on the Bible, then you know that the Bible says so.

And be very, very careful when discerning Paul's Epistles. Even Peter's stated he was difficult to understand. If you can't find backing to Paul's words in the Old Testament (Tanakh) that Jesus relied on, then you should see a problem.


Veteran Member
The Bible was written for the entire world that God created. When one truly follows the word of God they will see a change in their life and will feel the power of God in them. While the world is in distress and on its way to the end I will be ready for God and his day of judgement. I am also living a good life not worried about bombs, guns, or explosives that man choses to use to end his problems.
The Writings of Baha'u'llah were written for the entire world that God created. When one truly follows the word of God they will see a change in their life and will feel the power of God in them. While the world is in distress and on its way to the end I will be ready for God and his day of judgement. I am also living a good life not worried about bombs, guns, or explosives that man chooses to use to end his problems.


God does know what is in everyone's heart, but not everyone knows how God feels about their life of living. Only them that want to know God will study and follow the Bible and live to his standards and not the world that is going to be destroyed by God. Man is doing most of the destroying himself, God will just finish it off with the end is here.
If you believe so strongly in the Bible, why do you ignore Romans 2:14-16?

14 When Gentiles who have not the law do by nature what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or perhaps excuse them 16 on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.