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Why doesnt god kill Satan?


Well-Known Member
His intervention is dependent upon faith, in which you have none. Therefore you tie His hands.

I often wonder if you guys even hear yourselves. This is so ridiculous! You claim that God is omnipotent and then make a statement like this. If God can do anything then NOTHING can "tie His hands" let alone a mere mortal's lack of faith. God does not let children die of cancer because he "can't" help them. If He exists, then he lets them die because he "won't" help them. It reflects on his character.


Rogue Theologian
Why would God not prevent the death and misery of hundreds of thousands?

The chemistry of the earth has been churning for a long long time.
It supports all forms of life that it does so.

Is God at fault if you stand in the way?

But on a smaller scale, it could be possible....one on one.
Then again...why prolong the misery?


Well-Known Member
The earth has been churning for a long long time.
It supports all life, that it does so.
It must stay that way.
Why do you say that? If there is a God, then nothing "must" stay in any particular way.
The earth has been churning for a long long time.
Blame God that we happen to be in the way?
Oh for Pete's sake! Again, if there is a God, we don't "happen" to be in the way. He put us in the way. You guys constantly try to defend God the way people would defend a human being, by saying its not his fault or that he can't help it. But...he's...GOD!!!!! If what you believe about him is true, then there is nothing that exists that he did not create and nothing he is unable to do.


Admiral Obvious
Oh for Pete's sake! Again, if there is a God, we don't "happen" to be in the way. He put us in the way. You guys constantly try to defend God the way people would defend a human being, by saying its not his fault or that he can't help it. But...he's...GOD!!!!! If what you believe about him is true, then there is nothing that exists that he did not create and nothing he is unable to do.
Isn't it rather comical that the first ones to put the most limits on god are the ones claiming that god is all powerful?


Rogue Theologian
Why do you say that? If there is a God, then nothing "must" stay in any particular way.

Oh for Pete's sake! Again, if there is a God, we don't "happen" to be in the way. He put us in the way. You guys constantly try to defend God the way people would defend a human being, by saying its not his fault or that he can't help it. But...he's...GOD!!!!! If what you believe about him is true, then there is nothing that exists that he did not create and nothing he is unable to do.

You've got it backwards...because He is God...you can be held in disregard.

And yes the earth is churning and will continue to do so.
Get out of the way.


Well-Known Member
I often wonder if you guys even hear yourselves. This is so ridiculous! You claim that God is omnipotent and then make a statement like this. If God can do anything then NOTHING can "tie His hands" let alone a mere mortal's lack of faith. God does not let children die of cancer because he "can't" help them. If He exists, then he lets them die because he "won't" help them. It reflects on his character.

God is indeed sovereign. Therefore He makes the rules, not you. If He chooses to establish stipulations on His intervening in human affairs, then that is His business. It appears that you like many other atheist want no rules. If you want God's help ask for it. If you don't He will not intrude into your life. IMO


Intentionally Blank
God is indeed sovereign. Therefore He makes the rules, not you. If He chooses to establish stipulations on His intervening in human affairs, then that is His business. It appears that you like many other atheist want no rules. If you want God's help ask for it. If you don't He will not intrude into your life. IMO

Actually, He won't help whether you ask for it or not. That's the whole point.

Still not going to answer questions addressed to you, after demanding that others answer yours?


Well-Known Member
You have to hand it to Danmac, champion evader-of-questions-he-doesn't-like, for sheer chutzpah.

Danmac, are you at all familiar with the golden rule? Maybe you should start treating other posters as you would like to be treated.

You like many other atheists claim a no response when the answer doesn't fit your expectations. I'm sory to disappoint you, but I get to choose my own answers. Sorry I can't massage your ego.


Intentionally Blank
You like many other atheists claim a no response when the answer doesn't fit your expectations. I'm sory to disappoint you, but I get to choose my own answers. Sorry I can't massage your ego.

Don't slander me. I claim "no response" when you don't respond. If you look back at this thread, you will find questions that you DID NOT ANSWER. I'm not asking you to "massage my ego," I'm asking you to exhibit the same courtesy you demand of others. Would you like me to dig up a few of your unanswered questions?


Intentionally Blank
Who wont help?
God. (the capital "H" is a hint.)

Refresh my memory.
Here's a convenient hint for you: answer them when they come up, and neither of us will have to go through this.
So why doesn't God kill Satan then?
so God prefers a world with evil in it to one without, at least for the time being and foreseeable future?

Why "must" anything happen. I thought your God was all-powerful, no?

we're not asking about Satan. We're asking about God. Why doesn't God kill Satan?

In fact, I don't believe you have ever understood or grasped a single concept explained to you here, no matter how simple. Why do you think that is?
1. Verse?
2. Don't you mean, your interpretation of the Bible's opinion?
3. Books have opinions?

You mean everyone who accepts the Bible as scripture interprets it the same way? Or that only your interpretation is correct?
And again, oh sneakily evasive one, that verse that speaks for itself on this matter? (Do you even remember what it was you claimed the Bible said?)

How does an omnipotent being "defend" anything? Couldn't he make the truth known to all instantly?

Oh really?!?! So, God is like a lifeguard who sees a child drowning. The child does not see the lifeguard and so does not ask for help. So, the lifeguard (being a REALLY nice guy) watches the child drown in a gentlemantly fashion? This is what it means to be perfectly good, right?

So your view is that God is too polite to prevent massive suffering and evil? What a schmuck!

That should keep you busy for a while.


Well-Known Member

You've got it backwards...because He is God...you can be held in disregard.
Got it. He's all powerful, he hurts us if we are "in the way" of things like Tsunamis, and because he is God, he is allowed to disregard our wellbeing. So the problem isn't that God doesn't exist. It's that he's one evil, sadistic and uncaring mofo.


Well-Known Member
God is indeed sovereign. Therefore He makes the rules, not you. If He chooses to establish stipulations on His intervening in human affairs, then that is His business.
So, because he is all powerful, he can decide NOT to be the good Samaritan and we are not to question this, but are to still to believe that "God is love". Am I getting this right?


Rogue Theologian
Got it. He's all powerful, he hurts us if we are "in the way" of things like Tsunamis, and because he is God, he is allowed to disregard our wellbeing. So the problem isn't that God doesn't exist. It's that he's one evil, sadistic and uncaring mofo.

He does have a reputation for being indifferent.

And it is rumored that He allowed....and perhaps did so by His own hand...
threw His favored angel...out of heaven...all the way to hell.

But that should not be confused with incidents like tsunami.
The earth churns.
It must do so. Otherwise...life...all of it...will slow to a stop.
If you happen to be in the way...that is not an act of God.
(In spite of what your insurance contract might say.)
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Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Autodidact


So why doesn't God kill Satan then?
No one can be executed while court is still in session. You are an attorney aren't you?

so God prefers a world with evil in it to one without, at least for the time being and foreseeable future?
Certain parties want a world without God. You don't want him so don't complain when he doesn't help you.

Why "must" anything happen. I thought your God was all-powerful, no?
Even the FBI allows crimes to continue while they are gathering evidence.

we're not asking about Satan. We're asking about God. Why doesn't God kill Satan?
The same reason he doesn't kill people that rebel against him. He is longsuffering. You should be grateful.

In fact, I don't believe you have ever understood or grasped a single concept explained to you here, no matter how simple. Why do you think that is?
That would be to the fault of the communicator. In this case that would be you.

1. Verse?
2. Don't you mean, your interpretation of the Bible's opinion?
3. Books have opinions?
That would be the Holy Spirits interpretation, not mine.
You mean everyone who accepts the Bible as scripture interprets it the same way? Or that only your interpretation is correct?
1st John 2: 26 These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.
27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

And again, oh sneakily evasive one, that verse that speaks for itself on this matter? (Do you even remember what it was you claimed the Bible said?)
Can I buy a vowel?

How does an omnipotent being "defend" anything? Couldn't he make the truth known to all instantly?
John 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Oh really?!?! So, God is like a lifeguard who sees a child drowning. The child does not see the lifeguard and so does not ask for help. So, the lifeguard (being a REALLY nice guy) watches the child drown in a gentlemantly fashion? This is what it means to be perfectly good, right?
No he blames the parent for not teaching the child to call upon Him in times of distress. The blood will be on the parents hand. IMO

So your view is that God is too polite to prevent massive suffering and evil? What a schmuck!
No you don't want God to intervene in your life or anyone else for that matter. That is your purpose on here, to discourage people from calling on God. Therefore YOU are the one that prefers suffering. IMO
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Intentionally Blank
Even a loving father will not spare the rod.

Well I beg to differ, but in any case there's a hella difference between a rod and an AK-47. A loving father does not deliberately murder his child. But again, I'm an atheist, so I may see parenting different than you do.


Intentionally Blank
No one can be executed while court is still in session. You are an attorney aren't you?
So we don't know yet whether Satan is evil or not? But wait, I thought your God was omniscient, so doesn't He know?

If God needs a trial for some odd reason, why doesn't He just get on with it? He's had all of human history.
Certain parties want a world without God. You don't want him so don't complain when he doesn't help you.
Don't tell me what I want or don't want, and I won't read you your beads, O.K? You have no idea what I want.

I'm not complaining about anything. I'm pointing out the fact that God doesn't help anyone. Not me, not you, not anyone. That's just reality.

Even the FBI allows crimes to continue while they are gathering evidence.
The FBI doesn't need 6000 years to do it. And the FBI isn't omniscient or omnipotent.

The same reason he doesn't kill people that rebel against him. He is longsuffering. You should be grateful.
Again, longsuffering bears an odd resemblance to non-existent.

That would be to the fault of the communicator. In this case that would be you.
Well, I've explained it in terms a child can understand. I've used metaphors, huge fonts, repitition, various formulations, each simpler than the one before. I'm about fresh out of ideas as to how to communicate extremely simple ideas to you. I'm beginning to wonder whether you are impervious to learning. Or maybe you have a motivation NOT to understand?
That would be the Holy Spirits interpretation, not mine.
Wow, your arrogance is amazing. You mean your interpretation of the Holy Spirit's interpretation, don't you?

Do you honestly think I don't notice how you evade questions? VERSE?
It is a fact that no two Christians agree on what the Bible means. So are you saying that everyone but you is wrong?
Can I buy a vowel?
I'm sick of repeating myself. Get some manners, or find someone else to talk to. If you refuse to answer my questions--all the while chiding others for failing to answer yours, your actions are hypocritical, rude and inconsiderate. Great witnessing.

And obviously, the answer is there isn't one, or you would have cited it. Apparently your arrogance prohibits you from just admitting a mistake.

John 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
So your God is not omnipotent after all?
No he blames the parent for not teaching the child to call upon Him in times of distress. The blood will be on the parents hand. IMO
God kills little babies and blames their parents?!? That's downright psychopathic. Maybe your God is just evil.

No you don't want God to intervene in your life or anyone else for that matter. That is your purpose on here, to discourage people from calling on God. Therefore YOU are the one that prefers suffering. IMO
Stop telling me what I want and what my purpose is, and I will extend you the same courtesy. If you want to know what I want, just ask me.

Wow, I'm more powerful than I thought. More powerful than your God, apparently.

You keep forgetting that God doesn't help people whether they call on Him or not. That's kind of an important detail.

And when did you pass that mind-reading course?

So what you're saying is that God kills thousands of people to punish me for not believing in him?


Well-Known Member
Danmac said:
Even a loving father will not spare the rod.

Oh, I get it! A parent spanks a child to teach them a life lesson and God allows hundreds of thousands of people to drown horrifically in a tsunami to......

Wait a minute!