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Why doesnt god kill Satan?


Rogue Theologian
Are there only 2 choices, danmac?

Why only accept one or the other?

Them being a mythological characters, atheists would more likely reject both. Why would any atheist give allegiance to either one of them when neither of them exist?

Why do atheists participate in such discussions?
To wave their own banner...of disbelief?
In the hope no one will ever make them responsible, for who and what they are?
Especially an Almighty, capable of total disregard.

And with no hope ...or belief.... in an after life... why bother?
with a theological discussion?

Why doesn't God kill Satan?

Man was created to form new souls and unique spirits.
Satan would be insulted to have any one of us take his place in heaven.
So Satan follows at our heels, deceiving as many as he can.

And God allows it.

It sorts out the spirits.... like unto Satan.

Then, when the earth has filled it's purpose.....
All those not deceived shall have the presence of God.

The non-believer, and any one else...less than they should be...
Can all go to hell...together.
Once the 'round-up' is complete....hell and all within it, goes to the bottomless pit.

Heaven at peace...once more.
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The Lost One
thief said:
Why do atheists participate in such discussions?
To wave their own banner...of disbelief?

I am an agnostic, not atheist.

Though perhaps I could be consider an agnostic atheist. Which means I am doubtful that god exist, considering that I have no experience or seen no evidences of supreme being. Which could also be mean empirical agnostic or weak agnostic.

thief said:
In the hope no one will ever make them responsible, for who and what they are?
Especially an Almighty, capable of total disregard.

I am doubtful and very skeptical of the creation, the flood, resurrection and all those events that are called "miracles", but I can accept some of the Jewish laws, like do not murder, steal or commit adultery, or the Christian moral values, like having compassion for fellow man, not persecuting others.

My principles and moral conduct are as strong as any Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, etc, except for one thing, I don't require god or some other supernatural beings to dictate what I do with my life. I am quite responsible person, who take the consequence for my own actions. Are you saying I am not moral or responsible person?

As to your snide remark about atheists taking part in discussion or flying banner or so.

Don't you think agnostic or atheist could have a view in any given situation, whether it be religious nature or not?

My questions about have more than just "2 choices" are valid questions, thief.

Danmac put forward the question that you either side with God or with Satan, as if there are only 2 choices. But from my perspective, there is another one, which is my view, the most logical one for me -
I don't side either one of them.
And that's a perfectly valid answer. The reason being I have seen no evidence that either god or satan exist. I don't see why I should hold allegiance to Satan, simply because I choose not to follow God.

If you ask the same question to a Jew for example, you will get a different answer, altogether.

For a Jew there is only side to take, God's side. One side because Satan is in the same side as God, and because Satan is like Michael, Gabriel and other angels, Satan is an angel of god.

The Jews have a completely different view to Christians and Muslims with regards to Satan. Satan is not view as the Devil, like the way Christians do, because their view is that Satan is not fallen angel. That your myths, not their.

And lastly, Thief. The OP was created by non-Christian member. Anti-religion started this topic, so why do you think atheists should not even participate in the debate?
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Intentionally Blank
The Bible speaks for itself.

You mean everyone who accepts the Bible as scripture interprets it the same way? Or that only your interpretation is correct?

And again, oh sneakily evasive one, that verse that speaks for itself on this matter? (Do you even remember what it was you claimed the Bible said?)


Well-Known Member
I do believe that it is people and not God doing the evil. If everyone would do their part in ceasing to do evil there would be no evil. Why is it that people choose to do evil and then blame God because there is evil. You can "choose" not to do evil you know.
I cannot "choose" to prevent a natural disaster from killing thousands of children, but God supposedly can. Why do you think He "chooses" not to?


Well-Known Member
I would say God cannot kill Satan, as God created Satan.
But God supposedly kills things he created all the time.
Either Satan is being allowed to do whatever, because its part of the whole "plan" thing, in which case Satan is really just God's puppet. He's like God's version of Osama Bin Ladin.
OBL's a puppet???
OR,...Satan is free to do whatever because God is infinitely loving, and wishes to allow all his creatures the freedom to do whatever, even when that is destructive. Because this permits Him to also test Man's faith, at the same time. So, Satan fulfills God's purpose, whether it is by design or simply by default.
So, Satan, as an instrument of God, is actually a GOOD creature. Why fight him when God clearly wants him here, right?


Well-Known Member
I cannot "choose" to prevent a natural disaster from killing thousands of children, but God supposedly can. Why do you think He "chooses" not to?

Should He also suspend gravity to keep people from falling to their death? Should He eliminate water to keep people from drowning? Should He eliminate fire to keep people from burning to death?


Well-Known Member
So why is God waiting to kill Satan? He's causing millions of humans great pain and misery by waiting. What's the reason?

The same reason He lets people like Adolph Hitler kill millions of people. Because they can. According to the Bible, God wants to help stop the pain and suffering, but people like you don't want His help. He is a gentleman. He will not force Himself on people that refuse His offer.


Admiral Obvious
The same reason He lets people like Adolph Hitler kill millions of people. Because they can. According to the Bible, God wants to help stop the pain and suffering, but people like you don't want His help. He is a gentleman. He will not force Himself on people that refuse His offer.
What a load of bull **** this is...
Ever heard of the World Wide Flood?