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Why doesnt god kill Satan?


Alien Hybrid
Short Answer:
Satan is figment of our imagination.

Long Answer:
Satan/Devil in the Abrahamic faith is loosely based on Angra Mainyu (Zoroastrianism) that the ancient Jews came to knew with the exile to Babylon. Before the Exile God was seen as good and evil, After the exile God was seen as Good and Lucifer/Satan/devil was evil. That's why in Genesis it is the "snake" that tempt Eve and not Satan, because Satan was not thought of.

The Satan that we know in Christianity took on every form of Pagan God that Christianity came into contact. Pan gave Satan, Horns, Poseidon / Neptune gave him the Trident. The list is almost endless.

Thus the Christian God can not kill what Mortal Man has made


Well-Known Member
so God prefers a world with evil in it to one without, at least for the time being and foreseeable future?

Why "must" anything happen. I thought your God was all-powerful, no?

Satan is a free moral agent. As a free moral agent he has the capacity to obey God or disobey God. According to the Bible he chose to disobey God. Hence the evil in the world today. You and I also have the capacity to obey God or disobey God. You should be able to relate to satan's rebellion against God, because you have chosen the same path as he.


Well-Known Member
Why would you believe a silly fairy story instead of looking around you at reality?

As someone who claims to use the scientific method as a basis for your beliefs, I wonder what method you are using to conclude that God doesn't exist. Science does not make a practice of saying things don't exist until they have concluded it by scientific procedure. Why do you violate scientific procedure, by concluding that God doesn't exist when you have no evidence to disprove His existence. Let me ask you this. Is it possible that a cure for Parkinson's disease exists, but medical science hasn't discovered it yet?


Well-Known Member
One more question:

Why doesn't God kill himself?:jam:


He did.

John 10:17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.


Intentionally Blank
Satan is a free moral agent. As a free moral agent he has the capacity to obey God or disobey God. According to the Bible he chose to disobey God. Hence the evil in the world today. You and I also have the capacity to obey God or disobey God. You should be able to relate to satan's rebellion against God, because you have chosen the same path as he.

I'm going to be compassionate and forgive you for this disgusting and dishonest slur on my character. You may want to check my religion and think about what it means. And if you don't want us all to see you as a total jerk, you might want to apologize.

As to your response, we're not asking about Satan. We're asking about God. Why doesn't God kill Satan?


Intentionally Blank
As someone who claims to use the scientific method as a basis for your beliefs, I wonder what method you are using to conclude that God doesn't exist. Science does not make a practice of saying things don't exist until they have concluded it by scientific procedure. Why do you violate scientific procedure, by concluding that God doesn't exist when you have no evidence to disprove His existence. Let me ask you this. Is it possible that a cure for Parkinson's disease exists, but medical science hasn't discovered it yet?

I'm sorry, I can't find the post where I asserted that God doesn't exist. Unless you think your personal fairy story is the only God anyone has ever worshipped?

You seem to suffer under the misconception that science can study God, although I and other posters have now explained to you dozens of times, in every way we know how, other than Polish, that the question of God is outside the purview of science.

In fact, I don't believe you have ever understood or grasped a single concept explained to you here, no matter how simple. Why do you think that is?

Which is a good thing for you, because if science cannot detect something, it treats it as non-existent, and I think that's the best way to treat your God.


Intentionally Blank
He did.

John 10:17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

Ew, that's sick. What kind of God do you worship, anyway?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be compassionate and forgive you for this disgusting and dishonest slur on my character. You may want to check my religion and think about what it means. And if you don't want us all to see you as a total jerk, you might want to apologize.

As to your response, we're not asking about Satan. We're asking about God. Why doesn't God kill Satan?

I am not slandering your character. I am simply saying that we must pledge our allegiance to either God or satan. That will determine ones eternal destiny. By rejecting God we are in essence choosing to side with satan. As for your person, I think you are a swell person. Tough as nails. but a swell person.:)


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I can't find the post where I asserted that God doesn't exist. Unless you think your personal fairy story is the only God anyone has ever worshipped?

You seem to suffer under the misconception that science can study God, although I and other posters have now explained to you dozens of times, in every way we know how, other than Polish, that the question of God is outside the purview of science.

In fact, I don't believe you have ever understood or grasped a single concept explained to you here, no matter how simple. Why do you think that is?

Which is a good thing for you, because if science cannot detect something, it treats it as non-existent, and I think that's the best way to treat your God.

I do believe science is venturing out into the realm of the paranormal.


Well-Known Member
Short Answer:
Satan is figment of our imagination.

Long Answer:
Satan/Devil in the Abrahamic faith is loosely based on Angra Mainyu (Zoroastrianism) that the ancient Jews came to knew with the exile to Babylon. Before the Exile God was seen as good and evil, After the exile God was seen as Good and Lucifer/Satan/devil was evil. That's why in Genesis it is the "snake" that tempt Eve and not Satan, because Satan was not thought of.
You're a little off. G-d is both good and evil. Satan is the one he sends to test us. Satan is no more evil than Michael or Gabriel.
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The Lost One
danmac said:
I am simply saying that we must pledge our allegiance to either God or satan. That will determine ones eternal destiny. By rejecting God we are in essence choosing to side with satan.
Are there only 2 choices, danmac?

Why only accept one or the other?

Them being a mythological characters, atheists would more likely reject both. Why would any atheist give allegiance to either one of them when neither of them exist?


Intentionally Blank
I am not slandering your character. I am simply saying that we must pledge our allegiance to either God or satan.
Do go on. I find your ancient myth system fascinating. But please don't state it as if it were fact. What you mean is, "Danmac believes that we must pledge our allegiance..." and so forth. Since I don't believe in the existence of either of these mythical beings, I obviously have no allegiance to either of them, any more than I have a stronger allegiance to elves than to fairies.
That will determine ones eternal destiny. By rejecting God we are in essence choosing to side with satan.
No, elves!
As for your person, I think you are a swell person. Tough as nails. but a swell person.:)
Thanks. I wish I could say the same.