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Why doesnt god kill Satan?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Satan "exists" because humans like a good story.

Humans seem to live for contests, obstacles, strife, conflict, and so forth. These things are what our legends and myths are about. Even when we lack those things in our lives, we go watch movies or read books with some sort of conflict. Who would watch a movie where everyone was just happy all through it? We need an antagonist for some fun and to blame things on and to overcome.

Satan is created and maintained to fill that role by those that need him.



Rogue Theologian
Satan "exists" because humans like a good story.

Humans seem to live for contests, obstacles, strife, conflict, and so forth. These things are what our legends and myths are about. Even when we lack those things in our lives, we go watch movies or read books with some sort of conflict. Who would watch a movie where everyone was just happy all through it? We need an antagonist for some fun and to blame things on and to overcome.

Satan is created and maintained to fill that role by those that need him.


And is God the extreme opposite?

If you discount the existence of an extreme evil...do you likewise for the extreme good?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
And is God the extreme opposite?

If you discount the existence of an extreme evil...do you likewise for the extreme good?
I don't particularly believe in any sort of deity.

Though I imagine that if there was something akin to an omnimax god, the concept of any significant enemy would be nonsensical. It would either not exist or be a game.



Rogue Theologian
I don't particularly believe in any sort of deity.

Though I imagine that if there was something akin to an omnimax god, the concept of any significant enemy would be nonsensical. It would either not exist or be a game.


So you're just here to entertain yourself?
As would an 'omnimax'?


Rogue Theologian
Entertain, enlighten, learn, share, etc.


I suspect most people who fail to believe in greater beings, do so because
they fail to see in themselves that same potential.

Or perhaps you think you're already...top of the line...life form?

Your last post...indicates...potential.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I suspect most people who fail to believe in greater beings, do so because
they fail to see in themselves that same potential.
I suspect that with upwards of 7 billion people on this planet, there are upwards of 7 billion reasons for believing or not believing in that which they believe or don't believe.

Or perhaps you think you're already...top of the line...life form?

Your last post...indicates...potential.
Top of the line life form? Nope.



Well-Known Member
Why do people overlook the obvious?

Your thoughts and feelings are your own.
If not...you would be hearing voices.

Can you be destroyed?...yes...of course you can.
It might take awhile.
Voices in your head...day and night...relentless...unyielding.

Eventually, you won't have a thought, or feeling of your own.
You would cease to exist. Your own will can be broken.

You were made to be unique. You exist as an individual.
That can be undone.
Well, if there's a clearer answer to this question than that, I don't know what it is.


Intentionally Blank

If someone made a charge before the whole community that you abused your position as family head, that your children would be better off if they made their own decisions independent of you, and that all of them obeyed you, not because of love, but because of material benefits you provided, what would be the best way to settle the matter? Would shooting the false accuser put the charges to rest in the minds of the community? Instead, what a fine answer it would be if you gave your children opportunity to be your witnesses to show that you are a just and loving family head and that they live with you because they love you! If some of your children believed your adversary, left home, and ruined their lives by adopting other life-styles, it would only make honest observers realize that the children would have been better off if they had heeded your direction.
God could have easily killed Satan at the time he passed judgement upon him, Adam, and Eve. But that would not have answered Satan's slanderous, scurrilous lies.
Might does not prove that one’s cause is right. The issues raised by Satan were moral ones. God’s allowing of time was, not to prove any point to himself, but to permit all creatures with free will to see for themselves the bad fruitage produced by rebellion against his rulership, and to afford them opportunity to demonstrate where they personally stand on these vital matters. With these issues settled, never again would anyone be permitted to disrupt the peace. The good order, harmony, and well-being of the entire universe depend upon the sanctifying of Jehovah’s name, the treating of him with heartfelt honor by all intelligent creatures.
In fact, the Bible promises that soon Satan will come to his end at God's hand. He will be destroyed forever. (Revelations 20:1-3,7-10)

So basically God WANTS there to be evil in the world? He prefers it that way? So he can show off his parenting skills?


Well-Known Member
So basically God WANTS there to be evil in the world? He prefers it that way? So he can show off his parenting skills?

I do believe that it is people and not God doing the evil. If everyone would do their part in ceasing to do evil there would be no evil. Why is it that people choose to do evil and then blame God because there is evil. You can "choose" not to do evil you know.


The Lost One
anti-religion said:
I would like to know the reason.Is god testing us?or is Satan more powerful than God?

It really depends on which direction you read the scriptures:

  1. The Christian way (as well as the Islamic way),
  2. or the Jewish way.
According to Judaism, Satan is not an evil being. In the Hebrew scriptures (Tanakh, or Old Testament in the Christian Bible), especially in the Book of Job, it is Satan's duties to test man faith, but he does so at the direction of God.

On the other hand, in the Christian scriptures (Bible, of course), especially the New Testament, Satan has gone from servant or agent of God, to the Devil, Prince of Darkness, King of Hell; a complete transformation, to a personification of evil.

So from the Jewish perspective, it would be illogical for God to kill his own servant, Satan. Also it would seem that God is the god of both good and evil, because he seemed to have evil spirits at his beck and call, not at Satan's beck and call.

Example of this, is the story of Saul and David in book 1 Samuel. When Saul loss God's favor, because he didn't kill the king of Amalek with the rest of Amalekites, God sent evil spirit to plague with paranoia and jealousy towards David, whom God had Samuel anointed to be the next king of Israel. So it was God in charge of the evil spirits, not Satan.

So if Satan was an agent of God, why would God would want to kill his own servant?

From Christian perspective, that's a whole different bag of tea. Satan transformation began in the Hellenistic period, where the heavenly world (and infernal world) was divided into good and evil, light and darkness, holy angels versus fallen angels.

The Christian authors were influenced by the pre-Christian narratives, known as the Book(s) of Enoch. The book (especially the section known as the Book of Watchers in the 1st Book of Enoch or 1 Enoch; 1 Enoch is divided into 5 books) detailed the conflict between the angels of God and the fallen angels, known as the Watchers, which is translated from Greek, the Grigori. The Watchers are linked to Genesis 6, which angels sired giants, known as the Nephilim, upon mortal women. It is the supposed evilness of the Nephilim that caused God to sent the Flood to destroy mankind.

This (books of Enoch) is what probably influenced the Christian Apocalypse (or the Book of Revelation). It is also the first Book of Enoch, was also the 1st time, where the seven archangels are mentioned. It is also where Satan have turned to evil.

The fact of the matter, that the Tanakh or OT doesn't mention anything about the war in heaven. This war is only mention in the NT Book of Revelation.
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Intentionally Blank
I do believe that it is people and not God doing the evil. If everyone would do their part in ceasing to do evil there would be no evil. Why is it that people choose to do evil and then blame God because there is evil. You can "choose" not to do evil you know.
So why doesn't God kill Satan then?


Well-Known Member
So why doesn't God kill Satan then?

Satan has placed God on trial. The sentence will be carried out at the conclusion of the trial.

Re 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.


Admiral Obvious
interesting how someone can refer to a verse that is clearly talking in hte past tense and claim that it not happen until some later time.


New Member
Satan is the symbolic name for the sins of the flesh so everyone who dies, a piece of Satan dies with them. The earth's crust will melt soon and all the rest of our flesh will die in this destruction. It's a good thing God didn't create us as the flesh instead of in his invisible image of thoughts.


Rogue Theologian
Satan is the symbolic name for the sins of the flesh so everyone who dies, a piece of Satan dies with them. The earth's crust will melt soon and all the rest of our flesh will die in this destruction. It's a good thing God didn't create us as the flesh instead of in his invisible image of thoughts.

This is a misconception.
The flesh was made to form your spirit....your thoughts and feelings.

That your experience here in this life may come short the glory of heaven...
is not the fault of your body.
It would be your thoughts and feelings falling short, a life of grace.

Unless of course you would argue that you are the sum of your chemistry.
Not in control of who and what you are?

That the earth will fail altogether says nothing of the after life.