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Why doesnt god kill Satan?


Rogue Theologian
I chose being.

Shallow answer.

Making 'choices' seems natural enough.
You say as you please and do likewise.

Who you follow in the next life, is not your choice.
The 'choice' belongs to Them....not you.


Left Hand Path
Shallow answer.

How is it shallow?

Making 'choices' seems natural enough.
You say as you please and do likewise.

Last time I checked, I was the one who poored milk into my bowl of cereal because I wanted to.

Who you follow in the next life, is not your choice.
The 'choice' belongs to Them....not you.

Says you.

Who are you, to make such an asinine judgement?


Rogue Theologian
Says you.

Who are you, to make such an asinine judgement?

When you choose to share your presence with someone else...
that is a judgment call.
When you choose to cut them off, and forbid they should follow....
that is a judgment call.

God and His angels pick and choose.

Don't you think God and His angels have what it takes to proceed...without you?


Left Hand Path
When you choose to share your presence with someone else...
that is a judgment call.
When you choose to cut them off, and forbid they should follow....
that is a judgment call.

Only when you think of it so. You could also share your presence with someone, simply because you want to.

God and His angels pick and choose.

Whats your point?

Don't you think God and His angels have what it takes to proceed...without you?

Maybe your not understanding...I never said they couldn't. Honestly I could care less.

What does this have to do with anything?

Your the one judging that I am shallow, and have poor logic and belief. Yet you don't even know me. And you continue to evade my questions directed at you.

My understanding is, God cannot kill Satan, because Satan is God. That is all that is too it.

Stop dragging this thread off topic.
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Rogue Theologian
Maybe your not understanding...I never said they couldn't. Honestly I could care less.

What does this have to do with anything?

I might ask....since you're asking....why do you bother?
You're either confused or don't believe.

You have seen post# 76?


Left Hand Path
I might ask....since you're asking....why do you bother?
You're either confused or don't believe.

Why do I bother what?

You have seen post# 76?

I read it.

Note to you, it is completely irrelevant to why God won't kill Satan.

You speak of dominance, a natural aspect that cannot be broken, unless broken into being submissive.

You never spoke of the cats, who chose to be domesticated.
You never spoke of the diary cow, who could not survive if it were not for farmers.
You never spoke of the human need to kill to survive, yet you only acknowledge the kill for fun.
You never spoke of the chained up dog, who lost his way, and returned to the chain.

Will is always going to be oppressed and forced down upon others. But it is not all bad, as when you ask someone by the door to close it, it is but an extension of your will.

You speak of Angels and Demons.

Satan simply is...that is all that's to it.

I'm done with this inane argument.


Rogue Theologian
Your objection is noted.
But it does not rebuttal post# 76, sufficiently that I should withdraw it.

Your withdrawal is accepted.


New Member
Allah has made every thing in balance. And has given Humans a free will to choose from. He has allowed devil to astray mankind, but he has also sent Messengers who have kept Mankind reminding them to keep fear of Allah. Its the responsibility of Humans to recognize the world we are living in and turn towards Allah, rather than following the traps of devil.


Left Hand Path
It does for us, the more so since you've offered no evidence whatever to the contrary!


Why does it for you? What evidence have you to think such a thought?

There is no higher level or lower level of spirituality, because spirituality is just what it is. To reminisce and become one with what is. All animals hold a strong sense of spirituality, for all animals love. Animals know and mourn death, that is remembering what has passed, spirituality.

Such an ill-witted statement such as yours as made it seem like you are narrow minded and incompetent in the way of life.

For all we know is life, and you cannot be above or below life, for you will die as well.

You claim Satanism is of a 'lower animal spirituality' yet you know nothing of Satanism, and are to foolish to realize that we too are animals, carnal, sensual beings.

You cannot rid thy self of carnal nature, for the ego only dies with flesh. Striving to live itself is egotistical.

Now please, before you make such asinine claims about a religion, way of life, or philosophy, do some research!

Anyways back on topic.

If being Satanic is of 'lower animal spirituality' then why can't God kill Satan?

Simply because Satanism and Satan himself invoke a strong psychodramatic and spiritual effect, bringing the conscience onto a whole new level, one that you could never possibly imagine.

To feel being condemned by the people that don't even know who or what you are, is beyond a wound to the heart, but the very cause for hatered. For you do not see, the error of your ways. You are all the same, condemning and denying a concept beyond your conscious ability. Though I know that there is a big bunch out there that are capable of understanding and seeing beyond what we call perception. :D

Not even this so called God can understand Satan and come to terms with what Satan is. To hold such a power, to kill what is, is beyond God as God is part of What is...

Satan is beyond your comprehension.

I'll leave my signature to be my ending statement :D
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Left Hand Path
Nnnnno ,
because neither god nor satan exists ,, its all lies to keep people like you busy ,,
wake up man ,, we are 2010 ,,(not BC )

Maybe I could clear up a little misunderstanding.

I think most of the people here are speaking on figurative terms, not literal. But I could be wrong :shrug:

There is obviously reasons to why these things exist. It is up to us to believe in them literally or figuratively, or not at all :D


Well-Known Member
Uncomfortable though it is at times, I've always been struck by the idea that God and Satan are simply two sides of the same coin; possibly even one being. I understand this is not the "orthodox" religious view amongst Abrahamic religionists, but it has some merit allthesame I believe.

It depends on your theology, I suppose; if Satan is God's "Dark Side", it makes sense; if he is not, but rather some other "separate" (if one can BE separate in any real way from God) being, then it doesn't make sense at all, and all sorts of problems arise concerning theodicy (the origins of evil in a world supposedly created by an all-benevolent God) and the literal war of good and evil.

It is probably better to avoid these irresolvable intellectual issues. The truth is probably simple, and the wisdom of it transcendent.

So maybe God can't kill Satan because it is the aspect of himself that completes Him.


Well-Known Member
Uncomfortable though it is at times, I've always been struck by the idea that God and Satan are simply two sides of the same coin; possibly even one being. I understand this is not the "orthodox" religious view amongst Abrahamic religionists, but it has some merit allthesame I believe.

It depends on your theology, I suppose; if Satan is God's "Dark Side", it makes sense; if he is not, but rather some other "separate" (if one can BE separate in any real way from God) being, then it doesn't make sense at all, and all sorts of problems arise concerning theodicy (the origins of evil in a world supposedly created by an all-benevolent God) and the literal war of good and evil.

It is probably better to avoid these irresolvable intellectual issues. The truth is probably simple, and the wisdom of it transcendent.

So maybe God can't kill Satan because it is the aspect of himself that completes Him.


I read this and envisioned the Old Testament god as having characteristics of both beings. With the advent of Christ, Satan becomes a personification of evil. Perhaps both the Logos and the Satan are a double helix spiration issuing from the Intellect.

Oh, I've gone cross-eyed now. :cover:


Rogue Theologian
Uncomfortable though it is at times, I've always been struck by the idea that God and Satan are simply two sides of the same coin; possibly even one being. I understand this is not the "orthodox" religious view amongst Abrahamic religionists, but it has some merit allthesame I believe.

It depends on your theology, I suppose; if Satan is God's "Dark Side", it makes sense; if he is not, but rather some other "separate" (if one can BE separate in any real way from God) being, then it doesn't make sense at all, and all sorts of problems arise concerning theodicy (the origins of evil in a world supposedly created by an all-benevolent God) and the literal war of good and evil.

It is probably better to avoid these irresolvable intellectual issues. The truth is probably simple, and the wisdom of it transcendent.

So maybe God can't kill Satan because it is the aspect of himself that completes Him.

A few weeks ago I wrote a topic thread....God and Satan as one.

Perhaps you would like to search it. Several people seem to lean to this viewpoint.

As for me....not at all.
Separating thought and feeling into distinct individuals is what this life is all about. You become who you are, by your linear existence.
That Someone who made you has call, over whether or not you should continue for eternity, should not surprise you.
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Well-Known Member
Bruce, seriously? You have one authoritative statement by your prophet and YOU'RE asking HIM for evidence?

No, we have 200 VOLUMES of authoritative statements by Him!

Nor am I asking for more.

YOU are the one disparaging all this, but--as I pointed out--without posting any supporting evidence. So the ball remains in your court.




Well-Known Member
What evidence have you to think such a thought?

For starters, our 200 volumes of scripture!

Please feel free to get back to me once you've actually read six or seven of them.

And I know enough about satanism to be able safely to dismiss it as silly.




Admiral Obvious
For starters, our 200 volumes of scripture!

Please feel free to get back to me once you've actually read six or seven of them.

And I know enough about satanism to be able safely to dismiss it as silly.


Yes, because your circular reasoning has thus far been so convincing....:sarcastic


Left Hand Path
For starters, our 200 volumes of scripture!

Really now? This is scripture of your religion, not Satanism.

Please feel free to get back to me once you've actually read six or seven of them.

And I know enough about satanism to be able safely to dismiss it as silly.

I'm sure you don't really know anything about Satanism, just what you have heard. Tell me one silly thing about it :D.



Why judge?

What makes you better? What makes me worse?

I know enough about you to tell you that you are a fool, and know nothing of which you speak.

You judge spirituality in strengths and not for what it is. How very silly of you...

Anyone can read scripture and follow a book, very few can read their mind and follow themselves.

Can you comprehend yourself?

Or does the 200 volumes of scripture tell you who you are?

What your voice claims is irrelevant to what actually is.

You are what you give your mind.

Do not judge that of which you know nothing of, for the judgement you pass just tightens the noose around your neck.

Now begone with you, Satan is beyond your comprehension.

Nature has no God.
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