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Why doesnt god kill Satan?


Intentionally Blank
Satan has placed God on trial. The sentence will be carried out at the conclusion of the trial.

Re 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

So why doesn't God kill Satan?


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
After reading through all these posts the new question is: Why doesn't Satan just kill God? And get this over with? Actually, this is in the progress as we read. Religions come and go, just because you are alive during the time of a strong belief system, doesn't mean it is the truth. This belief system too will pass as they all have, it takes time. And with this time there will be new delusions and yet another Prince of Darkness to challenge these delusions.

Ir Shti Shta-tu


Well-Known Member
I would say God cannot kill Satan, as God created Satan.

Either Satan is being allowed to do whatever, because its part of the whole "plan" thing, in which case Satan is really just God's puppet. He's like God's version of Osama Bin Ladin.

OR,...Satan is free to do whatever because God is infinitely loving, and wishes to allow all his creatures the freedom to do whatever, even when that is destructive. Because this permits Him to also test Man's faith, at the same time. So, Satan fulfills God's purpose, whether it is by design or simply by default.

But one thing still bothers me, why doesnt God get rid of the appendix? :angel2:


The Lost One
EtuMalku said:
After reading through all these posts the new question is: Why doesn't Satan just kill God? And get this over with? Actually, this is in the progress as we read. Religions come and go, just because you are alive during the time of a strong belief system, doesn't mean it is the truth. This belief system too will pass as they all have, it takes time. And with this time there will be new delusions and yet another Prince of Darkness to challenge these delusions.
Like Lord Voldemort? Or are you talking about Darth Sidious?


After reading through all these posts the new question is: Why doesn't Satan just kill God? And get this over with? Actually, this is in the progress as we read. Religions come and go, just because you are alive during the time of a strong belief system, doesn't mean it is the truth. This belief system too will pass as they all have, it takes time. And with this time there will be new delusions and yet another Prince of Darkness to challenge these delusions.

Ir Shti Shta-tu

LOL. That was exactly the response I kept thinking of posting.

Why doesn't Satan just kill God.

I just couldn't take the thought of the exejesus
that was sure to follow....


Intentionally Blank
Everything must first play itself out. After that satan will receive hid due.

so God prefers a world with evil in it to one without, at least for the time being and foreseeable future?

Why "must" anything happen. I thought your God was all-powerful, no?


Well-Known Member
I have only asked a question. I never rendered a verdict.

But you have. You've accepted the testimony of one side of the story.

Not once is Satan allowed to give his or her version of the events or allowed to testify in his defense.

What you've done is enter a courtroom, see the accused, listen to the prosecutor, and render your decision to join a side without the defense attorney or the accused giving any type of rebuttal.

How do you KNOW that Heaven is so great? Faith? I would make a faith decision when I've been given the ENTIRE story.