Kriya Yogi
On behalf of our conversation.
Knowledge is a bitter part of existence. As it is not truly knowledge, just external perception.
Ignorance is Universal, as your claim to Oppose me has made this so.
As I have previously stated numerous times, Existence is Satanic, as all things have an Opposite, or a bump in the road. Now, whatever you have said to disprove this has gone unoticed, simply because your ideals Unintentionally collide with Satanic philosophy. I.e. you agree with me, with every intentional disagreement.
How is this so?
You say God is everything, but everything within itself Opposes itself, therefore being Satanic.
Believe me, I have been mistaken as a (white) Buddhist many times.
If God is everything, then we must be God, Satan must be God, as you have said, all things are consistant of God.
No matter the Enlightenment, as the Life you have previously lived, you know none of, the Life you will end with, you will know only of yourself.
As within the Satanic statements,
Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence.
This has been made clearly so, simply because of your indulgences within the mind.
Though a common ground for all Satanists is the very denial of their being, as all Satanists should be used to this.
But my one question is, if you understand then why do you deny?
For all you know, your God and beyond is consistant of His malignant Nature.
But then again, what do I know of your God? That your God is everything? Or that you God is consistant of everything?
Either way, they both lead to the being of Satanism, and truth in every religion and perception, simply because they do exist.
Interesting take on things.
What do you think about a post I made awhile back, saying this:
I am by no means a satanist, but I can see some truth to the idea of satan not being an actual entity, but being our carnal, earthly nature; that part of us that is at enmity with the heavenly.
But more importantly than that, the truth is THIS: "God" and "satan," are, in fact, ONE. We, as humans, are made in the image of God. We, as humans, have both a heavenly nature and an earthly nature.
At the moment the Eternal ONE created, It was forced to split itself. At that point, in order to have a creation that was lesser than itself, it had to create something imperfect. The very definition of the word "sin," is "to miss the mark.Clearly, creation, in decay and chaos and at enmity with itself, misses the mark.
In order for God to be recognized as God, It had to create something imperfect, something to look up to God. Hence, It (the Eternal ONE Creator God) had to become imperfect itself. At this point, God had to take on His own "earthly nature" that is at enmity against the heavenly.
All things that exist are thoughts of God. Nothing exists that God does not think and has not thought, and this includes satan.
Satan means "accuser." Satan is the part of God's makeup that recognizes sin as sin and demands a judgment for it. Yahsua is the part of God's makeup that shows mercy. All of us a part of God, and are one with God; one with the universe, and one with each other.
The bible, while not openly and blatantly stating this (the bible rarely openly and obviously states ANY deep spiritual truth) does show us that, in fact, God (as we know Yahweh as being expressed in scripture), and satan, are both a makeup of the same entity:
2 Samuel 24
1 Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, "Go and take a census of Israel and Judah."
1 Chronicles 21
1 Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.
Both of these passages refer to the same event. If one verse says "the anger of the LORD" burned against Israel, and the other says "satan" rose up against Israel, then, who or what is satan?
Things are more easily explained when we come to grasp and accept the Oneness of all that is.