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Why doesnt god kill Satan?

JP of PA

Kriya Yogi

On behalf of our conversation.

Knowledge is a bitter part of existence. As it is not truly knowledge, just external perception.

Ignorance is Universal, as your claim to Oppose me has made this so.

As I have previously stated numerous times, Existence is Satanic, as all things have an Opposite, or a bump in the road. Now, whatever you have said to disprove this has gone unoticed, simply because your ideals Unintentionally collide with Satanic philosophy. I.e. you agree with me, with every intentional disagreement.

How is this so?

You say God is everything, but everything within itself Opposes itself, therefore being Satanic.

Believe me, I have been mistaken as a (white) Buddhist many times.

If God is everything, then we must be God, Satan must be God, as you have said, all things are consistant of God.

No matter the Enlightenment, as the Life you have previously lived, you know none of, the Life you will end with, you will know only of yourself.

As within the Satanic statements,

Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence.

This has been made clearly so, simply because of your indulgences within the mind.

Though a common ground for all Satanists is the very denial of their being, as all Satanists should be used to this.

But my one question is, if you understand then why do you deny?

For all you know, your God and beyond is consistant of His malignant Nature.

But then again, what do I know of your God? That your God is everything? Or that you God is consistant of everything?

Either way, they both lead to the being of Satanism, and truth in every religion and perception, simply because they do exist.

Interesting take on things.

What do you think about a post I made awhile back, saying this:

I am by no means a satanist, but I can see some truth to the idea of satan not being an actual entity, but being our carnal, earthly nature; that part of us that is at enmity with the heavenly.

But more importantly than that, the truth is THIS: "God" and "satan," are, in fact, ONE. We, as humans, are made in the image of God. We, as humans, have both a heavenly nature and an earthly nature.

At the moment the Eternal ONE created, It was forced to split itself. At that point, in order to have a creation that was lesser than itself, it had to create something imperfect. The very definition of the word "sin," is "to miss the mark.Clearly, creation, in decay and chaos and at enmity with itself, misses the mark.

In order for God to be recognized as God, It had to create something imperfect, something to look up to God. Hence, It (the Eternal ONE Creator God) had to become imperfect itself. At this point, God had to take on His own "earthly nature" that is at enmity against the heavenly.

All things that exist are thoughts of God. Nothing exists that God does not think and has not thought, and this includes satan.

Satan means "accuser." Satan is the part of God's makeup that recognizes sin as sin and demands a judgment for it. Yahsua is the part of God's makeup that shows mercy. All of us a part of God, and are one with God; one with the universe, and one with each other.

The bible, while not openly and blatantly stating this (the bible rarely openly and obviously states ANY deep spiritual truth) does show us that, in fact, God (as we know Yahweh as being expressed in scripture), and satan, are both a makeup of the same entity:

2 Samuel 24
1 Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, "Go and take a census of Israel and Judah."

1 Chronicles 21
1 Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.

Both of these passages refer to the same event. If one verse says "the anger of the LORD" burned against Israel, and the other says "satan" rose up against Israel, then, who or what is satan?

Things are more easily explained when we come to grasp and accept the Oneness of all that is.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
God is NOT more powerful than Satan. If this were the case, Satan would not be allowed to hurt humanity. God would have succeeded in stopping him. And if God is more powerful than Satan, how is it that Satan seems to be winning the battle for eternal souls? Why does the image of Satan still evoke primal fear in so many?

You're wrong. Read the Bible and you'll find out why you're wrong.

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
I will definitely look fo rthose books whne I get some extra funds. And yes I am confused, every "truth" I have been told thus far is not helping. Only making me more confused, and upset. I know who I am and I know that if there is something behind the scenes pulling the strings, then I am made naturally and should be given the benefit of the doubt. All however, as open as they may be, still condemn it. Although you can ask for forgiveness and be forgiven for your sins. However I am not sinful, I am a good moral person and should be judged on that, not who I love.

And thanks, your beliefs seem to give you lots of patience....:p

Awesome! I'm glad you are willing. I believe some atheists are potential theists in search for something that will give them faith. Everyone needs hope of something more, or some of them wouldn't be on here emploring or asking questions or reading books of truths. The fact that I know you are open to expanding your horizons then you must be part of that group. Yes my Guru says that God always forgives us for our sins. How could he not if he is an infinitely patient, understanding, and good God in which my Guru says he is. If you are a good moral person then you are already on a good path. Your path and life will only become greater if you mix that moral foundation with a personal path to God. Thank you for the compliment by the way! Good luck my friend, and if you are ever in trouble try to pray sincerely to whatever you think God might be and ask for guidance and you will see how he will invisibly guide you to the right path.


You're wrong. Read the Bible and you'll find out why you're wrong.
According to christians Satan is a master at lying and deceiving.

In your own bible: the Book of Job. In short the story goes like this:

For some reason your god asks for Satans opinion on his star pupil Job (why does he care for Satan's opinion anyways?). He gives his opinion, then your god feels the need to prove himself to Satan that his opinion is wrong. Now some believe god did these things, some believe Satan did these things, regardless your god allowed many, many bad things to happen to Job and his family (to say at the very least). In the end god feels that he proved his point to Satan.

Now step back take in the story. To me, it sounds like your god was greatly deceived by Satan. Deceived into allowing his most "righteous" man on earth to die a slow and agonizing death as well as his entire family.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
According to christians Satan is a master at lying and deceiving.

In your own bible: the Book of Job. In short the story goes like this:

For some reason your god asks for Satans opinion on his star pupil Job (why does he care for Satan's opinion anyways?). He gives his opinion, then your god feels the need to prove himself to Satan that his opinion is wrong. Now some believe god did these things, some believe Satan did these things, regardless your god allowed many, many bad things to happen to Job and his family (to say at the very least). In the end god feels that he proved his point to Satan.

Now step back take in the story. To me, it sounds like your god was greatly deceived by Satan. Deceived into allowing his most "righteous" man on earth to die a slow and agonizing death as well as his entire family.

Jobe didn't die. In the end, everything that was taken from hlm was returned, and then some.


Left Hand Path
Interesting take on things.

What do you think about a post I made awhile back, saying this:

I am by no means a satanist, but I can see some truth to the idea of satan not being an actual entity, but being our carnal, earthly nature; that part of us that is at enmity with the heavenly.

But more importantly than that, the truth is THIS: "God" and "satan," are, in fact, ONE. We, as humans, are made in the image of God. We, as humans, have both a heavenly nature and an earthly nature.

At the moment the Eternal ONE created, It was forced to split itself. At that point, in order to have a creation that was lesser than itself, it had to create something imperfect. The very definition of the word "sin," is "to miss the mark.Clearly, creation, in decay and chaos and at enmity with itself, misses the mark.

In order for God to be recognized as God, It had to create something imperfect, something to look up to God. Hence, It (the Eternal ONE Creator God) had to become imperfect itself. At this point, God had to take on His own "earthly nature" that is at enmity against the heavenly.

All things that exist are thoughts of God. Nothing exists that God does not think and has not thought, and this includes satan.

Satan means "accuser." Satan is the part of God's makeup that recognizes sin as sin and demands a judgment for it. Yahsua is the part of God's makeup that shows mercy. All of us a part of God, and are one with God; one with the universe, and one with each other.

The bible, while not openly and blatantly stating this (the bible rarely openly and obviously states ANY deep spiritual truth) does show us that, in fact, God (as we know Yahweh as being expressed in scripture), and satan, are both a makeup of the same entity:

2 Samuel 24
1 Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, "Go and take a census of Israel and Judah."

1 Chronicles 21
1 Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.

Both of these passages refer to the same event. If one verse says "the anger of the LORD" burned against Israel, and the other says "satan" rose up against Israel, then, who or what is satan?

Things are more easily explained when we come to grasp and accept the Oneness of all that is.

Of course. Perhaps you should have read some of my posts a bit farther back :D. We basically both just touched base with this 'contraversy'.

Satan, as Etu Malku has previously explained, derived from the word shaitan, or like a bump in the road. An example he used was, a tree fallen in the middle of a road, may be known as a tree of shaitan.

But that is what I was trying to get across to Kriya Yogi, all things are Satanic, as the wholeness of the self consists of battles against your self Opposition. Satan means many things, as many things are consistant of Satanic Nature. Satan literally means Opposition, or Advesary, but also Accuser, or Denial, even Prince and simply what is.

The fact of the matter is that, not one perception is the equivalant of truth, as the truth is what it is, what we are, our very being.

It is very understandable when you say that all thoughts are or were previously thought by a God, but taken into context, all thoughts and manners of concepts were the becoming of Man, as they would not be, without Man. Of course, this is from an unknowing perspective of the "other side of death", as not one person can truly explain what it is.

I am glad you have brought your perspective into mine. I find that a lot of what people here have to offer eventually end up colliding with my own philosophy, and guide me in my own becoming. As I have stated numerous times and will continue to express, all things are Satanic, because that is the very essence of His representation, Nature and what is, and what is to become. It is beyond God is everything, because Satan is within all things that God are and beyond God's motive!



Well-Known Member
According to christians Satan is a master at lying and deceiving.

In your own bible: the Book of Job. In short the story goes like this:

For some reason your god asks for Satans opinion on his star pupil Job (why does he care for Satan's opinion anyways?). He gives his opinion, then your god feels the need to prove himself to Satan that his opinion is wrong. Now some believe god did these things, some believe Satan did these things, regardless your god allowed many, many bad things to happen to Job and his family (to say at the very least). In the end god feels that he proved his point to Satan.

Now step back take in the story. To me, it sounds like your god was greatly deceived by Satan. Deceived into allowing his most "righteous" man on earth to die a slow and agonizing death as well as his entire family.

You are quite correct in pointing out that God initiated the conversation with Satan about Job to make a point. He allowed it to happen to Job to further perfect him, and he brought up the subject to Satan because God would rather he become like the "prodigal son". If you're not familiar with the story, a man's son goes on a spree of bad behavior, and eventually turns from his ways. When he returns to his father's house, he is accepted. Satan was not aways disobedient -and God would be overjoyed if he decided to repent. Many would find the statement "God loves Satan" blasphemous, but he does. He doesn't like what he does, but he allows it for a purpose. Both Job and God -probably even Satan -know that the family members Job lost will be resurrected, so it's all good.

Luk 15:21 And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.
Luk 15:22 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:
Luk 15:23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry:
Luk 15:24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.
Luk 15:25 Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.
Luk 15:26 And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.
Luk 15:27 And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.
Luk 15:28 And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.
Luk 15:29 And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:
Luk 15:30 But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
Luk 15:31 And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
Luk 15:32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.


Rogue Theologian
According to christians Satan is a master at lying and deceiving.

In your own bible: the Book of Job. In short the story goes like this:

For some reason your god asks for Satans opinion on his star pupil Job (why does he care for Satan's opinion anyways?). He gives his opinion, then your god feels the need to prove himself to Satan that his opinion is wrong. Now some believe god did these things, some believe Satan did these things, regardless your god allowed many, many bad things to happen to Job and his family (to say at the very least). In the end god feels that he proved his point to Satan.

Now step back take in the story. To me, it sounds like your god was greatly deceived by Satan. Deceived into allowing his most "righteous" man on earth to die a slow and agonizing death as well as his entire family.

This was a poor retelling.
Try my version......I wrote the following perspective. It is my own.
I had to learn it for myself.

I find the preamble to be the most important and interesting part.
Please allow my paraphrasing. It will help me get to the point somewhat quicker.

The Sons of God did gather and with them came the Devil.
( I notice.....more than one son of God )

God does ask..."What are You doing here?"
(directed to the devil)
"oh I just come and go as I damn well please"

"Well....have You considered the least of my servants Job?"
(this is a rub on the Devil's nose....as if to say....the presence of Job...the least of servants.... is preferred.)

The Devil recants....and makes a remark as if to imply the character of Job is less than it should be.

God recants again...and allows the Devil all manner of discretion against Job, short of killing the man.

Now picture yourself as Job.
You're about to have your *** kicked....thoroughly....
and by someone who really knows how to kick ***.
No warning.

And it was God that sent him your way....and is willing to stand back and do nothing.
The Sons of God are silent.

I wrote this back in January under the title the book of Job.
Only a few people offered rebuttal.

It displays the book of Job as a scenario that could happen to you.

But I still believe in God.
I also believe His tolerance of nay-saying will soon run out.
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Veteran Member
This was a poor retelling.
Try my version......I wrote the following perspective. It is my own.
I had to learn it for myself.

I find the preamble to be the most important and interesting part.
Please allow my paraphrasing. It will help me get to the point somewhat quicker.

The Sons of God did gather and with them came the Devil.
( I notice.....more than one son of God )

God does ask..."What are You doing here?"
(directed to the devil)
"oh I just come and go as I damn well please"

"Well....have You considered the least of my servants Job?"
(this is a rub on the Devil's nose....as if to say....the presence of Job...the least of servants.... is preferred.)

The Devil recants....and makes a remark as if to imply the character of Job is less than it should be.

God recants again...and allows the Devil all manner of discretion against Job, short of killing the man.

Now picture yourself as Job.
You're about to have your *** kicked....thoroughly....
and by someone who really knows how to kick ***.
No warning.

And it was God that sent him your way....and is willing to stand back and do nothing.
The Sons of God are silent.

I wrote this back in January under the title the book of Job.
Only a few people offered rebuttal.

It displays the book of Job as a scenario that could happen to you.

But I still believe in God.
I also believe His tolerance of nay-saying will soon run out.

what is the purpose of christ conquering satan? (if that is what you believe happened before his supposed resurrection)
are you implying that god had faith in job?
if so, he doesn't have faith in his creation post christ for his resurrection implies just that...


Rogue Theologian
what is the purpose of christ conquering satan? (if that is what you believe happened before his supposed resurrection)
are you implying that god had faith in job?
if so, he doesn't have faith in his creation post christ for his resurrection implies just that...

Supposedly the book of Job is the oldest book kept in the old testament.

I suspect it was put together to explain why Man suffers for no apparent cause.

It also sets Job as an example of faith.


Veteran Member
The bible, while not openly and blatantly stating this (the bible rarely openly and obviously states ANY deep spiritual truth) does show us that, in fact, God (as we know Yahweh as being expressed in scripture), and satan, are both a makeup of the same entity:
2 Samuel 24
1 Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, "Go and take a census of Israel and Judah."
1 Chronicles 21
1 Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.

Both of these passages refer to the same event. If one verse says "the anger of the LORD" burned against Israel, and the other says "satan" rose up against Israel, then, who or what is satan?
Things are more easily explained when we come to grasp and accept the Oneness of all that is.

who or what is satan? Satan means resister and not a personal name.
Devil means slanderer and is not a personal name.

Please notice 2 Sam 24v4 that David's mistake was willful.
God used 'Joab' to dissuade David, but David insisted in having his own way.
What did David say in 24v17?________

Please also notice 1 Chron 21v4,6,8 that King David's word prevailed against 'Joab'. David's word was an abomination or detestable to Joab.

In both passages David would not listen to God's messenger Joab warning him.


Veteran Member
Supposedly the book of Job is the oldest book kept in the old testament.

I suspect it was put together to explain why Man suffers for no apparent cause.

It also sets Job as an example of faith.

ok, we can see job was faithful but, did god have faith in job?


Left Hand Path
ok, we can see job was faithful but, did god have faith in job?

Obviously not if he allowed his existence to be tested.

What is the relevance to the situation?

What if God had faith in Job, or what if he didn't?

Can anyone here offer an outside perspective that doesn't consist of nonsensical scripture?

Satan is beyond the consistancy of Christianity.

Where is this thread leading too? How many of you actually have answers, based off of your own perception, and not Biblical perception.

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Veteran Member
ok, we can see job was faithful but, did god have faith in job?

Apparently since Job [1v8 B] says that God's assessment of Job was that there is none like Job in the earth, a blameless and upright man, one that fears God and turns aside from badness.

Job [2vs4,5] also shows Satan is challenging all of us.
By Satan saying 'a' man implies all of us.
Apply enough pressure and sooner or later a man will break integrity.
Touch his flesh [loose health] and the person himself will not worship God.

Both Job and Jesus proved Satan a liar.


Veteran Member
Apparently since Job [1v8 B] says that God's assessment of Job was that there is none like Job in the earth, a blameless and upright man, one that fears God and turns aside from badness.

Job [2vs4,5] also shows Satan is challenging all of us.
By Satan saying 'a' man implies all of us.
Apply enough pressure and sooner or later a man will break integrity.
Touch his flesh [loose health] and the person himself will not worship God.

Both Job and Jesus proved Satan a liar.

read post 531
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Veteran Member
Obviously not if he allowed his existence to be tested.

What is the relevance to the situation?

What if God had faith in Job, or what if he didn't?

Can anyone here offer an outside perspective that doesn't consist of nonsensical scripture?

Satan is beyond the consistancy of Christianity.

Where is this thread leading too? How many of you actually have answers, based off of your own perception, and not Biblical perception.

yes it is nonsensical
in the context of jesus being the conqueror if satan...whatever that means
i am trying to point out that "god" does not have faith in his creation, post jesus, because that is was the supposed resurrection was all about.
however, job was able to achieve this because god believed job was capable unlike all us worthless good for nothing folks who were born post resurrection... :rolleyes:


Left Hand Path
yes it is nonsensical
in the context of jesus being the conqueror if satan...whatever that means
i am trying to point out that "god" does not have faith in his creation, post jesus, because that is was the supposed resurrection was all about.
however, job was able to achieve this because god believed job was capable unlike all us worthless good for nothing folks who were born post resurrection... :rolleyes:

Heh, its all a bunch of folly. God makes us do all these things because if he was made anymore powerful he wouldn't exist!

Sometimes I really wonder why the Church made him the way they did. You know, for over 500 different branches of Christianity, they sure know how to get their stories confused.

I know God, and he isn't some jerk off that 'tests' peoples faith, or is a hypocrit for he just is!

"The un-wise look forward to tomorrow, while the Wise look forward to tonight." Anton LaVey

