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Why doesnt god kill Satan?

JP of PA

It's widely taught in Satanism. Humans are animals, and Satan represents that more primitive animalistic aspect of man.

Who really brought more woe and suffering to the planet. God destroyed entire cites, the entire world, killed alot of people, cursed tribes, and sent an angel to kill the firstborn of Egypt. God even gave Satan permission to cause the very few instances of suffering and death that was caused by "the devil." Now again I ask you, who brought more suffering upon the world.

I am by no means a satanist, but I can see some truth to the idea of satan not being an actual entity, but being our carnal, earthly nature; that part of us that is at enmity with the heavenly.

But more importantly than that, the truth is THIS: "God" and "satan," are, in fact, ONE. We, as humans, are made in the image of God. We, as humans, have both a heavenly nature and an earthly nature.

At the moment the Eternal ONE created, It was forced to split itself. At that point, in order to have a creation that was lesser than itself, it had to create something imperfect. The very definition of the word "sin," is "to miss the mark.Clearly, creation, in decay and chaos and at enmity with itself, misses the mark.

In order for God to be recognized as God, It had to create something imperfect, something to look up to God. Hence, It (the Eternal ONE Creator God) had to become imperfect itself. At this point, God had to take on His own "earthly nature" that is at enmity against the heavenly.

All things that exist are thoughts of God. Nothing exists that God does not think and has not thought, and this includes satan.

Satan means "accuser." Satan is the part of God's makeup that recognizes sin as sin and demands a judgment for it. Yahsua is the part of God's makeup that shows mercy. All of us a part of God, and are one with God; one with the universe, and one with each other.

The bible, while not openly and blatantly stating this (the bible rarely openly and obviously states ANY deep spiritual truth) does show us that, in fact, God (as we know Yahweh as being expressed in scripture), and satan, are both a makeup of the same entity:

2 Samuel 24
1 Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, "Go and take a census of Israel and Judah."

1 Chronicles 21
1 Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.

Both of these passages refer to the same event. If one verse says "the anger of the LORD" burned against Israel, and the other says "satan" rose up against Israel, then, who or what is satan?

Things are more easily explained when we come to grasp and accept the Oneness of all that is.



Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
What do you say if we were given free will to do what we wanted and fell ourselves? Its possible that he told us as enlightened beings to be watchful of the attractions of these physical worlds. If one was to play in maya or delusion one's consciousness could identify with that as being the true existance and then in time lose sight of God's nature in them. Free will is apart of this existance. He gives it to all. To accept desires(Satan) or accept God.

We are meant to fall, that is how we grow and learn and become wiser. This has nothing to do with the concept of god/satan.

if you're trying to say that our own concept of good and evil is defining god/satan as an actual form, then that debunks religion does it not? If you're trying to say something else, I am lost.

either way it does not proof to me in any way shape or form that god exists. Again I ask how an omnipotent all knowing force could not know that his OWN angel would fall and betray him? It's contradicting itself within it's own story....

Perfection cannot create imperfection and judge them for it's own faults.....

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
We are meant to fall, that is how we grow and learn and become wiser. This has nothing to do with the concept of god/satan.

if you're trying to say that our own concept of good and evil is defining god/satan as an actual form, then that debunks religion does it not? If you're trying to say something else, I am lost.

either way it does not proof to me in any way shape or form that god exists. Again I ask how an omnipotent all knowing force could not know that his OWN angel would fall and betray him? It's contradicting itself within it's own story....

Perfection cannot create imperfection and judge them for it's own faults.....

He does know all. He does not want us to suffer so he sends prophets to help bring us out of this. I'm saying God is all and is beyond form. Some believe that Satan was an angel, but I believe this is not true. Satan is not a form either. It is man's ignorance of God born of delusion. I wouldn't be able to prove this to you at all. You will have to find out what is truth for yourself in time. I believe once you find God he will tell you everything you want to know about his existance and Satan's. God works in mysterious ways, and to me I'm positive without a shadow of a doubt that he exists.


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
He does know all. He does not want us to suffer so he sends prophets to help bring us out of this. I'm saying God is all and is beyond form. Some believe that Satan was an angel, but I believe this is not true. Satan is not a form either. It is man's ignorance of God born of delusion. I wouldn't be able to prove this to you at all. You will have to find out what is truth for yourself in time. I believe once you find God he will tell you everything you want to know about his existance and Satan's. God works in mysterious ways, and to me I'm positive without a shadow of a doubt that he exists.

No some don't beleive Satan was an Angel, it was written in the bible that this is how Satan came to be.

Now please keep in mind that as we evolve so does the bible. Once a story seems impossible, or overly exaggerated, or contridicting of itself, well then editors change it. So I suppose you can have you're own thoughts on the origin of Satan. However the original scriptures are that Satan was an Angel who fell. With that said, god cannot be all knowing.

With that said, and all else I know from researchign this, I can truly say without a shadow of a doubt that there can not possible, ever have existed a god, or a satan or even jesus christ for that matter. If there was a satan/god one would be dead and we wouldn't even be discussing this.

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
No some don't beleive Satan was an Angel, it was written in the bible that this is how Satan came to be.

Now please keep in mind that as we evolve so does the bible. Once a story seems impossible, or overly exaggerated, or contridicting of itself, well then editors change it. So I suppose you can have you're own thoughts on the origin of Satan. However the original scriptures are that Satan was an Angel who fell. With that said, god cannot be all knowing.

With that said, and all else I know from researchign this, I can truly say without a shadow of a doubt that there can not possible, ever have existed a god, or a satan or even jesus christ for that matter. If there was a satan/god one would be dead and we wouldn't even be discussing this.

I guarantee whatever research you did was not enough to disprove the existance of God and Jesus. What kind of research did you do to utterly convince yourself that God and Jesus don't exist? I'm very curious. I respect your belief however.


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
I guarantee whatever research you did was not enough to disprove the existance of God and Jesus. What kind of research did you do to utterly convince yourself that God and Jesus don't exist? I'm very curious. I respect your belief however.

Well first and foremost you have to read the bible and the different scriptures that are out there. Thats the beginning, then you have to research it, look at historical facts and creditable sources. I will give you the main reasons why I know there is no god.

1) Too many different scriptures/religions. If there was a god he would make it known what we should believe ion. One belief not thousands.

2) The bible was written well after jesuse's "death":, at least 70 years if not more. Written by other men. I know I can tell the person next to me I am wearing red boxers and by the end of the day people will gigle at me dicussing the idea of me wearing a sparkley thong. All people want to be important, so I cannot help but think they incorporated their own ideas into the scriptures.

3) Not only did man write the bible but we know it was edited. there are thousands of scirptures, but they pick and chose the words of god that we would find the most believable...

4) There are too many religions before jesus that have messiahs with very similair characteristics. Bormn to a virgin on Dec. 25th, 3 kinds adored him after following a star to the east, he had miracles was a teacher and betrayed by one of his own, crusified was dead 3 days rose to acend to heaven for all to see. How is this even possible? Now not every single one has ALL these characteristics, but these characteristics are repeated all through history. Even to the earliest of civilizations. Which ironically can be traced back to astrological beliefs first civilizations had.

5) the bible is wrong on the age and location of the earth. An all knowing god should know this.....

6) Dinosaurs..... enough said!

I am sorry but you can't quote the bible and tell me it's real. I need something real to believe, so therefor there is no god. This you have to have faith game is childish. Words of god written by man years after jesus "existed" andf full of copntridictions and it changes constantly. It has fake written all over it...

Also there is no faith strong to prove a god exists... people belive bc they need to believe. Not bc it is true...

"But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed."

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
Well first and foremost you have to read the bible and the different scriptures that are out there. Thats the beginning, then you have to research it, look at historical facts and creditable sources. I will give you the main reasons why I know there is no god.

I actually do not believe everything in the bible to be true. Most of it was written by unelightened men. Just because you think the bible to be false does not mean there is no God.

1) Too many different scriptures/religions. If there was a god he would make it known what we should believe ion. One belief not thousands.

Not if he allows us free will to believe what we want to. Still does not disprove his existance.

2) The bible was written well after jesuse's "death":, at least 70 years if not more. Written by other men. I know I can tell the person next to me I am wearing red boxers and by the end of the day people will gigle at me dicussing the idea of me wearing a sparkley thong. All people want to be important, so I cannot help but think they incorporated their own ideas into the scriptures.

I don't know when the the bible was written, but I'm sure that some of it was by someone who was there with Jesus. As for some of the bible I do believe was made up. So I agree with you about some of it being made up, but you don't know exactly when and what was written close to Jesus's life.

3) Not only did man write the bible but we know it was edited. there are thousands of scirptures, but they pick and chose the words of god that we would find the most believable...

You're basing to much of your conviction on one scripture. You need to broaden your horizons. Alot of my beliefs on God have nothing to do with the bible, but rather a many known prophets that came to this earth less than 100 years ago, and through my own experience and the many testimonies of Kriya Yogi's in the past and even today.

4) There are too many religions before jesus that have messiahs with very similair characteristics. Bormn to a virgin on Dec. 25th, 3 kinds adored him after following a star to the east, he had miracles was a teacher and betrayed by one of his own, crusified was dead 3 days rose to acend to heaven for all to see. How is this even possible? Now not every single one has ALL these characteristics, but these characteristics are repeated all through history. Even to the earliest of civilizations. Which ironically can be traced back to astrological beliefs first civilizations had.

If they are similar characteristics then that would work against your argument. When souls like Jesus become God realized they drink from the same fountain of truth and emanate similar traits such as abilities to perform miracles, healing, rising from the dead, etc.. Its only possible by understanding God through divine perception. If you don't have that perception you wont understand. Still don't see how this disproves anything.

5) the bible is wrong on the age and location of the earth. An all knowing god should know this.....

Again unenlightened men wrote alot if not all of the bible. Just because the bible is wrong sometimes it does not disprove everything.

6) Dinosaurs..... enough said!

Not sure how this disproves anything either. Our planet is very very old, and there have been all sorts of creatures that emanate different types of consciousness all throughout its existance.

I am sorry but you can't quote the bible and tell me it's real. I need something real to believe, so therefor there is no god. This you have to have faith game is childish. Words of god written by man years after jesus "existed" andf full of copntridictions and it changes constantly. It has fake written all over it...

The only truth you will ever find is within yourself. Books will not give you experience of real truth. Only through God contact within will you then know if God exists and whether something supernatural is true.

Also there is no faith strong to prove a god exists... people belive bc they need to believe. Not bc it is true...

This is entirely untrue. God is bliss within. The deeper your meditations the deeper God's bliss, Love and Joy will emanate within you. My faith has been backed by my own deep contact of these different levels of divine manifestations. My Guru has said that the deeper you call to God and the more you meditate eventually you will experience God's nature through the blissful state of Samadhi.

"But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed."

That's because of man's indifference and ignorance.


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
I actually do not believe everything in the bible to be true. Most of it was written by unelightened men. Just because you think the bible to be false does not mean there is no God.

But the bible is the foundation of religion. Without what do you have besides your faith?...


Not if he allows us free will to believe what we want to. Still does not disprove his existance.

Sure it does, you have perfection creating imperfection and then judging them on it's own faults. It's like me chastising my dog for eating my food when I left it right in front of him. Sure he knows he shouldn't do it, but he wants to. It's my fault he ate it, not the dogs. God doesn't seem to own up to creating us in his image now does he....

I don't know when the the bible was written, but I'm sure that some of it was by someone who was there with Jesus. As for some of the bible I do believe was made up. So I agree with you about some of it being made up, but you don't know exactly when and what was written close to Jesus's life.

The bible was written at least 70 years after jesus death, many believe even longer. So no, there are absolutely no first hand accounts for a man named Jesus Christ. There were over 50 historians in and around the Mediteranean during the time of Jesus Christ, and he now once made it into the history books....

You're basing to much of your conviction on one scripture. You need to broaden your horizons. Alot of my beliefs on God have nothing to do with the bible, but rather a many known prophets that came to this earth less than 100 years ago, and through my own experience and the many testimonies of Kriya Yogi's in the past and even today.

But the Bible again is it's foundation, without there would be no desire to explore the existence of a god.

If they are similar characteristics then that would work against your argument. When souls like Jesus become God realized they drink from the same fountain of truth and emanate similar traits such as abilities to perform miracles, healing, rising from the dead, etc.. Its only possible by understanding God through divine perception. If you don't have that perception you wont understand. Still don't see how this disproves anything.

How would that work against my arguement? 100's of messiahs, with the same characteristics all claiming to be the true son of god. Even religions have spoke out about this, claiming that satan had the foresight to create and send this false prophets to Earth to throw human kind off. Again an all knowing god didn't know this...? And if he did, decided I am gonna go with my Jesus guy anways bc humans will have blind faith.....!!!?

Again unenlightened men wrote alot if not all of the bible. Just because the bible is wrong sometimes it does not disprove everything.

If the bible is wrong sometimes, it IS wrong all the time. You cannot tell me we pick and choose the word of god. the word of god should be obided by then all the time, if not your blantantly disobeying him...

Not sure how this disproves anything either. Our planet is very very old, and there have been all sorts of creatures that emanate different types of consciousness all throughout its existance.

It does the bible says the Earth is 6000 years old, it denies and so do Christians deny the existence of dinosaurs. It was also wrong on the earths plkacement in the universe.... so again it is wrong on where we came from, therefor it is wrong on where we are going....

The only truth you will ever find is within yourself. Books will not give you experience of real truth. Only through God contact within will you then know if God exists and whether something supernatural is true.
This is confusing, you would think that if I could speak to god he would be spoeaking louder than ever seeing how doubtful I am of his existence. Also how can god have the time to speak to me, is he not to busy watching and knowing everything?

This is entirely untrue. God is bliss within. The deeper your meditations the deeper God's bliss, Love and Joy will emanate within you. My faith has been backed by my own deep contact of these different levels of divine manifestations. My Guru has said that the deeper you call to God and the more you meditate eventually you will experience God's nature through the blissful state of Samadhi.

Ok this is a load of b.s., the human mind and body are extriodanary things and capable of more than we know. So you feeling something special while meditating, is not proof enopugh for me considering you probably made yourself feel that way.....

That's because of man's indifference and ignorance.
No thats bc of gods indifference and ignorance. If there is a god he did a crappy job campainging......

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
But the bible is the foundation of religion. Without what do you have besides your faith?...


No it isn't. Its the foundation of some religions but not all. Some are based on the Bhagadhvad Gita, in which I believe in. Or my Guru's writings and books.

Sure it does, you have perfection creating imperfection and then judging them on it's own faults. It's like me chastising my dog for eating my food when I left it right in front of him. Sure he knows he shouldn't do it, but he wants to. It's my fault he ate it, not the dogs. God doesn't seem to own up to creating us in his image now does he....

Who says God judges? The bible does, but as we know that bible is not 100% accurate as it was written by unelightened men. I say God put a universal law of Karma in place so that justice is always equalized no matter what a person does behind physical witnesses. People then create their own misfortune not God. If you say well God doesn't tell us what is wrong and whats right, and I would say no your conscience and the consequences of your actions in time show you what is wrong and what is right. God guides us all the time.

The bible was written at least 70 years after jesus death, many believe even longer. So no, there are absolutely no first hand accounts for a man named Jesus Christ. There were over 50 historians in and around the Mediteranean during the time of Jesus Christ, and he now once made it into the history books....

Well that's another reason I dont follow the bible and take its words with a grain of salt.

But the Bible again is it's foundation, without there would be no desire to explore the existence of a god.

That again is not the case. I never read the bible through and through, but because of my Guru and his teachings and the way the world is I have the desire for God. Everyone has different reasons to explore and desire God.

How would that work against my arguement? 100's of messiahs, with the same characteristics all claiming to be the true son of god. Even religions have spoke out about this, claiming that satan had the foresight to create and send this false prophets to Earth to throw human kind off. Again an all knowing god didn't know this...? And if he did, decided I am gonna go with my Jesus guy anways bc humans will have blind faith.....!!!?

Because some messiahs contradict themselves and others speak wisdom that has been proven to be right years and years later through testimonies not only of disciples experiences, but by scientific experimentation.

If the bible is wrong sometimes, it IS wrong all the time. You cannot tell me we pick and choose the word of god. the word of god should be obided by then all the time, if not your blantantly disobeying him...

Maybe so, but it is possible for some truths to be correct and then something be false all in the same book. You cannot deny that. I do understand though that it would be hard to take that book as fact if some of it is contradictory. Again another reason I dont follow it. I have my own reasons besides the bible in which I believe in Jesus though.

It does the bible says the Earth is 6000 years old, it denies and so do Christians deny the existence of dinosaurs. It was also wrong on the earths plkacement in the universe.... so again it is wrong on where we came from, therefor it is wrong on where we are going....

I know another contradiction. You're only bringing up flaws in the bible, when I already told you just because the bible is wrong does not mean God and Jesus do not exist. There are other books and teachings that make much more sense than the bible. I suggest you read more and find out what makes sense to you, besides basing your atheist view on the flaws of one or a few scriptures.

This is confusing, you would think that if I could speak to god he would be spoeaking louder than ever seeing how doubtful I am of his existence. Also how can god have the time to speak to me, is he not to busy watching and knowing everything?

Well if you don't believe then he might not show himself. That is why he is God he can do anything. You're problem is you limit his nature. His abilities and qualities are beyond any comprehenshion of imagination.

Ok this is a load of b.s., the human mind and body are extriodanary things and capable of more than we know. So you feeling something special while meditating, is not proof enopugh for me considering you probably made yourself feel that way.....

It's not BS unless you felt it for yourself. It is unlike any feeling that you could ever imagine, comprehend, or the ordinary senses or emotions could create.

No thats bc of gods indifference and ignorance. If there is a god he did a crappy job campainging......

God has a reason for everything. You will understand once you become free. It is man's indifference and ignorance that is the root to their problems and suffering.
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Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
No it isn't. Its the foundation of some religions but not all. Some are based on the Bhagadhvad Gita, in which I believe in. Or my Guru's writings and books.

Who says God judges? The bible does, but as we know that bible is not 100% accurate as it was written by unelightened men. I say God put a universal law of Karma in place so that justice is always equalized no matter what a person does behind physical witnesses. People then create their own misfortune not God. If you say well God doesn't tell us what is wrong and whats right, and I would say no your conscience and the consequences of your actions in time show you what is wrong and what is right. God guides us all the time.

Well that's another reason I dont follow the bible and take its words with a grain of salt.

That again is not the case. I never read the bible through and through, but because of my Guru and his teachings and the way the world is I have the desire for God. Everyone has different reasons to explore and desire God.

Because some messiahs contradict themselves and others speak wisdom that has been proven to be right years and years later through testimonies not only of disciples experiences, but by scientific experimentation.

Maybe so, but it is possible for some truths to be correct and then something be false all in the same book. You cannot deny that. I do understand though that it would be hard to take that book as fact if some of it is contradictory. Again another reason I dont follow it. I have my own reasons besides the bible in which I believe in Jesus though.

I know another contradiction. You're only bringing up flaws in the bible, when I already told you just because the bible is wrong does not mean God and Jesus do not exist. There are other books and teachings that make much more sense than the bible. I suggest you read more and find out what makes sense to you, besides basing your atheist view on the flaws of one or a few scriptures.

Well if you don't believe then he might not show himself. That is why he is God he can do anything. You're problem is you limit his nature. His abilities and qualities are beyond any comprehenshion of imagination.

It's not BS unless you felt it for yourself. It is unlike any feeling that you could ever imagine, comprehend, or the ordinary senses or emotions could create.

God has a reason for everything. You will understand once you become free. It is man's indifference and ignorance that is the root to their problems and suffering.

You repeat Guru quite a bit. may I ask what your religion is?

To be honest I believe there must be a natural order to things. Maybe to me this is god. I think every existence has an opposite, and becoming a firm believer in you get what you give.

I am just enormously confused, I question the what, if and why, and thus far have found no answers. It doesn't help being what is referred to as a "gay" man.

I suppose I have a genuine hatred towards the bible, and what it has caused. Maybe this is not your particular belief.

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
You repeat Guru quite a bit. may I ask what your religion is?

To be honest I believe there must be a natural order to things. Maybe to me this is god. I think every existence has an opposite, and becoming a firm believer in you get what you give.

I am just enormously confused, I question the what, if and why, and thus far have found no answers. It doesn't help being what is referred to as a "gay" man.

I suppose I have a genuine hatred towards the bible, and what it has caused. Maybe this is not your particular belief.

My religion is Sanatan Dharma. It means Eternal Law or Truth. I follow everything my teacher Paramahansa Yogananda says. I recieved Kriya Yoga through his line of masters and directly from two of his direct disciples. I know that he knows God. Don't ask me how, I just do. Its not a blind faith but one that I've gained through my own personal experiences and experimentation.

I believe there is a natural order to things as well. This is God's way. You definitely get what you give. He's given us the power to think and manifest our own lives. That's why he's given us freewill to choose how we want to live. He won't take that away from us, and is why he will not kill Satan or ignorance for us. I'm a firm believer that we have to make the guided effort through wisdom of an enlightened Guru to uncover our God awarness within all of us. It is there we just need an example and Paramahansa Yogananda has shown many his example in his own life.

I understand and don't worry, your beliefs or seeming confusion wont last forever. Just do yourself a favor and open your mind more and expand your horizons by reading more books of truths and then apply them to your own life and see what happens. I really do suggest you read some of Paramahansa Yogananda's books. He is undoubtedly full of God wisdom. His teachings speak for themselves. Who knows you might find something that might ring true in your heart.

I do undoubtedly think its ignorant to oppose someones sexual preferance based on a scripture or for any reason at that. To each his own I say. I respect their beliefs but I think its more a prejudice born of unenlightened, and confused men. I believe Jesus or God wouldn't condemn someone just because they are attracted to the same sex. I believe they don't care about those minute things and see us as our highest potential of Godlike expression. It's been a good discussion with you man, and I truly hope you reconsider finding out more before you give up on God. He never gives up on you.
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Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
I would like to know the reason.Is god testing us?or is Satan more powerful than God?


Satan is NOT more powerful than God. If this were the case, the rebellion in heaven would have succeeded. Satan would have succeeded in usurping the throne. How can the created be more powerful than the Creator? When Satan and his fallen angels were cast into the Lake of Fire, they coud not resist being exiled. And if Satan is more powerful than God, how is it that Jesus was able to cast out demons in the NT? Why do the demons tremble upon hearing the name of God? They certainly don't worship Him, but the demons know Who is really in charge. They know what time it is ...


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
Satan is NOT more powerful than God. If this were the case, the rebellion in heaven would have succeeded. Satan would have succeeded in usurping the throne. How can the created be more powerful than the Creator? When Satan and his fallen angels were cast into the Lake of Fire, they coud not resist being exiled. And if Satan is more powerful than God, how is it that Jesus was able to cast out demons in the NT? Why do the demons tremble upon hearing the name of God? They certainly don't worship Him, but the demons know Who is really in charge. They know what time it is ...

How can an all knowing omnipotent being even been deceived and betrayed by one of his own....??

Your own remark is a HUGE contradiction...

@ Kriya Yoga, I will definitely look fo rthose books whne I get some extra funds. And yes I am confused, every "truth" I have been told thus far is not helping. Only making me more confused, and upset. I know who I am and I know that if there is something behind the scenes pulling the strings, then I am made naturally and should be given the benefit of the doubt. All however, as open as they may be, still condemn it. Although you can ask for forgiveness and be forgiven for your sins. However I am not sinful, I am a good moral person and should be judged on that, not who I love.

And thanks, your beliefs seem to give you lots of patience....:p
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Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
How can an all knowing omnipotent being even been deceived and betrayed by one of his own....??

Your own remark is a HUGE contradiction...

@ Kriya Yoga, I will definitely look fo rthose books whne I get some extra funds. And yes I am confused, every "truth" I have been told thus far is not helping. Only making me more confused, and upset. I know who I am and I know that if there is something behind the scenes pulling the strings, then I am made naturally and should be given the benefit of the doubt. All however, as open as they may be, still condemn it. Although you can ask for forgiveness and be forgiven for your sins. However I am not sinful, I am a good moral person and should be judged on that, not who I love.

And thanks, your beliefs seem to give you lots of patience....:p

Maybe I'm just naturally patient. I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Midnight Pete said:
Satan is NOT more powerful than God. If this were the case, the rebellion in heaven would have succeeded. Satan would have succeeded in usurping the throne. How can the created be more powerful than the Creator? When Satan and his fallen angels were cast into the Lake of Fire, they coud not resist being exiled. And if Satan is more powerful than God, how is it that Jesus was able to cast out demons in the NT? Why do the demons tremble upon hearing the name of God? They certainly don't worship Him, but the demons know Who is really in charge. They know what time it is ...

God is NOT more powerful than Satan. If this were the case, Satan would not be allowed to hurt humanity. God would have succeeded in stopping him. And if God is more powerful than Satan, how is it that Satan seems to be winning the battle for eternal souls? Why does the image of Satan still evoke primal fear in so many?


Left Hand Path
Kriya Yogi

On behalf of our conversation.

Knowledge is a bitter part of existence. As it is not truly knowledge, just external perception.

Ignorance is Universal, as your claim to Oppose me has made this so.

As I have previously stated numerous times, Existence is Satanic, as all things have an Opposite, or a bump in the road. Now, whatever you have said to disprove this has gone unoticed, simply because your ideals Unintentionally collide with Satanic philosophy. I.e. you agree with me, with every intentional disagreement.

How is this so?

You say God is everything, but everything within itself Opposes itself, therefore being Satanic.

Believe me, I have been mistaken as a (white) Buddhist many times.

If God is everything, then we must be God, Satan must be God, as you have said, all things are consistant of God.

No matter the Enlightenment, as the Life you have previously lived, you know none of, the Life you will end with, you will know only of yourself.

As within the Satanic statements,

Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence.

This has been made clearly so, simply because of your indulgences within the mind.

Though a common ground for all Satanists is the very denial of their being, as all Satanists should be used to this.

But my one question is, if you understand then why do you deny?

For all you know, your God and beyond is consistant of His malignant Nature.

But then again, what do I know of your God? That your God is everything? Or that you God is consistant of everything?

Either way, they both lead to the being of Satanism, and truth in every religion and perception, simply because they do exist.
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Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
How can an all knowing omnipotent being even been deceived and betrayed by one of his own....??

Your own remark is a HUGE contradiction...

@ Kriya Yoga, I will definitely look fo rthose books whne I get some extra funds. And yes I am confused, every "truth" I have been told thus far is not helping. Only making me more confused, and upset. I know who I am and I know that if there is something behind the scenes pulling the strings, then I am made naturally and should be given the benefit of the doubt. All however, as open as they may be, still condemn it. Although you can ask for forgiveness and be forgiven for your sins. However I am not sinful, I am a good moral person and should be judged on that, not who I love.

And thanks, your beliefs seem to give you lots of patience....:p

Maybe I'm just naturally patient. I don't know.

I wasn't talking to you in that portion of my post, I do not know how to use multiple posting yet. Hence why I said @ Kriya Yoga......:confused:

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I would like to know the reason.Is god testing us?or is Satan more powerful than God?

Without destiny, there can be no prophecy.

This is a good question however in light of prophecy that states that Satan will be bound for a thousand years but them MUST be given a little reign afterwards before being cast into the lake of fire.

Satan is an angel, no more no less.

Or..... Perhaps God is like a cat playing with a mouse for his own enjoyment.



Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
My religion is Sanatan Dharma. It means Eternal Law or Truth. I follow everything my teacher Paramahansa Yogananda says. I recieved Kriya Yoga through his line of masters and directly from two of his direct disciples. I know that he knows God. Don't ask me how, I just do. Its not a blind faith but one that I've gained through my own personal experiences and experimentation.

I believe there is a natural order to things as well. This is God's way. You definitely get what you give. He's given us the power to think and manifest our own lives. That's why he's given us freewill to choose how we want to live. He won't take that away from us, and is why he will not kill Satan or ignorance for us. I'm a firm believer that we have to make the guided effort through wisdom of an enlightened Guru to uncover our God awarness within all of us. It is there we just need an example and Paramahansa Yogananda has shown many his example in his own life.

I understand and don't worry, your beliefs or seeming confusion wont last forever. Just do yourself a favor and open your mind more and expand your horizons by reading more books of truths and then apply them to your own life and see what happens. I really do suggest you read some of Paramahansa Yogananda's books. He is undoubtedly full of God wisdom. His teachings speak for themselves. Who knows you might find something that might ring true in your heart.

I do undoubtedly think its ignorant to oppose someones sexual preferance based on a scripture or for any reason at that. To each his own I say. I respect their beliefs but I think its more a prejudice born of unenlightened, and confused men. I believe Jesus or God wouldn't condemn someone just because they are attracted to the same sex. I believe they don't care about those minute things and see us as our highest potential of Godlike expression. It's been a good discussion with you man, and I truly hope you reconsider finding out more before you give up on God. He never gives up on you.
I will definitely look fo rthose books whne I get some extra funds. And yes I am confused, every "truth" I have been told thus far is not helping. Only making me more confused, and upset. I know who I am and I know that if there is something behind the scenes pulling the strings, then I am made naturally and should be given the benefit of the doubt. All however, as open as they may be, still condemn it. Although you can ask for forgiveness and be forgiven for your sins. However I am not sinful, I am a good moral person and should be judged on that, not who I love.

And thanks, your beliefs seem to give you lots of patience....:p