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Why doesnt god kill Satan?

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
But in order for his manifestation to be, there would have to be a greater nature to allow such an enigma. They speak of God creating and manipulating nature, yet they describe the very God in a natural way. Is this not a contradiction? For in order for a God to exist, a nature would have to have created it (us). Light and Darkness have nothing to do with God, as the only manifestation of our interperations is just that, our perceptions.

That greater nature is God. He allows such an enigma to happen. Satan was created by God. Its how duality works. God's light is manifested to create this world and it is through our 5 sense consciousness that we experience it as matter and separate from the creator. Light and darkness have everything to do with God because they come from him, but you are partly correct the way we perceive it is our perception depending on how spiritually aware you are.

None sense. Darkness is just that, darkness. If there was any level of light in it, it would be called light. There is a void, we are part of it's consistancy, as you do not experience death, for it is an end to your very being. What is consistant of the Darkness? The very Dust that we are aclaimed to.

How can you speak of negative spirituality? That is a Christian thing to do typically however...either way, spirituality does not consist of Gods or a God, since spirituality is the motion of love and remembering what was. Being in touch with nature and the inner self. Does a dog, or a horse worship a God? On this behalf, a dog mourns the loss of a fellow pack member, a horse whinnies at the sight of a dead mate. Elephants remember lost daughters of over 20 years. This is the consistancy of spirituality, the connection of thyself and the enviroment around you. You claim of negative spirituality, yet is your perception your own?

That is your belief. I believe that we go on after death and rest on an astral plain higher than our physical plain. Our souls are tied to this body in life but upon death our consciousness leaves the body. The body turns to dust, but not our souls. I'm talking about the darkness you can't see in space. Our eyes can only see so much light. If we were to go beyond our limited perception into divine consciousness we would see that everything is light. Even what seems to be darkness. If everything is energy then everything is light even if its non visible to our eyes, which we claim to be darkness. Keep in mind these are my beliefs just as you have yours. I'm not trying to convert you. Just want you to try to understand this perspective.

What do you mean by negative spirituality? Also what do you mean spirituality does not consist of God? Spirituality is just that. Trying to remember our oneness with spirit which is another name for God. A dog or horse does not worship God because their consciousness is not developed enough to worship in the way humans do. That's what makes human beings so special and unique from everything else. We can worship, and in turn realize what God is. Yes even animals have some level of spirituality for they to feel compassion and love on some level as well. Everything is linked to that one spirit and its their souls from God that show these spiritual qualities.

All things in life are Satanic. You dub your names of energies, yet how do they exist? Why label reasons for things that commonly happen? Define purity, define justice, define corruption. All of these things are improperly labeled, as all of these things differ among perception and those who chose to use the term. Notice your own contradiction however, you said these energies uplift you or pull you down. A little lesson in physics, down is opposite of up. Hence all things are Satanic, as your very energies have Opposing views. They don't draw you one way or another, as humans have the Will to do as they please, in a literal but not fantastic way. Man is driven by his own conscious and conscience ability. Man can look and reflect upon himself, something no other known being can do. This is an Aspect of spirituality, as man's own relfection turns the page and makes him strive to better become the self. You speak energies, but never of the self. So how can you judge an oppresive spirituality if you have never took time to realize the fabric in which we exist is all that we are? Folly.

Energies exist in God's consciousness and is witnessed in material form by our 5 sense perception. It is not until we experience samadhi that we know all things are energy and light emanated from his one consciousness. Man is affected by everything whether you know it or not. Their are subtle energies that affect us on levels we are unaware of. I won't touch the free will and fate subject as its very controversial and complex. Yes we have our own consciousness and decision making, but you can't help but notice that our internal beliefs, habits, and the outward energy of the world can either uplift us or bring us down in consciousness. Its a blantant observation that anyone can see or feel. Even our thoughts and tendencies is energy, but like everything we see at as different. How can you say everything is Satanic when depending on your religious definition Satan is darkening, or as you put it adversary of Good. Not everything in the world is darkening. As I've pointed out there are some things in this world such as prophets, love, beauty, meditation, that bring us that much closer or remind us of our enlightened nature.

You call this energy, have you not considered the more realistic approach of emotions? These examples you gave are true, if any of my brothers were hurt I would be worried. But this is not because of energy, it is because of witness, my eyes, their cry for pain. If they were out of my sight and other senses and got hurt I would not know it until someone told me. You claim good and evil, yet you know nothing of what it is. As your good may be my evil. So what makes you right? What energies exist separate from the mind? Are you indicating that things happen for a reason? If so, how very foolish of you. Last time I checked, it was my Will to come here and debate with you. A very bad example, as how can one with no Will chose to believe in something? There 'energies' are irrelevant to anything of being, as you are in control of your own and where you are (in most cases).

Now, define God. For how can you get close to one if you do not know anything about him, or if he does not speak back? Where would God be if it were not for man?

Emotions are in essence energy as well. They are expressions of the soul. Yes there is other ways of experiencing things of course. I'm not saying that you always feel the energy outwardly. Many times it affects us and we don't feel or notice it. I'm saying that when you see these things happening it has an affect on your being. It can bring you down or cause you to feel empathy. It shows that we are tied to one another. Its proven that environment is stronger than will. If I were to live in a spiritual place with uplifting people I would more than likely be coerced towards spiritual progression. On the other hand if I was to live in a house where everyone cursed or fought all the time I would most likely adopt those behaviors. Now there are other complexities that come in to play like being your own person or having your own tendencies because I believe past lives can affect how you act and believe in this present life. Which can mean you can be open or closed to how people act in a certain environment, but even then it still influences you no matter how closed or open you choose to be. How do I not know good and evil? I see it everyday just as you and everyone else does. There are somethings that are universally felt as good and evil and no matter your perspective or how deluded you are as a person you know deep down inside what is good and what is not. Well there are forces outside in the world besides your own. Like I said uplifting, neutral, or darkening. Its not fair to say I would be foolish to say we have no free will because you or I don't know exactly how everything works in this universe. So I'll leave my perspective on that alone.

Defining God is easy because I know for sure my Guru has seen and realized what God is. There is nothing that can shake that faith. Reason being is I have experimented with my own self based on his teachings and based on my experience everything he has said thus far is true. I've had my prayers answered numerous times. I've experienced things in meditation that only one would understand it they meditated themself. That being said my Guru says that God is pure existance being. He is everything and everything abides in his consciousness. The lover views him as love, the sorrowful sees him as compassion, the yogi experiences him as bliss. God is evernew bliss and Joy within. Once we can manifest and uncover that bliss and joy within more and more, the closer you will be to knowing God. God is evernew irresistible bliss beyond our little confined comprehension. Also God does speak back. You just have to call to him enough and long for him enough to witness this. Many don't apply enough faith and persistence to allow God the oppurtunity to give you this blessing. God exists without man but man does not exist without God for he is the one creator. Nothing creates him. I will rephrase your question. Where would man be were it not for God? We wouldn't have this oppurtunity to experience his potential bliss and joy in so many different ways.
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Well-Known Member
Kriya Yogi said:
Well in the way God has made life yes Satan does do you justice in the end, for that power you develop in overcoming him can be used to strengthen you as a spiritual being and then when you reach salvation you can thank God, and Satan for the strength you have developed or uncovered.

Then how can it be reasonably said that Satan is doing anything bad? And aren't muggers and thieves doing similar good services for people?


Well-Known Member
To clarify, Lucifer and Satan are two completely different concepts/beings. Please don't confuse the two. They are properly labeled so because they are different.

You perception is ill, as every right may be every wrong in the view of ones eyes, as that is all that your conclusions consist of. Perceptions, they are right nor wrong, as all you truly know is your self and the enviroment around you. What you label and give voice to is irrelevant the existence and being. You give meanings to things that some might not give any meaning. It doesn't create a truth or a false, it just creates conflict, and Opposition.

Such complications of God directly reflect upon our own psychology. God has human characteristics didn't you know? I wonder why that is...? You say God created us in his image, but what if I beg the differ? To revolve around the concept what if we created God in our image. As many God's have been created to explain or give meaning to something, it is common for the 'Perfection' of man, to have man's very own flaws.

Now, is it right to try and provoke a concept of God vs Satan, if you don't even know the meaning of it's multiple perceptions?

Where do the unknowing belong in this conversation? As much to say as most proposals are guesses, irrelevant to the meaning of what being Satanic is.

In your mind and belief system, perhaps, but biblically -and in reality -Lucifer was the name of the cherub who disobeyed God and is now called Satan.
I do understand that you do not believe this.

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
Then how can it be reasonably said that Satan is doing anything bad? And aren't muggers and thieves doing similar good services for people?

Satan is bad in the aspect that he keeps you from realizing God. Satan is your desire for everything but God and in turn causes suffering. It's what causes people to act in ignorant ways, just as muggers, murderers, etc. do. The only good thing and reason Satan is apart of this world is to keep us from becoming that evil, and overcoming it and in turn strengthening our will and spirit.


Well-Known Member
Satan would utterly destroy man if given the opportunity. He does not do us good. God does us good by restraining him enough for us to learn -and even for him to learn. The situation will work good, but this is not the same as saying that Satan isn't doing anything bad.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
In 'reality'? LOL . . . exactly who's reality do make believe gods and demons and angels exist in? Surely no one in their right of mind?

But since we're Theologizin' here ya go: Lucifer is the 'Bringer of Light' in other words Lux Lucis (Lucifer) is gnosis, truth and Divine knowledge.
Lucifer makes His debut in the Testaments as the Serpent in the Garden of Eden pointing out to Eve that God is a liar and you will not die if you eat of the fruit of knowledge, which she did and did not die.
Lucifer brought us the Truth and our Free Will, shows us the way to either be One with God or to be a God ourselves.

But Lucifer may be more than a metaphor for rebellion, enlightenment and advancement - as the pure creative and motive light, Lucifer may actually be the key to life itself . . .

The DNA within the nuclei of all cells of living creatures contains biophotons or ultra-weak proton emissions - in other words, light!
A dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA connects cells, tissues and organs and serve as the organism's main communication network.

Lucifer is on the move inside you and me, chattering between cell and cell, rousing the cohorts of the life-force, keeping us alive and wonderful. Every man and woman is a star - and now we know we have our own inner light.

In your mind and belief system, perhaps, but biblically -and in reality -Lucifer was the name of the cherub who disobeyed God and is now called Satan.
I do understand that you do not believe this.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Satan does no such thing.

Satan is a personification of the Judaic word al-satan or ha-satan (who borrowed it from the Persians' Shaiten) meaning adversary. The word is used more as a descriptive noun or pronoun. A fallen tree preventing a husband from getting to his injured wife would be considered a tree of shaiten, more or less.

Shaiten did not become Satan until much later where Jewish sects / tribes particularly the Essenes who began referring to anyone not an Essene as the Shaiten. Still further on the Roman Christian church decided it was time to personify Shaiten into Satan and have Him become the scapegoat for all evil in the Christian world.

Satan is bad in the aspect that he keeps you from realizing God. Satan is your desire for everything but God and in turn causes suffering. It's what causes people to act in ignorant ways, just as muggers, murderers, etc. do. The only good thing and reason Satan is apart of this world is to keep us from becoming that evil, and overcoming it and in turn strengthening our will and spirit.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Your god, the Abrahamic is possibly the most evil entity that Man has ever dreamed up. Manipulating, lying, murdering, raping, controlling, jealous. This god does not want you to be an Individual as Lucifer does.

The Fall of Mankind represents mankind's and nature's fall into materialism. This Fall shields us from the spiritual world and opens an Abyss between Man and the Divine.
Lucifer-Daath, the original Serpent, represents the divine force of creation that is able to carry out the idea of creation.
Lucifer-Daath sinks down to man's level and awakens the power of creation and the sexual energy in man. Thus, man can reach the knowledge which was previously only accessible to God.

Satan would utterly destroy man if given the opportunity. He does not do us good. God does us good by restraining him enough for us to learn -and even for him to learn. The situation will work good, but this is not the same as saying that Satan isn't doing anything bad.


Ironic Idealist
Greetings! :)

Very simply because IOV there is no "devil" out there competing with God.

God is One, Supreme, All-loving, All-merciful, and has no equal!

And "satan" is simply a reference to our own lower (animal) nature when we give it control instead of our higher (spiritual) nature.

Simple as that.

Peace, :)


I see it in a similar light. It is a battle to balance between our rational, intelligent souls and the more primitive, irrational animal side of ourselves. We need both but not carried to excess on either side.


Left Hand Path
In your mind and belief system, perhaps, but biblically -and in reality -Lucifer was the name of the cherub who disobeyed God and is now called Satan.
I do understand that you do not believe this.

Funny you should speak of reality.

Realistically, Satan and Lucifer, are not the same, as they are properly labeled differently so because of their characteristics. As Lucifer is one of the Four Princes of Hell, consisting of Satan, Leviathan, Belial and Lucifer.

Now realistically, the label is irrelevant to the meaning so many people put behind it. Realistically, neither God, nor Satan (Lucifer to satisfy you) exist within the terminal realm, but yes perhaps in the perceptive realm they do.

Historically, Lucifer was around before your so called 'Devil' as the Roman God of Light, he was often a great mentor of those who journied to find greater knowledge of becomming the potential man or self (Xeper).

Now, those who dwelled in jealousy of course, would crucify and mock such perceptions, as one who labels another a 'Devil' is not very understanding at all!
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Well-Known Member
Satan is bad in the aspect that he keeps you from realizing God. Satan is your desire for everything but God and in turn causes suffering. It's what causes people to act in ignorant ways, just as muggers, murderers, etc. do.
OK, I think I get it now. Satan keeps you from realizing God. Check!
The only good thing and reason Satan is apart of this world is to keep us from becoming that evil, and overcoming it and in turn strengthening our will and spirit.


Well-Known Member
OK, seriously, I think I get it now. When you are trying to say that Satan and his works are evil, you point out that he causes pain and suffering and that doing so is bad.

But when you are questioned as to why God does not stop this evil, you point out that Satan is a force for good by testing, strengthening our will and spirit and keeping us from becoming evil. God is then absolved because the existence of the devil is actually a good thing.

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
OK, seriously, I think I get it now. When you are trying to say that Satan and his works are evil, you point out that he causes pain and suffering and that doing so is bad.

But when you are questioned as to why God does not stop this evil, you point out that Satan is a force for good by testing, strengthening our will and spirit and keeping us from becoming evil. God is then absolved because the existence of the devil is actually a good thing.

Exactly! Through suffering born of Satan we finally turn to God. He wants us to forsake the darkness and rest in God's eternal protection of light, love, joy, and bliss!


Why doesnt god kill Satan?

Why don't people face their OWN "demons"?
(it's the only way to realize they are illusory)

You don't like satan?
kill him yourself.
In YOUR OWN name.

See what happens.


Left Hand Path
That greater nature is God. He allows such an enigma to happen. Satan was created by God. Its how duality works. God's light is manifested to create this world and it is through our 5 sense consciousness that we experience it as matter and separate from the creator. Light and darkness have everything to do with God because they come from him, but you are partly correct the way we perceive it is our perception depending on how spiritually aware you are..

But God is not beyond percption, as God has been comprehended. So I will restate, in order for a God to be, a greater nature would have to have allowed it. So a God can allow himself? As Satan could also allow himself, as something has to come beyond what you chose to not see. For light could not be, if it were not for darkness. Now, back to my original statement of all things are Satanic, as all things have an Opposite. Your God allows his existence, yet he Opposes it. Therefore, he is Satanic, as you have stated light and darkness come from him, the very birth of Opposition. A God exists, he he is still surrounded by his 'creations', yet what motivated him was beyond a fixed perception, as his own characteristics you have given him have Satanic Nature. Spiritual awarness lies within the self and your connection with what is. Not one is right or wrong, but perhaps weak or strong. Such expression, however, is irrelevant to your status of being. Spirituality does not justify death, no matter how Willful your faithful mind may be. Simply stated, your perception gives meaning to everything, where the Oppositions is everything. The consequence is the justificatation of being, and the overwhelming flow that the opus of spirituality ignites. No matter the Spiritual Aspect, the consistancy of being is the Will of Nature, and carnal knowledge. Nature is in Opposition of itself, as it is itself that it tries to over come. Thus all things are, because they are, as confliction absolves the label Satan, and becomes it's own existence.

That is your belief. I believe that we go on after death and rest on an astral plain higher than our physical plain. Our souls are tied to this body in life but upon death our consciousness leaves the body. The body turns to dust, but not our souls. I'm talking about the darkness you can't see in space. Our eyes can only see so much light. If we were to go beyond our limited perception into divine consciousness we would see that everything is light. Even what seems to be darkness. If everything is energy then everything is light even if its non visible to our eyes, which we claim to be darkness. Keep in mind these are my beliefs just as you have yours. I'm not trying to convert you. Just want you to try to understand this perspective..

Of course, I never thought you were trying to convert me, this is a simple debate of logical Aspect on spirituality and the consistancy of our being. I find this conversation very beneficial to both of us. However, prove existence of the soul, and it's connection to what is. Is it not Man's carnal Nature that made itself become, through the Will of the Gods? Look at those who have existed, created to better help man strive to better become more 'God like'. In turn each God destroys the next, as the more Powerful God has succeeded Man above himself. So you say everything is light, then what is Satan's role in this? Not all energy is light, as what we see is reflecting the light itself, not emitting it. So if all things are light, then are all things good? Yes you are correct that we can worship, but that does not make it so. J.K. Rowling's only reference to Hogwart is within the books she has writeen, but that doe not make Hogwarts realistically justified, or does it? Perhaps within the Perceptional Universe? But again, that is just a fantasy.

And spirituality does not consist of God, as ones connection with God's personality is not spiritual connection with the self. The One's God is the perfection of the One, and not the deception of the Opposite of you.

What do you mean by negative spirituality? Also what do you mean spirituality does not consist of God? Spirituality is just that. Trying to remember our oneness with spirit which is another name for God. A dog or horse does not worship God because their consciousness is not developed enough to worship in the way humans do. That's what makes human beings so special and unique from everything else. We can worship, and in turn realize what God is. Yes even animals have some level of spirituality for they to feel compassion and love on some level as well. Everything is linked to that one spirit and its their souls from God that show these spiritual qualities..

By negative spirituality (something I believe you mentioned about Satanism) you were speaking of the darkness, or a negative of being, something you could know nothing of. So how can one be affected negatively, if they chose to be of a positive or justifying spirituality? Would they not chose to be of One's spirituality if they did not act on the justifacation of their own fears and self? What is wrong? What is right? It obvious on murder, as Man strives to better become, it is a natural instinct for Man to defend or act out against the Threats to their very being. As you can see among the Kingdom of existence, all beings are at harmoney with their own kind, and only strike down those that impede upon it's own existence. Man helps Man, unfortuneatly, such subjectation has led Man to fight over the material, and not the better self. But then again, all things do happen, whether they are agreeable or disagreeable, things happen, by the Will of Man, against the Will of Man.

And spirituality is the consistancy and awareness of the self.
Trying to remember our oneness with spirit which is another name for God

Are you insisting we are God? Or that our spirit consists of God? If this is so, it could not be, since people do deny God. So is that also the Will of God to deny himself? Hmm...

Though within their own mind there is always the doubt of being. So in a sense, if our spirits consist of God, then so does Satan's, therefore harnessing spirituality to beccome the self, is harnessing "God's" spirit, to overcome "God's" spirit.

Nature strives to overcome itself all of the time. In turn creating a more beneficial or wholesome existence.

Energies exist in God's consciousness and is witnessed in material form by our 5 sense perception. It is not until we experience samadhi that we know all things are energy and light emanated from his one consciousness. Man is affected by everything whether you know it or not. Their are subtle energies that affect us on levels we are unaware of. I won't touch the free will and fate subject as its very controversial and complex. Yes we have our own consciousness and decision making, but you can't help but notice that our internal beliefs, habits, and the outward energy of the world can either uplift us or bring us down in consciousness. Its a blantant observation that anyone can see or feel. Even our thoughts and tendencies is energy, but like everything we see at as different. How can you say everything is Satanic when depending on your religious definition Satan is darkening, or as you put it adversary of Good. Not everything in the world is darkening. As I've pointed out there are some things in this world such as prophets, love, beauty, meditation, that bring us that much closer or remind us of our enlightened nature..

Define samadhi. What about it? Are you speaking of the self when you say "energies exist within God's consciousness". Energy does exist, but in order for it to exist within a God's consciousness, it has to have already been. Your labels for creation is irrelevant and fallitical to what and why they are. Energy exists because it was set in motion. Hence God is Man's creation, as Man's Will has allowed such perceptions to be.

Man is not affected by everything. Someone dying on the otherside of the world does not affect me, as it happens every minute, whether it is acknowledged or not! Sure death surrounds us and is imminent, but it starts affecting us at birth. Thus Man affects everything around and within Him. Though no doubt Man cannot overcome the Opposition of the Universe.

You brought up free will and fate. What about it? Man's will is free, within the mind, as he has the ability to convieve something beyod him. Fate, by fate we are bound to death, as Life is the absence of Nothingness. By death, we are taken out of existence, our mind disapates with the body, as the Mind is where our own Presence dwells, within the being of our mortal flesh. Our consciousness is just that, being aware, once we die we no longer exist, we are no longer aware of the self and what is. Death is an end, not an experience. Life is bound to death as it could not be without the Opposition. But I am sure you know this already.

We die, not for a reason, but because that is what existence does, it fades back into the Nothingness that it was. As the Universe has a single constant, Dust, and the fabric in which we exist. Of course, Man has the Will to oppress and control others, but that is a topic for a different thread.

Both things exist, not one should be any more acknowledged than the other, as they are both the consistancy of Life. The very balance of Nature, and itself awareness.


Left Hand Path
Emotions are in essence energy as well. They are expressions of the soul. Yes there is other ways of experiencing things of course. I'm not saying that you always feel the energy outwardly. Many times it affects us and we don't feel or notice it. I'm saying that when you see these things happening it has an affect on your being. It can bring you down or cause you to feel empathy. It shows that we are tied to one another. Its proven that environment is stronger than will. If I were to live in a spiritual place with uplifting people I would more than likely be coerced towards spiritual progression. On the other hand if I was to live in a house where everyone cursed or fought all the time I would most likely adopt those behaviors. Now there are other complexities that come in to play like being your own person or having your own tendencies because I believe past lives can affect how you act and believe in this present life. Which can mean you can be open or closed to how people act in a certain environment, but even then it still influences you no matter how closed or open you choose to be. How do I not know good and evil? I see it everyday just as you and everyone else does. There are somethings that are universally felt as good and evil and no matter your perspective or how deluded you are as a person you know deep down inside what is good and what is not. Well there are forces outside in the world besides your own. Like I said uplifting, neutral, or darkening. Its not fair to say I would be foolish to say we have no free will because you or I don't know exactly how everything works in this universe. So I'll leave my perspective on that alone..

Emotions are just that, the expression of the self, and Nature of what is. Yes enviroment does impact Man greatly, but Man's connection with the enviroment is the connection with himself, as Man's impact on the enviroment impacts Man. It is Man's natural social tendancy that we evolve the enviroment to better suit us, making Man become. Simply Man has a greater impact on the enviroment, simply because the Man is impacted by it, as a coin could not be with two sides. Of course Man is socially empathetic, more often sympathetic, and in acknowledgement of only one side of the specturm. Man's Will is Free, simple because Man can deceive himsef into believing he is something he is not, the very freedom of thought and perception.

Defining God is easy because I know for sure my Guru has seen and realized what God is. There is nothing that can shake that faith. Reason being is I have experimented with my own self based on his teachings and based on my experience everything he has said thus far is true. I've had my prayers answered numerous times. I've experienced things in meditation that only one would understand it they meditated themself. That being said my Guru says that God is pure existance being. He is everything and everything abides in his consciousness. The lover views him as love, the sorrowful sees him as compassion, the yogi experiences him as bliss. God is evernew bliss and Joy within. Once we can manifest and uncover that bliss and joy within more and more, the closer you will be to knowing God. God is evernew irresistible bliss beyond our little confined comprehension. Also God does speak back. You just have to call to him enough and long for him enough to witness this. Many don't apply enough faith and persistence to allow God the oppurtunity to give you this blessing. God exists without man but man does not exist without God for he is the one creator. Nothing creates him. I will rephrase your question. Where would man be were it not for God? We wouldn't have this oppurtunity to experience his potential bliss and joy in so many different ways.
It is proven Earth and Man was birthed from the stars, yes indeed an Aspect of Life (light), but the Star was birthed from Dust, from the Nothingness in which it came, the Darkness, the Ultimate Origin.

Everything is Satanic, as Satan is defined as Opposition in both Hebrew and Latin. Sure perception may vary, as you can see, but the label is just that, what it is. What makes God good if he created evil? Yes not everything in the world is 'dark', but it does exist and could be benefitted from (as previously stated). The same goes with 'light', as it could be used to personify and benefit someone. I acknowledge the existence of both of these things to better become the self and how you would say "seek enlightenment'. This is balance, the way of Nature and it's Will. As we are natural and posess will, as it is the will of Nature, to be willful :D.

We did not chose to become, as it was the will of our fathers to open the door to our own existence. Yet we have the will, while we are, to be, or not to be.

You speak of prophets, yet they are your own, as they only exist within the mind of your 'Guru'.

Yes love and beauty exist, but so does hate and disgust. This is a realization through self meditation, as love not exist without hate, and beauty could not exist without disgust. You see? These things only are, because of they Opposition (light and darkness). You say all things are light, yet not all things are visible. Death is everything, as we are the very creation of what is. We are not only part of the Universe, we are the Universe, as our perceptive mind reflects the complexity of existence and Nature itself.

Satan represents the carnal self and all that is conceieved.
Satan represents all that is all, as all that is, is us.
Satan represents the consistancy of being, because of our perceptions, we are, and we see and reflect upon ourselves.
Satan represents Man, as Man's God's is Man's perfection, unintentionally flawed by Man's desires.

We are something because we are. Perception itself gives meaning to being.
No God is needed to give the meaning of being, or the knowledge of enigma, as Life is only enigmatic because you treat it as unknowingly mysterious, showing that you are as unaware of yourself, as your very place with perception.

Shaitan is He who overcame himself, and those who wallowed against his path, becomming a very being of His existence.