Interesting logic. Let's see if I can follow it.
God's understanding has no limit.
Then he must understand everything.
But in order to understand a thing, he must first know it.
Therefore he must know everything.
Did I miss anything?
But that doesn't mean he has to know everything before it happens.
God can choose not to know before things happens.
Would you agree that free will came from God.
Then that means that God also has free will. To choose or not to choose before things happens.
Why is it that people wants to limit God's free will to choose or not to choose.
Because it doesn't fit into what you been taught by man's teachings, is that it.
There is No where in the Bible that says that God has to know everything before it happens.
But there is places in the bible that shows, that God didn't know before things happened.
God didn't know that Sodom and Gomorrah was going to do what they were doing, until God heard their cry's and came down here himself to see for himself.
God didn't know beforehand that man was wicked, till God saw the wickedness of man.
God didn't know Satan was Lawlessness, till Lawlessness was found in Satan.
God didn't know beforehand that Adam and Eve would take of the tree, till Eve and Adam took of the tree.
God didn't know that king Saul was going to be a wicked king, otherwise why would make Saul the king over Israel. If God knew beforehand that king Saul was going to be a wicked king.
Therefore there are many instances where God did not know beforehand on things. Till they happened.
Maybe it's because God chosen by His
(free will) not to know beforehand about things.
Maybe God wants to see what people will do, without knowing beforehand, what they will do.
Stop and think about it, If you knew everything that people were going to do, before they did anything, Wouldn't you like, Let's say,The element of surprise of not knowing beforehand. What people would do. Just to see what they are going to do, without knowing first what they are going to do.
Oh Surprise, Surprise.Why I didn't know you were going to do that. If I had known what you were going to do, I would not haved created you
Why would God create mankind in the first Place, If God knew already that mankind was going to be Wicked, Evil, if you knew something was going to be wicked against you, would you create them knowingly that they are going to go against you ? Go Figure