White Crow
Oh cut it out.... it's freakin common sense.
Just use the analogy of the game of baseball.... a game that has an established set of rules and guidelines about the proper way to play the game.
All of a sudden, a team (we'll call them the Latter Day Red Sox) decides that they want to play baseball.... except they use a basketball.... a hockey stick.... and run around the bases backwards.
"It's baseball" say the LD Sox......
Ummm.... no, actually, it's not.
"Yes it is..... our prophet came up with a NEW rule book for baseball.... it's a companion to Major league baseball"
Call it what you want gang.... but that ain't baseball.
"HOW DARE YOU! It's so sad that your bigoted views can't accept this is true baseball!"
Ummmm.... I respect your right to play whatever game you'd like, but we've been playing baseball for a long time... we've got a rule book(Bible).... hall of fame(Saints)... a pretty cool commisioner (Pope)...the whole deal. I think we have the right to say what is and what isn't baseball.
But as an analogy doesn't prove but only demonstrates, what if it went like this:
The game of baseball changes from time to time. These changes come about in a particular manner--an open canon. Now the Latter Day Red Sox arrive, and they have a problem with the changes that have been added. They believe a different set of changes should have been made, and they implement those for themselves. Their changes are not a return to the original game, nor are they the contemporary rules.
So the LDRS look pretty wierd to everyone else.
But wait! Over the years, some people didn't like certain changes, and they split off to go back to the traditional rules. Yet they are still called baseball players. Others anticipate new rules coming, and play with them even though they aren't official yet, and despite this, their game is still called baseball.
So on what grounds is it fair to reject the LDRS as something else?
If you don't consider any non-Catholics to be Christian, that's one thing, but many others who criticize us are not being so fair.