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Why Dont Christians Accept the Book of Mormon as Valid?

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Lacking Common Sense
I wasn't name calling,

but seriously that is all i see is a bunch of people too scared to actually take one good look at the Book of Mormon, they make claims regarding it's contents but havent even read the title page.

Really It's great.

I'm sorry you think I am so shallow, apparently you think I have added nothing to the conversation worth reading.

Well i can see the topic has taken a turn for the worse here. I'm just going to bow out gracefully and bid you all God's blessings.


*edit* i just saw this
You're making assumptions. many critics have read it cover to cover.

including me, and thank you for pointing that out my friend.


White Crow
Alot of LDS people on this forum do try to appease everyone, it's because we are a nice people and don't like to offend.

And then others take membership in the church as carte blanc to say whatever they want.

I was raised with the tripartite rule: "Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?" as a filter for things I say. I try to make sure that everything I say passes all three tests. You only seem to be concerned about the first one. The problem as I see it with looking only for things that are true, is that there are multiple kinds of truth, and if two statements are true, you can choose the kindest one without compromising truth.

Have you ever heard the story about the three men who are cutting stone for a church? When asked what he's doing, the first man says, "I am cutting stone," the second says "I am working for (so many) cents an hour," and the third says, "I am helping to build the house of God." All three of these statements are truthful answers to the question, "What are you doing?" Depending on the situation, any one of them may be a more relevant answer. To select the best answer, we need to look at more than just what is truthful.


Repentance is having a broken heart and a contrite sprit, a change of heart allowing Christ to forgive you.

they do bring salvation.


And then others take membership in the church as carte blanc to say whatever they want.

I was raised with the tripartite rule: "Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?" as a filter for things I say. I try to make sure that everything I say passes all three tests. You only seem to be concerned about the first one. The problem as I see it with looking only for things that are true, is that there are multiple kinds of truth, and if two statements are true, you can choose the kindest one without compromising truth.

Have you ever heard the story about the three men who are cutting stone for a church? When asked what he's doing, the first man says, "I am cutting stone," the second says "I am working for (so many) cents an hour," and the third says, "I am helping to build the house of God." All three of these statements are truthful answers to the question, "What are you doing?" Depending on the situation, any one of them may be a more relevant answer. To select the best answer, we need to look at more than just what is truthful.

I agree with you about things beig relevant, but i won't compromise my own values and what i know to be true and correct to spare someone else's feelings.


White Crow
I agree with you about things beig relevant, but i won't compromise my own values and what i know to be true and correct to spare someone else's feelings.

You don't have to do so. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Search among the many true things that you can say, and choose one of the kinder ones. If it's just as true as the others, what's the problem?


because watering some things down changes it's meaning. some things yes, they can be made to sound more tactful, but for the most part, it changes the whole meaning and makes it sould like they're just flattering people.


because watering some things down changes it's meaning. some things yes, they can be made to sound more tactful, but for the most part, it changes the whole meaning and makes it sould like they're just flattering people.
I'm wondering if you would have the same tact if you were talking to the people on this forum face to face instead of over an anonymous internet forum. I'm thinking that you would probably find some nicer ways of saying what you feel you need to say, but I could be wrong.


i'm pretty outspoken and plain or blunt with my speech as well, But i really do get along with pretty much everyone if you can imagine that.


Veteran Member
Bottom line...

There are bodies Celestial, bodies Terrestrial and bodies Telestial....

Meaning there are those who will accept the Book of Mormon and the Bible as valid (Celestial), those who accept only the Bible as valid (Terrestrial) and those who accept neither as valid (Telestial)...

Just my two cents...

The Lord also makes this comparison...

Celestial ~ fowls of the air
Terrestrial ~ beasts of the earth
Telestial ~ creatures of the sea


Bottom line...

There are bodies Celestial, bodies Terrestrial and bodies Telestial....

Meaning there are those who will accept the Book of Mormon and the Bible as valid (Celestial), those who accept only the Bible as valid (Terrestrial) and those who accept neither as valid (Telestial)...

Just my two cents...

The Lord also makes this comparison...

Celestial ~ fowls of the air
Terrestrial ~ beasts of the earth
Telestial ~ creatures of the sea

Awesome post, frubals for you my good man.


Veteran Member
The beauty of God's plan is that we are free to accept whatever parts of his gospel we want to...

Nothing is ever forced upon us, that's not God's way, that was Satan's plan from the beginning, which got him kicked out of heaven.


The beauty of God's plan is that we are free to accept whatever parts of his gospel we want to...

Nothing is ever forced upon us, that's not God's way, that was Satan's plan from the beginning, which got him kicked out of heaven.

and on that note, you basically get the reward of whatever you put into it. if you put everything you have into it, your reward will be much greater than someone who casually did it.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
and on that note, you basically get the reward of whatever you put into it. if you put everything you have into it, your reward will be much greater than someone who casually did it.
Is this from First Opinions? Or do you have some support for these views?


White Crow
because watering some things down changes it's meaning. some things yes, they can be made to sound more tactful, but for the most part, it changes the whole meaning and makes it sould like they're just flattering people.

You're assuming that making things tactful is watering it down. Isn't it possible to be tactful without watering things down?

You still don't understand what I was saying. I was speaking about two things being equally true, chose the more tactful. You're talking about one thing true and one thing less true. Obviously we should speak the whole truth; that's not what I was asking.

Bottom line, madhatter, I don't feel the Spirit when I read your posts. I don't feel love, or joy, or peace, or gentleness, or meekness or patience, or any of the other fruit of the Spirit. If your posts are true, why is it so hard to feel the Spirit from them?


cause it's a forum, DS, simple it's a forum, I feel the spirit in church, and at home, when i read the scriptures, and in the company of good wholesome people wither they are members of the church or not.

This forum i see so much contention, so much idiocracy, hypocrisy, sick-minded and perverted attitudes, it's hard to feel the spirit reading a forum, when i want to feel the spirit i go to the ldstalk forums because there they actually talk about gospel doctrine and other such things that invite a good spirit.
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