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Why Dont Christians Accept the Book of Mormon as Valid?

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Not your average Mormon
Probably because it was written 1500 or so years after the last biblical writings. Not that the age of a book determines how factual it is. Because clearly both have their faults.
Actually, it was written between 600 B.C. and 400 A.D. There are plenty of internal linguistic evidences that attest to the fact that it's an ancient text. It just wasn't translated until much later. Not that I'd expect you to believe that. Still I thought I'd at least mention it.
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Where is the original text then?

With the bibel we have so many manuscripts preserved in greek & Hebrew, most of the publicly accessable.

Where are the original manuscripts?


Well-Known Member
Of course because they think that god will never reveal anything to them beyond christ. If that is the case, why is there a pope? why are there religious leaders? if they cannot recieve any new revelation what is thier purpose?

Ah... to teach the previous words of God maybe?
You know the vine by its fruit kat, the Bible hits so many nails so very square on the head.

As to the Book of Mormon, im about thirty pages in (taking my time with it), and im tempted to say all is square with it thus far or atleast not any cause for uproar, is anyone up for a PM barrage of Q+A, im not going to be picking, its just its very hard to find out the finer points of scriptures on first reading.

Don't miss 1 Nephi 13: 24-29. It encourages doubt about the accuracy of the Bible and thereby suggests a need for modern revelation.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
ἀλήθεια;1452124 said:
Don't miss 1 Nephi 13: 24-29. It encourages doubt about the accuracy of the Bible and thereby suggests a need for modern revelation.

Actually, those verses say nothing about a need for modern revelation.

They do, however, suggest Paul was right when he said there would be a falling away before the second coming of Christ.


Not your average Mormon
With the bibel we have so many manuscripts preserved in greek & Hebrew, most of the publicly accessable.
What you have are copies of copies of copies of copies. Not one single, solitary original biblical manuscript has been preserved and is accessable to anyone today.

Where are the original manuscripts?
Where are the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were inscribed? Why do you believe they are from God if you don't have the originals?

Master Hartnyuo

New Member
um i think that just because joseph smith was able to basically write a book in the voice of people from 600 BCE doesnt mean that it was written at that time and then translated later. Just because i say " Thou shalt blah blah blah" doesnt mean that i just discovered a sentance from the 1600's. Also if he translated the book , the translation would be in his own tongue therefore negating any type of linguistic evidence that you speak of. My question is who decided that it was written between 400 and 600 BCE? I just really feel like it was some historian/historians who moonlight as (a) latter day saint(s).


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
um i think that just because joseph smith was able to basically write a book in the voice of people from 600 BCE doesnt mean that it was written at that time and then translated later. Just because i say " Thou shalt blah blah blah" doesnt mean that i just discovered a sentance from the 1600's. Also if he translated the book , the translation would be in his own tongue therefore negating any type of linguistic evidence that you speak of. My question is who decided that it was written between 400 and 600 BCE? I just really feel like it was some historian/historians who moonlight as (a) latter day saint(s).

You obviously aren't familiar with many of the other things (ancient poetry, linguistic methods, etc.) found in the Book of Mormon (much more than "thou shalt..." - things not only Joseph Smith wasn't aware of, but scholars of his time weren't aware of either). I'll let DeepShadow or someone else give you a lesson.


What you have are copies of copies of copies of copies. Not one single, solitary original biblical manuscript has been preserved and is accessable to anyone today.

Where are the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were inscribed? Why do you believe they are from God if you don't have the originals?

Because we have a few thousand "copies of copies of copies" to work with (by the way, the bible is supposed to be your book too ;)

And you haven't answered my question...


Seeking More Truth
Did the prophets need a book to be saved? No.
They walked with Christ and knew him as a friend and savior.
I believe that if you know Jesus and he knows you, no book is needed.
I Believe the Bible is a great way to start a relationship with God.
But if you took it away from me I wouldn't stop knowing him nor him me.
A "book" isn't a relationship, it a religious tool.
My "religion" is based on my relationship with him, not a book.
If I was alone on an island would I still have "religion"?
I personally would not, I would have Jesus.
Religious practices don't save people, relationships with their "God" does.


Did the prophets need a book to be saved? No.
They walked with Christ and knew him as a friend and savior.
I believe that if you know Jesus and he knows you, no book is needed.
I Believe the Bible is a great way to start a relationship with God.
But if you took it away from me I wouldn't stop knowing him nor him me.
A "book" isn't a relationship, it a religious tool.
My "religion" is based on my relationship with him, not a book.
If I was alone on an island would I still have "religion"?
I personally would not, I would have Jesus.
Religious practices don't save people, relationships with their "God" does.



Not your average Mormon
Because we have a few thousand "copies of copies of copies" to work with (by the way, the bible is supposed to be your book too ;)
Copies are copies. No originals. And yes, the bible is our book, too.

And you haven't answered my question...
Joseph returned them to Moroni. But I think you already knew how I was going to answer. The next step is for you to say, "How convenient," to which I'll reply, "Yes, for you."


Not your average Mormon
Did the prophets need a book to be saved? No.
They walked with Christ and knew him as a friend and savior.
I believe that if you know Jesus and he knows you, no book is needed.
I Believe the Bible is a great way to start a relationship with God.
But if you took it away from me I wouldn't stop knowing him nor him me.
A "book" isn't a relationship, it a religious tool.
My "religion" is based on my relationship with him, not a book.
If I was alone on an island would I still have "religion"?
I personally would not, I would have Jesus.
Religious practices don't save people, relationships with their "God" does.
I couldn't agree more.


Admiral Obvious
ἀλήθεια;1454477 said:
Of course, agreeing that a relationship with Christ is all that matters, means that no one needs the Book of Mormon or other LDS scriptures, and they certainly don't need LDs baptism or LDS temple rituals and ceremonies.
I would love to see how you explain that.


Not your average Mormon
ἀλήθεια;1454477 said:
Of course, agreeing that a relationship with Christ is all that matters, means that no one needs the Book of Mormon or other LDS scriptures, and they certainly don't need LDs baptism or LDS temple rituals and ceremonies.
Feel free to continue to respond to my posts and to direct questions to me, whatever-your-name-is, but in case you hadn't noticed, I stopped replying to your questions or addressing your comments a couple of weeks ago. They are of no concern to me and it's just a waste of my time. I just wanted to give you a heads up about that so that you don't expect something from me that you're not going to get.
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