If you want to get into this then let both sides tell their sides of the story, directly, not as someone presenting both sides "for" them; that's not objective. Due diligence and critical thinking call for being skeptical and mindful of what some anonymous individual on some forum is pitching, which frankly means that I don't trust you.
I'm not interested in entertaining such political propaganda narratives. As far as I know, a bunch of outsiders from Europe barged into that Southern Levant region about 3 quarters of a century ago, and are apparently trying to violently destroy and cleanse the indigenous population there, so I don't see how I have any entitlement or reason for criticizing the indigenous population there for not wanting to be cleansed and destroyed. There's no just cause for defending such behavior and actions, and I'm not a supporter of aggression
My focus isn't even really on the Jewish people and their descendants who came from Europe following WW2. I see this as a case of European imperialism, and the Jewish people who came from Europe are just pawns and tools being exploited & taken advantage of by such imperialism. I see both European Jews and their descendants, and the indigenous people of that Southern Levant area, as essentially victims of European imperialism being pitted against each other.
Consider that after WW 1 the British empire had control of the region (Mandatory Palestine) until Israel founders declared it as their state, and did you know that European monarchs such as the kings of Spain have claimed the title King of Jerusalem?
The reason I have a problem with the idea of my own country (the US) being involved in this cleansing and destruction is not just because it's plainly unjustifiable violent aggression, but mainly because I see it as supporting European imperialism. It has nothing to do with a notion of supporting Iran or Hamas or whoever is supposedly trying to kill Jews or destroy Israel; I don't support anything of the sort, at all.
It seems like this political propaganda narrative is one sided; this and the false choice narrative that you either support Israel or you support Iran and Hamas seem like diversions to prevent any focus on European imperialism.
That's my opinion, maybe I'm wrong, but if I am wrong and you want to show me that I'm wrong, then please do so with a complete set of facts from neutral, objective sources. It's something I'm currently exploring, and the only reason I bring it up in a thread like this, at this point, is because the circumstances somehow seem to necessitate that I do so.