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Why I am a good proof that there is a God


Well-Known Member
I believe first and foremost God is real because He abides in me.

My testimony to that affect should be enough but people need to know there are discernable affects that indicate god is present.

1. God speaks to me.
2. God gives me dreams and visons.
3. God heals my diseases.
4. God keeps me from sin.
5. God helps me to understand scripture
6. God speaks through me.
When you say God speaks to you; are these the voices in your head?


Jesus in me
I was a Christian for thirty-one years, and I've read and studied the bible many times. I can honestly say that I'm well versed in scripture. Anyway, I decided to mention this to you because I know that the bible says only God is good (Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19), we are born into sin (Psalm 51:5), we are all like sheep who have gone astray (Isaiah 53:6), no one is righteous (Romans 3:9-18) and without sin (1 John 1:8), and all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23; Romans 5:12). Furthermore, the bible makes it perfectly clear that Jesus Christ is the only living person who was without sin (2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 1:18-19; 1 Peter 2:22; 1 John 3:5). I'm citing these scriptures because I've never heard a Christian ever profess that they came down from heaven, and they're already a good person that God likes to reward. That's a new one for me. As far as Job is concerned, he probably did have an advantage over me, but I'm not him, and I finally let go of my personal Christian faith and belief in God.

I believe I do not see the relationship of those scriptures to your statement. How about this one:
John 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.
Where did your spirit come from? I believe no-one remembers but God knows.

Believe it or not this is not based on my being in Heaven. I believe God will let in anyone who wishes to go there and knows how to get there unless it conflicts with his plans. I believe I became a good person in my previous life based on Christian doctrine:

1. Accept the forgiveness of sins that was sealed on the cross.

2. Receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

The first erases all past sins and the second keeps all future sins from Happening because Jesus in me does not sin.


Well-Known Member
I believe I do not see the relationship of those scriptures to your statement. How about this one:
John 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.
Where did your spirit come from? I believe no-one remembers but God knows.

Believe it or not this is not based on my being in Heaven. I believe God will let in anyone who wishes to go there and knows how to get there unless it conflicts with his plans. I believe I became a good person in my previous life based on Christian doctrine:

1. Accept the forgiveness of sins that was sealed on the cross.

2. Receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

The first erases all past sins and the second keeps all future sins from Happening because Jesus in me does not sin.
Since God speaks through you ask him to tell you 14 numbers.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I believe I do not see the relationship of those scriptures to your statement. How about this one:
John 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.
Where did your spirit come from? I believe no-one remembers but God knows.

Believe it or not this is not based on my being in Heaven. I believe God will let in anyone who wishes to go there and knows how to get there unless it conflicts with his plans. I believe I became a good person in my previous life based on Christian doctrine:

1. Accept the forgiveness of sins that was sealed on the cross.

2. Receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

The first erases all past sins and the second keeps all future sins from Happening because Jesus in me does not sin.

Are you implying that you're sinless? You have no sin in your life whatsoever, is that what you're saying, or am I misunderstanding you? Am I to assume that you don't tell lies (includes white lies), you haven't taken something that doesn't belong to you (no matter its value), and you don't look at the opposite sex (or the same sex) with lust in your heart? And at all times, you are perfectly pure in word, thought, and deed, and you keep all of God's commandments perfectly? Remember that you can't slip up even once, and you can't tell a white lie, or else you are not sinless. 1 John 1:8-10 says that if we claim to be without sin, then we deceive ourselves and the truth isn't in us. Furthermore, if we claim we haven't sinned, then we make God out to be a liar and his word isn't in us.

If you tell me that you are not guilty of lying and/or stealing, you are not an adulterer at heart (Matthew 5:28), you don't have the slightest hint of sin in your life, and you keep all of God's law perfectly at all times, then I have to admit that I'm impressed because according to the bible, there is only one other person in the history of mankind who was sinless, and that is Jesus Christ himself.
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Jesus in me
Are you implying that you're sinless? You have no sin in your life whatsoever, is that what you're saying, or am I misunderstanding you? Am I to assume that you don't tell lies (includes white lies), you haven't taken something that doesn't belong to you (no matter its value), and you don't look at the opposite sex (or the same sex) with lust in your heart? And at all times, you are perfectly pure in word, thought, and deed, and you keep all of God's commandments perfectly? Remember that you can't slip up even once, and you can't tell a white lie, or else you are not sinless. 1 John 1:8-10 says that if we claim to be without sin, then we deceive ourselves and the truth isn't in us. Furthermore, if we claim we haven't sinned, then we make God out to be a liar and his word isn't in us.

If you tell me that you are not guilty of lying and/or stealing, you are not an adulterer at heart (Matthew 5:28), you don't have the slightest hint of sin in your life, and you keep all of God's law perfectly at all times, then I have to admit that I'm impressed because according to the bible, there is only one other person in the history of mankind who was sinless, and that is Jesus Christ himself.

I believe all of my sin is forgiven by Jesus. It is just as though I never sin. However there are some minor things since Jesus doesn't micro-manage. What I usually say in this regard is that I sin less not that I am sinless. So what I am saying is that while Jesus is in total control of my life I do not sin.


Jesus in me
When you say God speaks to you; are these the voices in your head?

I believe all voices are received in the head whether audible or not. For instance I can actually hear the voice of John McCartney in my head but that is from memory. I think what you are asking is if a spirit can speak words to ones mind. I believe spirits can do that.


Jesus in me
Quote from Dan of Smithville: "2. Again, the same. You cannot rule out seeing visions as the result of some other cause. You have no way of knowing what God has revealed to me actually happened. I have no way to show you. I cannot show you that it is not the result of mental illness, wishful thinking or some environmental cause. I can talk about it, but you do not have to believe me. It might be evidence of God, but other causes cannot be ruled out."

I believe I like to be educated: What other causes are there?

I believe God would affirm it or deny it.

I believe I would not even trust a professional to evaluate mental illness. I believe they are prejudiced.

I believe only the person having the experience can answer that one. For me I do not usually seek such things. Once I asked for the gift of discerning of spirits and God asked me what I wanted it for but He gave it to me anyway. I can honestly say be careful what you wish for.

I believe a person would be aware of that. In Dickens "A Christmas Carol" the character attributed his visit by a spirit to something he ate. I believe that is illogical.


Well-Known Member
I believe I haven't won the lottery yet. This is easy for Him but I find He isn't willing to do the dog and pony show for people.

Yahweh was fine with it all throughout the OT? Riding around on smoke and fire in a chariot among other things?
Then he decides to leave behind records that are clearly copied from all older myths and leave no evidence whatsoever? And he won't help spread the message by providing actual confirmation that this is a God? I call B.S. You claim a God speaks through you and to you. The tired old apologetic "God doesn't do tricks...blah blah" is ridiculous.
Giving a sequence of numbers is not a pony show. You say it's "easy for him". Then prove it?
If not numbers, ask God what you should say to me to convince me he is real. That should be easy for a God and it isn't a trick but a serious question.


Well-Known Member
Quote from Dan of Smithville: "2. Again, the same. You cannot rule out seeing visions as the result of some other cause. You have no way of knowing what God has revealed to me actually happened. I have no way to show you. I cannot show you that it is not the result of mental illness, wishful thinking or some environmental cause. I can talk about it, but you do not have to believe me. It might be evidence of God, but other causes cannot be ruled out."

I believe I like to be educated: What other causes are there?

I believe God would affirm it or deny it.

I believe I would not even trust a professional to evaluate mental illness. I believe they are prejudiced.

I believe only the person having the experience can answer that one. For me I do not usually seek such things. Once I asked for the gift of discerning of spirits and God asked me what I wanted it for but He gave it to me anyway. I can honestly say be careful what you wish for.

I believe a person would be aware of that. In Dickens "A Christmas Carol" the character attributed his visit by a spirit to something he ate. I believe that is illogical.

Great, then ask God for some information about mathematics or science that you can use to verify your experience.
Something not yet known but will be eventually. The answer to the Riemann Hypothesis and why is it true or false. Surely God will know what to tell you to demonstrate these are not just mental visions/hallucinations.

The thread is titles why you are PROOF?? Then when one asks for actual real proof (not anecdotal evidence of a possible mental condition) you only make excuses?
Please inform God that you have claimed that you are PROOF of God on a religious forum so this way you can stop representing him in the same terrible way others have (with evidence of things made up in your mind) and have actual proof.

There are already many many people in every religion with this "proof". You can go to a Hindu forum and have many examples of "proof" of Krishna because people feel his love, feel that he's communicating with them, feel they are in a relationship with Krishna and they want to marry him.
But yet, Krishna can't seem to tell them something that they don't already know or could just look up.
Krishna doesn't just bow to peoples wishes for tricks!

"Hey I have proof!"
"Cool what is it"
"Sorry God doesn't do tricks"
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Jesus in me
Great, then ask God for some information about mathematics or science that you can use to verify your experience.
Something not yet known but will be eventually. The answer to the Riemann Hypothesis and why is it true or false. Surely God will know what to tell you to demonstrate these are not just mental visions/hallucinations.

The thread is titles why you are PROOF?? Then when one asks for actual real proof (not anecdotal evidence of a possible mental condition) you only make excuses?
Please inform God that you have claimed that you are PROOF of God on a religious forum so this way you can stop representing him in the same terrible way others have (with evidence of things made up in your mind) and have actual proof.

There are already many many people in every religion with this "proof". You can go to a Hindu forum and have many examples of "proof" of Krishna because people feel his love, feel that he's communicating with them, feel they are in a relationship with Krishna and they want to marry him.
But yet, Krishna can't seem to tell them something that they don't already know or could just look up.
Krishna doesn't just bow to peoples wishes for tricks!

"Hey I have proof!"
"Cool what is it"
"Sorry God doesn't do tricks"

I believe Krishna is not an incarnation of God. He follows the incorrect Hindu teachings. It says a spirit can inhabit an animals body. God tells me it can't. It can only inhabit a human's body. We don't have much evidence for spirits even in a human body. The best one was "The Search for Bridey Murphey."


Well-Known Member
I believe Krishna is not an incarnation of God. He follows the incorrect Hindu teachings. It says a spirit can inhabit an animals body. God tells me it can't. It can only inhabit a human's body. We don't have much evidence for spirits even in a human body. The best one was "The Search for Bridey Murphey."
Please ask God what you should say to me to help me know he is real. God will know exactly what to tell you to say.

We don't have much evidence for spirits even in a human body.

There is no evidence for spirits or Gods. I'm trying to get evidence and all you are doing is dodging the questions.


Jesus in me
Please ask God what you should say to me to help me know he is real. God will know exactly what to tell you to say.

There is no evidence for spirits or Gods. I'm trying to get evidence and all you are doing is dodging the questions.

He said "Who was there?" It sounds pretty obsequious to me and I told Him I thought it was not detailed enough but I got nothing further. Maybe He is playing with you. He does that sometimes.


Jesus in me
Dan from Smithville said: "3. I have had several Christian friends die over the last 18 months due to Covid-19. I have no reason to believe they did not believe in God or had weak faith. I prayed for them. Couldn't God just as easily make us ill to help us grow?"

I believe my relationship with Jesus is special. However when God is ready I will die. So in some cases God answers the prayer by a miraculous healing and in other cases lets nature take its course. Belief and faith will not alter what God plans to do with a person. I believe God has brought on an illness for me in the past. So like Job, we say in all circumstances: "Blessed be the name of the Lord."


Well-Known Member
He said "Who was there?" It sounds pretty obsequious to me and I told Him I thought it was not detailed enough but I got nothing further. Maybe He is playing with you. He does that sometimes.
Yeah that definitely isn't a God, that's your mind playing tricks on you. They do that sometimes.


Jesus in me
Yeah that definitely isn't a God, that's your mind playing tricks on you. They do that sometimes.

I believe my mind does not play tricks on me. I believe you are saying that because you do not wish to face reality.

As for me since I am not getting information from either of you, I am going to guess that you have a secret that at least one other person knows about.

I believe I have found that God and Jesus tend to answer questions with questions. They are not the only ones known for doing that but it is characteristic.