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Why I am a good proof that there is a God


Veteran Member
Moses (a) was accused of speaking unclearly,

Evidence please, and quoting a text that repeats the claim is not evidence for the claim. Then perhaps you can explain your point here, as I'm not seeing the relevance. I point out you post vague meaningless platitudes, and you respond by asserting a biblical character was accused of being unclear, so what, that doesn't make your verbiage any less meaningless?

Mohammad (s) when he use to teach, those with a disease in their heart would say to those with knowledge "What did he just say", as if he speaks nothing or nonsense.

Another meaningless platitude, thank you for proving my point again.

Your choice not to listen.

A lie, I am demonstrably listening, you're just not saying anything that remotely demonstrates anything approaching objective evidence.

Your choice not to listen. You been reminded. This is how people respond when clear reminders are given to them.

Another meaningless platitude, it isn't evidence, and it tells us nothing beyond your self congratulatory tone, when saying what you want to hear, and priggishly delivering them as if you have revealed some hidden esoteric truth, when you have said precisely nothing.

They have no response and take their disbelief as proof it's not proven.

Another lie, I have explained repeatedly that "proofs" are for mathematics and logic, and I don't use that word nor have I ever made that dishonest straw man you just assigned to me.

Shame on all people who do that, "their hearts are all alike".

That's both a no true Scotsman fallacy, and an ad hominem fallacy.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Sheldon, what's the point of me talking to you? If you can prove there is good reason to, I will continue.


Veteran Member
Sheldon, what's the point of me talking to you? If you can prove there is good reason to, I will continue.

Is that how debate works here? I will post when I am minded to, if my posts bother you, then you are free of course to ignore them.

Hearing contrary views to deeply cherished beliefs can be very disconcerting I suppose, but that is a personal choice we make when we bring those beliefs to a debate forum I'd have thought, and of course when someone chooses to hold a belief, and state it publicly in such a forum, it's inevitable others will disagree. I respect people and their right to believe whatever they wish, but beliefs must stand on their own merit.


Jesus in me
Ok, but without wishing to be offensive, do you understand that this is just a bare claim, and has no objective difference to me claiming I've seen a mermaid?

Would you think me claiming I've seen a mermaid was enough for you to accept mermaids are real?

1. Mermaids speak to me.
2. Mermaids give me dreams and visions.
3, Mermaids heal my diseases.
4. Mermaids keep me from sin.
5. Mermaids help me see how people misinterpret scripture.
6, Mermaid speak through me.

It's easy to reel off unevidenced claims. How are mine any less credible than yours?

My apologies if this is a little too direct, or insensitive, but I assume when someone comes to a public debate forum, they are content to have critical feedback on their claims.

I believe the sign of fabrication of belief is all over your post. I do not do so. Anyone who has seen me post knows that I have a high regard for the truth.


Veteran Member
I believe the sign of fabrication of belief is all over your post. I do not do so. Anyone who has seen me post knows that I have a high regard for the truth.

I think you've missed my point, which was that your claim is not supported by any objective evidence. My analogy was to illustrate one could claim literally anything setting your criteria of a bare statement for personal experience.

I wasn't accusing you of lying, or claiming I'd literally seen mermaids, merely illustrating that such claims have no epistemological value to others.


Jesus in me
1. The Bible says no one has heard the voice of God.
2. Many people have dreams. Any proof they come from God?
3. Maybe doctors deserve some of the credit.
4. The Bible says ALL have sinned. I think this includes you.
5. Proof it is God speaking?

1. I did a search and did not find it. I found a lot of verses like this:
Deut 27:10 You shall therefore obey the voice of the LORD your God, keeping his commandments and his statutes, which I command you today.”

2. I believe this goes for any contact with God. I believe this comes back to the voice. I believe the voice of God is what God says and how He says it. Dreams can have different origins. My spirit tends to do dreams when I am asleep. I don't remember them. My mind does dreams when I am half awake and I do remember them. A dream from God comes when I am awake but it does not originate from me. I know that because I am in control of what my mind dreams so I know what is from me and what isn't.

3. Doctors rarely heal. Mostly they prescribe medicine or cut out body parts. My doctor prescribes a medicine for m high blood pressure but my high blood pressure is not healed. If I stop taking the medicine I am still ill or as my doctor likes to tell me that I am a sick person.

4. I believe my sin is all taken care of by Jesus.

5. See #2.


Jesus in me
I'm always perplexed by the need people have to prove God exists. I'm not sure whom they are trying to convince of his existence... themselves or others. Conversely it perplexes me why people need to disprove the existence of the [form of] God someone else believes in, in favor of their own. :shrug:

I believe I am responding to those who believe there is no proof that there is a God. That occurs a lot on RF.


Well-Known Member
I am a subset of all, and that was the demographic you used in your claim.
So you don't believe in God and it bothers you to think that you are blind? Own it and it becomes less true. Keep denying it and it's that much more true.

I confess I am blind and I need God to see.
Thus it axiomatically is directed at me. It is also a no true Scotsman fallacy.
Well it may be about you; but it wasn't directed at you.

We assume you're blind because you don't see. That is not a no true Scotsman's fallacy. It's self evident. It's axiomatic since you seem to like that word.


Veteran Member
So you don't believe in God and it bothers you to think that you are blind?

Yes, and no, since your accusation is not true, but an irrational use of the no true Scotsman fallacy.

Own it and it becomes less true. Keep denying it and it's that much more true.

Both of those assertions are errant nonsense sorry.

Well it may be about you; but it wasn't directed at you.

That doesn't preclude me commenting, since we're in a public debate forum.

We assume you're blind because you don't see. That is not a no true Scotsman's fallacy.

You didn't assume it, you made a statement claiming that anyone who didn't share your belief in an unevidenced deity from an archaic superstition must be blind, which of course is a no true Scotsman fallacy.

It's axiomatic since you seem to like that word.

I like lots of words, but you clearly don't understand this one. I suggest you look it up, as the context you have used it in here is wrong.


Well-Known Member
Yes, and no, since your accusation is not true, but an irrational use of the no true Scotsman fallacy.

Both of those assertions are errant nonsense sorry.

That doesn't preclude me commenting, since we're in a public debate forum.

You didn't assume it, you made a statement claiming that anyone who didn't share your belief in an unevidenced deity from an archaic superstition must be blind, which of course is a no true Scotsman fallacy.

I like lots of words, but you clearly don't understand this one. I suggest you look it up, as the context you have used it in here is wrong.
Don't waste my time with arguing. You ignore well reasoned responses and continue to assert refuted positions without rebuttal.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I believe first and foremost God is real because He abides in me.

My testimony to that affect should be enough but people need to know there are discernable affects that indicate god is present.

1. God speaks to me.
2. God gives me dreams and visons.
3. God heals my diseases.
4. God keeps me from sin.
5. God helps me to understand scripture
6. God speaks through me.
None of that is evidence of god.
It is evidence of your mental state.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Don't waste my time with arguing. You ignore well reasoned responses and continue to assert refuted positions without rebuttal.
None of the believers here have posted evidence of god. They can’t. It doesn’t exist. There is no such evidence.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Never believed in a God.

Brother human natural. Theist cosmos. No water in his cosmos theories. Trusted his man taught spirituality. Learnt not to trust him.

Builds earth God one substance machine. Reacts more earth substance using water cooling the whole time.

Natural life holy water owned by gods heavens keeps me safe.

Get irradiated by his science causes a changed heavens.

Hear my deceased God owned historic living spiritual human father. Can compare his spirituality to my satanist brothers mind machine builder owner controller thinker. Tells the machine by his mind what to satanic attack of gods.

Ice the God saviour melts. I get life saved.

How I know God and our holy father is good compared to my satanic science human brothers.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Scientist wrong theist God by satanisms

Father and mother life is owner within him. Water is God owned history oxygenated by trees.

Sperm ovary

However men historic as origin man holy father human invented science machines.

Now man is heavenly imaged self idol possessed talks constantly just about himself he him his in God terms.

In total attack of man teachings said so don't self idolise yourself self just an equal man.