What does the word "selection" mean to you?
SELECTION and its synonyms all involve a conscious act of choosing.
So the word "selection" is unfortunate as it can cause confusion.
Try looking at it this way.
Evolution is based on what works. If white feathers work for hiding in the snow, the bird gets to reproduce. If black feathers get the bird eaten, it does not reproduce.
The birds made no choice.
Another way to try looking at it would be
that a raindrop has no volition.
Yet it, and trillions of others each made the "selection" of the direction that gravity, a NATURAL force, "selected".
The result is the formation of a marvelously complex river system that a lifetime of study would not begin to uncovervall its complexity.
At each point our rain drop only did what it had to do because of the forces acting on it.
Evolution works as it does not thro "choices" but because things happen the only way they can.
Each alternative was actually impossible.
Natural "selection" is actually the opposite of selection if one goes by dictionary definition
instead of understanding the meaning as a term of art in biology. Like a corporation being a person in legal usage.
You easily earn half a point for questioning the
word "selection".
If you can select a better word that reflects
how evolution actually works, plz do so.