I realize that. But questions of God often drift into questions regarding the origins of man. And probably rightly so since as I noted earlier or in another thread, every single property or product man possesses today he possesses because of its survival value. In some sense, belief in God, not withstanding the cost of carrying it around all these years, has survival value.
As my first proposition in the Science of God thread, I propose that God is a real, genuine, physical, niche in the "objective" world (the world before it gets transformed by the dictates of a living organism). As such, adapting to that niche has created the world's most powerful and technologically advanced creature: the Judeo/Christian.
By adapting to the God-niche, Jews and Christians have designed atomic weapons to slay their enemies, I-phones to communicate with one another, and space ships to use as a golden parachute (of sorts) when this planet is spent or the aboriginal barbarians at the gates get too noisy.