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Why is Erotic Dance Wrong or Immoral?

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
I disagree completely; and as others have pointed out this flies in the face of the facts. People are more than capable of having responsible sex free of diseases and unwanted pregnancy. It involves knowing your partner, getting tested/screened for STD's, and using contraceptives properly.

How often is any of this actually done? How many young people display that level of wisdom and responsibility? HIndsight is 20/20, isn't it?

Far from being a "secular" thing, teen pregnancies are actually most prevalent in America in the south -- the most deeply religious, where people don't receive proper sex education (all they get is that abstinence only crapola).

Glad you mentioned that. Abstinence Only has proven itself to be a dismal failure. It is crapola. Just look at Bristol Palin.

The religious solution is apparently to just sweep the problem under the rug and then blame hormonal kids for when they engage in something completely natural to do -- perhaps excacerbated by making it so taboo.

You can't blame kids for being hormonal. You can't blame kids for being rebellious, either. Sex is completely natural but that doesn't mean there are no unwanted consequences. Why do young people learn these lessons only after it's too late? Why do they spend the rest of their lives regretting one bad decision?

The REAL solution is to discourage kids from engaging in sex but to ensure they know how to protect themselves if they're going to make that decision anyway. It has the added benefit of providing them knowledge on how to protect themselves and their partners when they're mature enough to actually be making those decision.

I agree 100%.
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Well-Known Member
It is entertainment just like everything else. If erotic dancing is immoral or wrong then so is everything else in this world.


Well-Known Member
I guess it depends on the purpose or intent of the dance and how a person 'interpret' or 'perceives' the dance.
I don't see that there is any immoral about dancing erotically as it could be interpreted as being a courtship dance which has the purpose of showing that person A who is dancing has a sexual interest in person B which in turn can arouse person B making them ready for sex. In places like strip clubs where person B enjoys the arousal and person A benefits financially.

The real moral issue in my opinion lies with whether its exploitative and whether the involved parties are mentally capable of giving their consensus to take part. This applies to both the dancer and the audience.


godless wonder
People may view erotic dance as someone taking off clothing, but really it can be done with clothes on. Just watch some Latin or salsa dances.


Which leads me to bring up another topic altogether: Breast feeding. Such a natural thing, and yet our society's obsession with breasts as sex objects taints it so much.