Read it. It's not a prohibition. As I said repeatedly, and as you cannot honestly deny, LESBIANISM IS NOT PROHIBITED. Think about it. You're condemning people, and now you tell me you're denying them the opportunity to marry in your church, on no basis but your prejudice.
Just think of all the things that are prohibited! Not just divorce, which is prohibited in the NT, and, actually, by Jesus Himself, but weird stuff: eating weasels, grabbing your husband's wrestling opponents testicles, trimming your beard, having a foreskin--all kinds of weird things, hundreds and hundreds of prohibitions and commandments in thousands of pages,and nowhere, not once, is this activity prohibited. After all, it's not like God doesn't know how to prohibit things if He has a problem with them: "Thou shalt not..." So here you have something He has no problem with, and you have the temerity, the blasphemy, really, to decide for yourselves, with no guidance from the so-called source of your morality, that it's a sin, with no basis at all, and condemn and ostracize people for LOVING EACH OTHER! It's sickening. What are you going to do about it?