The story of Sodom is a good one for this thread. Why? Because it illustrates how inhospitality will lead to destruction. It serves as a warning to those who engage in inhospitable acts, that the inhospitality will not not serve them, in the end.
What real good does it do to bray out that "homosexuality is a sin?" All that accomplishes is the breeding of inhospitality toward quite a number of people who have good, gentle spirits, who know what it means to love, and who are contributing, law-abiding citizens.
The congregations who shun or disallow homosexuals from fellowship are a prime example. Not only do they miss an opportunity to minister and be ministered to, they sour people who are "outsiders" on the love of Christ. (Remember, it was the outcasts with whom Jesus was concerned.)
So what if the "Bible says that homosexuality is a sin?" (I don't believe it does.) The Bible also precludes one from working on the Sabbath. Driving is considered work. How many of you anti-homosexual Christians drive 7 days a week?
Aren't we splitting hairs here? Don't you think that God loves these people, regardless of how they're wired? Don't you think that God would rather that they be happy and have a modicum of self-esteem, rather than feel doomed to hell?
We Christians should be meeting the strangers at our gates, inviting them in and caring for them. That's what good communities do, for pete's sake!