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Why Jews and Christians do not accept Islam?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Can you give some examples about Abrogation Quran by Quran?

Situation Yaqoub (a) finds himself with the King vs situation Dawood (a) and Sulaiman (a) find themselves in.

Or the verses teaching to do Taqiya with disbelievers and give them authority over you outwardly vs the verses teaching to no longer honor treaties with those who broken them already and go on the offensive. Two different situations.


Veteran Member
It means Quran and Ahlulbayt (a) replaced the Prophets (a) of Bani-Israel and their scriptures in simple terms. Quran and Ahlulbayt (a) are a proof.

"The Messenger ˹firmly˺ believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. They ˹all˺ believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His messengers. ˹They proclaim,˺ “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and obey. ˹We seek˺ Your forgiveness, our Lord! And to You ˹alone˺ is the final return." Quran 2:285

According to the verse of Quran, true believers do not make any distinction between the Messengers of God.
So, all Prophets of God are one.
Muhammad several times said, everytime, God sent a Prophet, it was just a Muhammad that was sent.

so, when there is no difference betwee the Prophets, What do you mean Muhammad and Ahlulbayt replaced Prophets of Bani-Israel?

Why were they replaced, when they are the same?

Every time this happens in almost all times, they say to the Messenger that is starting the replacement that you are a fabricator.

So this happened to Mohammad (s) and it happened to others as well.

You also said, there are Abrogation of Quran with Qur'an. Can you give some examples of that?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What do you mean Muhammad and Ahlulbayt replaced Prophets of Bani-Israel?

They were to be looked for guidance and light and insight, as opposed to the legacy left by Prophets (a) of Bani-Israel. There is a sermon of Imam Ali (a) talking about one people replaced by another. Let me find it.


Veteran Member
Situation Yaqoub (a) finds himself with the King vs situation Dawood (a) and Sulaiman (a) find themselves in.

But those are not verses of Quran abrogation of Quran. Those are stories of the past Prophets.
Or the verses teaching to do Taqiya with disbelievers and give them authority over you outwardly vs the verses teaching to no longer honor treaties with those who broken them already and go on the offensive. Two different situations.

Can you please quote these verses?

Why don't you say, change of Qibla? Why don't you say, Wine was allowed in the beginning by Allah under some situations but later was completely disallowed?


Veteran Member
Premium Member

Sermon 152: Praise be to Allah who is….​

About the greatness and the attributes of Allah 1 and the qualities of the Imams
ومن خطبة له (عليه السلام)
في صفات الله جل جلاله، وصفات أئمة الدين
Praise be to Allah who is proof of His existence through His creation, of His being eternal through the newness of His creation, and through their mutual similarities of the fact that nothing is similar to Him. Senses cannot touch Him and curtains cannot veil Him, because of the difference between the Maker and the made, the Limiter and the limited and the Sustainer and the sustained.
الْحَمْدُ للهِ الدَّالِّ عَلَى وُجُودِهِ بِخَلْقِهِ، وَبِمُحْدَثِ خَلْقِهِ عَلَى أَزَلِيَّته، وَبِاشْتِبَاهِهِمْ عَلَى أَنْ لاَ شَبَهَ لَهُ. لاَ تَسْتَلِمُهُ الْمَشَاعِرُ، وَلاَ تَحْجُبُهُ السَّوَاتِرُ، لاِفْتِرَاِق الصَّانِعِ وَالْمَصْنُوعِ، وَالْحَادِّ وَالْـمَحْدُودِ، وَالرَّبِّ وَالْمَرْبُوبِ.
He is One but not by the first in counting, is Creator but not through activity or labour, is Hearer but not by means of any physical organ, is Looker but not by a stretching of eyelids, is Witness but not by nearness, is Distinct but not by measurement of distance, is Manifest but not by seeing and is Hidden but not by subtlety (of body). He is Distinct from things because He overpowers them and exercises might over them, while things are distinct from Him because of their subjugation to Him and their turning towards Him.
الاْحَدُ لاَ بِتَأْوِيلِ عَدَد، وَالْخَالِقُ لاَ بِمَعْنَى حَرَكَة وَنَصَب، وَالسَّمِيعُ لاَ بِأَدَاة، وَالْبَصِيرُ لاَ بِتَفْرِيقِ آلَة، وَالشَّاهِدُ لاَبِمُمَاسَّه، وَالْبَائِنُ لاَبِتَرَاخِي مَسَافَة، وَالظّاهِرُ لاَبِرُؤيَة، وَالْبَاطِنُ لاَ بِلَطَافَة. بَانَ مِنَ الاْشْيَاءِ بَالْقَهْرِ لَهَا، وَالْقُدْرَةِ عَلَيْهَا، وَبَانَتِ الاْشْيَاءُ مِنْهُ بَالْخُضُوعِ لَهُ، وَالرُّجُوعِ إِلَيْهِ.
He who describes Him limits Him. He who limits Him numbers Him. He who numbers Him rejects His eternity. He who said "how" sought a description for Him. He who said "where" bounded him. He is the Knower even though there be nothing to be known. He is the Sustainer even though there be nothing to be sustained. He is the Powerful even though there be nothing to be overpowered.
مَنْ وَصَفَهُ فَقَدْ حَدَّهُ، وَمَنْ حَدَّهُ فَقَدْ عَدَّهُ، وَمَنْ عَدَّهُ فَقَدْ أَبْطَلَ أَزَلَهُ، وَمَنْ قَالَ: كَيْفَ، فَقَدِ اسْتَوْصَفَهُ، وَمَنْ قَالَ: أَيْنَ، فَقَدْ حَيَّزَهُ. عَالِمٌ إِذْ لاَ مَعْلُومٌ، وَرَبٌّ إِذْ لاَ مَرْبُوبٌ، وَقَادِرٌ إِذْ لاَ مَقْدُورٌ.

A part of the same sermon about the Divine leaders (Imams)

منها: في أئمّة الدين
The riser has risen, the sparkler has sparkled, the appearer has appeared and the curved has been straightened. Allah has replaced one people with another and one day with another. We awaited these changes as the famine-stricken await the rain. Certainly the Imams are the risers of Allah over His creatures and means to know him for his worshippers. No one will enter Paradise except he who knows them and knows Him, and no one will enter Hell except he who denies them and denies Him.
فَقَدْ طَلَعَ طَالِعٌ، وَلَمَعَ لاَ مِعٌ، وَلاَحَ لاَئِحٌ، وَاعْتَدَلَ مَائِلٌ، وَاسْتَبْدَلَ اللهُ بِقَوْم قَوْماً، وَبِيَوم يَوْماً، وَانْتَظَرْنَا الْغِيَرَ انْتِظَارَ الْـمُجْدِبِ الْمَطَرَ. وَإِنَّمَا الاَئِمَّةُ قُوَّامُ اللهِ عَلَى خَلْقِهِ، وَعُرَفَاؤُهُ عَلَى عِبَادِهِ، لاَ يَدْخُلُ الْجَنَّةَ إِلاَّ مَنْ عَرَفَهُمْ وَعَرَفُوهُ، وَلاَ يَدْخُلُ النَّارَ إِلاَّ منْ أَنْكَرَهُمْ وَأَنْكَرُوهُ.
Allah the Glorified, has distinguished you with Islam and has chosen you for it. This is because it is the name of safety and the collection of honour. Allah the Glorified, chose its way and disclosed its pleas through open knowledge and secret maxims. Its (Qur'an) wonders are not exhausted and its delicacies do not end. It contains blossoming bounties and lamps of darkness. (The doors of) virtues cannot be opened save with its keys, nor can gloom be dispelled save with its lamps. Allah has protected its inaccessible points (from enemies) and allowed grazing (to its followers) in its pastures. It contains cover (from the ailment of misguidance) for the seeker of cure and full support for the seeker of support.
إِنَّ اللهَ خَصَّكُمْ بَالاْسْلاَمِ، وَاسْتَخْلَصَكُمْ لَهُ، وَذلِكَ لاِنَّهُ اسْمُ سَلاَمَة، وَجِمَاعُ كَرَامَة، اصْطَفَى اللهُ تَعَالَى مَنْهَجَهُ، وَبَيَّنَ حُجَجَهُ، مِنْ ظَاهِرِ عِلْم، وَبَاطِنِ حِكَم، لاَ تَفْنَى غَرَائِبُهُ، وَلاَ تَنْقَضِي عَجَائِبُهُ، فِيهِ مَرَابِيعُ النِّعَمِ، وَمَصَابِيحُ الظُّلَمِ، لاَ تُفْتَحُ الْخَيْرَاتُ إِلاَّ بِمَفَاتِحِهِ، وَلاَ تُكْشَفُ الظُّلُمَاتُ إِلاَّ بِمَصَابِحِهِ، قَدْ أَحْمَى حِمَاهُ، وَأَرْعَى مَرْعَاهُ، فِيهِ شِفَاءُ الْمُسْتَشْفِي، وَكِفَايَةُ الْمُكْتَفِي.

Alternative Sources for Sermon 152

(1) Al-Kulayni, Usul al-Kafi, I, 139;
(2) al-'Amidi, Ghurar, 232, 235.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Why don't you say, change of Qibla? Why don't you say, Wine was allowed in the beginning by Allah under some situations but later was completely disallowed?
These are well known. The main abrogation of Quran by Quran, which people do not know, is when one situations arises and cancels another. The greater amount of abrogation is in that, and that takes deep reflection, insight and true assessment of the situation to know which to apply in which situation.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
But those are not verses of Quran abrogation of Quran. Those are stories of the past Prophets.
Which example to follow requires you to assess the situation. Both are light from God but there is a different application depending on the situation. You can't make a universal out of any of them.


Veteran Member

Sermon 152: Praise be to Allah who is….​

About the greatness and the attributes of Allah 1 and the qualities of the Imams

Praise be to Allah who is proof of His existence through His creation, of His being eternal through the newness of His creation, and through their mutual similarities of the fact that nothing is similar to Him. Senses cannot touch Him and curtains cannot veil Him, because of the difference between the Maker and the made, the Limiter and the limited and the Sustainer and the sustained.

He is One but not by the first in counting, is Creator but not through activity or labour, is Hearer but not by means of any physical organ, is Looker but not by a stretching of eyelids, is Witness but not by nearness, is Distinct but not by measurement of distance, is Manifest but not by seeing and is Hidden but not by subtlety (of body). He is Distinct from things because He overpowers them and exercises might over them, while things are distinct from Him because of their subjugation to Him and their turning towards Him.

He who describes Him limits Him. He who limits Him numbers Him. He who numbers Him rejects His eternity. He who said "how" sought a description for Him. He who said "where" bounded him. He is the Knower even though there be nothing to be known. He is the Sustainer even though there be nothing to be sustained. He is the Powerful even though there be nothing to be overpowered.

Nice Sermon.

A part of the same sermon about the Divine leaders (Imams)

The riser has risen, the sparkler has sparkled, the appearer has appeared and the curved has been straightened. Allah has replaced one people with another and one day with another.

Allah replaced one people with another.

I understand this to mean, in Past ages, Allah had chosen Children of Israel. He had exalted them.

But because they were disobedient, Allah chose Arabs, over the Bani-Israel.
Is my understanding correct?

But, How did Allah replace one people with another?

How are the Muslims distinguished to be a different people from Bani-Israel?

Was not this done by giving the Arabs, a new Book, containing a different set of Laws and Ordinances to make them known from the People of the Book?

Could have Allah replaced the Muslims with Bani-Israel, without replacing their Ordinances with a set of new Ordinances?

We awaited these changes as the famine-stricken await the rain. Certainly the Imams are the risers of Allah over His creatures and means to know him for his worshippers. No one will enter Paradise except he who knows them and knows Him, and no one will enter Hell except he who denies them and denies Him.

Allah the Glorified, has distinguished you with Islam and has chosen you for it. This is because it is the name of safety and the collection of honour. Allah the Glorified, chose its way and disclosed its pleas through open knowledge and secret maxims. Its (Qur'an) wonders are not exhausted and its delicacies do not end. It contains blossoming bounties and lamps of darkness. (The doors of) virtues cannot be opened save with its keys, nor can gloom be dispelled save with its lamps. Allah has protected its inaccessible points (from enemies) and allowed grazing (to its followers) in its pastures. It contains cover (from the ailment of misguidance) for the seeker of cure and full support for the seeker of support.

Alternative Sources for Sermon 152

(1) Al-Kulayni, Usul al-Kafi, I, 139;
(2) al-'Amidi, Ghurar, 232, 235.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Could have Allah replaced the Muslims with Bani-Israel, without replacing their Ordinances with a set of new Ordinances?
Sure, but is it wiser to do so?

From Musa (a) up to Isa (a) (not inclusive of the latter), the rituals require an presence of a leader appointed by God. It's just too ugly if not. Isa (a) mainly abrogated stuff in that regard.

The temple and it's rituals for repentance are just too ugly if without presence of a leader appointed by God. Otherwise better to repent in private then in public. Scholars and clergy can't play these roles without presence of a leader appointed by God.

It's beautiful but only with the leaders of God leading it. Mainly, after Musa (a) with Haroun (a), then Samuel (a), then Talut (a), then Dawood (a), then Sulaiman (a), etc...

Simon (a) as honorable that soul is, is not the same.

In this case, if he wished to, he should not make Quran the final book but provide Surahs to Imam Ali (a) all the way to the Mahdi (a), and make Quran more explicit in appointing Ahlulbayt (a) in a way no one can be obtuse and deny no matter how much they tried.

The reason is because Islam is designed in a way, that allows people to deny Ahlulbayt (a) but work with the Shariah and if they fear God, will be lead to Ahlulbayt (a) and see them in the Quran.

A lot of it's design is mainly about seeing Ahlulbayt (a) in Quran but without over explicit in appointing them nor silent regarding them, for example, blessing the family of Mohammad (s) in Salah and comparing them to the family of Ibrahim (a).

A lot of it is understanding universal design of the religion and understanding the creed of Ibrahim (a) with Mohammad (s) including that of Imams after him.

And the reason why Quran takes a middle ground between explicit and hidden is to allow people to be obtuse regarding it similar in the way Yaqoub (a) gave his sons an excuse to come to Islam after attempting to kill Yusuf (a). He knew they would lie, they were lying but gave them a way to stay in the religion from the outskirts till they repented. The advantage is that the Quran stays intact.

But in making this way, and because he wishes for religion to say high, he decided to not make the successors of Nabi Mohammad (s) receive scriptures that would add to the Quran. This way the focus is on interpretation but designed the Quran in abnormal way that his friends have access to while his enemies are denied access to it.

If he made it that they receive scripture, people would have rejected theirs and then Quran would not have the prestige it has now.

This way, the final umma is not replaced and in no need of replacement. This is why Imam Ali (a) continued and said:

Allah the Glorified, has distinguished you with Islam and has chosen you for it. This is because it is the name of safety and the collection of honour. Allah the Glorified, chose its way and disclosed its pleas through open knowledge and secret maxims. Its (Qur'an) wonders are not exhausted and its delicacies do not end. It contains blossoming bounties and lamps for darkness. (The doors of) virtues cannot be opened save with its keys, nor can gloom be dispelled save with its lamps. Allah has protected its inaccessible points (from enemies) and allowed grazing (to its followers) in its pastures. It contains cover (from the ailment of misguidance) for the seeker of cure and full support for the seeker of support.
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Veteran Member
Sure, but is it wiser to do so?

Practically, suppose, Allah did not give a new Book called Quran, but kept it as Bible, with corrections. If Allah did not change the Prayer, Qibla, and other Ordinances, then how can be said, these are new People? How could have the new People, be known from the People of the past? And practically how one can say, they are any different?

Perhaps, the guidance was lost among the children of Isreal.

From Musa (a) up to Isa (a) (not inclusive of the latter), the rituals require an presence of a leader appointed by God. It's just too ugly if not. Isa (a) mainly abrogated stuff in that regard.

The temple and it's rituals for repentance are just too ugly if without presence of a leader appointed by God. Otherwise better to repent in private then in public. Scholars and clergy can't play these roles without presence of a leader appointed by God.

It's beautiful but only with the leaders of God leading it. Mainly, after Musa (a) with Haroun (a), then Samuel (a), then Talut (a), then Dawood (a), then Sulaiman (a), etc...

Simon (a) as honorable that soul is, is not the same.

In this case, if he wished to, he should not make Quran the final book but provide Surahs to Imam Ali (a) all the way to the Mahdi (a), and make Quran more explicit in appointing Ahlulbayt (a) in a way no one can be obtuse and deny no matter how much they tried.

The reason is because Islam is designed in a way, that allows people to deny Ahlulbayt (a) but work with the Shariah and if they fear God, will be lead to Ahlulbayt (a) and see them in the Quran.

A lot of it's design is mainly about seeing Ahlulbayt (a) in Quran but without over explicit in appointing them nor silent regarding them, for example, blessing the family of Mohammad (s) in Salah and comparing them to the family of Ibrahim (a).

A lot of it is understanding universal design of the religion and understanding the creed of Ibrahim (a) with Mohammad (s) including that of Imams after him.

And the reason why Quran takes a middle ground between explicit and hidden is to allow people to be obtuse regarding it similar in the way Yaqoub (a) gave his sons an excuse to come to Islam after attempting to kill Yusuf (a). He knew they would lie, they were lying but gave them a way to stay in the religion from the outskirts till they repented. The advantage is that the Quran stays intact.

But in making this way, and because he wishes for religion to say high, he decided to not make the successors of Nabi Mohammad (s) receive scriptures that would add to the Quran. This way the focus is on interpretation but designed the Quran in abnormal way that his friends have access to while his enemies are denied access too.

If he made it that they receive scripture, people would have rejected theirs and then Quran would not have the prestige it has now.

This way, the final umma is not replaced and in no need of replacement. This is why Imam Ali (a) continued and said:

Allah the Glorified, has distinguished you with Islam and has chosen you for it. This is because it is the name of safety and the collection of honour. Allah the Glorified, chose its way and disclosed its pleas through open knowledge and secret maxims. Its (Qur'an) wonders are not exhausted and its delicacies do not end. It contains blossoming bounties and lamps for darkness. (The doors of) virtues cannot be opened save with its keys, nor can gloom be dispelled save with its lamps. Allah has protected its inaccessible points (from enemies) and allowed grazing (to its followers) in its pastures. It contains cover (from the ailment of misguidance) for the seeker of cure and full support for the seeker of support.

So, the Sermon you quoted, talks about replacing a people with another people. قوم with another قوم.

This "Change of People" was done, by sending a new Prophet to the Arabs to reveal for them a New Holy Book, with new Set of Laws and Ordinances, and choosing them as the best Ummah.

Now, having said that, consider one of the strongest Laws of Torah, known as Sabath, which Quran confirms it:

"... We said to them, "Do not transgress on the sabbath", and We took from them a solemn covenant." Quran 4:154

" لَا تَعۡدُوا۟ فِی ٱلسَّبۡتِ وَأَخَذۡنَا مِنۡهُم مِّیثَـٰقًا غَلِیظࣰا"

This was such a Strong covenant. As Torah also says:

"The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant." Exodus 31:16

"Observe the Sabbath, because it is holy to you. Anyone who desecrates it is to be put to death; those who do any work on that day must be cut off from their people."

It was supposed to be a lasting covenant.

Now, consider this covenant that was so, strong, that was to be an everlasting covenant and whoever broke it, was to be put to death, was abrogated, once Jesus had come, let alone when Muhammad came.

Now, why do I say these? consider What God says in Quran:

وَإِن تَتَوَلَّوۡا۟ یَسۡتَبۡدِلۡ قَوۡمًا غَیۡرَكُمۡ ثُمَّ لَا یَكُونُوۤا۟ أَمۡثَـٰلَكُم

"....And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you." 47:38

"O ye who believe! whoso is turned away from his religion - God will bring (instead) a people whom He loves and who love Him, lowly to believers, lofty to unbelievers, strenuous in the way of God, fearing not the blame of him who blames. That is God's grace! He gives it unto whom He pleases, for God both comprehends and knows" 5:54

Now, consider, was not the fate of People of Quran, exactly like the fate of Bani-Israel, as Imams had said?

It is obvious that, changing the people of the Quran can happen in the same way as happened to Bani-Israel, meaning, God sends a new Prophet to a different people (Persians), and choose them over Arabs, and gives them a new Book, with new Laws and Ordinances.
Now replacing Arabs with a New people, is very difficult for Arabs to accept.
Now, consider what Imams have said regarding the Qaim:

وعن الباقر ع إذا خرج يقوم بأمر جديد وكتاب جديد
وسنة جديدة وقضاء جديد على العرب شديد

Imam al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said:

"When he (the Mahdi) rises, he will rise with a New Command, a new Book, a new Way of Life, and a new Judgment. It will be severe on the Arabs."


Veteran Member
Premium Member

The verse you quoted in the Torah contradicts the Quran. The Quran said it was written to Bani-Israel that whoever kills a life for other then killing a life or mischief in the land then it's as if they killed all people. The sabbath was a law, but death for violating was never part of it per this verse, and it's probably the case the everlasting covenant is changed from simply a firm covenant.

The verses threatening Arabs to be replaced happened per hadiths during times of Imams (a) and after, with Persians. There are many hadiths about it.


Veteran Member

The verse you quoted in the Torah contradicts the Quran. The Quran said it was written to Bani-Israel that whoever kills a life for other then killing a life or mischief in the land then it's as if they killed all people. The sabbath was a law, but death for violating was never part of it per this verse, and it's probably the case the everlasting covenant is changed from simply a firm covenant.

The point was, even a firm covenant is abrogated when God changes a people with another people, so, when God replaces Arabs (as I believe He already did), the previous covenant regarding Quranic Laws become abrogated and replaced with a new covenant.

The verses threatening Arabs to be replaced happened per hadiths during times of Imams (a) and after, with Persians. There are many hadiths about it.

The verse about replacing Arabs with Persians is related to the time of Mahdi:

الامام أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام) " سيأتي الله بقوم يحبهم الله ويحبونه، ويملك من هو بينهم غريب، فهو المهدي، أحمر الوجه، بشعره صهوبة، يملا الارض عدلا بلا صعوبة يعتزل في صغره عن أمه وأبيه، ويكون عزيزا في مرباه، فيملك بلاد المسلمين بأمان، ويصفو له الزمان، ويسمع كلامه ويطيعه الشيوخ والفتيان، ويملا الارض عدلا كما ملئت جورا، فعند ذلك كملت إمامته، وتقررت خلافته، والله يبعث من في القبور، فأصبحوا لا يرى إلا مساكنهم، وتعمر الارض وتصفو وتزهو بمهديها، وتجري به أنهارها، وتعدم الفتن والغارات، ويكثر الخير والبركات

Imam Amir al-Mu'minin (peace be upon him) said: "Allah will bring forth a people whom He loves and who love Him, and among them will rule a Man who is alone. He is the Mahdi, with a ruddy face and reddish hair. He will fill the earth with justice without difficulty. In his youth, he will be separated from his mother and father and will be raised in honor. He will rule the lands of the Muslims with security, and the times will favor him. The elders and the young will listen to him and obey him. He will fill the earth with justice as it was filled with oppression. At that time, his Imamate will be perfected, and his caliphate will be established. Allah will resurrect those in the graves, and their dwellings will be seen no more. The earth will be populated, purified, and flourish under its Mahdi. Its rivers will flow, and strife and raids will cease. Goodness and blessings will abound."

وروى أبو هريرة أن ناسا من أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه واله قالوا يا رسول الله من هؤلاء الذين ذكر الله في كتابه وكان سلمان إلى جنب رسول الله فضرب صلى الله عليه واله يده على فخذ سلمان فقال هذا وقومه والذي نفسي بيده لو كان الإيمان منوطا بالثريا لتناوله رجال من فارس

Abu Huraira narrated that some of the companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said: "O Messenger of Allah, who are those whom Allah mentioned in His Book?" Salman was beside the Messenger of Allah, so he (the Prophet) struck Salman's thigh with his hand and said, "This one and his people. By the One in whose hand is my soul, if faith was dependent on the Pleiades, men from Persia would attain it."


Veteran Member
These are well known. The main abrogation of Quran by Quran, which people do not know, is when one situations arises and cancels another. The greater amount of abrogation is in that, and that takes deep reflection, insight and true assessment of the situation to know which to apply in which situation.

Which example to follow requires you to assess the situation. Both are light from God but there is a different application depending on the situation. You can't make a universal out of any of them.

Exactly. So, the Prophet of Islam, revealed the Quran in 23 years. During this time, many of the verses, depending on the situation was revealed or changed and replaced. Mahdi who is long after Muhammad, is for a totally different time, and Age, with totally different situations. How could anyone think, Allah will not reveal new verses to replace the verses of Quran, for the new situations? Well, only, if one has believed that, "Seal of Prophets" means no more revelations. Yet, the Hadithes from Sadiq say, the Qaim brings a new Book from "Heaven", meaning a new Book is sent down:

لكأني انظر إليه بين الركن والمقام يبايع له الناس بأمر جديد وكتاب جديد وسلطان جديد من السماء اما انه لا ترد له راية ابدا حتى يموت

"As if I see him between the Rukn and Maqam, where people will pledge allegiance to him. He will bring forth a new command, a new book, and a new authority from the heavens. Indeed, his banner will never be turned back until he dies."
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Premium Member
I believe it is due to a concept that it is a competing religion that leads to lost souls
Then you should have no problem sending Christian children to Jewish schools to be indoctrinated if you think they are not competing religions in my view lol.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
That makes no sense because that is a different name.

Ehyeh-asher-ehyeh is a secret name. Like a password. They knew the secret name, but, it wasn't written until Exo 3, because it was secret. It makes sense because a secret name is like a password. If it were written and well known, anyone could claim to have had an encounter with God.

As I understand it the vowel sound is derived from the bounding letters of the syllable.

That's not how it works. The vowel sound "eh" is restricting, the vowel sound "long-A" is not. You can text it your self. Say it out loud and pay attention to the way the vowel sound is constructed.

אל is opposite when compared to אלהים
אל is outreaching / אלהים is contracting

In the same way, Chesed is opposite when compared to Gevurah.
Chesed is outreaching / Gevurah is contracting.

The names are not ambiguous at all.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Here's what I could do here. I've already stated my position simple and straight forward.

Yes. Simple, straight forward, wrong.

The verse is obviously referring to the practical use of the sun and moon as signs of night

Yes, but, it ALSO refers to signs. You're ignoring the word לאתת. Hopefully you're noticing a pattern. Lack of attention to these small, but important, details.


ויאמר אלהים יהי מארת ברקיע השמים להבדיל בין היום ובין הלילה והיו לאתת ולמועדים ולימים ושנים׃

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years;

Lights in the firmament are for:
  1. Dividing day and night
  2. Signs
  3. Seasons
  4. Days
  5. Years
See it? In the verse, 1:14, there are five distinct permitted used for the luminaries. Five. You listed 1 and neglected the אתת. You assume astrology must be prohibited, but, that's from your religious dogma. It's not from the text.

In order to omit astrology, you would need to remove the word: אתת from the verse.

The verse is obviously referring to the practical use of the sun and moon as signs of night and day and of seasons

Yes, but that's not ALL it's referring to. That is just the first part: להבדיל בין היום ובין הלילה. It also lists other things in the verse.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I've been re-thinking this. I think Islam has stopped spreading largely because of translations in English.
I agree with this much, when the meaning of something is not written down it can be changed at one's desire and they cant be held accountable in my view.

Translations show how much the meaning changes with every new attempt, and this thwarts the attempt of apologists to change its meaning to deal with obvious problems in it's evident meaning in my view.
To many important verses are mistranslated. The heart of the message is not seen, and so if the foundation of all foundations of it is not seen, how can a person understand?
You should simply make your own translation in my view, it will show us how vague this supposedly clear text is in that it can be taken to mean all sorts of contradictory things .


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You should simply make your own translation in my view, it will show us how vague this supposedly clear text is in that it can be taken to mean all sorts of contradictory things .
Sometimes it's simply things like translating "fa" as in so/therefore and not omitting it or translating as "and" or "but" when those translations are not true to the original.


Well-Known Member
Ehyeh-asher-ehyeh is a secret name. Like a password. They knew the secret name, but, it wasn't written until Exo 3, because it was secret. It makes sense because a secret name is like a password. If it were written and well known, anyone could claim to have had an encounter with God.
I don't see hove this is relevant to the point that the name of Elohim is not the name of YHWH, or that Elohim is a plural word that refers to more that one being while the name of YHWH refers to a single being.
That's not how it works. The vowel sound "eh" is restricting, the vowel sound "long-A" is not. You can text it your self. Say it out loud and pay attention to the way the vowel sound is constructed.

אל is opposite when compared to אלהים
אל is outreaching / אלהים is contracting

In the same way, Chesed is opposite when compared to Gevurah.
Chesed is outreaching / Gevurah is contracting.

The names are not ambiguous at all.
Again, the name of 'God' is ambiguous because אל is not the same as אלהים, the former is singular but the latter is plural.