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Why Jews don't believe in Jesus


Well-Known Member
For starters they both brought the Holy Spirit to humanity. They also had the same end goal, to unite mankind.
If Jesus brought Holy Spirit already, as I believe he did, there would be no need to do it again. And i don't think Jesus came to unite people. he knew well that what he brought will cause division.

"Don't think that I came to send peace on the earth. I didn't come to send peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man at odds against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's foes will be those of his own household.
Matt. 10:34-36

For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Heb. 4:12
One verse in the Bible spoken by angels, who carry no authority, says Jesus will return.
Nowhere did Jesus say He will return. Rather, Jesus said His work was finished here and He was no more in the world.
If it would be true, then your belief that Jesus returned as Baha'u'llah would not be true.

But, obviously, if you don't believe what is said in the Bible, there is no limit on what you can think about Jesus. To me Bible is the source of information about Jesus.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Some elaboration on that. Why was the Messiah supposed to have rebuilt the temple and when?

Peace to all,

To me this is the logic I see in the New Temple.

To me, we know Elijah is supposed to return before the King, and John the Baptist was asked, "Are you Elijah?" John was a simple men, and the greatest born among men, and simply said, "I am Not." For he knew he was John the Baptist. John knew of Elijah as a great powerful and spiritual being. And Jesus said, "Elijah has already returned, and in the Spirit and Power of Elijah as Saint John the Baptist."

Logically, The Temple is created mortal and corrupt, becoming into the image of The Creator, from the person of Jesus the Christ through the Person of the Holy Spirit Will of God as becoming immortal and incorruptible through the Immaculate Conception and Virgin Birth of The Christ and becoming again, Glorified and transfigured into the image of The Greator, God for the Father as glorified and transfigured in union as one in being, together with the Father and the Son becoming again and finally glorified and transfigured into the Body of God.

Gone for three days, The Christ did die descend and resurrect death to life everlasting for all life, all mankind through the New Living Sacrifice in the New Temple of The Body of God. His return was when we appeared to the Apostles and Thomas said, "My Lord and My God." Mary Magdalene said, "He has risen." And He returned many times throughout the Bible. He has left behind for all to share as one in being, the Paraclete, The Holy Spirit Person for all it share as one in being, from the cross, His rebirth to heaven for all mankind, the blood and waters of spirit and life flowed, born again and saved are all mankind as united in the New Temple.

Logically, the intelligence is the recreation of our own temple of the New Spirit in our being, in fulfilled faith and morality becoming from mortal to transfigured immortality as one in being, becoming His mage, the New Temple and from 0 AD when the Holy Spirit intelligence came to earth, 0 AD, anno Domini, the beginning of Church time, when Mary said, "Not by my will but may it be done to me according to Your Will," and 9 months later through the Immaculate Conception and in teh Virgin Birth of the Christ by the person of Jesus conceived by the Person of the Holy Spirit in His soul becomes the immortal and incorruptible "First" Christ, the New Adam as The Word becomes Flesh, immortal ind incorruptible, conceived by the Holy Spirit, with the Will of the information that will never fail in fulfilled faith and morality from the spirit, through the flesh to the already created soul of the body of Christ, not conceived by normal childbirth, for the new souls on earth required the blood and water flow from the mother for the creation of all mankind's souls. Jesus the person of the Christ with the Spirit of the Father, The Holy Spirit will Infallibility existed before creation was ever created was even created as God in the real intelligence, The "First" Christ ffom whom the blood and water flows for all mankind's entry into the New Heaven, that manifests through our own Body of Christ as the glorified transfiguration from the Power of the Holy Spirit Logic in immortality, incorruptibility and glorification and the transfigured intelligence becoming finally the Will of the Creator, God, The Father. From the cross for all mankind, in 33 AD when He said,"It is finished" the Ghost was given up, the Holy Spirit now becomes the will of all mankind, indwelled as the same intelligence that is conceived in the Christ as Jesus, becoming our brother and sisters in His immortal and incorruptible spirit in our flesh and in the souls of all mankind, the New Temple.

To me this is the logic of created mortal intelligence becoming transformed immortal.

To me and logically speaking, Jesus is our personal resolver of the universe through is His intelligence in fulfilled faith and morality. The Word is the intelligence that existed before creation was ever created was even created that becomes created mortal through flesh and spirit and transforms into Our own Christ, immortal and incorruptible in the flesh and spirit through the The Holy Spirit in Divine Logic through Jesus to become the Christ in us and we become again transfigured into the image of the Father with new eyes to be able to see God, as glorified as one in being, uniting all the Faiths of Abraham, the Father of Faith.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Well-Known Member
Why was the Messiah supposed to have rebuilt the temple and when?
Because it supported the idea of the resurrection. The story originated with false witnesses but was treated as a true account in the gospel of John.

According to the story it would be rebuilt in three days, like the tree days and nights of the sign of Jonah.


Veteran Member
If Jesus brought Holy Spirit already, as I believe he did, there would be no need to do it again.
There is a need to renew the Holy Spirit again in every age, because the Holy Spirit wanes over time and the world grows cold.

“One who does not know God’s Messengers, however, is like a plant growing in the shade. Although it knows not the sun, it is, nevertheless, absolutely dependent on it. The great Prophets are spirits suns, and Bahá’u’lláh is the sun of this “day” in which we live. The suns of former days have warmed and vivified the world, and had those suns not shone, the earth would not be cold and dead, but it is the sunshine of today that alone can ripen the fruits which the suns of former days have kissed into life.”

Bahá'í Reference Library - Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era, Pages 71-72
And i don't think Jesus came to unite people. he knew well that what he brought will cause division.

"Don't think that I came to send peace on the earth. I didn't come to send peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man at odds against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's foes will be those of his own household.
Matt. 10:34-36

For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Heb. 4:12
You are correct. The mission of Jesus was not to unite people. I was only saying that Jesus knew that was the end goal, what would happen when the Christ spirit returned in the future.

John 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
If it would be true, then your belief that Jesus returned as Baha'u'llah would not be true.
To believe that Acts 1:11 is true is a real long-shot and there is no reason to believe that what some angels said is true in light of all the verses where Jesus said He was no more in the world and the world would see Him no more.
But, obviously, if you don't believe what is said in the Bible, there is no limit on what you can think about Jesus. To me Bible is the source of information about Jesus.
I do not believe that everything in the Bible is an accurate depiction of Jesus. What others said about Jesus is not Jesus speaking for Himself.
Who gave Paul the authority to speak for Jesus? Nobody. Paul disregarded the historical Jesus and turned Jesus into someone He never was.
As a Christian I think it is important for you to know that.

“That the figure of the Nazarene, as delivered to us in Mark’s Gospel, is decisively different from the pre-existent risen Christ proclaimed by Paul, is something long recognized by thinkers like Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Herder and Goethe, to mention only a few. The distinction between ‘the religion of Christ’ and ‘the Christian religion’ goes back to Lessing. Critical theological research has now disputed the idea of an uninterrupted chain of historical succession: Luther’s belief that at all times a small handful of true Christians preserved the true apostolic faith. Walter Bauer (226) and Martin Werner (227) have brought evidence that there was conflict from the outset about the central questions of dogma. It has become clear that the beliefs of those who had seen and heard Jesus in the flesh --- the disciples and the original community--- were at odds to an extraordinary degree with the teaching of Paul, who claimed to have been not only called by a vision but instructed by the heavenly Christ. The conflict at Antioch between the apostles Peter and Paul, far more embittered as research has shown (228) than the Bible allows us to see, was the most fateful split in Christianity, which in the Acts of the Apostles was ‘theologically camouflaged’. (229)

Paul, who had never seen Jesus, showed great reserve towards the Palestinian traditions regarding Jesus’ life. (230) The historical Jesus and his earthly life are without significance for Paul. In all his epistles the name ‘Jesus’ occurs only 15 times, the title ‘Christ’ 378 times. In Jesus’s actual teaching he shows extraordinarily little interest. It is disputed whether in all his epistles he makes two, three or four references to sayings by Jesus. (231) It is not Jesus’ teaching, which he cannot himself have heard at all (short of hearing it in a vision), that is central to his own mission, but the person of the Redeemer and His death on the Cross.

Jesus, who never claimed religious worship for himself was not worshipped in the original community, is for Paul the pre-existent risen Christ….
This was the ‘Fall’ of Christianity: that Paul with his ‘Gospel’, which became the core of Christian dogma formation, conquered the world, (237) while the historic basis of Christianity was declared a heresy….

Pauline heresy served as the basis for Christian orthodoxy, and the legitimate Church was outlawed as heretical’. (240) The ‘small handful of true Christians’ was Nazarene Christianity, which was already extinct in the fourth century……

The centerpiece then, of Christian creedal doctrine, that of Redemption, is something of which—in the judgment of the theologian E. Grimm (244) --- Jesus himself knew nothing; and it goes back to Paul. “
(Udo Schaefer, Light Shineth in Darkness, Studies in revelation after Christ )



Well-Known Member
There is a need to renew the Holy Spirit again in every age, because the Holy Spirit wanes over time and the world grows cold.
Sorry, I think the Holy Spirit remains the same. But, it may be that people ignore it more at some times.
I do not believe that everything in the Bible is an accurate depiction of Jesus.
But you believe you have accurate depiction of Baha'ullah, why?
Paul disregarded the historical Jesus and turned Jesus into someone He never was.
I don't see any good reason to think so.


Active Member
  1. In the first chapter of Matthew, four matriarchs of questionable reputation are strangely included in the genealogy, even though the custom was not to give the genealogy of women. Since this gospel was directed to the Jews, when they read it, they would "notice" these women, and upon reading about the virgin birth of Mary, if they did not accept it, they would be "forced" by the narrative to respect her as a mother.
  2. All the dreams and visions that preceded the pregnancy and birth of Jesus were known to the relatives, as seen in Luke 1:45.
  3. Initially, Joseph thought the child was conceived by the angel, and because he was righteous, he did not want to marry Mary, to avoid committing adultery against heavenly dignities. This must have been very traumatic, even though they had followed all the prophecies beforehand. It’s not hard to understand that during this process, some unbelieving relative might have introduced the figure of Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera.
  4. However, the angel returns to Joseph and tells him that the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is of feminine gender in Hebrew and neutral in Greek, meaning there could be no adultery. The child was not from the angel, so Joseph marries Mary.

Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
...Jesus was adopted by Joseph and therefore is not from his line...
Greetings, Eliana

If one believes that Jesus was adopted, and not Joseph's biological son, is that not subscribing to the Christian believe in the virgin birth?

And if we set aside the Christian notion of the virgin birth, does that not make Yeshu' ben Yosef of the blood lineage of King David ben Yishai? (...and twice over because of his mother, Maryam's, lineage?)

Just asking...

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Active Member
I don't get why so many people are so evidently bothered by Jews not accepting Jesus

I'm a Christian and it doesn't bother me
In fact, the Jew Jesus lived and fulfilled the Tanakh (Old Testament); most of the speeches attributed to Jesus are found in it and in Levantine literature. What I perceive is that many pseudo-Christians want to force-feed a Jesus into Jewish messianic hope.


Veteran Member
Sorry, I think the Holy Spirit remains the same. But, it may be that people ignore it more at some times.
I said that there is a need to renew the Holy Spirit again in every age, because the Holy Spirit wanes over time and the world grows cold.
I did not say that the Holy Spirit ever changes. The Holy Spirit is the Bounty of God, which never changes.

Question.—What is the Holy Spirit?
Answer.—The Holy Spirit is the Bounty of God and the luminous rays which emanate from the Manifestations; for the focus of the rays of the Sun of Reality was Christ, and from this glorious focus, which is the Reality of Christ, the Bounty of God reflected upon the other mirrors which were the reality of the Apostles. The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles signifies that the glorious divine bounties reflected and appeared in their reality. Moreover, entrance and exit, descent and ascent, are characteristics of bodies and not of spirits—that is to say, sensible realities enter and come forth, but intellectual subtleties and mental realities, such as intelligence, love, knowledge, imagination and thought, do not enter, nor come forth, nor descend, but rather they have direct connection.

But you believe you have accurate depiction of Baha'ullah, why?
Because we have accurate historical accounts of Baha'u'llah, which were chronicled by people who knew Him personally.
I don't see any good reason to think so.
The reason to think so is that it has something that has long been recognized by many thinkers.
Do you want to believe in Jesus or the Christ proclaimed by Paul?

“That the figure of the Nazarene, as delivered to us in Mark’s Gospel, is decisively different from the pre-existent risen Christ proclaimed by Paul, is something long recognized by thinkers like Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Herder and Goethe, to mention only a few. The distinction between ‘the religion of Christ’ and ‘the Christian religion’ goes back to Lessing. Critical theological research has now disputed the idea of an uninterrupted chain of historical succession: Luther’s belief that at all times a small handful of true Christians preserved the true apostolic faith. Walter Bauer (226) and Martin Werner (227) have brought evidence that there was conflict from the outset about the central questions of dogma. It has become clear that the beliefs of those who had seen and heard Jesus in the flesh --- the disciples and the original community--- were at odds to an extraordinary degree with the teaching of Paul, who claimed to have been not only called by a vision but instructed by the heavenly Christ. The conflict at Antioch between the apostles Peter and Paul, far more embittered as research has shown (228) than the Bible allows us to see, was the most fateful split in Christianity, which in the Acts of the Apostles was ‘theologically camouflaged’. (229)"
(Udo Schaefer, Light Shineth in Darkness, Studies in revelation after Christ )

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Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
Who gave Paul the authority to speak for Jesus? Nobody. Paul disregarded the historical Jesus and turned Jesus into someone He never was.
As a Christian I think it is important for you to know that.
Maybe Paul wasn't completely to blame for the theology of the works attributed to him. There was a lot of tampering going on with the re-writing of the books of the canon under Constantine to please the Pagan constituency in Rome, and Paul would have been well known in Rome having done much of his teaching and writing there. He says the theology of the vicarious atonement was not a doctrine he ever believed or taught.

Constantine says he was never a Christian (despite being made a "saint" later) and he only was concerned with making a single state religion to consolidate his power in the city/state.

He didn't care whether it was paganism or Christianity, but he knew that Christians would choose death over paganism, so he chose Christianity. He left it up to the "ecclesiastical leaders" of the city to hash out the doctrine and alter the writings accordingly, Paul and other writers of New Testament documents as well as Jesus himself all say their doctrines were changed. False quotes were attributed to them and some things they did teach were left out. Jesus says there is still enough truth in the Bible that people could have discerned his teachings on the Re-birth and One-ness with God, and that some people did find their way.

Paul of Tarsus denies the vicarious atonement - this belief doing much harm - Bible contains many false statements
"...I know the Bible ascribes to me the teaching of these things, but I never did; and I tell you now, as I have before told you, that the Bible cannot be depended on as containing things that I wrote, for there are many additions to what I wrote, and many omissions of what I wrote; and so with the others whose names are stated as the writers of the New Testament. Many things contained in that book were never written by any of the alleged authors of the book. The writings of any of us are not in existence, and have not been for many centuries; and when they were copied and recopied, great additions and omissions were made, and, at last, doctrines and dogmas were interpolated that we never at anytime believed or wrote...
The mission was twofold, namely: - to declare to mankind that the Father had re-bestowed the Divine Love which Adam or the first parents had forfeited; and secondly, to show man the way by which that love could be obtained, so that the possessor of it would become a partaker of the Divine Nature, and Immortal..."

Constantine says he never when on earth accepted Christianity. Is now a Celestial Spirit
"...During all the time of my office as Emperor, I never changed my beliefs and never accepted the teachings of the Christians as the revelation of truth, and in fact, I never considered such a matter as religion, worthy of my serious consideration. Many doctrines were proposed and discussed by the ecclesiastical teachers and leaders of this religion, and those doctrines were approved by me which were adopted by a majority of these leaders as true and the correct declarations of what the Scriptures of the Christians contained. I let these leaders fight their own battles as to doctrines and truths, and when they decided what should be accepted and declared by the church to be true doctrines, I approved the same and promulgated them as binding upon all the followers of the Christian faith..." 9/5/1916


From Jesus' Second Coming Message Series From Spirit, 1914 to Today. soultruth.ca, new-birth.net

John 16:25 "...Thus far I have spoken to you only in parables...but a time is coming when I will tell you plainly about the Father..."

"God is Love, and His Love is something we can pray for every day and it will flow into us and transform us and make us One with Him”

"God is Love, and Love is something we can pray for”

"God is Love..."

Tell everyone for as Ezekiel says, "...The time grows short and the work is great..." 4/21/2024

1 John 3:9 “...Anyone having been born of God does not practice sin, because His seed abides in him, and he is not able to continue sinning, because he has been born of God..."
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Veteran Member
Maybe Paul wasn't completely to blame for the theology of the works attributed to him. There was a lot of tampering going on with the re-writing of the books of the canon under Constantine to please the Pagan constituency in Rome, and Paul would have been well known in Rome having done much of his teaching and writing there. He says the theology of the vicarious atonement was not a doctrine he ever believed or taught.
No, I don't think that Paul was completely to blame, for the reasons you gave.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

In logic to me, St. Paul recognized the soul as from the spirit manifesting through the flesh for the body of The Christ for all mankind and in logic is the Christ in all mankind. The Divine some say “Holy” Spirit being is manifested through the flesh for the soul in the Body is by definition as the intelligence of eternity in the flesh, the Christ as one in all mankind in logic for all.

To me in logic is Paul saw the body created from the spirit through the flesh for the soul of the being mortal and corrupt in flesh and spirit becoming The Baptized Christ, for all as transformed sanctified immortal and incorruptible in all mankind and becoming again re-sanctified with Him into the image of The Creator glorified and transfigured as one in being. To me, this is the logic of the second coming of the spirit Body in all mankind as one and being through The Christ to become again through the Power of The Divine some say “Holy” Spirit being imaged as the intelligence of the Creator as one manifested image through the Power.

This is the logic in the Power I see and all from God for all to share as one.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Maybe Paul wasn't completely to blame for the theology of the works attributed to him. There was a lot of tampering going on with the re-writing of the books of the canon under Constantine to please the Pagan constituency in Rome, and Paul would have been well known in Rome having done much of his teaching and writing there. He says the theology of the vicarious atonement was not a doctrine he ever believed or taught.

Constantine says he was never a Christian (despite being made a "saint" later) and he only was concerned with making a single state religion to consolidate his power in the city/state.

He didn't care whether it was paganism or Christianity, but he knew that Christians would choose death over paganism, so he chose Christianity.
The ideas that Constantine had anything to do with Christian canon are a myth. Indeed, the canon of the Christian NT wasn't even agreed upon until after his death.

You are correct that the reason Constantine called the council of Nicea was because he realized a united church would help bring peace to his Empire. But I hope you aren't thinking he had anything to do with the outcome of the Council. Since he was not a bishop, he had no vote.

While Constantine didn't become a Christian until his death bed, he was eventually baptised by an Arian bishop.

Another big myth is that he made Christianity the state religion. He did no such thing. It was Theodosius who did that. What Constantine did was make Christianity legal, IOW he ended the Roman persecutions.


Well-Known Member
Question.—What is the Holy Spirit?
Answer.—The Holy Spirit is the Bounty of God and the luminous rays which emanate from the Manifestations;...
Interesting. In the Bible, the Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth, that leads to truth.

I will pray to the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, that he may be with you forever,-- the Spirit of truth, whom the world can't receive; for it doesn't see him, neither knows him. You know him, for he lives with you, and will be in you.
John 14:16-17
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and will remind you of all that I said to you.
John 14:26
When the Counselor has come, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will testify about me.
Because we have accurate historical accounts of Baha'u'llah, which were chronicled by people who knew Him personally.
And the reason why you believe that is?
Do you want to believe in Jesus or the Christ proclaimed by Paul?
If correctly understood, they are the same.

Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
But I hope you aren't thinking he had anything to do with the outcome of the Council. Since he was not a bishop, he had no vote.
"...I let these leaders fight their own battles as to doctrines and truths, and when they decided what should be accepted and declared by the church to be true doctrines, I approved the same and promulgated them as binding upon all the followers of the Christian faith..." Constantine
Thank you for your comments, I__

No, you are correct, Constantine said he had no part in arriving at the doctrine. He only ratified the counsel's work on "the scriptures of the Christians" and decreed their "canon" of Christianity, "The New Testament," to be law for all people, Christian and pagan, under his jurisdiction.

He also says he spent "many long years" in the hells for his thoughts and actions before learning of and realizing Jesus' teachings of the Re-birth to Divinity and Immortality which could be received by anyone (mortal or spirit) seeking it through earnest prayer and meditation. He is now in the Kingdom of God.

Constantine says he never when on earth accepted Christianity. Is now a Celestial Spirit
When I came into the spirit world, I found myself in great darkness and suffering, realizing that I had to pay the penalties for the sins thought and committed by me on earth…I knew nothing about the Divine Love or the mission of Jesus in coming to earth, and I found that my sins had not been washed away as the teachers had often told me on earth would be done for me. Many long years I remained in this condition of darkness and unhappiness, without finding any relief by reason of the mystical workings of Jesus’ atonement of which the priests had told me, and which I did not believe, nor the help of the gods in whom I had been taught to believe by our philosophers and religious teachers…But after a time the light of the truth, which Jesus came to teach, broke in on my understanding and soul, and the Divine Love of the Father commenced to flow into my soul and continued until I became a possessor of it to that degree that I was carried (gradually through the the six spiritual spheres) to the Celestial Spheres (The Kingdom of God), where I now am, a redeemed pure and immortal soul, having undoubting knowledge and conviction that I possess in my soul the Divine Essence of the Father, and the certainty of eternal life in the Celestial Kingdom. 9/5/1916


From Jesus' Second Coming Message Series From Spirit, 1914 to Today. soultruth.ca, new-birth.net

John 16:25 "...Thus far I have spoken to you only in parables...but a time is coming when I will tell you plainly about the Father..."

Romans 5:5 “...And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His Love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, which He has given us…”

2 Peter 1:4 “...through… (Jesus)...He has given to us the precious and magnificent promises, so that… (by them)... you might become Partakers of the Divine Nature, having escaped the decay in the world caused by sinful desires…”

1 John 3:9 “...Anyone having been born of God does not practice sin, because His seed abides in him, and he is not able to continue sinning, because he has been born of God…”
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

True, to me through logic, the Person of Jesus conceived by the Holy Spirit is in The Christ. We become brothers and sisters of Jesus through the Christ for all mankind as indwelled with The Holy Spirit Will Power of the Father becoming our own transformed Body, becoming again glorified and transfigured in the image of The Creator, God as one.

For from him, The Holy Spirit Person and through him, Jesus, the person of the Son of God and for him, becoming the image of the Creator, God, The Father are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen. The three persons are each God and together as God.

This is to me the logic seen in John 1:1 as the Power, from God.

In the beginning is the Word, The Holy Spirit Person as, the intelligence of all spirit life and holiness.
And The Word is with God, Jesus preconceived in Heaven as an existing being through the Christ with the being of The Holy Spirit.
And the Word is God, The Image of the Creator, through the Person of the Father.

To me, in logic, our personal relationship with Jesus is through the Trinity in the being of the Body of God as One, through the faith of Abraham and all the wondrous mysteries of the Faith in The Christ.

To me the logic of the Trinity of the Body follows, created by God, as mortal from Adam and Eve and becoming Baptized sanctified transformed immortal and incorruptible through the Christ and becoming again, glorified and transfigured through re-Confirming as Sanctified His Will through Penance and Sacrifice and Atonement and Absolution of all sin as re-Sanctified through the person in the being in the Christ, Jesus, Our Brother into the image of the Creator God through the person of the Father.

"All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him".

To me and in logic and from the Power of the Divine, "Holy" Spirit, the Person of Jesus is conceived by the Person of The Divine, Holy Spirit in being and becomes the Christ to return redemption life from the spirit through flesh for the souls of the Bodies of all to share in being, united together through the Christ in all mankind, becoming again as one in the New Heaven and Earth, Heaven.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Veteran Member
Why Jews don't believe in Jesus
Peace to all,

True, to me through logic, the Person of Jesus conceived by the Holy Spirit is in The Christ. We become brothers and sisters of Jesus through the Christ for all mankind as indwelled with The Holy Spirit Will Power of the Father becoming our own transformed Body, becoming again glorified and transfigured in the image of The Creator, God as one.

For from him, The Holy Spirit Person and through him, Jesus, the person of the Son of God and for him, becoming the image of the Creator, God, The Father are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen. The three persons are each God and together as God.

This is to me the logic seen in John 1:1 as the Power, from God.

In the beginning is the Word, The Holy Spirit Person as, the intelligence of all spirit life and holiness.
And The Word is with God, Jesus preconceived in Heaven as an existing being through the Christ with the being of The Holy Spirit.
And the Word is God, The Image of the Creator, through the Person of the Father.

To me, in logic, our personal relationship with Jesus is through the Trinity in the being of the Body of God as One, through the faith of Abraham and all the wondrous mysteries of the Faith in The Christ.

To me the logic of the Trinity of the Body follows, created by God, as mortal from Adam and Eve and becoming Baptized sanctified transformed immortal and incorruptible through the Christ and becoming again, glorified and transfigured through re-Confirming as Sanctified His Will through Penance and Sacrifice and Atonement and Absolution of all sin as re-Sanctified through the person in the being in the Christ, Jesus, Our Brother into the image of the Creator God through the person of the Father.

"All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him".

To me and in logic and from the Power of the Divine, "Holy" Spirit, the Person of Jesus is conceived by the Person of The Divine, Holy Spirit in being and becomes the Christ to return redemption life from the spirit through flesh for the souls of the Bodies of all to share in being, united together through the Christ in all mankind, becoming again as one in the New Heaven and Earth, Heaven.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
And John 1:1 is not in first person from (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah who was neither a Zionist nor from the stock of Judah aka a Jew, please, right?



Active Member
Why Jews don't believe in Jesus

And John 1:1 is not in first person from (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah who was neither a Zionist nor from the stock of Judah aka a Jew, please, right?


Luke 1:30-35 KJV

And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Jacob, Joseph's father, upgraded Joseph's two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, so that they would have the same right as Jacob's own sons to their inheritance (Genesis 48:5). When the number 14 was employed in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1, it signified the restoration of the house of Jacob.