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Why "one God"?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Moses feared God, Jesus did not.
Jesus saw God as Father, Moses did not.
What makes you feel that Moses did not see God as "Father", and why is it somehow wrong for Moses or anyone else not to at least somewhat fear God? I love my father and mother, for example, but I did fear them a bit when growing up if I did something wrong.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I haven't seen anything in the translations (I was raised on the Douay version) where Moses regarded God as Father the way Jesus did, if at all. There's nothing in those translations of Jesus's teachings that teach fearing God the way we feared our parents as children. Now, if that's not what the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic have, that's probably explainable by the fact that the Christian versions of the bible were not done by rabbinic scholars, but by other men with an agenda... keep the people terrified of God, but give him just enough loving kindness to keep the new (forced) converts. Yes, I have a problem with what was done by, and in the name of Christianity. For the record, I don't (never did) see the God of the bible as the blood-thirsty, killer of women and children, vengeful psychopath anti-Abrahamics paint him as.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Deut. 32:6
הלוא־הוא אביך קנך הוא עשך ויכננך׃
"Is He not your father, your creator? He made you, established you."

Thanks. Verses like that were always glossed over, and that's a generous description. This is why I always say that Christianity (though not all denominations) has completely bastardized and prostituted the bible, yet claims to know more about (what it calls) the Old Testament than Jews do. I think there's a reason for that, but that takes the thread in a different direction. Though I think you might guess what I'm suggesting.


Well-Known Member
Just something to keep in mind when you start preaching from the Qur'an to non-Muslims.
Oh Now I understood. I just noticed the word Catholicism.

Feel free to track down the conversation to know why I said you have to quote the Quraan. I am not here on the thread to preach.

Why is it that every single time you come forwards with this claim? Do you have something against me?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Oh Now I understood. I just noticed the word Catholicism.

Feel free to track down the conversation to know why I said you have to quote the Quraan. I am not here on the thread to preach.

Why is it that every single time you come forwards with this claim? Do you have something against me?

The point is that it's a common tactic of Muslims to quote from the Qur'an to attempt to refute the Bible. We don't believe in the Qur'an so that doesn't work for us.


Well-Known Member
The point is that it's a common tactic of Muslims to quote from the Qur'an to attempt to refute the Bible. We don't believe in the Qur'an so that doesn't work for us.

Thanks for your input I know it doesn't work for you.

We quote from the Quraan to prove that the answers that we are giving are actually what Islam teaches.

What you said is not true, we can't refute the bible by quoting the Quraan. By quoting the Quraan we are proving that what we are saying is actually what Islam teaches.

However, for me to refute the bible, I quote from the bible itself. So relax. I only mentioned the Quraan because Imajinary friend was quoting me from the bible to prove to me that what I believed was wrong. I said that I am a muslim and I believe in the Quraan.

Can I go with no harm now please :oops:


Well-Known Member
Oh the Quran is plenty misogynistic enough. Surah 4:34 says men are in charge of women, and its okay to physically discipline your wife.

I don't want to hijack the thread and talk about Islam.

If you like we can discuss that verse you mentioned where it is appropriate to.


Well-Known Member
I think it depends on what religion we believe in.

For example Atheists don't believe in any religion hence they don't believe in any God./Gods.

For the religion which i believe in is saying that God is only one and that his reality isn't the same as ours and hence nothing that we know can be comparable to him, so simply describing him will be a matter of guessing.
Wheras polytheism is perfectly consistent with the plurality present in nature. It also alligns with the observed fact that differing things are governed by differing powers and have their own nature.

So "singularity" isn't consistent? Or you prefer the "plurality" in nature over any "singularity"?
Plurality, is also divisible. Thus I would imagine, or do imagine, that plurality has a root.

Could you please give an example of this "plurality" that is found in nature?


So "singularity" isn't consistent? Or you prefer the "plurality" in nature over any "singularity"?
Plurality, is also divisible. Thus I would imagine, or do imagine, that plurality has a root.

Could you please give an example of this "plurality" that is found in nature?

There is multiplicity and plurality with pretty much every thing you can sense :confused: Nature/God/Gods didn't spit out a tree, a dog, a flower...always multiples. It characterizes flourishing/life, nature and reality itself.

It puzzles me people can't (or don't want to) see this.


Well-Known Member
There is multiplicity and plurality with pretty much every thing you can sense :confused: Nature/God/Gods didn't spit out a tree, a dog, a flower...always multiples. It characterizes flourishing/life, nature and reality itself.

It puzzles me people can't (or don't want to) see this.

It may be puzzling to others why some refuse to see the singularity, with life, in life.


Active Member

What we really need to know about Allah is already found in the Quraan and in the Sunnah.

If you are suggesting that we should know EVERYTHING about Allah, than I am telling you that we don't know everything. We only know what Allah wants us to know and we know enough to carry on and live our life the way it should be lived

Yes, and I believe the real God has implanted this message in each and everyone of us - even before we were born.- and that is why we have an innate feeling of righteousness - something that tend us to do the right thing,or morale. Every one, irrespective of their religion has morale. I believe living with ones morale is one of the greatest virtues. Here too, God has given us what God wants us to know and we know (have) enough to carry on and live our life the way it should be lived. This is something no other religions can do - can even think of doing it. These external or pseudo- religions can enter into ones mind only through an external source and it needs holy books , prophets, Imams etc, and hard core practices to keep it going on. On the other hand, true religion will be there as long as a new human being is born. And if one doesn't betray oneself, one is true to one self, He can even be a prophet. Eventually, he will make predictions with the help of science. (science is something true God gifted us -but the fake external religions are all against it).They will Predict weather, can make stones speak (smart phones), can predict ones future illness way in advance (through genetics) ,even before a symptom or the disease itself has been developed. Saved countless lives.

Now, you can claim Muslims or people in other religions contributed to science. Yes, people did contributed to science irrespective of their religion, but those people were the least religious (at least at the time of such thinking). How can your religion accept those people who support the theory of evolution and genetics when your religion says the other way? How can your religion accept those people who support heliocentric theory when the religion talks about geocentric theory? Religion never accepted them. Such people were burnt at stake, or were tortured all because such peoples were true to oneself, didn't betray themselves (at least with such kind of thinking). even peoples had to move to areas of low religious influence in order to publish their findings.

Think friend, at least God has gifted you this intelligent organ. God has placed your brain above other organs and It is meant to be used.
Bye the way, its not even unethical to think against God (only cross questioning - provided there is no harm to others) in order to understand God- it will only make you closer to God, True God. your Creator.

I will give you the reasons why. once my friend tried to learn about computer anti-viruses (the good thing) as part of a course in computer science. He told me he couldn't get what he wanted, a feeling that he didn't understood properly. Later he moved on to study about viruses (the bad thing) itself and this is what made him understand what anti-virus (the good thing again ) are and what they really do. (The course followed soon about viruses).

Best regards.


Active Member
There is only "ONE GOD".

why did you accept it? How does this make sense? What are its properties? (volume, weight, mass etc,). What was/is its necessity?

Please post your comments.
Thanking you

If there were several imagine the competition! It would be just like in the Greek Mythology.