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Why "one God"?


Coincidentia oppositorum
Thank you for the reply.

The reason why I titled the thread "why one God " is this. I believe god is beyond our realm of imagination. I don’t know anything about the physical characteristics/properties of God; its mass, density, volume etc. I know nothing. Now, that we know nothing about the physical properties, what about the mathematical counterpart;. To say that there is “One God” one has to be sure that there is a mathematical property in God which enable us to count God. For example, we can count apples and elephants but can we count space, water etc? NO. To describe alternating currents, we need the help of complex numbers or trigonometric functions. I am not saying that we can say some God or more God nor I am saying God has a complex conjugate as with complex numbers. It is just we don’t know what the mathematical property of God is, just like the physical property. So I believe it is much more honest to say God than “one God”.

Best regards
But there is just One Math though, right? Or if we have multiple maths, we could group them together as call them all One Math anyway?

Since God is beyond properties and characteristics, yes, you can't count God because God is the sum of the count. Look at God as the set of integers instead of the integers themselves. There's one set of integers, even if there are many integers in the set.

Or take the circle. There are an infinite number of tangents, but there's still only one circle.


Active Member
But there is just One Math though, right? Or if we have multiple maths, we could group them together as call them all One Math anyway?

Since God is beyond properties and characteristics, yes, you can't count God because God is the sum of the count. Look at God as the set of integers instead of the integers themselves. There's one set of integers, even if there are many integers in the set.

Or take the circle. There are an infinite number of tangents, but there's still only one circle.
yes you can count sets, circles but can you count space? One set of Gods? interesting, isn't it.
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Coincidentia oppositorum
yes you can count sets, circles but can you count space? One set of Gods? interesting, isn't it.
All space together is just one space.

One cup of water is one cup of water, even if it's also trillion soda-lime composite molecules shaped together to hold a trillion water molecules.

One is a term can be used for the collection of something. This website for instance is one big web site, even though it contains many forums, and a huge amount of posts, and even more letters composing those posts. It's still one website.

Besides, space is probably something rather than nothing, and even if it was nothing, all that nothing is all together one big nothing.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I would question whether or not various monotheists intend to interpret "one" as a collection of something's. That would be soft monotheism, at least.


Active Member
Welcome back
All space together is just one space.
Sorry, you cant say that. Space is uncountable. there is no one space, two space etc., but you can say a little space, one litter of space (may be empty space) etc. not one space. All space together is just space. Mathematically we can say " one subset of space etc" , but then here one is associated with the property of set itself, not with its elements - space.

One cup of water is one cup of water, even if it's also trillion soda-lime composite molecules shaped together to hold a trillion water molecules. .
what if we pour that one cup of water into two small cups, well we have two cups of water. again here one goes with cup not with water. you cant say one water, two water , water too is uncountable. we may say that there is only one type of water in the universe ( actually 18 or so different water if we consider stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen), but then here too "one" just like the set, we are dealing with physical, chemical or molecular property of water which is one, but not water itself.
One is a term can be used for the collection of something. This website for instance is one big web site, even though it contains many forums, and a huge amount of posts, and even more letters composing those posts. It's still one website.
Yes, I agree with this, that is because website has a countable property. we can have one website, two etc,. We may even say some websites, some space etc, but it doesn't mean that we can say one space the way we cab say one website.

Besides, space is probably something rather than nothing, and even if it was nothing, all that nothing is all together one big nothing.
I think you have much more artistic sense than me.
best regards.


Coincidentia oppositorum
Welcome back

Sorry, you cant say that. Space is uncountable. there is no one space, two space etc., but you can say a little space, one litter of space (may be empty space) etc. not one space. All space together is just space. Mathematically we can say " one subset of space etc" , but then here one is associated with the property of set itself, not with its elements - space.
Yes, in grammar you can't. But it's just a trick with words and grammar to avoid admitting that the whole is one.

Is there one universe? This universe, is it one universe or can't you count it either? And if there are other universes, is each one of them one or can't you count one universe as one because it contains space? What about the multiverse? We say "the" multiverse as if it is a "one" thing. Can't we count the multiverse to be one multiverse either?

The way you're arguing is that all things taken together can't be viewed as a whole, one whole. Then this universe can't be seen as one universe either. You can't be one because you contain water, matter, ... and space. Space can't be counted, and yet that's according to physics most of what we're made of.

Yes, I agree with this, that is because website has a countable property. we can have one website, two etc,. We may even say some websites, some space etc, but it doesn't mean that we can say one space the way we cab say one website.
The whole "counting space" sidetrack perhaps wasn't a great one. It probably confuses more. Not sure if I was the one who brought it up though? Anyway, the spaces between words exist as well, and is part of the whole. Even if we can't count the "space" itself, the whole space, with all other parts, all comes together as a whole. If space can't be counted as one when it's together with everything else, then this website consists of everything elsebutthespacesandperhapsweshouldnotcountthecommasordotsoranyothersigneither?

Space might not be empty but consist of some form of braided fabric (I saw something about the braided universe and how it makes up the quarks), or maybe it's the Higgs field that makes up space. Anyway, just because we can't count the space between particles or quarks, that only supports even more than we can say just "One" about All of it. Maybe you can't count one, two, three of space, but you can still count One and mean everything of it.

I think you have much more artistic sense than me.
Maybe, or maybe you just need a little time to process and digest the idea. :) New and different concepts need a little time to settle.

It's funny. Thinking about it, that we can't count "space" only strengthens the idea of calling it "One". One is unifying all things, even the innumerable and the uncountable.

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Active Member
Yes, in grammar you can't. But it's just a trick with words and grammar to avoid admitting that the whole is one.

Is there one universe? This universe, is it one universe or can't you count it either? And if there are other universes, is each one of them one or can't you count one universe as one because it contains space? What about the multiverse? We say "the" multiverse as if it is a "one" thing. Can't we count the multiverse to be one multiverse either?

The way you're arguing is that all things taken together can't be viewed as a whole, one whole. Then this universe can't be seen as one universe either. You can't be one because you contain water, matter, ... and space. Space can't be counted, and yet that's according to physics most of what we're made of.

The whole "counting space" sidetrack perhaps wasn't a great one. It probably confuses more. Not sure if I was the one who brought it up though? Anyway, the spaces between words exist as well, and is part of the whole. Even if we can't count the "space" itself, the whole space, with all other parts, all comes together as a whole. If space can't be counted as one when it's together with everything else, then this website consists of everything elsebutthespacesandperhapsweshouldnotcountthecommasordotsoranyothersigneither?

Space might not be empty but consist of some form of braided fabric (I saw something about the braided universe and how it makes up the quarks), or maybe it's the Higgs field that makes up space. Anyway, just because we can't count the space between particles or quarks, that only supports even more than we can say just "One" about All of it. Maybe you can't count one, two, three of space, but you can still count One and mean everything of it.

Maybe, or maybe you just need a little time to process and digest the idea. :) New and different concepts need a little time to settle.

It's funny. Thinking about it, that we can't count "space" only strengthens the idea of calling it "One". One is unifying all things, even the innumerable and the uncountable.

you have been jiggling with countables and uncountables.
i think that there is no point in spending further time with this. May be it is a great Idea to call space countable - one space., drink one water, but this is acceptable only for you. After all, I cant wake up some one who pretends to be sleeping.


Active Member
That was one valuable post.
Thank you. Sorry for the delay.
Actually, I'm beyond believing in one God. I just believe in One/Brahman (non-dual=God and creation are not two). Your statement implies a dualism (two things; God and creation).
I appreciate that. Actually, It took me sometime to understand this ( God and creation are not two) part. I almost have a feel -like sensation for this and its great. Thanks.

After exhaustive thought over years I believe the teachings of the great eastern (Hindu) masters are the highest level of understanding man has reached.
I have doubts here. But i can't reject this.

Depending how you want to put it you can call the One the entire physical universe. Or you can see it as pure consciousness which has no physical properties; it is fundamental and the universe is a creative emanation of the One.
Now this thread "why one god" is all concerned with the way one view things. The reason why it was so titled was this-
We don't know any of the physical properties of God. So what about the mathematical counterpart; mathematical properties. here too, we know nothing. So to say one god, we should know that there exists a mathematical property in God which enables us to count God. we know nothing about the physical or mathematical properties of God. So how can we say one God? isn't it much more elegant to say just " God" than say "one God".

It has no necessities. The universe should be considered a divine play/drama of Brahman in which He separates Himself from Himself into finite forms and then returns Himself to Himself. Why? It's the creative aspect of the divine; it's like asking why man does art.
To consider my self to be part of Brahman - Isn't this entrusting me much more responsibility to keep myself pure and clean.
Thank you.
best regards.


A Transcendologist
That was one valuable post.
Thank you. Sorry for the delay.

I appreciate that. Actually, It took me sometime to understand this ( God and creation are not two) part. I almost have a feel -like sensation for this and its great. Thanks.

I have doubts here. But i can't reject this.

Now this thread "why one god" is all concerned with the way one view things. The reason why it was so titled was this-
We don't know any of the physical properties of God. So what about the mathematical counterpart; mathematical properties. here too, we know nothing. So to say one god, we should know that there exists a mathematical property in God which enables us to count God. we know nothing about the physical or mathematical properties of God. So how can we say one God? isn't it much more elegant to say just " God" than say "one God".

To consider my self to be part of Brahman - Isn't this entrusting me much more responsibility to keep myself pure and clean.
Thank you.
best regards.


رسول الآلهة
Monotheism makes for good ontology while polytheism makes for good folklore. Monotheism just seems like a rational take for theists and the god claim


Coincidentia oppositorum
you have been jiggling with countables and uncountables.
i think that there is no point in spending further time with this. May be it is a great Idea to call space countable - one space., drink one water, but this is acceptable only for you. After all, I cant wake up some one who pretends to be sleeping.
Yeah, I think it's not much use to pursue this further either.

But the part of waking up, I feel I'm the one who woke up to it. :)

I was Christian for 30 years, then I lost my faith and became an atheist. Now, I'm a naturalistic pantheist (sexed up atheist, basically, all that exists is "God", but not a personal entity separate from the world, but the very fabric of existence), and I feel I get the best from all worlds now. I'm both an atheist to some degree, and spiritual and theist to some, without having to create some internal conflict with living a meaningful spiritual life and yet accepting science and nature for what it is. Ultimately, there's only one reality, not two or many, or at least I hope so. It would be sad to discover that I was alone in my own reality and you were in your own reality and there never had this dialogue at all but only in my head. So my hope and belief is that there's only one single reality that we all live in together, regardless if you can count space or not (because that track was only entered after your question if it was possible to count it, who cares? It's still one big lump of space).

Some day, maybe we can take up the topic again and reach some agreement. But I'm leaving it for now.
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Coincidentia oppositorum
Actually, I'm beyond believing in one God. I just believe in One/Brahman (non-dual=God and creation are not two). Your statement implies a dualism (two things; God and creation).
Exactly. Well said.

After exhaustive thought over years I believe the teachings of the great eastern (Hindu) masters are the highest level of understanding man has reached.
I'm starting to have the feeling that might be true. The funny thing though, my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about these matters did not come from study any religion, but from my own contemplations. If something can come from inside and still correspond with other people have concluded, then there's something to it.

Depending how you want to put it you can call the One the entire physical universe. Or you can see it as pure consciousness which has no physical properties; it is fundamental and the universe is a creative emanation of the One.
One step that brought me into spiritual thinking was when I read about how some physicists/scientists are theorizing that our world is only an illusion, a sort of hologram. Now, I also know that according to naturalism, our consciousness/mind is an emergent property from the natural things (matter, energy, etc), and hence is also an illusions. Which means that an illusion of a mind is having an illusion of the world. So everything is just an illusion, then what is real?

It has no necessities. The universe should be considered a divine play/drama of Brahman in which He separates Himself from Himself into finite forms and then returns Himself to Himself. Why? It's the creative aspect of the divine; it's like asking why man does art.


If unity/peace is of the utmost importance, then if there is a God, there can only be One.


Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member

There is only one Mystic Law that pervades all life--all that is living not just humans. Some of us call it God, some call it Mystic Law, some call it "The universe" some call it force. While on the other side of the spectrum, others call it biology, energy, and motivation. There cannot be more than one source to human life. So in that sense, there is only One God.

In a Christian point of view, in Genesis it says God is a jealous God. If there was more than one of Him, then that would defeat Him being The Creator. He'd be jealous (no pun) of the other Gods before him. Think of it. Adam and Eve were generously curious as to having full knowledge of good and evil. They did not know that the devil posing as a snake could have been God changing his mind on his command. They were babies. Then God said "we shouldn't have them eat from the tree of knowledge because they will know good and evil just like us."

From a scriptural point of view, if there was more than one God then the Abrahamic view of worship would be void. As you can only worship one person.. if you worship more than one, that's defeating the purpose of putting that person over all others. So, there has to be One over all. and that One is God.

A lot of religions have multiple Gods that work together in one way or another but at the end, they work together within one spirit or "marriage." That connection is that One God.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
I'm starting to have the feeling that might be true. The funny thing though, my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about these matters did not come from study any religion, but from my own contemplations. If something can come from inside and still correspond with other people have concluded, then there's something to it.
In fact, the Hindu sages say to not take their word for One/Brahman but experience it yourself. As the experience of what is truth/real is not likely to be experienced in our first few meditation efforts, they ask that we take what they say as a hypothesis before we can KNOW through an experience that can't well be put into words. To me, it's the most sensible hypothesis I've heard; nothing else is really close (materialist hypothesis, Abrahamic God hypothesis, etc. are to me inferior understandings).

One step that brought me into spiritual thinking was when I read about how some physicists/scientists are theorizing that our world is only an illusion, a sort of hologram. Now, I also know that according to naturalism, our consciousness/mind is an emergent property from the natural things (matter, energy, etc), and hence is also an illusions. Which means that an illusion of a mind is having an illusion of the world. So everything is just an illusion, then what is real?
I like this. Only Brahman is then real. Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami sounds like this type of thinker.


Coincidentia oppositorum
In fact, the Hindu sages say to not take their word for One/Brahman but experience it yourself.

As the experience of what is truth/real is not likely to be experienced in our first few meditation efforts, they ask that we take what they say as a hypothesis before we can KNOW through an experience that can't well be put into words. To me, it's the most sensible hypothesis I've heard; nothing else is really close (materialist hypothesis, Abrahamic God hypothesis, etc. are to me inferior understandings).
The strange thing is, I haven't practiced really much of mediation, but I talked to Windwalker once, and he made me realize that all those years of prayer (in tongues mainly) long time ago and Tai Chi might have triggered it anyway. I guess it can come to you in many different ways.

Some years ago I read about how the Epicureans (I think it was) believed that true knowledge comes as revelations (epiphanies), not through learning. And I've experienced that with some scientific facts that I knew as facts, but at some time suddenly became clear as an obvious realization, more than just a fact. It's like an internal image or something.

I like this. Only Brahman is then real. Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami sounds like this type of thinker.
I'll make a note of that name.


Well-Known Member
I do agree with this. People with sick minds and bad desires are there. They can be controlled only with Law. Additionally, do you think such people are irreligious?

I don't agree they can be controlled only by law. That would give the "let me do it without being catched" argument. No I don't think such people are irreligious. Such people may come from any background. What I do believe is that even the religious one would still become what they became regardless of religion because that is the way they chose. I don't believe that there exists a religion which tells people to do such things

I never said “circumstances” as the only player, but it is the major player.

At this point, let me tell you a story from my past. When I was a kid at the age of 11, I was put to a boarding house. There, on all Sundays after the lunch, they served a typical sweet dessert. I tell you it was my favorite (favorite among most of us) –and I really enjoyed it. We were around 80 or so boys of varying ages in the boarding house. In one occasion, most of the senior boys went to attend some function or so. The cooks, who weren’t informed about this and being a Sunday, made their usual quantity of this desert, which eventually landed up on our plates. I thought it was my lucky day as a few of them more were served on my plate. I had some of them enjoying it and I had to my fill. However, disliking to waste food, I thought I would finish the rest of the desert and so I continued with my eating. Very soon, I wasn’t enjoying it anymore and I was fed up of this. But I still continued with my eating; I had a sensation to vomit but finally, I finished it.

That Sunday was over and the next one came. So came the desert after the lunch. But I still hated it – even its smell turned out to be unbearable. I never had that desert again, even after coming out of the school.

Some 15 years later, after the incident, I came to learn about subconscious mind and about autosuggestion. Those lessons thought me that it was my subconscious that actually controlled much of my desires, fears, likes and dislikes. It also told me how to change these.

So as a practice lesson, I took this particular dislike for that dessert which was still going strong. I auto suggested to myself that the dessert was good and I love it for 30 days as the course recommended. (21 days minimum). After some days (maybe two or three months after), in an occasion this particular dessert was served. To tell you the truth, I loved it as if I never hated it. Even the smell of it was gorgeous.

With autosuggestion, even ones greediness can be eliminated, sickness of the mind can be cured, good habits can be implanted and bad habits uprooted. So with proper education, we can be trained to have (as Buddha said) Right Vision, Right thought, Right Speech and Right Action.

Again, we cannot have 100 percent success rate because despite all these training, not all people will follow such path. A fraction of this would be trouble some. The one or two that turns out to be bad has to be controlled with Law.

I really liked the story, gonna try that with some food that I don't eat lol. I can't argue with the lesson learned. However, I am not sure what are you trying to prove with that story. If it is that you can control yourself and hence change you behavior, I say that this is true, you can but not all the times because sometimes there are external factors which may stand between you and achieving that. Additionally, I won't question the theory put in hand, I believe it is true. But do other people view it that way and ready to give it a chance? How far can they go on with that until it takes effect? For some people, believe me, it is exhausting. While others, with respect to all people, can't comprehend it.

I know where you are heading to :–) God.

If fear of God could prevent a crime from happening, I do agree with you.

But what I personally believe is this, after coming to know about innumerable crimes by the so called religious people throughout history and present, the concept of God or fear of God, rather than preventing crime, it actually fueled it.

What if a religious person who happens to eat a particular fruit/ meat happened to meet a person of a different religion who restricts himself from such activity because his religion considers that fruit/meat as holy/unethical? What if they keep very low moral standards? What if they keep high moral standards? What if religion itself wasn’t there to associate this particular fruit/meat with? If so there was no reason for them to fight even.

What I believe is this– if a man is good and is a believer of God, he believes that his fear of God is preventing him from doing bad things – but actually it is his sense or rightness or morale that prevents a crime from happening and he simply gives the credit to the “fear of God.”

I disagree with that. Majority of the people who claim to be religious and have wars because of religion are actually doing it for political and other reasons. They just disguise their intentions. I am talking from how I am saying things. And those people, again, will still do the same acts whether they belonged to this religion or that.

Second, the way you seem to put it, is that a person should be following blindly. Why would a person follow a religion if it tells him to kill other people?

I also disagree on the last paragraph. I can point you to countless stories shared by people on youtube who came to Islam and talk about how that changed the way they behaved. Is it the fear of Allah? Is it because of the love of Allah? Is it because Islam taught them about the rights others have? Is it because they want to be the righteous people to get into heaven? Well I don't know. But once the truth enters into the heart of a person and he starts to truly see the right things with HIS HEART, than I think the impossible can be made possible. Only by this a person can live in peace for the rest of his life. Other peace than that is just temporary.

Earlier, I talked about subconscious mind and autosuggestion. Remember our subconscious mind can be altered with external stimuli. If one is constantly told or preached in a systematic way, he even can be tuned to perform acts that normally sane people won’t do. Think about suicidal bombers. Even if religion says one should not perform such acts and it is against such acts, the bomber would be happy to explode claiming that he is performing a sanctifying act.

Similarly it is this subconscious mind play that makes people adheres to a particular religion. They just won’t listen to or see the incorrectness in their religion. One has to be courageous enough to break out of these chains that are deep rooted into their subconscious mind. I believe, doing so would only get one closer to listing to the true Gods voice that has been implanted in us by God himself, our own creator.

I can't argue with subconscious mind and autosuggestion, but not everything works that way friend. If that is true, than we won't see any person changing his mind about something. I simply can't accept the generalization of that, there are people who do things logically.

Majority of people who came to Islam were actually people who hated Islam and had the idea about had that Islam is terror. No body preached Islam to them, but rather they saw things, studied them and reflected on them logically. My point is that this proves that not all things go that way. Besides when Muhammad peace be upon him came with the message, his followers were zero. So why did they accept Islam after living so many times as non muslims?

I think you are exaggerating things.


Well-Known Member
Actually this thread was titled “why one God?” The reasons why I titled it so was this. I believe god is beyond our realm of imagination. I don’t know anything about the physical characteristics/properties of God; its mass, density, volume etc. I know nothing. Now, that we know nothing about the physical properties, what about the mathematical counterpart;. To say that there is “One God” one has to be sure that there is a mathematical property in God which enable us to count God. For example, we can count apples and elephants but can we count space, water etc? NO. To describe alternating currents, we need the help of complex numbers or trigonometric functions. I am not saying that we can say some God or more God nor I am saying God has a complex conjugate as with complex numbers. It is just we don’t know what the mathematical property of God is, just like the physical property. So I believe it is much more honest to say God than “one God”.

To describe the strangeness of the world, I am reciting an experiment in quantum electrodynamics where a single electron was proved to travel along two (or multiple) independent paths at the same time. So, if it is the case with a simple electron, what about our supreme God? What logic is there when one say we can count God to say it as one.

Whay about that there is no deity except God, would you agree with that ?

If one trains oneself to achieve Right Vision, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action etc, one can purify oneself and keep away from unnecessary desires. I believe that one should attain the power to control ones subconscious mind and not the subconscious control you. And if one listens to his moral, I believe he is living as per God’s instructions.

That is for you morphesium. You know that fact ok nice. I believe it too. But first you are generalizing, second again, what about those people who don't know that and would live in denial to that fact for example?

What about the uneducated people? Is training oneself universal meaning that all people can follow that and all the problems would be solved?

If one can do that without betraying oneself, I would appreciate it. But remember, every religious person in every other religions believe the same, otherwise they themselves would have quitted it.

Blind belief is not simply accepted to God. As a muslim:

You are never supposed to believe in it blindly and people are always asked to reflect on things in the Quraan.

Furthermore, the Prophet peace be upon him said that seeking knowledge is a way leading to Paradise. He said: "Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allaah will make a path to Paradise easy for him." (Al-Bukhaari)

For example the Quran repeatedly asks us to observe the earth and the heavens. This instills in man a desire to learn natural science as well. All the books of Hadeeth have a chapter on knowledge. In Saheeh Al-Bukhaari there is a chapter entitled "The virtue of one who acquires learning and imparts that to others."

The prophet peace be upon him also said: "When a man dies, all his deeds come to an end except for three — an ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous child who will pray for him." (Muslim)

As I was reading about Richard Feynman in Wikipedia, a great scientist, I came to know that he had some degree of synesthesia for equations. Because of this equations appeared colored for him even though it was all printed in black. For example; if one person with some form of synesthesia happened to read this paragraph, he might be looking at something like this –

In some other form of synesthesia, a whole hidden code sequence would be colored differently and will stand out from the rest of the characters.

Why would god create such people with such unique gifts if all were intended to live alike? People ought to live differently as per their freewill, as per their morale. I agreed that there is only one reality, but it is much diverse. Just listen to our morale and live accordingly. This is the only way to fulfill Gods wishes.

Staying away of the bad actions and from what Allah asks us to stay away from is not making them alike. Allah is not asking us to be like robots. Look at Christians, do they live alike? Look at muslims where you live, do they live alike?

Away from what a religion would say, Let us assume that there is something no accepted to God and asks you not to do it, would you still do it?

Where on earth did religion left people free without holding back? Look at Christianity, look at Hinduism, look at Islam (sorry to say this). Whenever religion was/is at high, It hampered the growth of creativity in arts and science. It hampered morality and freewill. People suffered a lot under the arms of religions.

That is not the case in Islam, it was the opposite.

Answers? – A 10 month old standing up and speaking;- is this an answer?

A virgin getting pregnant; – is that an answer? Actually, every religion puts more questions than it can answer. Do you believe in evolution? Dinosaurs, Genitics, etc.

Those times were different. At that time it was the times where prophets would come and they were given some miracles that would prove to people that they were actually real prophets.

I can't comment on evolution I don't know what exactly evolution says. But I definitely don't believe that we evolved apes.

Modern medicine has produced drugs using our knowledge in genetics that no religion can support. They take human that particular portion of human DNA sequence which codes to the production of human insulin and they incorporate it into Bacteria or yeast. Then these microorganisms produce Human insulin which is then processed, purified and injected into humans suffering from Diabetics. This alone is saving millions of lives annually. If you or someone dear to you has taken such medicines, remember your/his/her life was saved by disproving your religion. You have the moral obligation to be more with science than you’re your religion. If genetics is true, so is evolution. Genetics and evolution theory doesn’t support origins of humans that start from Adam and Eve.

I am not very knowledgeable about the subjects at hand, but here is a video which might help on this topic.

That is because you are a good person. Myself; I don’t fear God, and I know that I should always be righteous and avoid doing evil things. I just can’t accept doing anything that is against my morale.

What about those ISIS people. They too fear God. Is that stopping them from doing crimes?

ISIS is a broad subject. Let us just say that their actions are not supported by Quraan. I don't know where that puts them.

Why did you believe this? How does this make sense? These didn’t came from the inside of you. These came through an external source. From preaching that laid the foundation and practice that made it hardwired into your brain. Release yourself from those chains – the true god will be pleased in doing so. But this definitely needs courage, true courage. I hope you have it.

Do you remember those childhood days when your morale asked questions against these religious concepts? I believe those questions are not yours but in fact are messages from God that you ignored. If you believe betraying oneself is against Gods wishes, ask again.

Ok I shouldn't have probably started from there. You can't understand where I am coming from to quote this.

If it was demonstrated to you that person X can't be wrong, based on proof, would you believe him in everything he said and quote him? My answer to this is yes. That is why I quoted it.

My point of the hadith was is that the God is Merciful.

Regarding the questions, I remember them. That is why I was not a practicing muslim. But no one preached to me friend. I just considered that I may be wrong and took a look at things.

Again, in Islam blind faith is not acceptable to Allah.

I appreciate that. Be truthful to yourself, Be courageous to yourself.

Before I conclude, imagine you are in the front of God, on that great judgment day, and God asks you “ Why did you listen to those external books and lived according to those books when I myself has implanted the messages in you for you to follow? Why did you ignore my message? “

Best regards.

Thankyou for the like

If you are asking me to consider the Quraan as an external book, please do consider the Quraan as an internal book and ask yourself same question also.

Imagine you are in front of God and God is asking you " Why you chose not to look at the Quraan and study Islam to know if it is truly what I sent"

You are always Welcomed :D

Best regards
The only singular god is Satan the Devil - Period

The Godhead is a Duality of Father and Son with The Holy Spirit as an 'it' not a 'he' - The Living Power of the Duality Godhead of two distinct Spiritual Beings.

Let US make man in OUR IMAGE and in OUR LIKENESS. God with God from before the beginning - always self-existing.


Minister Peacefulpoet
There is a false god. The reason for the commandment was to disparage the false god so that Jews would not accidentally follow after him.