Actually this thread was titled “why one God?” The reasons why I titled it so was this. I believe god is beyond our realm of imagination. I don’t know anything about the physical characteristics/properties of God; its mass, density, volume etc. I know nothing. Now, that we know nothing about the physical properties, what about the mathematical counterpart;. To say that there is “One God” one has to be sure that there is a mathematical property in God which enable us to count God. For example, we can count apples and elephants but can we count space, water etc? NO. To describe alternating currents, we need the help of complex numbers or trigonometric functions. I am not saying that we can say some God or more God nor I am saying God has a complex conjugate as with complex numbers. It is just we don’t know what the mathematical property of God is, just like the physical property. So I believe it is much more honest to say God than “one God”.
To describe the strangeness of the world, I am reciting an experiment in quantum electrodynamics where a single electron was proved to travel along two (or multiple) independent paths at the same time. So, if it is the case with a simple electron, what about our supreme God? What logic is there when one say we can count God to say it as one.
Whay about that there is no deity except God, would you agree with that ?
If one trains oneself to achieve Right Vision, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action etc, one can purify oneself and keep away from unnecessary desires. I believe that one should attain the power to control ones subconscious mind and not the subconscious control you. And if one listens to his moral, I believe he is living as per God’s instructions.
That is for you morphesium. You know that fact ok nice. I believe it too. But first you are generalizing, second again, what about those people who don't know that and would live in denial to that fact for example?
What about the uneducated people? Is training oneself universal meaning that all people can follow that and all the problems would be solved?
If one can do that without betraying oneself, I would appreciate it. But remember, every religious person in every other religions believe the same, otherwise they themselves would have quitted it.
Blind belief is not simply accepted to God. As a muslim:
You are never supposed to believe in it blindly and people are always asked to reflect on things in the Quraan.
Furthermore, the Prophet peace be upon him said that seeking knowledge is a way leading to Paradise. He said: "Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allaah will make a path to Paradise easy for him." (Al-Bukhaari)
For example the Quran repeatedly asks us to observe the earth and the heavens. This instills in man a desire to learn natural science as well. All the books of Hadeeth have a chapter on knowledge. In Saheeh Al-Bukhaari there is a chapter entitled "The virtue of one who acquires learning and imparts that to others."
The prophet peace be upon him also said: "When a man dies, all his deeds come to an end except for three — an ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous child who will pray for him." (Muslim)
As I was reading about Richard Feynman in Wikipedia, a great scientist, I came to know that he had some degree of synesthesia for equations. Because of this equations appeared colored for him even though it was all printed in black. For example; if one person with some form of synesthesia happened to read this paragraph, he might be looking at something like this –
In some other form of synesthesia, a whole hidden code sequence would be colored differently and will stand out from the rest of the characters.
Why would god create such people with such unique gifts if all were intended to live alike? People ought to live differently as per their freewill, as per their morale. I agreed that there is only one reality, but it is much diverse. Just listen to our morale and live accordingly. This is the only way to fulfill Gods wishes.
Staying away of the bad actions and from what Allah asks us to stay away from is not making them alike. Allah is not asking us to be like robots. Look at Christians, do they live alike? Look at muslims where you live, do they live alike?
Away from what a religion would say, Let us assume that there is something no accepted to God and asks you not to do it, would you still do it?
Where on earth did religion left people free without holding back? Look at Christianity, look at Hinduism, look at Islam (sorry to say this). Whenever religion was/is at high, It hampered the growth of creativity in arts and science. It hampered morality and freewill. People suffered a lot under the arms of religions.
That is not the case in Islam, it was the opposite.
Answers? – A 10 month old standing up and speaking;- is this an answer?
A virgin getting pregnant; – is that an answer? Actually, every religion puts more questions than it can answer. Do you believe in evolution? Dinosaurs, Genitics, etc.
Those times were different. At that time it was the times where prophets would come and they were given some miracles that would prove to people that they were actually real prophets.
I can't comment on evolution I don't know what exactly evolution says. But I definitely don't believe that we evolved apes.
Modern medicine has produced drugs using our knowledge in genetics that no religion can support. They take human that particular portion of human DNA sequence which codes to the production of human insulin and they incorporate it into Bacteria or yeast. Then these microorganisms produce Human insulin which is then processed, purified and injected into humans suffering from Diabetics. This alone is saving millions of lives annually. If you or someone dear to you has taken such medicines, remember your/his/her life was saved by disproving your religion. You have the moral obligation to be more with science than you’re your religion. If genetics is true, so is evolution. Genetics and evolution theory doesn’t support origins of humans that start from Adam and Eve.
I am not very knowledgeable about the subjects at hand, but here is a video which might help on this topic.
That is because you are a good person. Myself; I don’t fear God, and I know that I should always be righteous and avoid doing evil things. I just can’t accept doing anything that is against my morale.
What about those ISIS people. They too fear God. Is that stopping them from doing crimes?
ISIS is a broad subject. Let us just say that their actions are not supported by Quraan. I don't know where that puts them.
Why did you believe this? How does this make sense? These didn’t came from the inside of you. These came through an external source. From preaching that laid the foundation and practice that made it hardwired into your brain. Release yourself from those chains – the true god will be pleased in doing so. But this definitely needs courage, true courage. I hope you have it.
Do you remember those childhood days when your morale asked questions against these religious concepts? I believe those questions are not yours but in fact are messages from God that you ignored. If you believe betraying oneself is against Gods wishes, ask again.
Ok I shouldn't have probably started from there. You can't understand where I am coming from to quote this.
If it was demonstrated to you that person X can't be wrong, based on proof, would you believe him in everything he said and quote him? My answer to this is yes. That is why I quoted it.
My point of the hadith was is that the God is Merciful.
Regarding the questions, I remember them. That is why I was not a practicing muslim. But no one preached to me friend. I just considered that I may be wrong and took a look at things.
Again, in Islam blind faith is not acceptable to Allah.
I appreciate that. Be truthful to yourself, Be courageous to yourself.
Before I conclude, imagine you are in the front of God, on that great judgment day, and God asks you “ Why did you listen to those external books and lived according to those books when I myself has implanted the messages in you for you to follow? Why did you ignore my message? “
Best regards.
Thankyou for the like
If you are asking me to consider the Quraan as an external book, please do consider the Quraan as an internal book and ask yourself same question also.
Imagine you are in front of God and God is asking you " Why you chose not to look at the Quraan and study Islam to know if it is truly what I sent"
You are always Welcomed
Best regards