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Why was Adam created first?


Well-Known Member
Malus01 said:
Why are women superior to men? Adam had all his good stuff removed to make Eve in the first place..
You mean the whole Adam created by God, has only a single rib bone that is 'good stuff', and the rest are just garbage?:help:


High Priestess
greatcalgarian said:
Adam's missing rib bone grew back. Wonder how did the single bone removed mutate and grow into Eve? Good to explain the periosteum growth, but left hanging without any biological explanation regarding the bone turning into a woman. Might as well leave out the periosteum explanation:jiggy:
Maybe this was the first example of cloning and stem cell work. If man can do it now, I'm sure God had the knowledge all along.


Well-Known Member
Malus01 said:
I can't believe some people get uptight about who was created first :rolleyes: ... does it really matter? (and no snale I wasn't referring to you)

Oh and for you females that love to abuse males, EVE ate the apple first. Stick that in your pipes and smoke it :p

Also, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and came to be in transgression....1 timothy 2;14

With that Jehovah God said to the woman: "What is this you have done?" To this the woman replied: "The serpent—it deceived me and so I ate ......... Genesis 3;13



Well-Known Member
greatcalgarian said:
Adam's missing rib bone grew back. Wonder how did the single bone removed mutate and grow into Eve? Good to explain the periosteum growth, but left hanging without any biological explanation regarding the bone turning into a woman. Might as well leave out the periosteum explanation:jiggy:
the bible doesnt say , seems only God knows that one

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
There is a gross misunderstanding about the nature of Adam as he was first created. Consider:

Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

Adam was created both male and female. Notice the pronoun before the semi-colon. It is singular. Notice the pronoun after the semi-colon it is a plural. The rules of English say that anything that comes after a semi-colon refers back to what came before the semi-colon and futher illustrates the thought. Therefore Adam was created as a singular person but had a dual nature, "male and female created he them."

To say that Adam was just male when he was created is inaccurate.


Active Member
Because that is what the author of genesis thought. Anything else is speculation because it is not stated in the bible why.


Well-Known Member
sandy whitelinger said:
There is a gross misunderstanding about the nature of Adam as he was first created. Consider:

Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

Adam was created both male and female. Notice the pronoun before the semi-colon. It is singular. Notice the pronoun after the semi-colon it is a plural. The rules of English say that anything that comes after a semi-colon refers back to what came before the semi-colon and futher illustrates the thought. Therefore Adam was created as a singular person but had a dual nature, "male and female created he them."

To say that Adam was just male when he was created is inaccurate.
So Adam was a hermaphrodite? Youzer. Frankly I am more comfortable with the
thought that I might share a common ancestor with the great apes than the
thought that I am descended of a hermie. Think I am going with the ape thing.



Active Member
sandy whitelinger said:
There is a gross misunderstanding about the nature of Adam as he was first created. Consider:

Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

Adam was created both male and female. Notice the pronoun before the semi-colon. It is singular. Notice the pronoun after the semi-colon it is a plural. The rules of English say that anything that comes after a semi-colon refers back to what came before the semi-colon and futher illustrates the thought. Therefore Adam was created as a singular person but had a dual nature, "male and female created he them."

To say that Adam was just male when he was created is inaccurate.

What on earth are you on about? So your going on the the semi-colon, rahter then actually reading what it says there, male and female he created them not male and female he created him.
Genesis 1 up to 2:4, is a brief description of the creation process, start to finish. The rest of the book from chapter 2:5 back tracks and goes into the details, as verse 5 says there is no vegetation on the earth and yet chapter 1:20 says that he began to create living things, so they must have had something to eat.
(there were no two creations)

When the bible was written, there were no chapters and verses either...
And also, please remember that the Bible wasn't written in English...

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
Adam was created both male and female. Notice the pronoun before the semi-colon. It is singular. Notice the pronoun after the semi-colon it is a plural.
The basis of creation lies in a non english grammar translation?

Therefore Adam was created as a singular person but had a dual nature, "male and female created he them."
yes, he created THEM. Using your grammar theories, THEM is two people or more, not one.

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
I am just trying to imagine how a pile of earth and a skeletal lady created generations of humans.....


Active Member
<-----Thinking to himself........ Wow this thread was pretty wild to begin with then you had to go and bring up the "RIB" thingy. ;)

Oh and for the record....... I'm with the person that asked how something grew back that was missing. Really if something is taken to the point of missing completely as if it were never there then how could it grow back? How would it know to grow back? How would nothing know it was missing to know to grow back? :)

At least we know one thing...........

Adam wasn't into barbecue.... If he was then he would have put up more of a fight over the rib being taken. LOL ...... I know not funny. :)



Binyamin said:
I ask again. :)
Genesis 1:26 has one version....then in 2:6 there is another story...However, i personally find the bible very confusing contradictory document that is open to the interpretation of every tom dick and harry who thinks this or that...and it has been changed so ofter anyway!


Active Member
Samara said:
Genesis 1:26 has one version....then in 2:6 there is another story...However, i personally find the bible very confusing contradictory document that is open to the interpretation of every tom dick and harry who thinks this or that...and it has been changed so ofter anyway!
In my opinion......... You kinda gotta look at certain areas of the Bible as if you were looking at the contents page of a book where it gives you chapters with a little info as to what is in each chapter as kinda like the Gen. 1:26 you have given ..... then as you move to the Gen. 2:6 and 7 its almost like you have turned to that chapter of that book to get more indepth information and full outline as is intended in most books.

Hey just a thought. :)


Well-Known Member
Malus01 said:
How can something that is missing "grow" back :areyoucra
Just like if you cut off the lizard tail, it will grow back. Or if you remove a claw from the crab, it will grow back. The rib was not missing, it was removed on pupose, and God left part of the rib behind to grow back.