sandy whitelinger said:
There is a gross misunderstanding about the nature of Adam as he was first created. Consider:
Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
Adam was created both male and female. Notice the pronoun before the semi-colon. It is singular. Notice the pronoun after the semi-colon it is a plural. The rules of English say that anything that comes after a semi-colon refers back to what came before the semi-colon and futher illustrates the thought. Therefore Adam was created as a singular person but had a dual nature, "male and female created he them."
To say that Adam was just male when he was created is inaccurate.
What on earth are you on about? So your going on the the semi-colon, rahter then actually reading what it says there, male and female he created
them not male and female he created
Genesis 1 up to 2:4, is a brief description of the creation process, start to finish. The rest of the book from chapter 2:5 back tracks and goes into the details, as verse 5 says there is no vegetation on the earth and yet chapter 1:20 says that he began to create living things, so they must have had something to eat.
(there were no two creations)
When the bible was written, there were no chapters and verses either...
And also, please remember that the Bible wasn't written in English...