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Why was Adam created first?


Veteran Member
greatcalgarian said:
Just like if you cut off the lizard tail, it will grow back. Or if you remove a claw from the crab, it will grow back. The rib was not missing, it was removed on pupose, and God left part of the rib behind to grow back.
Ummm Men have one less rib than women. lower lefthand side (examining yourself). Check it out.

Bout the best proof for Adam and Eve I've seen, but if the Adam/Eve story were created by someone who already realise men had one less rib...


Well-Known Member
SnaleSpace said:
Ummm Men have one less rib than women. lower lefthand side (examining yourself). Check it out.

Bout the best proof for Adam and Eve I've seen, but if the Adam/Eve story were created by someone who already realise men had one less rib...
You have to give frubals to those story tellers in Moses time, who were really very observant scientists.:D


Active Member
ThisShouldMakeSense said:
I'd like to know if any one knows why Adam was created first. Why wasn't Eve created at the same time? Was she an afterthought? Was it so that he could enjoy some peace and quiet?? Answers please!
Is there any point, in saying who came first in a fairy tale, doesn't really matter a jot, Ape-men came out of Africa, and I doubt any of them were called Adam lol.


Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
LMAO, Adam gets his parts taken away to build a female, and yet all females do is complain about males, rofl..talk about ungrateful :biglaugh:


Active Member
Yay, but as God was alone, and no one knows God's Gender, where did god get the idea of sexes from lol, he really must of had a very mind for fun and games...............then of course, there is simply no God.



New Member
quite concerned! God created......Adam first...Fiction or non fiction...If we could know the mind of God.......we would be like Him


Why was Adam created first?

Cause the Bible was written by MEN and not WOMEN.
You took the words right out of my mouth, lol, I think thats also why God is percieved as male in pictures and such.

God should have just made two women... Then they would have been so busy gossiping with each other nothing would have gotten done! (including eating the apple)

...Its a wonder that I still have a girlfriend
LMAO :biglaugh:

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
sandy whitelinger said:
Adam was created both male and female. Notice the pronoun before the semi-colon. It is singular. Notice the pronoun after the semi-colon it is a plural. The rules of English say that anything that comes after a semi-colon refers back to what came before the semi-colon and futher illustrates the thought. Therefore Adam was created as a singular person but had a dual nature, "male and female created he them."

To say that Adam was just male when he was created is inaccurate.
Just to give you something to think about... The Torah doesn't have vowels, or semi-colons, or periods, or any of that crap. It's divided into sections called Parsha's. To argue that your interpretation of the bible is right due to grammatical opinion of the people who speak english is inaccurate.

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
Samara said:
Genesis 1:26 has one version....then in 2:6 there is another story...However, i personally find the bible very confusing contradictory document that is open to the interpretation of every tom dick and harry who thinks this or that...and it has been changed so ofter anyway!
Where is the contradiction in the stories? :)


Active Member
SnaleSpace said:
Ummm Men have one less rib than women. lower lefthand side (examining yourself). Check it out.

Bout the best proof for Adam and Eve I've seen, but if the Adam/Eve story were created by someone who already realise men had one less rib...
Are you serious? Both men and women have the same number of ribs. Both have twelve pair.
Adam was created both male and female. Notice the pronoun before the semi-colon. It is singular. Notice the pronoun after the semi-colon it is a plural. The rules of English say that anything that comes after a semi-colon refers back to what came before the semi-colon and futher illustrates the thought. Therefore Adam was created as a singular person but had a dual nature, "male and female created he them."

I have always considered the first chapter to be an overview with the following chapters being more specific. As for the singular male pronoun consider that in many languages a husband and wife (which were what Adam and Eve were) are referred to as one entity. This is also most often male because of the nature of the languages.

Man was created first, in my view, to have the responsibilities of cultivating the earth and taking care of woman. Afterall, upon a careful reading of the entire story Eve knew about the command concerning what tree not to eat of. How could this be if the command was giving before she was created? (see Genesis 2: 4-25) Apparently, Adam taught her about the command God gave them. Otherwise it would have been written that God told Eve as well. The fault of the sin is not entirely on her. It was due to the nature of the teaching. A command from God does not have the same authority as a command from a man. Because of this idea the greater aspect of the sin is upon Adam because he knowingly and willfully failed to cultivate Eve and he disobeyed God's command directly. Adam failed in the responsibilities God placed upon him as the first person created on earth.

Malus 12:9

Temporarily Deactive.
I doubt that there was any specific reasoning to whom was made first. If it so happened
like that, then it happened. All anti-male jokes aside, Satan was before them both.

Gen 3:7-10 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked.

How did they see the tree, and the apple, if they had been blind before? :areyoucra


Well-Known Member
Malus01 said:
I doubt that there was any specific reasoning to whom was made first. If it so happened
like that, then it happened. All anti-male jokes aside, Satan was before them both.

Gen 3:7-10 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked.

How did they see the tree, and the apple, if they had been blind before? :areyoucra
must be the eye of understanding.......... ohhhhh now i see what you mean .this reminds me of the verses in the bible when it tells us that every eye will see Jesus coming on the clouds ,it does not mean that they will litrally see Jesus sat on a cloud but it means they will recognize and see with the eye of understanding what Jesus presence means. so in Genesis they now had a
guilty conscience their litral eye sight was no different thou



Active Member
Kowalski said:
Is there any point, in saying who came first in a fairy tale, doesn't really matter a jot, Ape-men came out of Africa, and I doubt any of them were called Adam lol.

I agree completely it is a myth. But it is seeded so deeply into the Scriptures, that maybe God put it in there for a purpose. My view will surprise a lot of people, I think it is God telling all of these tribal religions that they have got it wrong.

Think of some so-called primitive tribes that run around without any clothes on. This is a completely innocent way to live. Along came people with their religions, and suddenly we have a massive numbers of personal restrictions and rules. The good thing about their creating all these rules for us, is that we break them all the time so we need to go back to them for absolution.

Obviously there are rules with purposes. Thou shalt not kill etc, make a lot of sense. But some of the others, have to be put there just to keep us all 'sinners'.

You know that various religions forbid people having a glass of wine, a cup of tea, a ham sandwich, women sitting with men in church, and so on. (Too many to list).

So maybe when God was saying that Adam and Eve (mankind in general) were living in peace and in fairly close contact with God, until somebody created all these trivial sins to make us feel guilty. They also created all of these priests with their hotlines to heaven, that get in the way between a person and his or her God.

Maybe we need to clear them all out of the way, clear all of the tribalism out of the way, clear all of the primacy of particular priesthoods out of the way, and then we might see God.