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Why was Adam created first?


Well-Known Member
Tez said:
The one that got pulled out, lol. ???

- Tez
My apology, woman has one more rib than man.:D

But actually the number is the same:

The notion that women have an extra set of ribs is probably based on a misinterpretation of some Bible verses in Genesis. The actual quote is:
But for Adam, no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and brought her to the man.
(Genesis 2: 20b - 22, NIV © 1983 by Zondervan Corp.)
Notice what this doesn’t say. It doesn’t say anything about how many ribs Adam had before or after this “surgery,” and especially it says nothing, whatsoever, about how many ribs Eve had! Nowhere does it say that Eve had more ribs than Adam. Who made that assumption without checking? Wouldn't it be just as logical to guess (also without checking) that if she was created “second” that God might have made her with the same number of ribs as the new, reduced number that Adam now had? Wouldn’t it really be more logical to guess that God might have created her with the same number of ribs as Adam just to avoid confusion? Genesis doesn't say one way or the other, so the only way to know is to cut open cadavers and start counting. Who has done that — the theologians or the biologists? My guess is that, once again, if human misinterpretations are set aside and if it is remembered that theology looks at “why” while science looks at “how,” there is no “conflict” between what the Bible, itself, is saying and what biologists know to be true about our bodies.


Well-Known Member
A better explanation is that God created Adam with an extra rib, which He planned later to extract out to make into Eve. God is omniscience and omnipotent, so He knew Adam is not going to choose those animals He made as a potential helper. And in order to make sure that generations later, Adam men will have control over Eve women, God planned to give Adam first a 'spare rib', and woman to be made out from man, instead of from clay. It also fit the theory that the Eve created will be seduced by Satan and cause human downfall, so that after 4000 years or so later (Young earth counting), He could send His Son to save them back. That is the true story of the 'spare rib', nothing more, nothing less added.


Active Member
Binyamin said:
Just to give you something to think about... The Torah doesn't have vowels, or semi-colons, or periods, or any of that crap. It's divided into sections called Parsha's. To argue that your interpretation of the bible is right due to grammatical opinion of the people who speak english is inaccurate.

Bravo! :clap


Active Member
greatcalgarian said:
A better explanation is that God created Adam with an extra rib, which He planned later to extract out to make into Eve. God is omniscience and omnipotent, so He knew Adam is not going to choose those animals He made as a potential helper. And in order to make sure that generations later, Adam men will have control over Eve women, God planned to give Adam first a 'spare rib', and woman to be made out from man, instead of from clay. It also fit the theory that the Eve created will be seduced by Satan and cause human downfall, so that after 4000 years or so later (Young earth counting), He could send His Son to save them back. That is the true story of the 'spare rib', nothing more, nothing less added.


My guess is to check out the number of ribs Eve has
Sorry, i knew i should have quoted it, i was asking Malus01 why he would like to go back and meet eve, lol.

- Tez


Active Member
Binyamin said:
I'd like to try a nice piece of bacon, isn't life horrible?
I think a bacon sandwich is an easier objective to meet.

Why do you get someone to slaughter you a Kosher pig:bounce


ThisShouldMakeSense said:
I'd like to know if any one knows why Adam was created first. Why wasn't Eve created at the same time? Was she an afterthought? Was it so that he could enjoy some peace and quiet?? Answers please!
Perhaps because the myth was invented at a time in which patriarchs gave their daughters in marriage to other men, and God was doing the same thing with Eve: the Creator gives woman to man as wife, just as the patriarchs did.


Well-Known Member

If all this rib talk is accurate, shouldn't I as a man, have one more rib on the left side than the right? Or one more on the right side than the left? Or are we now to beleive that Adam was created with an odd number of ribs?

Come on folks, it was a nice story to tell a bunch of ignorant peasants in an effort to help them conform to a set of rules that made them easy to control. Those folks also thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Anyone want to hang on to that one as sacred?



MdmSzdWhtGuy said:

If all this rib talk is accurate, shouldn't I as a man, have one more rib on the left side than the right? Or one more on the right side than the left? Or are we now to beleive that Adam was created with an odd number of ribs?

Come on folks, it was a nice story to tell a bunch of ignorant peasants in an effort to help them conform to a set of rules that made them easy to control. Those folks also thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Anyone want to hang on to that one as sacred?

Where does it say that God then altered Adam's DNA so that his children would have one less rib? I'm not saying that the story is necesarily literal, but your conclusion does not follow.


Come on folks, it was a nice story to tell a bunch of ignorant peasants in an effort to help them conform to a set of rules that made them easy to control.
Yup, I agree. But a whole religion is based on these sets of stories, :).

- Tez


Active Member
YAHweh took a rib from Adam, not anyone else. Not me or you or anyone else other than Adam.

Funny about a story to tell a bunch of peasents to control them though.............

What a beautifully well crafted and well rounded Book of stories to have been written so many hundreds if not thousands of years ago by an unlearned group of people. How can anyone say that it could ever be anything short of the Inspired Word of YAHweh? It's just to much to fathom. Look at what we read and write today. Most of what I have seen has been trash compared to what was written so long ago. I mean think about it. Some hundreds of years before YAHshua and someone writes a Book of numerous pages on the way to life and a way to live and how to get along with thy neighbor and love one another. I don't think it has ever been out done or matched by anything since or ever will.

Just remember when you read something that you understand what you are reading and no the true translation of it. If you don't then one sentence could end up meaning a hundred different things. Just because you think it is saying a certain thing to you doesn't mean that, that is exactly what it is saying. I have read something when I was 20 years of age only to go back and reread the same thing when I turned 40 only to find that it didn't mean the same thing to me at 40 as it did when I was 20.


Active Member
wmam said:
YAHweh took a rib from Adam, not anyone else. Not me or you or anyone else other than Adam.

Funny about a story to tell a bunch of peasents to control them though.............

What a beautifully well crafted and well rounded Book of stories to have been written so many hundreds if not thousands of years ago by an unlearned group of people. How can anyone say that it could ever be anything short of the Inspired Word of YAHweh? It's just to much to fathom. Look at what we read and write today. Most of what I have seen has been trash compared to what was written so long ago. I mean think about it. Some hundreds of years before YAHshua and someone writes a Book of numerous pages on the way to life and a way to live and how to get along with thy neighbor and love one another. I don't think it has ever been out done or matched by anything since or ever will.

Just remember when you read something that you understand what you are reading and no the true translation of it. If you don't then one sentence could end up meaning a hundred different things. Just because you think it is saying a certain thing to you doesn't mean that, that is exactly what it is saying. I have read something when I was 20 years of age only to go back and reread the same thing when I turned 40 only to find that it didn't mean the same thing to me at 40 as it did when I was 20.

well said...:bounce

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
To those who questioned what the English actually means in my discussion of the nature of Adam as he was created perhaps it is the very lack of how to properly read English that leads to so many misunderstandings. Also if the translaters thought that colons and semicolons and other punctuation marks were important in order to properly translate Hebrew into English then I would suppose that is why they are there. Until any of you can prove to me that you are better translators of Hebrew than the translators who compiled the KJV then I will chose to read the English and apply the proper rules of the language. As Popeye once said, "Just read it the way it was wrote."


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Yah, I could not understand what I wrote as well, limited human mentality cannot compete with the wisdom of God, and should not asked about why he took a rib.


Well-Known Member
SoyLeche said:
As a follow-up -- my dad had his appendix taken out before I was born. How come I have one then?
Mayhaps my previous post was too opaque. I was being tongue in cheek. There were previous posters who seemed to think that since Adam had a rib taken to create Eve; therefore women had more ribs than men.

Let's be clear, women do not have more ribs than men http://biology.clc.uc.edu/courses/bio105/ribs.htm

And I was JOKING about Adam passing on the odd rib thing, to be blunt.

Perhaps those who take the bible literally don't pick up on subtleties such as humor.
