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Why would God send good people to Hell just because they dont believe he exists?


Well-Known Member
By Adam's disobedience Adam was taking the law [do not eat] into his own hands and Adam set up people rule over obeying God rule.

Adam set up independence from God, and since we were born after Adam's sin we have suffered the bad consequences of Adam's choice.

The Eden account is about obedience.

With Job we can see that Satan also challenged our obedience. -Job 2vs4,5.
Under pressure Satan says we would turn away from God.
Touch our bones and flesh [health] and we would curse God.
Both Job and Jesus proved Satan a liar and so can we.

Learn Semitic culture and you'll learn what Semites write about.

The Eden story is the beginning of civilization. The put clothes on, they learn of the dualities humans encounter, they learn about raising children , they learn to feed themselves. They learn they are to grow their own food instead of mommy and daddy supplying it.

They learn they cant stay in the home nest any longer, like a mother bird kicks the chicks out of the nest, God kicks them out to learn about life and fly, and sometimes fall down.

Humans are still eating of the tree of knowledge, some to better humankind and civilization and some to condemn humankind and civilization.

People need to know and remember, it's a STORY, not Historical.
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then you mean god has entitlement over my entitlement. if that were the case then this god you have in mind is insecure, wouldn't you say?

you did not understand my statement at first, its about understanding not talking.

"then you mean god has entitlement over my entitlement"
- Does a dog has entitlement over my entitlement? (just a question to explain it)

no the god that I have in my mind is not insecure, the reason god created you, thats not being done, you are living freewilling on this world, god already told you the purpose of living, now "this" will make god insecure if the god doesn't do anything about it.
As it is easy not to believe in god as there is no shred of evidence it actually exists, sending people to hell just for not believing in it is an act of psychopathic evil.


Veteran Member
no the god that I have in my mind is not insecure, the reason god created you, thats not being done, you are living freewilling on this world, god already told you the purpose of living, now "this" will make god insecure if the god doesn't do anything about it.
are you saying god would be an insecure god if he didn't send people to hell?
what does manipulation and ultimatums mean to you? how do you define a bully, secure or insecure?
You left out the whole 'sinful and guilty and worthy of punishment' part.

I haven't done anything in my life that would warrant an eternity in a lake of fire.

Don't misunderstand me here, I'm not unaware of the wrongs I've committed in the past. I am aware of them and I regret them and endeavor to live as moral a life as possible. Now, if God consigns me to hell in spite of my regrets and my living a moral life, this tells me that he is less concerned with morality than he is with obeisance to him. This of course begs the question: What is God's purpose for morality? If God sends me to hell just because I don't believe in him and in spite of my moral living then ultimately, morality has no purpose.

Creating everything doesn't impress you? Sunsets and sex and the colors of the autumn leaves and beaches and stars and hope and trees don't impress you? I am very impressed by God's holiness and love - it's hard for me to empathize with what you are saying - but I think I understand it.
I am impressed with all these things, yes. I especially enjoy sunsets and I take pictures of them all the time. But, as I said, if God created these things then, being omnipotent, it took no effort on his part. While I can marvel at the creation, I'm not really inclined to marvel at the creating of them.

Let me use an analogy you might understand. Would you be impressed with Neil Peart's drumming if his virtuosic drum solos were achieved by his merely snapping his fingers and using magic? I think not.

I understand where you're coming from but it's just the way I am. I'm more impressed with achievements that come from years of hard work and dedication and where the possibility of failure was always there.

I think if you combine the two you get God - he punishes the wicked but loves everyone and offered forgiveness despite the wickedness of all of us - we have to accept it in the form of Christ to escape punishment.
Therein lies the problem for me: I don't see myself as wicked. Someone who has occasionally sinned, yes, but not wicked. If committing the occasional sin makes me wicked then committing the occasional kind act must make me a saint. But for some reason, Christians have this obsession with viewing themselves and mankind as miserable wretches and I just cannot think that way.

It was the consequence of the choice of A&E. It was passed down through the species - think of it as a mutation.

You aren't guilty because they ate the fruit. Sinning comes natural to you because they ate the fruit. You don't have to sin. You and I choose to. We are guilty because we choose to sin.
Well, apparently sinning came naturally to Adam and Eve as well since, as I said, they were easily tempted to disobey God even before they ate the fruit.

This is a good point. Hmmm *pondering face* mmm. Making a choice is not a good or evil thing. The result of your choice is what is good or evil. Just because they chose to disobey God doesn't mean they knew what murder, rape and all sorts of other evil things were beforehand. I don't understand why they would have to have an understanding of good and evil in order to eat the fruit and gain the knowledge of good and evil.
I never said they had to have an understanding of good and evil to disobey and eat the fruit, I merely pointed out that they already had a propensity to disobey God. Hence, they already had a sinful nature.

Couldn't they be innocent, be tempted by the prospect of becoming like God (whom they intimately knew - Adam walked and talked with God), and choose to give into that temptation, opening their minds to good and evil?
Certainly. But, as I've already pointed out, they must have already had a sinful nature else why would becoming like God be a temptation in the first place?

This brings up an important question: If I told you right now that I desired to be like God, you'd tell me that was sinful and a result of my sinful nature, correct? So then, logic dictates that if Adam and Eve desired to be like God then they must have had a sinful nature before they ate the fruit, yes?

My point all along has been that they already had a sinful nature. That they lacked awareness is irrelevant.


New Member
The reason people don't believe in God is because they didn't take the time to fully allow themselves to do all it takes to try.

Imagine this: You are bobbing for apples, and someone comes a long and holds your head under water and you cant come up for air unless they let go. You struggle and struggle to get oxygen! You find your self afraid if you don't get out soon you are going to drown! More than anything you want to be free! As you become weaker and weaker, they finally let go of you. You spring out of the water rejoicing for air! The person who held you under is: your stubbornness. The air was your goal: In this case it is doing EVERYTHING you can to get to know God. At least trying all you can to find out if He really does exist.
Sometimes, for some people... that's what it takes: As much as you wanted that air because you were frightened of drowning, You have to do ALL you can to find out if God really does exist. Because knowing God is that worth it.

Once you know God exists, you want to know what good will come of knowing Him, once you find that out, well there is no worries...

God does not overlook all the good qualities people have. But he sure does want you to know that He really is there. Once you know that, you can find His truths. You can communicate with him through sincere prayer. Sometimes that includes a little (or a lot of patience) its all about testing your faith. But if you put your faith in Him, you WILL come to know what you are searching for. I found out. My life has become the greatest blessing by knowing Him, and being able to communicate with Him daily through prayer...
OK I was a baptized catholic and stopped believing because I tortured myself for a year over the fact that I "disobeyed god" by not changing schools because my mom told me that she got a word I was supposed to change and it was somehow my fault because I was supposed to get a word too. That year was hell because of the awful way I was treated at that catholic school might I add, and I finally realized that God never said anything, and it was her the whole time and my own emotions, Not "god" speaking. How can you believe when God never really talks to you and how is it your fault since you can never be sure...and so you're just damned to hell for not believing? that doesn't sound like love an all loving god to me.


Veteran Member
I haven't done anything in my life that would warrant an eternity in a lake of fire.

Don't misunderstand me here, I'm not unaware of the wrongs I've committed in the past. I am aware of them and I regret them and endeavor to live as moral a life as possible. Now, if God consigns me to hell in spite of my regrets and my living a moral life, this tells me that he is less concerned with morality than he is with obeisance to him. This of course begs the question: What is God's purpose for morality? If God sends me to hell just because I don't believe in him and in spite of my moral living then ultimately, morality has no purpose.
sin is black and white...
life is an array of colors.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Im going to get straight to the point.

I am no Athiest. I believe there IS a higher power but I do not believe he is as wrathful as most Church's make him/her out to be.

What gets me angry about alot of Church's is that unless you follow their particular way of worship you will go to hell. What kind of rubbish is this? I thought Jesus taught people to love thy neighbor not judgeing them on Race or Religion? Or am I wrong here?

Nearly all people who participate in Church are very Judgemental, I have been told numerous times by Christians I will go to Hell if I dont change my ways..

I Don't Smoke
I Don't Gamble
I Do Partake in Alcohol but I Don't get drunk or drink to get drunk
I am a Virgin so no Sex either
I do not commit crimes

I guess they judge me wicked because I don't go to Church?
But why should I go to Church? How does going to Church make me more good?

I think God doe's Exist but I dont believe he will send people to Hell (If that place even exists) simply for " not believing in him " or not following a specific Church's practice.

Heres a Scenario.
(None of this is real it is made up as an example)

Jeff is a 43 year old man with 3 Kids aged 3,9 and 16 and a 39 year old Wife named Brenda.

Jeff is driveing home from work on a rainy night and a Truck who is driveing too fast lose's control and Smashes into Jeff's car. Killing him Instantly.

The Driver of the Truck is Arrested, Trialed and Sent to Prison for Manslaughter.

Jeff was a loveing Husband and Father and a great Friend to many.

Jeff was involved in many Charitys and raised lots of money to help Kids with disabilitys.

Jeff was an Athiest and did not believe in any god.

Uh Oh! Jeff did not believe God existed! Any Church Zealot would condemn him to Hell for this ungodly Sin...

My point is I cannot imagine God saying this.

Jeff. " But im not a Bad Person! ive made mistakes in life like a normal Human being but ive given most of my life to help people! "

God. " To bad you didn't believe in me so now you will burn in Hell for all Eternity "
God would not Punish anyone for being a Good Person. Never.
Shame on you for believing he would.
And for anyone who is too lazy to read this the Question is pretty much.

Why would God send people to Hell for being Good Careing Decent people?
You're confused. You asked why you need to believe in God in order to go to heaven then discussed behaviour. Do you wish to discuss behavior or belief?


Active Member
I haven't done anything in my life that would warrant an eternity in a lake of fire.

Don't misunderstand me here, I'm not unaware of the wrongs I've committed in the past. I am aware of them and I regret them and endeavor to live as moral a life as possible. Now, if God consigns me to hell in spite of my regrets and my living a moral life, this tells me that he is less concerned with morality than he is with obeisance to him. This of course begs the question: What is God's purpose for morality? If God sends me to hell just because I don't believe in him and in spite of my moral living then ultimately, morality has no purpose.

The answer hinges upon what God's purpose for creating mankind was.

Simply put, God created mankind out of love and for a relationship. If God is holy and perfect and He created mankind holy and untainted by evil, then mankind became 'infected' with evil because of their choice, God can't be in relationship with evil, so He can't be in relationship with mankind, so He has to find a way to make mankind holy again (not by force but by the choice of mankind - that's CRUCIAL) - which is where Christ comes in. Morality (or the knowledge of good and evil) shows us how imperfect we can be (Hitler, me, everyone else ever) and yet how perfect we could be (through Christ obviously).

I am impressed with all these things, yes. I especially enjoy sunsets and I take pictures of them all the time. But, as I said, if God created these things then, being omnipotent, it took no effort on his part. While I can marvel at the creation, I'm not really inclined to marvel at the creating of them.

Let me use an analogy you might understand. Would you be impressed with Neil Peart's drumming if his virtuosic drum solos were achieved by his merely snapping his fingers and using magic? I think not.

Honestly I would be more impressed! No one else could do that (I assume). Others could learn to drum solos close to that level - heck, someone may eventually come along that could even surpass Neil. Not Keith Moon, not John Bonhman (sp?) nor any other drummer EVER could do such a thing as snap their fingers to create an awesome drum solo. I see what you are saying though. All this drum talk makes me think of Tourniquet, an old Christian metal band, they had a sick drummer. I don't remember his name.

I understand where you're coming from but it's just the way I am. I'm more impressed with achievements that come from years of hard work and dedication and where the possibility of failure was always there.

Well it did take God six days to make everything.

Would you be more impressed if God took thousands (or billions) of years to bring about the perfect time to send Christ, then waited however many thousands (or millions) of years longer after that to ensure that He collected every last one of His lost children that would accept Him AND then after that He will restore everything back to how it was before evil entered into it and corrupted it?

Therein lies the problem for me: I don't see myself as wicked. Someone who has occasionally sinned, yes, but not wicked. If committing the occasional sin makes me wicked then committing the occasional kind act must make me a saint. But for some reason, Christians have this obsession with viewing themselves and mankind as miserable wretches and I just cannot think that way.

I totally understand that I really do. But from the Christian perspective we are held to the standard of perfection, because we are called to be holy as God is holy. But we can't be. Yet through Christ we can be made holy.

I don't compare myself to others, I compare myself to God/Jesus and that makes me wicked by comparison. God doesn't use Mother Terresa or someone else that was 'good' by our standards to measure a person, He uses Christ, and compared to Christ we are all wicked.

I can't give a satisfactory answer. I don't know for sure, just like I don't really know how God made everything or how Jesus was raised from the dead. Or how the Red Sea was parted.

The flesh was 'corrupted' with sin/evil and this was passed down through the generations. I don't think it's a literal mutation or disease that's passed down like we think of things like breast cancer or a bad heart or whatever. Or maybe it is. I'm not sure. All I know is that mankind's natural tendency is towards evil.

Well, apparently sinning came naturally to Adam and Eve as well since, as I said, they were easily tempted to disobey God even before they ate the fruit.

I don't think it's fair to say 'easily tempted.' We don't know how long they existed prior to eating the fruit, they were immortal before they ate it, and sinning didn't come 'natural to them' because it took the goading of the serpent for Eve to eat and I cannot think of a greater temptation than being like God (being able to do anything, create anything, etc.).

If it were natural to them, I don't think someone would have had to whisper in her ear to convince her, something coming naturally means you don't need any goading or encouragement. My attraction to women is natural, the lions hunger for meat is natural, the love of a child is natural - those things don't need any convincing or coercion.

I never said they had to have an understanding of good and evil to disobey and eat the fruit, I merely pointed out that they already had a propensity to disobey God. Hence, they already had a sinful nature.

Again, I think it's unfair to say they had a propensity to disobey God, this is an outside assumption. If I smoked my first cigarette ever at age 80 after hearing for 60 years that it would kill me to start smoking, would you say that I've had a propensity to smoke?

Certainly. But, as I've already pointed out, they must have already had a sinful nature else why would becoming like God be a temptation in the first place?

Becoming like God would be a temptation (I think the ultimate temptation) because God is the ultimate being. A&E knew God was better and smarter and more powerful than they were and they wanted to be like that when the serpent implanted the thought - the same reasons Satan was tempted I suppose.

This brings up an important question: If I told you right now that I desired to be like God, you'd tell me that was sinful and a result of my sinful nature, correct? So then, logic dictates that if Adam and Eve desired to be like God then they must have had a sinful nature before they ate the fruit, yes?

Depends on the context or what you mean by saying that:

Jesus commands us to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect in Matthew 5:48. If you want to be holy when you say I want to be like God, I say go for it and I think God would agree, though He knows you would fail - which is why Christ came.

If when you say 'I want to be like God' you mean 'I deserve to be worshiped' or 'I want to be as powerful as God' or 'I want to raise my throne to be equal with God (signifying authority and rulership) then I would say you are being sinful (prideful) just as Satan was.

My point all along has been that they already had a sinful nature. That they lacked awareness is irrelevant.

I disagree because that means God would have created them imperfect and I don't have any reason to believe that God would make anything imperfect - don't misunderstand, God has made things perfect that later BECAME imperfect, but God has never made an imperfect thing - it just doesn't fit His character. Everything He has made like the Creation, humanity, even Satan himself, were once perfect.


Premium Member
Because Jesus paid the price. Mercy was made available to all because of love. All deserve the punishment, but mercy saves/pardons. Those that accept mercy receive mercy. Those that reject mercy receive the punishment that is due them. When you accept mercy, your punishment is 'paid in full' by Christ - that's what the cross was all about - Jesus died for our sins and 'paid' for them. The resurrection guarantees eternal life (reward) for the believer.

Well, punishing bad is about satisfying justice. Justice is a good thing - imagine how much better this life would be if the criminal ALWAYS got caught and NEVER got away with doing bad stuff.

Rewarding people is a result of great love. Mercy is not required. Love is not required. But because God is love, love IS required and thus mercy IS required if God is going to be who He is - that's a huge part of who God is.

Neither of these things 'fuel God's ego.' God deserves worship because He made everything - He only made everything because of His unending love. As a parent, you give life to a child because you love it, don't you deserve that child's love and admiration in return? Wouldn't you do anything for that child?

I don't know where this ego thing comes from, God isn't a tyrant, He is a perfect father...
I understand about justice and punishing bad to a point and that is to teach something. What I can't understand is punishing for non-belief and essentially letting believers off the hook for the bad they do. That sort of punishing isn't to teach something it is punishing for not believing which would be an ego thing on gods part and would have little to do with the bad someone has done.


Veteran Member
sin is black and white...
life is an array of colors.

If sin were just black and white then there would be no gray areas ?

Don't people sin:
intentionally, on purpose, willfully, willingly, deliberately, premeditated or not ?

Hebrews 10vs26,27; 6vs4-6; Matthew 12v32


Veteran Member
I haven't done anything in my life that would warrant an eternity in a lake of fire.
Don't misunderstand me here, I'm not unaware of the wrongs I've committed in the past. I am aware of them and I regret them and endeavor to live as moral a life as possible. Now, if God consigns me to hell in spite of my regrets and my living a moral life, this tells me that he is less concerned with morality than he is with obeisance to him. This of course begs the question: What is God's purpose for morality? If God sends me to hell just because I don't believe in him and in spite of my moral living then ultimately, morality has no purpose.
I am impressed with all these things, yes. I especially enjoy sunsets and I take pictures of them all the time. But, as I said, if God created these things then, being omnipotent, it took no effort on his part. While I can marvel at the creation, I'm not really inclined to marvel at the creating of them.
Let me use an analogy you might understand. Would you be impressed with Neil Peart's drumming if his virtuosic drum solos were achieved by his merely snapping his fingers and using magic? I think not.
I understand where you're coming from but it's just the way I am. I'm more impressed with achievements that come from years of hard work and dedication and where the possibility of failure was always there.
Therein lies the problem for me: I don't see myself as wicked. Someone who has occasionally sinned, yes, but not wicked. If committing the occasional sin makes me wicked then committing the occasional kind act must make me a saint. But for some reason, Christians have this obsession with viewing themselves and mankind as miserable wretches and I just cannot think that way.
Well, apparently sinning came naturally to Adam and Eve as well since, as I said, they were easily tempted to disobey God even before they ate the fruit.
I never said they had to have an understanding of good and evil to disobey and eat the fruit, I merely pointed out that they already had a propensity to disobey God. Hence, they already had a sinful nature.
Certainly. But, as I've already pointed out, they must have already had a sinful nature else why would becoming like God be a temptation in the first place?
This brings up an important question: If I told you right now that I desired to be like God, you'd tell me that was sinful and a result of my sinful nature, correct? So then, logic dictates that if Adam and Eve desired to be like God then they must have had a sinful nature before they ate the fruit, yes?
My point all along has been that they already had a sinful nature. That they lacked awareness is irrelevant.

According to the Genesis account A&E did not have a sinful nature.
They were created with human perfection of sound healthy heart, mind and body. Their sin of disobedience could only be deliberate sin.
We, on the other hand, can sin or disobey by mistake and by accident.

People stop short of reading the last two words of Rev 20v13; 21v8
There it gives the definition of the lake of fire.
It defines the lake as: second death.

Death is the opposite of life.
Adam before dying had life.
After Adam died he was lifeless. From dust back to dust.

God doesn't send to hell because the biblical hell [sheol] is just the common grave of mankind where the unconscious dead sleep the deep sleep of death until they are resurrected.

Jesus was in the Bible's hell. [Acts 2vs27,31]
Jesus believed the dead sleep. [John 11vs11-14]
The Psalmist also believed the dead sleep. [6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4]
King Solomon, who was known for his God-given wisdom, wrote at Ecclesiastes [9v5] that the dead know nothing.

The Bible's hell according to Rev [20vs13,14] comes to a final end.
After everybody in the biblical hell is 'delivered up' [resurrected] then vacant emptied-out hell is cast into: second death.

Unless one commits the unforgivable sin [Matt 12v32],
one's death according to Romans [6v7] stamps the wage or price of sin as paid in full.
That does not mean innocent, but just as a judge can pardon a person so the crime [sin] charges do not stick. Jesus as our judge paid that wage or price for our sins. -Matt 20v28

Some are resurrected to heaven to reign with Christ for a thousand years over earth. [Rev 20v6; 5vs9,10]. Everyone that lived between Genesis and Malachi, and those that died before Christ died, will be resurrected on a beautiful paradisaic earth during Jesus millennial reign.
[John 3v13; Acts 2v34; Psalm 72v8]

We are approaching the time of Matthew [25vs31,32].
Those separated as righteous [sheep] are alive on earth at that time.
They can remain alive and keep right on living right into the start of Jesus 1000-year reign over earth.

The ungodly perish or are destroyed. -2nd Peter 3v9; Psalm 92v7.
So their everlasting punishment is everlasting destruction. -2nd Thess 1v9.
Everlasting destruction which is second death. -Jeremiah 51vs39,57


Veteran Member
If sin were just black and white then there would be no gray areas ?

Don't people sin:
intentionally, on purpose, willfully, willingly, deliberately, premeditated or not ?

Hebrews 10vs26,27; 6vs4-6; Matthew 12v32

sin is relative and arbitrary.
there is no constant standard, life doesn't work that way.

besides, why can't god forgive those that are remorseful...
he's got a big problem if he can't tell if someone has regretted a mistake.


Well-Known Member
If God sends people to Hell God goes there.

God created Humans so it could see what it looked like on the inside.

And HERE we are!!!

Ahhhh ha ha ha lol lol
are you saying god would be an insecure god if he didn't send people to hell?
what does manipulation and ultimatums mean to you? how do you define a bully, secure or insecure?

are you saying god would be an insecure god if he didn't send people to hell?
No, I am not saying that.

Manipulation : exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one's own advantage; "his manipulation of his friends was scandalous"

ultimatums : A final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations

bully : A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

secure : Fixed or fastened so as not to give way, become loose, or be lost.

insecure : Not firm or set; unsafe

Where did I say god would be insecure if didn't send people to hell, this is your own thinking, you tell me how will god feel insecure if he sends them to hell?

Let me give you an example,

A dad gave his child money to buy milk from the shop, when the child goes, on the way he saw people playing games that includes betting (money) , when the child gets involved, and loses, he loses all his money. Now when the dad finds out, what will he do? love him? kiss him? or do something about it? when a person who has been sent with a purpose, and he/she is not fullfilling it.

Its simple and easy to understand, to define big words, or all the words you mentioned is not logic, but an excuse to run away that god exists.


Veteran Member
A dad gave his child money to buy milk from the shop, when the child goes, on the way he saw people playing games that includes betting (money) , when the child gets involved, and loses, he loses all his money. Now when the dad finds out, what will he do? love him? kiss him? or do something about it? when a person who has been sent with a purpose, and he/she is not fullfilling it.

first of all if a did sends a child who he knows is not capable of understanding the consequences of his actions, it's really the dads fault...and it's a reflection of the dad's failure...

Its simple and easy to understand, to define big words, or all the words you mentioned is not logic, but an excuse to run away that god exists.

i would guess it's simple and easy to understand if you're the type of person who likes to be told what to believe...and who can't figure out morality for yourself.
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