That would give an explanation for the subjective reality of all denominations - but what of the objective reality?
Aside from the subjective reading and convicted beliefs of the reader, or any religious material really, where is the objective truth to any of it?
I know this isn't exactly on the topic of Hell, but let's just get down to it.
Other than subjective explanations, what's the truth about Hell? It's obvious that even among the believers in this thread that there isn't a general consensus of what it actually means.
Jewish purists lean back on the mistranslated idea of 'Sheol'. Christians seems split between literal torture and damnation for eternity vs. a long sleep in the absence of god... Atheists obviously would just view death for what it is.... So which is it? There's only one objective reality, regardless of all the subjectivity running around....
Which is it?
What would make most objective and rational and spiritual sense is that we all have a devil(reptilian brain)
We all have experienced a conscious state of hell in the mind.
We all live on literal Earth in decaying bodies.
The gift of spirit/consciousness would be eternal. The physical body that one resides in dies. Since all we know is being conscious, according to us we are immortal since that's all we've known, there is no proof of anything else.
If the spirit/consciousness lives eternally, then it has to go somewhere. In another body, back to Earth.
Revolving cycle.
Perhaps the cycle is broken if one arrives at the ultimate truth. Perhaps since everything in the universe/nature is balanced, then the gift of life is eternal and always will be on Earth. If one lives like an animal in this life they will be a literal animal in the next. If one hates homosexuals in this life, perhaps they'll be one themselves in the next. Evolution and intelligent design both happened and they keep revolving in balanced circles. What is sown to our spirits in this life will determine the next set of circumstances of the next life. Death and birth are the same things. Over and over and over and over.
One shouldn't live their lives ignorant to the fact that they didn't have the freewill to create themselves, the circumstances they've been placed in, the ability that they have, or the knowledge they possess while another is in much poorer and has worse circumstances. This wasn't freewill or ones choice, or what one has earned themselves. An ignorant and vain, selfish Hollywood star could be the polar opposite in their next life.
Everything will always be balanced, equal, and just. Just as God is.