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Will someone please talk to me?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I try reading lots of threads regardless of the titles. I notice a lot of your posts in discussing scriptures so I wondered if different interpretations and biblical history was a special interest. But you also post on many different topics so I wondered if there was any special interest at all.

Several times, in other threads, you have made mention of people overlooking or ignoring your response. Why do you feel this way? Many people still read the words you type. Lack of responses do not always mean people are ignoring.

I look at Who's Online often. When I do my threads almost never show up. Do you know you can see what others are looking at and doing there? Also I have threads where I talk to myself mostly. It's not like I don't have real evidence. You don't know if it's true many people read the words I type. It might be so but there's no knowing.

I have a blog. I have made 1395 posts. I have had one responder only. He has responded six times. I call that evidence. What do you call it?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
When my suspicions about the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses was confirmed in my own mind that they were not really being governed by God like they said they were, I reported them to a magazine hotline for the reporting of the abuse of power and kept sending emails but got nothing back. Finally I got a little clue that my emails might be getting through. That's all. Nobody wants to talk about it. Why, I wonder? Does it not matter?


Avid JW Bible Student
I do not know that this is true. There have been more violent times.
In today's supposedly more civilized world with its technology and weaponry? I think not. Have you not seen dictatorships falling one by one in very violent circumstances in one nation after another?
The eighth king of Revelation will rule "one hour" when all the kings of the earth give it authority and power....its actions in bringing down all religions, (Babylon the great) will precipitate the great tribulation. It's rule is coming soon to encompass every nation on earth. It is a global government that will rule with absolute power over everyone and everything. Don't think that is possible?....just wait and see. It is all written in the Revelation....history in advance.

I don't think so. There are things written by the prophets that the governing body say will happen in the future that I am sure have already happened.
Yes, systems of things have ended and pictured future events, just as Jesus said with the end of a wicked world Noah's day. (Matt 24:37-39) Just as he indicated with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. is linked with his future "presence" and the "conclusion of the system of things". (Matt 24:3-14, 21) "The last days" precede each conclusion of a system of things. Matt 24 fits the world situation since 1914 when the last days of the present system began with WW1.

"and he did not hold back from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with seven others when he brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people; 6 and by reducing the cities Sod′om and Go·mor′rah to ashes he condemned them, setting a pattern for ungodly persons of things to come" (2 Pet 2:5, 6)

If I am right, then you are waiting for several events that will never happen.
That is a huge "if". What if you are dead wrong?
The foretold events are happening right before our eyes....but blinded minds will never see it coming. (2 Cor 4:3, 4)

There are people among you in the organization that are wishing for the terrible things to happen so that they might be vindicated, but think about it please. The opposite will happen. Love does not rejoice over unrighteousness. 1 Cor. 13:6
Now that's funny. Does God then "rejoice over unrighteousness"? It is his legally justified action as Creator that determines life or death at his battle of Armageddon.
We rejoice that God's name will be sanctified and that his sovereignty will be vindicated in all the earth. Only the wicked will perish. But what is God's definition of "wickedness"?

Does this description from Ezek 9:5, 6 make you think twice?

" And to these [others] he said in my ears: “Pass through the city after him and strike. Let not your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion. 6 Old man, young man and virgin and little child and women you should kill off—to a ruination. But to any man upon whom there is the mark do not go near, and from my sanctuary you should start.”

God feels no compassion for the wicked, so why should we? He told the destroyers to start at his sanctuary, with the very ones who claim to worship him.
He will not let us feel sorry for anyone when he unleashes his anger on this world.
God has had 'the good news of the kingdom' declared in all the earth 'for a witness to all the nations', therefore none have been left in the dark about God's intentions and what they must do in order to be saved. Not one sheep will be missing on the day of judgment, since the appointed judge is Jesus Christ. He can read hearts so his judgment is certain. No one fools him.

Are the two greatest commands to obey and to teach? No. The two greatest commands are to love and to love. Love does not seek it's own interests which is what the governing body are doing.
You have convinced yourself of that so what is there to say? They are nothing like you paint them.
The fact that you have found no other 'slave' that teaches what you want to believe proves that they don't exist or else they would have found you in their global preaching work, and sustained you in complete unity by a global education program that "feeds" all the flock from one spiritual table. (1 Cor 1:10) If you leave the table, no food will be served to you. If you eat from the wrong table, the food is poisoned by God's enemy. There are only two tables and we are ALL eating from either one or the other. (1 Cor 10:20, 21) God will not force us to eat at his table, he only invites us to do so.

And love does not rejoice over unrighteousness. It is unrighteous that six billion people get executed, and for what? For refusing to be fed by your governing body.
Tell that to the world's population in Noah's day...tell it to the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah...tell it to the inhabitants of Jerusalem during two separate destructions. God is not unrighteous and neither are his legal arrangements for judging people as to fitness for life...past or present.

He can select whomever he wants to live in paradise conditions forever. Wearing a label, even if it says "Jehovah's Witness" is no guarantee that one will be saved. The law must be on a person's heart first and then it is translated into sincere action. Meaningless actions are as empty as dead faith. God knows those who belong to him.

"Keep reminding them of these things, charging them before God as witness, not to fight about words, a thing of no usefulness at all because it overturns those listening. 15 Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. 16 But shun empty speeches that violate what is holy; for they will advance to more and more ungodliness, 17 and their word will spread like gangrene....These very [men] have deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already occurred; and they are subverting the faith of some. 19 For all that, the solid foundation of God stays standing, having this seal: “Jehovah knows those who belong to him,” and: “Let everyone naming the name of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness.” (2 Tim 2:14-19)

We not only have to 'know Jehovah', "the only true God", but more importantly, he has to 'know' us as one of his own. (John 17:3) None found in 'Babylon the great' can expect anything but denunciation and destruction, along with her. (Rev 18:4, 5)


Avid JW Bible Student
When my suspicions about the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses was confirmed in my own mind that they were not really being governed by God like they said they were
That could be the problem right there.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The fact that you have found no other 'slave' that teaches what you want to believe
That's a fact? I know who the real faithful discreet slave is. Why do you say it's a fact I have not found him? And please, what do I "want to" believe? I have found the slave and somethings he teaches me I might not rather know. I do not believe what I want to. I think that you do.

Curious George

Veteran Member
I look at Who's Online often. When I do my threads almost never show up. Do you know you can see what others are looking at and doing there? Also I have threads where I talk to myself mostly. It's not like I don't have real evidence. You don't know if it's true many people read the words I type. It might be so but there's no knowing.

I have a blog. I have made 1395 posts. I have had one responder only. He has responded six times. I call that evidence. What do you call it?

Well, I don't go to blogs too often. I enjoy RF, and have seen many of your posts. I know that I read most posts which I come across.

Concerning the blog, I imagine it is hard for people to get their blogs read. There are so many blogs on the internet and in order to get people to access their web pages people have to constantly update information, post links, post media, and work really hard towards search engine optimization. What do you write about on your blog?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
How can they teach the vision Daniel saw is not the same as John saw? If they teach Daniel and John saw the same thing then they could not teach Jesus is Michael anymore and that would be embarrassing, wouldn't it?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well, I don't go to blogs too often. I enjoy RF, and have seen many of your posts. I know that I read most posts which I come across.

Concerning the blog, I imagine it is hard for people to get their blogs read. There are so many blogs on the internet and in order to get people to access their web pages people have to constantly update information, post links, post media, and work really hard towards search engine optimization. What do you write about on your blog?

The same as I write about here.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
When someone makes a claim and that claim is attached to The Sacred Name (Whom you pronounce Jehovah) it must come true. If it does not come true it is an instance of taking God's Name in vain. That is what they do.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The governing body teach covetousness. They say only our kind will survive the end. Only our kind will inherit the earth. They are teaching you to covet the Earth.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Whenever they say at their conventions to watch out for people who are speaking out against them, they say the reason why is they are mentally deceased. Is that not bearing false witness? Is it not slander?

Curious George

Veteran Member
The governing body teach covetousness. They say only our kind will survive the end. Only our kind will inherit the earth. They are teaching you to covet the Earth.

Which may very well be true, but a crusade against them is not necessarily beneficial to them, to others, or toward yourself. Don't you feel that people will put faith and credit in what they will?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Which may very well be true, but a crusade against them is not necessarily beneficial to them, to others, or toward yourself. Don't you feel that people will put faith and credit in what they will?

My imagination is saying that to do nothing is to receive the number 666. I don't want it. I do not care about beneficial after I heard them teach the children "soon six billion hearts will stop beating". I love the internet! I couldn't be me without it, could I?

Please talk to me about what you know about beneficial.

And why should I care about benefit to them? Please tell me that.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
what do you like to do in your spare time that is not related to religion?

Not much. I cook. I sort buttons. Sometimes I travel to Massachusetts to visit my children. My children never were Jehovah's Witnesses. I did not compel them, but JW parents do that and say they don't.

When I was a JW I heard at convention that six billion hearts will stop beating. To them interfaith is very bad. In fact so bad that some people believe if you are in a church when the fire comes from the sky you will die, even if you believe Jesus is God's Son. Romans 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Now they say you must believe in your heart that the governing body are sent by God. Isn't that strange?

I think asking questions and talking to me are different, don't you?
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Don't you feel that people will put faith and credit in what they will?
That is what people of most churches or unchurches do. The Jehovah's Witnesses are different. Have you ever said that same thing to a Jehovah's Witness?

I believe Jehovah's Witnesses are taught to get out of this life (where they actually might do some good) and they spend all their spare time being beneficial to their governing body. Do you know why they do that?
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Do you want to talk about Hitler?

Change one letter and you get hither. Do you want to talk about that?


Well-Known Member
Not much. I cook. I sort buttons. Sometimes I travel to Massachusetts to visit my children. My children never were Jehovah's Witnesses. I did not compel them, but JW parents do that and say they don't.

When I was a JW I heard at convention that interfaith is very bad. In fact so bad that some people believe if you are in a church when the fire comes from the sky you will die, even if you believe Jesus is God's Son. Romans 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Now they say you must believe in your heart that the governing body are sent by God. Isn't that strange?

I think asking questions and talking to me are different, don't you?

My sister is a JW. A couple of my other sisters go to the Kingdom Hall regularly.
I hope that they don't get baptised I really do, they are lazy don't really research properly, they are easily taken in.