Well this is very different from saying "it is up to the family whether or not to report abuse."
The family may not want to put a child through any more trauma, especially if it was a relatively minor thing. Serious cases would of course be investigated. But in the end, the parents (as long as they are not the abusers) have to make a considered decision according to the effect it has had on the child.
If there is no evidence it cannot lead to a conviction. You do understand that don't you?
I disagree with your attempts to defend anyone for not making the same choice for a course of action that you have stated you would take. Legally, the elders are not mandated reporters and cannot get in trouble for simply keeping silent (though they could get in trouble if they worked to cover it up).
You are free to disagree with whatever you wish. We have a strict policy on child abuse. There is no cover up. But there is no support for false accusations or malicious gossip either.
But, anyone with any decency will act.
Decency doesn't = evidence. You can't go around accusing people without evidence. Even the police can't do that.
Would you like some mischief-making disgruntled teenager accusing you of rape just to get back at you for something?
Some men's reputations have been ruined by spiteful false accusations like that. They do occur you know, especially nowadays when children know their "rights".
Would it be OK with you if it was you who was considered guilty until proven innocent?
There is procedure to follow, no matter what emotions are evoked.
Sure you can say that God will deal with the perpetrator in the end. But, in the here and now, to not act or to defer to the family who might very well be the abusers is despicable.
That's a giant leap there CG. If the parents were the suspects, the elders would hardly defer to them. If a child spoke of abuse to others, even to other children, it would be thoroughly investigated.
If the elders have a position of authority they should be able to say- we report any allegations. They can still counsel to other JW's "it is not our place to judge," but they should report and counsel all others to report as well.
The authority of the elders only pertains to the congregation. They have no secular authority to act in any way, particularly if it is contrary to scripture.
Each case would have to be judged on its own circumstances.
You seem very quick to condemn on very little evidence...what if it was you?
Wouldn't you give every person the right to prove themselves innocent if you expected those same rights yourself?
If guilt is proven, then let the full weight of the law prevail. We have no qualms about that.