In one paper I recently read, there were counted more than three hundred direct references to and warnings against false teaching among the scriptural record. Even more counting indirect ones. I have always wondered how so much warning could exist without also having the means to recognize and expose the wolves in sheeps clothing.
For myself, the answer lies in the word theology. Is this even a valid human intellectual project or a 'bridge too far' of human intellectual and spiritual vanity? Is there a difference between a true revelation from God and the all to human 'interpretation' of a revelation offered by religion? I find it implausible that God would enable the event of the Incarnation and then watch as two thousand years of disagreement, schism and blood were shed over exactly what was revealed. Not to mention two other competing mono theisms.
If the theological construct of tradition has nothing to do with God, as is my own opinion, than all who share this 'faith' paradigm are not only being deceived by a self ordained priesthood, but unwittingly maintaining a colossal institutional falsehood, however sincere their faith may be.
There is much talk these days of a second coming. And I have to wonder if such an event will be to confirm existing faith traditions or to correct our understanding of God. I'm betting on the latter and gnashing of teeth all around.
The Final Freedoms