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Worlds richest woman makes case for 2 dollar a day pay.


What? Me worry?
Not so sure she was making a case for $2.00/day pay, but I do feel that with all her wealth she could hire someone less non-alluring to be her in public. I would if I could.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Actually her looks does apply to the title of the original post it being "worlds richest woman..." and I'll tell you why.
Much of the obesity, but not all, comes from people's lack of good food to eat. Also from hanging around menial jobs getting no exercise. The richest woman surely cannot claim those two excuses, can she?


Premium Member
It doesn't look like she is making a case for $2 a day, either. It looks like she is arguing that competition in the market includes other areas that pay their workers $2 a day. Identifying something is not the same as advocating for that thing. Although it does come across as though this example is part of an argument for changing their current minimum wage laws -- but I think it is inaccurate to say she is making an argument for $2/day unless she actually was proposing that rate.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Actually her looks does apply to the title of the original post it being "worlds richest woman..." and I'll tell you why.
Much of the obesity, but not all, comes from people's lack of good food to eat. Also from hanging around menial jobs getting no exercise. The richest woman surely cannot claim those two excuses, can she?
So she's fat & unattractive.
(Although.....knowing that she's obscenely wealthy....she's look'n better & better.)
Sloth & gluttony afflict rich & poor alike.
The poor cannot blame obesity on entirely poverty.
It doesn't cost anything to eat less & walk more.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
So she's fat & unattractive.
(Although.....knowing that she's obscenely wealthy....she's look'n better & better.)
Sloth & gluttony afflict rich & poor alike.
The poor cannot blame obesity on entirely poverty.
It doesn't cost anything to eat less & walk more.

You are right.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
I like how she thinks people should just work harder if they want to become millionaires while a) advocating paying them less for the same amount of work and b) ignoring the fact that she inherited her millions.


Well-Known Member
But she didn't inherit her billions. She may even have worked hard, and smart, for them. Though not necessarily honestly.


What? Me worry?
Actually her looks does apply to the title of the original post it being "worlds richest woman..." and I'll tell you why.
Much of the obesity, but not all, comes from people's lack of good food to eat. Also from hanging around menial jobs getting no exercise. The richest woman surely cannot claim those two excuses, can she?

And she may actually be eating low-pay, low-skilled workers. Move over Idi Amin.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
But she didn't inherit her billions. She may even have worked hard, and smart, for them. Though not necessarily honestly.
Wasn't sure if this was sarcastic or not. According to the article "She inherited a fortune now estimated to be worth about $18 billion. " According to Wiki, it's around 29 billion now. I can't find out how much she inherited in the first place. Regardless, it's much easier to make a lot more money when you start out with a lot of money than it is to start out with nothing and make yourself a millionaire.


Well-Known Member
"Rinehart first appeared on the 1992 BRW Rich 200 list, published annually in the Business Review Weekly (BRW), following the death of her father earlier that year. She has appeared every year since, and became a billionaire in 2006. Due to Australia's mining boom in the early 21st century, Rinehart's wealth has increased significantly since 2010, and she has diversified investments into media, taking holdings in Ten Network Holdings and Fairfax Media. According to BRW, she became Australia's richest woman in 2010, and Australia's richest person in 2011, and the first woman to lead the list. In 2012, Rinehart became the world's richest woman, surpassing Wal-Mart owner Christy Walton. BRW estimates her wealth at A$29.17 billion, with Ivan Glasenberg being her closest rival, with net wealth estimated at A$7.4 billion.[47] BRW stated that it was now possible Rinehart would become the first person with a net wealth of US$100 billion.[48]"


Well-Known Member
She also worked in her father's company before inheriting. Let's not assume that she isn't actually driving the success of her holdings.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
"If you're jealous of those with more money don't just sit there and complain, do something to make more money yourself. Spend less time drinking, smoking and socializing and more time working." from article

And just who do you think you are trying to tell me I don't work hard enough. I have been working ever since I was old enough to and the only times I haven't been were times when I couldn't find a job. Even still I have been a full time student since I started college, which was right out of high school and have even had a couple instances where I was working two jobs on top of school and still maintained a B average. I have had periods where I would go for 2 months or so without a day off and several times have found myself working so hard that I would get sick from all the stress and would have to cut back just to keep my health and sanity in check. I currently work part time and go to school full time, heading out to the city on a 2 hour commute both ways mon-fri and the only reason I don't work more hours is because the preschool I work at is closed on weekends and because it's attatched to the college campus won't let TA's work more than 20 hours a week. So the only way I could work more would be to yet again snag a second job which would leave me no time for homework and would also likely put my health at risk again.

Even once I get a full time teaching job I'd only be set to make $30-$40,000 a year while my software engineer boyfriend(who will likely be working the same hours) is set to make 2-3 times that amount.

And what about stay at home moms. They don't get payed anything and yet they are some of the hardest working women out there, just ask my mom. And heck the only reason she was a stay at home mom was because she's in a wheelchair and most places refuse to hire her.

And you think that after all this the only reason I'm poor or that my mom doesn't make any money is because we don't work hard enough? And this from a woman who got rich primarily through inheritance? Please, I don't care how hard you work now the fact that you inherited your money means you are unqualified to dictate who is working hard enough and who "deserves" more money.

Have you ever had a near fainting spell and then got sick for a week because you hadn't had a day off in 2 months? Have you ever dealt with 2 days of sudden illness and anxiety attacks because you overworked yourself and got too stressed out? If you haven't then who are you tell me I'm "lazy" or that I need to "stop complaining and work harder"?

What about the single mom who works two jobs 7 days a week and still barely makes enough to keep herself and her child fed, clothed, and housed? Would you say that she is "poor because she's lazy?"

Besides all that I have a hard time feeling sympathy for your stance when you're rolling in money. Here's a thought if you want to stay competitive. Maybe instead of cutting wages, outsourcing or firing tons of workers, maybe you could give yourself a paycut. But no can't do that I mean heaven forbid you sell off one of your summer homes or live in a slightly smaller mansion just to make sure the people on your payroll have enough to feed their families.

This woman has no idea what she's talking about anyway and has no sense of the real world. One of the primary reasons why there are minimum wage requirements exist and are as high as they are in places like australia usa etc. is because the cost of living is much higher there than it is in africa. If we paid our workers $2 a day then nearly every single person working at entry level and minimum wage jobs would be out on the street. $60 won't even feed a person for a month let alone buy other necessities. Heck it's not even truly enough to get by in places like Africa. One of the reasons the poor there struggle so much is because of those slave wages.

Sorry to go on like this it's just that people like this, who believe that people are only poor because they're lazy and that they wouldn't need to worry about money as much if they just got out there and worked harder... these people really **** me off. It's one of the few things that, were someone to say it right to my face, that I'm poor because I'm lazy, it would take all my restraint not to punch them in the face. For a few years both my parents and my boyfriend(hi riverwolf) have been deeply concerned about my health because I tend to be a work-a-holic. Not to mention my mom is one of the hardest working people I know and yet doesn't make any money because she doesn't have a job, not through lack of trying, but through discrimination due to her disability. Even so being employed is not a prerequisite for being hard working and being employed, working your bum off day in and day out is no guarantee of greater funds at the end of it even with minimum wage requirements.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
Also why in the hell are people bringing up her weight and appearance at all in this thread? What relevance could they possibly hold? Honestly I'd go on another long rant with how looks probably wouldn't be brought up at all if it were a fat man making these comments if it weren't for the fact that it'd be off topic.

So I'll just say this. You can't always blame obesity on a poor diet and lack of exercise, some people just have slow metabolisms. And regardless of which her appearance has no bearing on her comments, at all. So stop bringing it up as if it were somehow relevant. Because it isn't and trying to make it relevant is just insulting.


Well-Known Member
It does have some relevance; it reflects her gluttonous approach to life. Cramming the world into her already overstuffed mouth.


I still want to know whether any of the folks who claim progressives "hate the rich" think it's OK to hate greedy, ignorant, condescending hypocrites like this woman, who basically wants to be allowed to own slaves simply because she wants to make more money for herself. (Actually, her "$2 a day" proposal would be cheaper than slavery, since slaves had to be housed and fed).


It doesn't look like she is making a case for $2 a day, either. It looks like she is arguing that competition in the market includes other areas that pay their workers $2 a day. Identifying something is not the same as advocating for that thing. Although it does come across as though this example is part of an argument for changing their current minimum wage laws -- but I think it is inaccurate to say she is making an argument for $2/day unless she actually was proposing that rate.

She is advocating changes to the minimum wage laws to make Australia DIRECTLY competitive with Africa. In Africa, gold miners live in shanty towns outside the mine, and their children rub mercury between their bare hands to ferret out every last flake of gold from the pits. Their poverty is absolutely appalling. ALL of the profits go into the pockets of the mine owners, except for a wage that is barely enough to feed a worker, let alone his family, and not nearly enough to house them. This is her grand vision for Australia.

But she didn't inherit her billions. She may even have worked hard, and smart, for them. Though not necessarily honestly.

Economics classes do exercises where students are given different sums of "money" to use as capital (imagine a game of Monopoly, where players are given different wildly different amounts of money to begin with). It almost always works out that those who started out with the most money end up with ALL the money. If you've ever played Monopoly, I'm sure you can see how that might be the case.

She started with a vast inherited fortune, and a profitable company that her father made, not her. Maybe she works, but there's no rational reason to suppose she works harder or smarter than anyone else. Mining is very responsive to market fluctuations, and the value of these assets has been increasing for decades.

Also why in the hell are people bringing up her weight and appearance at all in this thread? What relevance could they possibly hold? Honestly I'd go on another long rant with how looks probably wouldn't be brought up at all if it were a fat man making these comments if it weren't for the fact that it'd be off topic.

So I'll just say this. You can't always blame obesity on a poor diet and lack of exercise, some people just have slow metabolisms. And regardless of which her appearance has no bearing on her comments, at all. So stop bringing it up as if it were somehow relevant. Because it isn't and trying to make it relevant is just insulting.

I've heard more than a few unkind comments about Donald Trump's "hair". ;)

I agree with you, though. I don't see how her appearance is relevant, besides which she is way more disgusting inside than out.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Also why in the hell are people bringing up her weight and appearance at all in this thread? What relevance could they possibly hold? Honestly I'd go on another long rant with how looks probably wouldn't be brought up at all if it were a fat man making these comments if it weren't for the fact that it'd be off topic.

So I'll just say this. You can't always blame obesity on a poor diet and lack of exercise, some people just have slow metabolisms. And regardless of which her appearance has no bearing on her comments, at all. So stop bringing it up as if it were somehow relevant. Because it isn't and trying to make it relevant is just insulting.

Men don't talk about body shape unless they might be talking about pole dancing. The posts were two women being ridiculous. We saw a very very very rich woman and said to ourselves "I want to be so rich.... I'd be gorgeous". Maybe, maybe not.

Back to topic. I agree with poster who said she is not saying that is how it should be. She is saying she can no longer compete with other companies that treat their workers so. And it is true. But to me it is a ridiculous argument FOR HER. How much money does a person need?